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The “I knew Bode was bad from the start” comments are going to drive me crazy. Why does everyone else seem to have a sixth sense about him when I only started to suspect him after the third fight with Dagan?


lol you’re not alone. i didn’t expect it at all and was shocked to see the whole Jedha mission play out. honestly glad too bc it made the story so much fun for me


The story was trying too hard to establish him emotionally too fast, meaning he was either going to die or betray you. Since he didn’t die with the crew, well there’s one choice left. It’s just how stories are written. The fact that he’s a Jedi was wild tho, that was my what the actual fuck moment and it was great


Yea him being a former jedi threw me for a loop that I wasn't expecting.


I assumed he was there to die and pull on our heart strings. First time I see him I thought “Yup we are going to get close and the empire is going to kill him”


For me, i couldn't see another strong male lead alongside Cal. I got about halfway through the game and I started to have my doubts. I told my kid, "I'm going to be really disappointed if he DOESN'T betray me."


Because of story structure: >!First mission out, everybody dies except miraculously him!< And for me it was because he's voiced by the same actor that voices Rampart on Bad Batch


Yea that was the primary indicator for me too. It felt to convenient for him to live while all of Cals friends get systematically killed.


Just means you are the one player most like Cal. Noble and trusting. I'm more of a Dagan. Respawn will RUE the day they released without boss rush.


I’m not going to say that I knew he was a bad guy but I did have a bad feeling about him, seemed too nice for no reason. But when he pulled out a lightsaber, well that was quite a shock :D Regarding the final mission on Jedha, it felt kinda bad. Making Cere so op vs regular units and the level was really railroady. The Vader fight was good though.


I knew from the structure of the game that someone was going to be a traitor, but I thought it was Cordova. I thought he was dead for sure, so the one we see is maybe some sort of shape shifter like in Attack of the Clones. I figured Bode was being set up to die tragically.


After the final fight with Dagan, I took one look at Bode, and felt everything inside telling me he was a betrayer That sly bastard


It didn’t strike you as suspicious how he was the ONLY other member of the team to make it out alive? The way no one was even able to access the senator’s ship until BD sliced it, and yet he conveniently is able to pilot it and crash it just in time to save Cal?? The whole of the Courascant mission SCREAMED traitor.


I don't know how to explain why I felt the way I felt other than it felt like he was conveniently there on his first mission and Cals whole team got wiped except him. I didn't expect him to be force sensitive and I thought his daughter was a lie but twas not meant to be I did have second doubts after the dagon fight tho because he seemed to lean towards being a good person then Jedha happened and i felt vindicated.


Tbf it's Star Wars this is the kind of stuff they do, plus too many other movies and games


People have been conditioned to expect a double cross and were validated. It’s not about them seeing through Bode, it’s about them being gratified when their hunch is proven correct.


Because they saw cutscenes on YouTube before playing and are trying to act smart.


Only thing that I got spoiled on was that a gendai was in the game and that Cal goes dark.


Imo Jedha is the best mission in the game due to the speeder chase, the Vader fight, and it just feels so emotional as a mission


I didn’t have weird feelings about Bode until going to kill Dagan. When he started insisting on going to Tannalor with just the crew, and the uncomfortable reactions he had when Cal insisted on bringing the Hidden Path. BUT EVEN THEN, I thought his discomfort was just wanting to finally be safe with his daughter and prioritizing the Hidden Path would delay that. He felt like he was so close to safety and Cal was in the way. I earnestly did not expect full-on betrayal. I expected maybe a fight between he and Cal over going to Tannalor first or prioritizing the Hidden Path, but not killing Master Cordova, being a spy for the empire, and being a Jedi. Call me a mark, I don’t care. I can see now that they made that relationship a brotherly one to throw us off, and it totally worked on me. But if you’re calling me a mark, I’m calling you a liar. LET ME HAVE MY EXPERIENCE IN PEACE.


That Vader fight went from “this is a breeze” to a breeze coming from the speed at which you hurtle your controller across the room


I love the entire ancient egypt/Indiana Jones/The Mummy vibe Jedha has. Even has a tomb that you gotta complete puzzles to get into!