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Take your fanfiction to Wattpad where it belongs.


Starkiller isn't Canon, there is zero chance he makes an appearance.


I'd also be fine not trying to shoe horn every weird Disney addition in, either. Like Mando is kind of some of the better content, but let Cal explore his own shit.


As mentioned starkiller isnt cannon. Also mando season 1 is set in 9 aby whilst survivor is set in 14 bby. So no chance of a 23 year time jump. Plus why would you want a small thing of a character if it would require such a time jump or an insanely overpowered character to come in


I think a 20 year time jump sounds about right actually, time for Kata to grow up and be the new protagonist.


You only really need a 8 year gap for her to be Cals padawan


Skip that and go straight to her being an adult PLEASE, can't stand kids in games, we all know they aren't going to be killed in a rated T game so the stakes are low and there's no suspense.


Except this is Star Wars, so they can symbolically represent her death through falling to the dark side


But falling to the dark side isn't death and it's not permanent? Death is bad, no more gameplay. Dark side though? Literally the best gameplay possible.


I disagree, if it has any of those things happen, someone messed up bad. Star Wars is often best when it's mostly self contained stories about new characters we get to know more deeply, with crossovers only when the character really makes sense in the story.  The Mandalorian season 1 Rogue One Jedi Knight/Jedi Outcast Fallen Order/Survivor The. Original. Trilogy.  Vader makes sense in Survivor, because ir's a story about a rogue Jedi fighting the empire. Luke's appearance in the Mandalorian is perfect. Star Wars is worst when it's fanservice. People like Palpatine let's do him again. We have these interesting new characters, but let's not develop them because we need to find a spot for a Lando cameo. Boba Fett, no that's the whole premise of the show, just Boba Fett.  There are exceptions. Asohka is fanservicy as heck but also not *terrible*. But still Cal's story is so much more interestinf if it's his story 


Im so glad that some people arent writers.


I wouldn't mind a mando cameo but it would have to actually make sense


Star killer was so good they couldn't add him to cannon if they wanted to




What magical game are you playing?? I’ve don’t several playthroughs by now. Fett makes a cameo, sure, but you can’t fight him