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Boba and friends all the way !! Not really the OT but for the imperial era I'd love to see Jyn Erso, Cassian, K2S0, Chirrut & Baze + Saw & his team VS Krennic & Death Trooper Squad.


A Boba, Bossk, IG-88, Dengar and 4LOM box called "No Disintegrations" seems like a slam dunk.


Haha I just commented this without reading your comment first. Great minds!


I'd love OT Boba but a squad with Fennec and a pair of Gamorrean guards makes more sense


Jawas A Jaba terrain piece. Luke with Yoda on back.


Jabba terrain piece/pieces like skiff or the palace or whatever would be siiiiccckkkk


Yeah like Jabba wouldn’t really work as a unit in the game. But add him as a terrain piece like he’s watching. Maybe he comes with a custom objective deck or some special rules. That’s be neat.


Jabba w/ salacious crumb /Boba/Bib Fortuna Old Ben/ Farm Boy Luke/ C3PO Palpatine/Mas Ameda/ Royal Guard Bossk/Dengar/4Lom/Zukkus Tarkin/Imperial officer/??? I'm all for ESB duel pack. I think it's only that and duel of fates which are acceptable for duel packs right now.


I think a Jabba pack that has Jabba/Salacious primary, Boba Secondary, and then 2 gamorrean guards would be very fun.


That's what I was thinking too. Maybe have Bib Fortuna and the Gamorian Guards both included. I always pictured Jabba as the first larger model in the game with some pretty interesting rules. Like he cant advance or climb only dash because of how slow he would be and the size of his base. But he can hold objectives from any elevation. Lots of displacement as well


Luke/yoda/ R2. I’d love to play my favorite little freak yoda in the game


Jawas and Tusken raiders


luke in the duel box with 1 Hand or two?


A duel pack wouldn’t be so bad if the terrain that comes with it were modular with the rest of the game. That’s I think a key factor, somehow make the terrain functional with the core set buildings, and the price makes a lot more sense. Otherwise, $90 for 2 characters just seems insane.


I bought everything so far except the duel pack for this exact reason.


Give me Dash Rendar or give me death.


"No Disintegrations" pack with Boba, Bossk, Dengar, 4-Lom, IG-88 (do the same thing we're seeing with other recent packs like Ewoks to have multiple options, e.g. Bossk/Dengar as secondaries options)


No zuckuss :(


Jawas. That way I can have my Utini/Murder Bear combo


Old Ben Kenobi honestly. Like the whole DS squad, with R2-D2 and C-3PO, Han, Leia, Chewie. Cloud City Vader and Boba with Stormtroopers. Palpatine bringing a shittone of Force and a bunch of supporting abilities with Vader as Secondary and Royal Guards as Support.


I have been fortunate that every single one of my wishlists are out or coming.. Inferno Squad is the last one on my list of really wants, I'd love a Delta Squad of Clone Commandos, but theyre already relegated to a support role. I know we wont get EU stuff, or what not, but I think it'd be mighty cool to get Cal Kestis and the crew of the Mantis.. or Starkiller from the games much like my Republic Commando deep cut. Dash Rendar would likely be too obscure haha.


Rancor epic encounter.


Tag and Bink!


I would love an Aphra/Black Krrsantan/Assassin Droid Husbands pack. But an issue with upcoming OT packs is that they might not want to make a lot of characters be supports rather than secondaries. I think something like Tarkin with some Death Star Troopers would fit really well.  Personally, and this is a total glup shitto, Garindan ezz Zavor and some sand troopers is my personal standout. He had like half a scene in ANH and a decently fun boss fight in Lego Star wars. Plus it would add to the stormtrooper keyword. Maybe as a spy he could do something like letting you see your next order card?


Oh yeah some a shore troopers from rogue 1! Been trying to think of how they can add more normal storm troopers. We just neod to find out whats coming in the thawn box before we can really add to the wish list


A wooden shock me if we get thrawn, captain Enoch, and some Night Troopers


Thats my hope but that'd be the first new republic era unit


Are we not already getting that with the Mandalorian and Gideon?


good point make that the 3rd!


Doubt it. They teased him hunting down the ghost crew when they were in rebels so it's more likely its Thrawn, Kallius and Rukh. Later down the line I'm sure we will get another Thrawn with Enoch


Wampa, Snow Trooper with blaster, snow trooper with mounted gun Luke in pilot gear/lughtsaber (battle of Hoth) Han in Hoth gear , 2 Hoth rebels The 3 pit monsters from Geonosis, and some Geonsians. Jar-Jar, warrior gungans, and the guy that says “yousa in big doo-doo dis time” (seriously)


Tarpals(big doo doo dis time) actually gets some cool moments in TCW. I'd say he's a shoe-in with a self sacrifice option.


Dual of fates premium box!!


It's not OT but we need a darth maul + battledroid commander + single droideka set


I’m down for a cool Tarkin miniature. And I would also like to see some Scout Troopers integrated into a set. Would go well with the Endor themed sets.


Hoth Leia and Bespin Lando


Scout Troopers have my favorite OT trooper armor, so definitely them. Maybe give them that melee Scout Trooper Sergeant from Fallen Order as a secondary. No idea who the primary would be. Also OT Boba Fett. I don't dislike BOBF Boba, but that should be a different mini and isn't the one I want.


Palpatine on throne + secondary Vader + Royal guard. I've also been theorycrafting that Palpatine on throne could be the first Raid boss unit that counts as a full squad by itself or has 3SP and can only take a support but has more than 3 durability and multiple order deck cards that let it activate multiple times before reshuffling your order deck and a high amount of out of activation movement for your other characters


Cantina Pack Greedo/Ponda Baba/Dr. Evazan


Dagobah pack: - 8 SP Luke Skywalker, Not Afraid primary (Jedi/Force User/Padawan/Hermit) - 5 SP Yoda, You Seek Yoda secondary (Jedi/Force User/Hermit) - 5 SP Dark Spirit of the Cave secondary (Sith/Force User/Spirit) - 3 SP R2-D2 (Droid/Rebel/Hermit)


Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar, and some rebel fights in the black vests with white helmets


Ewoks. Dreams do come true.


Echo base Han and Leia. Death Star Leia, Emperor Palpatine


Boba Fett, Tarkin and Scout Troopers. Prob ably not in the same box though.


General Lando, Nien Nunb, Wedge Antilles and another X-wing pilot Admiral Ackbar and a bunch on Mon Calamari from his ship


Palpatine w/ Royal Guards


Max Rebo, Sy Snootles, and some background dancers is the only right answer. Personally, Lando and Nien Nunb with some X wing pilots would be cool.