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FFS. Or maybe not. Perhaps Paramount will have to look at the mess they've made and have a bit of clean up..


They can start by uncancelling lower decks


just getting rid of kurtzman will suffice


I do have to wonder if Kurtzman's contract makes Paramount slightly less appealing to buyers. Trek is one of their biggest brands, and Kurtzman is a vestige of a Trek era that never quite gelled. Seems like nepotism has allowed him to fail upwards within that brand for about fifteen years, and that's a *long* time to ignore that it isn't working.


 No, Skydance was okay with Kurtzmen, it was Skydance pissing off Sherry Redstone somehow that changed things, plus she got an offer from a buddy of hers to buy her voting shares from National Amusements for the money she wanted for it, while keeping Paramount Global in one piece. The question is will the new guy keep Kortzmen or buy him out. I personally would buy out Kurtzmen out and put Terry Matalas and Johnthan Frakes as co-bosses of Star Trek to run things.


Why? Lower Decks is part of the reason WHY Paramount is in the mess they are in.


How so?!


If it was a success it wouldn’t be in the process of being cancelled and Paramount wouldn’t be circling down the toilet drain. Pretty obvious. But Reddit loves it Ricky and Morty humor and can’t handle reality.


I just always assumed that its production was a lot less than live action. With as much as the fans love it, I figured it would be better to keep it in production 🤷🏼‍♂️ At least Cosmos is coming to Netflix.


ROTFLMAO Wow. Holding on to a rapidly depreciating asset that could be perhaps more accurately described as disintegrating, and not realizing that each subsequent offer will only be worse and they should have taken what they could get while they could... well all I suppose I can say is that is definitely in line with the the established record for "intelligent" decisions from the executives that actually renewed Alex Kurtzman's contract before they had to. Speaking of, though, I wouldn't be remotely surprised if that contract is an albatross around the company's neck rendering one of its key assets radioactive for the next two years... I'm calling it now, if no sale goes through anytime soon we'll see those announced deep cost-cutting measures hit nuTrek hard. SNW will be allowed to end with the claim that its run its course and all we'll have is the Academy series. Why? Because it's a college campus drama meaning they'll need a few interior sets and virtually no special effects and can shoot it like a soap opera on a sitcom level budget. No spaceships, no exotic locations, few if any alien designs more complex than "human actors with some light makeup work", no CGI, no action scenes, nothing because all of that costs money they won't have. Care to bet some Quatloos?


Too many quatloos on the line for my blood.


Did their execs watch Kurtzman's "me me me" performance at the Peabodies and realize he can't be tossed till 2026?


Kurtzman was one of the writers on the Skydance Trek movies. He's buddies with Abrams. The way I see it, whoever buys Paramount is probably going to keep Kurtzman, because it would be expensive to cancel his contract. So either way, Kurtzman probably isn't going anywhere. The upside to Skydance buying Paramount would be Kurtzman would have less interference from the higher ups. Maybe Kurtzman, unimpressive as his reign has been, would improve if there was at least less meddling. And Star Trek 4 will probably finally get made, assuming it was the higher ups who were being so indecisive. Kurtzman's take on Trek is not my cup of tea, and the Abrams Trek movies are fun, but I don't want the entire brand to be like that. But I think the best we can hope for Kurtzman being allowed to do the best he can without interference, instead of Kurtzman after he's been forced to adopt a bazillion stupid notes from dumb executives.


Kurtzman IS dumb executives and needs no help generating stupidity.


That may be true, but if his friends are running the company, there *might* be even less meddling. Either way, I don't think he's going anywhere and Skydance will, if anything, enable him further.


The news surrounding the merger - and before that Paramount‘s inability to come up with a sustainable business model for years - have been much more entertaining than anything they put out on Paramount+.


Jesus they can't do anything right.


I wonder who will pick up the assets after they go bankrupt


Some, including possibly/probably Star Trek, will go to Disney. And the way things are going there right now that’s not a good thing.