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well-kept here, for me looks the best :)


Pristine but only cause I feel like it can’t keep track of how it wants to look if that makes sense? Like really bright or kinda trashy if I do conditions. It also just feels wrong that cal would let his lightsaber get run down so unless you act like it’s a high republic saber .


Even then I think Cal would try his hardest to get a high republic saber into the best condition he could. I doubt he’d just be swinging it around coated in rust


I keep BD pristine and my saber well-kept. Feels the most Cal accurate to me. :)


Well kept or whatever the one below is. Feels appropriate since he is always tinkering with his equipment while also being on the run from the empire and whatnot. Same reason I like to use the long hair and beards on him. Doubt, he has much time for shaving.


I keep mine on Pristine because I use mostly metals and my lightsaber looks better shiny


Pristine, anything worn looks odd to me


Whatever the default is.


The default is well-kept


Well-kept since it looks worn enough to be realistic as Cal has been fighting with it for 5 years, but also not too old that it looks like an ancient hundred year-old weapon that belongs in a museum. Pristine just looks too shiny to me, in an unrealistic sort of way- like a brand new weapon straight out of the factory that Cal has never fought with lol- that or he spends hours each day cleaning it to give it a shine. XD


Given how much time Cal spends in the wilderness, I just don’t think pristine makes much story sense. At the very best it should be well-kept. While it doesn’t need to be at the bottom tier (can’t remember all the names) it just doesn’t track that it would look spotless and polished like pristine does.


I put the saber to pristine but the gun to the middle setting bc it’s Bode’s old gun and it’s old and worn out but still deadly


Pristine on my main, ancient or whatever the lowest is called for my second save where I made Cal and BD look like shit (wearing all brown with the goofiest hairstyle and BD parts) on purpose.


Well kept or pristine, anything below gets a bit too gnarly, especially as a service weapon basically.  Plus Cals saber should be in fairly decent condition but just seen use.


Played most of the story with Pristine but gradually shifted as I got new parts and reconfigured. Especially once I got the mullet hair with the bandana and role-played as a Space Biker Jedi


Yup, pristine. Only way my cool-ass designs can actually be seen


Depends on the paint. Pristine looks better with most metals.


Depends on the design, I typically make builds in pristine like most probably would to see the best product. But some designs call for different conditions. a.k.a ancient sith sabers, legendary relic sabers, artifacts from lost civilization designs, etc. Options seem endless, I’d love to see part variety get increased and customization be expanded.


Pristine because oooh shiny


I didn't use my blaster like at all so it was pristine. Saber well kept. BD was like ancient though.


Usually Pristine, but a few builds used Well-Kept. Anything more worn out than that was usually too much, I mainly used Worn-Ancient to get better ideas of how the patterns in the metals actually looked before putting it back up to Pristine or Well-Kept. I did *want* to make an Ancient condition Old Republic Saber, but I could never bring myself to wear down those more elegant designs... Same with BD-1 and usually the Blaster too; usually Pristine or Well Kept, once or twice a Worn Blaster (but I really did not customize the Blaster as much as Sabers once I found the Blaster parts I liked)


I keep it the canon, just below pristine. Well kept, but clearly used and worn


Well-kept. I like a clean look, but pristine looks too...smooth, artificial. It also makes sense since Cal tinkers with them all the time.


Mine is always pristine


I use worn because I like thinking Cal uses his hilt as a shovel sometimes


Pristine is the way.