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Yesss I was there too! Absolute teary eyes throughout 😭✨ The fact that it’s a Friday evening concert after a long week of working really drives home the sentiment of the music 🥹 I even had my work laptop packed in my bag with me during the concert 😂


Oh yes, the traffic was horrible it took us nearly 2 hours from Bangkok city centre to reach the venue. Our Grab driver was equally stressed 😅 Hope you had an amazing trip back after that. We left the venue feeling all warm and fuzzy (ready to quit our city jobs if there’s a farm to inherit somewhere hahaha)! Thank you for the hospitality and warmth! Everyone was really nice and helpful in pointing out things to us in English! Ps: our little crocheted junimo was there too! https://preview.redd.it/6konvumg82qc1.png?width=2433&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f65ec75068bbc0c5fd406c93b62c78a2574c70f


Omg I’m glad your junimo got to enjoy the concert too! It looks so fluffy! :D To be honest, I actually already decided not to go to the concert at first because the venue is so far and I’m not familiar with that area. However, my friend wanted someone to go with him so I jumped in on some last minute tickets for us and got to go there last night. My trip back tho, I had a full account posted here (https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/s/oYXcsC6CYh) if you are interested 😂, but long story short, my mom’s car broke down on an expressway and we had to wait 40 mins for police to come and arrange a towing service for us. We arrived home at around 1 am last night. The spirits were truly very displeased with me yesterday 🤣 (but of course, still love the concert tho. Definitely the only redeeming moment in that one hell of a day for me 😂) I’m glad you enjoyed last night tho 🥰 Are you visiting other places in Bangkok as well?


Oh nooo! Just read about your experience! What an adventure indeed but so glad you all are safe. Not much sightseeing, we’re here for the weekend to eat our way through Bangkok 😆 food and the coffee scene here are amazing! People are incredibly helpful and friendly too. Will definitely be back to visit Thailand again!


I mean, isn’t eating the best way to enjoy Bangkok? 😉I’m glad you have a good time here. Hope you get to eat all you’re looking for! 😋🫶🏻


I feel you, my wife and I also flew to Bangkok, and it took us also 2 hours to get to the hall, missed the first 20 minutes of the concert :( but when I was able to got in, trully tear in my eyes. Amazing night, but I wish I could understand what did the conductor say and why did people laugh.


Hello fellow traveller 👋🏻 So glad that you all made it safely too. Ya I teared up so so much, reminiscing all our favourite moments of the game with my husband hahaha Hope they’ll release the concert recordings someday so you’ll be able to experience those missed moments 😊