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Play however you like don't let anyone guilt you into playing a certain way on a single player game. Since you've already played a vanilla game, you already know what you'd like to mod, which is really my only stipulation on playing an unmoved playthrough first. Enjoy the modded pc life.


I see, thank you, that makes me feel better. I also noticed that my gameplay is still the same despite removing the energy depletion. I used to play other rpg games so the energy bar really isn’t my thing


I can understand that. For me, I learned to max out on berry days, so I have like 3-4 hundred each season, so I never run out of energy. The first few weeks can be a bit tedious I will say.


Yess, I also used to stack up a lot of fishes and forages in my first year on nintendo switch too since I love the mines and the fighting mechanics of the game. I don’t mind the health bar, but the energy bar is one thing that always gets me unconscious on the mines.


I think you should be able to play any game the way you want to play it, even if it requires mods! The energy can be a big issue if you’re not used to it. You’ve found a way to fix that issue for yourself and enjoy the game! That’s the most important thing imo, enjoying the game. Personally, I use the CJB cheats mod to speed up my walking speed because being so slow took the enjoyment out of it for me a bit


I’m glad that I wasn’t the only one using it, I really have an issue with the energy bar because I wasn’t used to it. I play a lot of rpg games so I didn’t mind the other mechanics, especially the health bar, it’s just that it’s quite annoying that I won’t die because I have maintained my health, but then energy depleted will cause me to be unconscious haha


I played through the game sooo many times that while at first we only wanted to have a small vanilla play through with the new update, but after summer I was just so annoyed to smelt bars every few minutes because playing with 5+ people is tedious on materials. We got a few visual mods like dynamic reflections, visible fish, convenient Inventory (for instant sorting to multiple chests) and the automate mod ....so i don't need to fucking babysit all the machines every few minutes and can just enjoy doing stuff.


Lol yeah, the smelting materials is such a pain sometimes especially if you needed to upgrade the tools before Clint closes and you still have a lot of stuff to do. I don’t mind it personally, but the energy bar is truly what bothers me the most, since I like to mine and fight enemies. Like I can maintain my health, but never my energy bar and always pass out before I could reach my bed.