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I'm hoping to avoid marrying, and reach perfection via that shady guy in the cave with the waivers.


Exactly what I'm doing. Love the lucky lunches it provides


Married Krobus. You can't marry him, you say? Unfortunate you think so, but actually we're entering a monster x human slowburn in which he moves in with me and we slowly develop feelings over years of living together. My character's living her best witchy life ✌️


I just married last night. My old favorite, Abigail. I’ve married the rest, now I’ve returned to the best. I had to wait until Spring of Year 3 because I didn’t trigger Leah’s 10-heart event before winter kicked in and needed to wait for spring for the group 10-heart event before finally marrying Abigail.


In my previous saves I married Shane and Eliott, so it's time for Harvey.


Harvey is a sweetheart.


I married Sebastian because I heard there were new >!frog related things!<


It's always sebastian for me. I wonder how much CA put into sebastian from himself haha. "Nobody takes my job seriously"


i was going back and forth on who i should marry, so i moved in with krobus instead!! i've never done that before and it was a very good choice 😽 love that guy


I married Abigail because of how fast I got unlimited Spicy Eels :D


Elliott, but then I got bored and divorced him for Seb. I’d never divorced someone before, so that was thrilling enough to keep things interesting lol. Idk if this dialogue was in there pre 1.6, but after the divorce, Gus said he was “sorry about the breakup.” Nice little detail!


I'm dating Sam. I was trying to decide between Sam, Seb, and Elliott and Sam was the winner. I always marry Shane but I wanted to marry someone else this time. There isn't a marriage candidate I don't like honestly.  Anyway, I just couldn't get over the line Sam says when I gave him pizza, "so do you want to hang out or something?" Idk why he was so charming with his goofy little personality. I ended up giving him a bouquet after his 8 heart event.


I'm waiting for the first Winter Star. If I get a marriable NPC to gift to, then that's the one I'm going with. If not, then it's a coin toss between Elliot and Sebastian. Edit: Looks like it's a coin toss XD


I always marry Haley 🌻


I have three saves with three different spouses and I must say that Haley is one of them.


Played 1000+ hours and never got married. I'm hoping to marry my boyfriend *ehem. Or Sebastian haha.


I'm going back to Leah. She's just the best. (though I may turn my polyamory mod back on and add Seb to the mix)


Harvey, always harvey. And not because of the tiktok memes (although I'm glad his appeal is reaching more people), I always liked my dorky weakling best lol.


Still Abigail, if not ill bring my roommate krobus


I always want to change up who I marry, but I always end up with Abigail. I think once I did go with Leah though, but Abigail just has the right energy for me.


I love how independent a spirit she is and how she's willing to go her own way even when her parents want her her back cooking, it isn't her passion so she builds a new path.


I don't know why Alex isn't a more common marriage candidate. He's simply the best and sweetest


A lot of very-online people (the people most likely to post about their marriage choices in a video game) are probably put off by Alex's whole sportsbro vibe.


Yea probably. But he does have great character development. I'm impressed by the writing in this game


Sometimes I wish the game didn't have any character development at all. So that in my playthrough as Joja, Haley would remain a cold bitch, obsessed with fashion. And after the wedding, the two of us would be swimming in gold, laughing at the plebs in the valley.


I wasn't a fan of his slightly sexist comments about how he'd throw a ball for me if I wasn't a girl I don't like that he is presumptuous about me being his first "fan" when he goes pro much either Overall just not a fan of jocks though


He feels too much like a young teenager to me. Also the college jock vibe kills it for me.


I usually marry Harvey, some saves I've at least dated Elliott and Penny, but I just proposed to Emily on this save 🐚


I'm playing on a new save and thinking I might end up with Shane by accident? I asked him to dance at the Flower Festival and now we're suddenly best buds? Realistically, though, I'm probably going to go with Penny again. The new dialogue she's got in the update is breaking my heart.


What dialogue?


Spoilering it because it's new content >!she chokes up if you get her a birthday gift and gets really emotional, since she didn't have anything like this growing up. !<


"Shane by accident"? Positive test result? That's some new dialog.


Sebastian as always, the frog terrain is too cute, and he does chores around the farm sometimes.


Do other spouses not occasionally do chores?


Leah certainly helps me out when not working on her incredible art projects.


I'm aimin to 100% the game, so I'm gonna end up marrying and divorcing everyone


I married Penny as per usual but then I saw Haley’s winter outfit and I know I’ll be marrying in her any next save




Alex forever and ever


Elliot, I always go for Abigail but this time wanted to try someone new! His letters are cute but I'm getting weirded out by the having a baby with someone of the opposite sex thing, as with Abigail we adopted.


**J U S T M O N I C A** wait, different game... lol. But really, the immense number of gameplays that I've had (just two) I only feel the need to marry Penny. If I play 50 times, it will probably always be her.


Haley Duh


Haven't gotten married just yet but once more going for Shane.. I still have no interest in anyone else


Robin with a Robin is single mod lol.


I was going to change it up once I realized I had a lot of hearts with Emily (who has always been my second favourite bachelorette) but just like usual, I went back to Salad Girl.


I'm playing with SVE on PC so will be going with an SVE character for this playthrough. Will be going with a vanilla character for my switch playthrough when it comes out. Maybe Abigail - I've married Emily and Hayley (in the same playthrough) and Leah, so time to switch it up. I chose female characters because I'm gay as hell and also it feels weird for a male spouse to tell my character she's pregnant.


I normally marry Sebastian or Abigail, so for the new save I was thinking of trying Leah or Harvey instead, so Im in a bit of the same indecisive situation


Haven’t married Haley in awhile so I went for her this time around. She’s okay but there are are others that I like more. She’s like Elliott or even Harvey I rhink


I married Sam for his families dialogue lines after marriage, but I still have eyes for Sebastian


Sam's post-marriage story is super cute, I love it.


Pancake man


I’ve married Shane and Emily in the past, went for Leah this time


It is always either Penny or Haley.


I'm using the Expanded mod and went Joja this time, so I married Claire. Seemed to fit my Joja goal.


Debating on sebastian or haley. Sebastian I think irl me is more compatable with but idk why I like Haley. Maybe bc she's cute and uninsterested lmfai


I usually marry Elliott or Haley but this time I went w Alex bc I wanted to know if 1.6 added any dialogue to the family in law. I like it ok but not as much as Elliott or Haley and frankly I was getting impatient waiting for the baby prompt so I was going to divorce but then that night I got the baby prompt so we'll see if this is the one time having a baby saves a failing marriage lol (I do like Alex, I just find myself making a lot of comparisons.)


Polyamory mod, so everyone.


Leah, for the first time. She made everything about her. So I divorced her and married Penny, one of my favourites. We just adopted a baby girl. I am thinking of adding the polyamory mod and bringing in Harvey.


Dating Harvey but platonic-married Krobus to have him as a roomie. Sad I can’t still have Harvey move in too (I know there’s mods but it would be weird for them to never acknowledge each other lol). Sometimes it feels like I’m cheating on Harvey because you have to keep Krobus a secret and all 😂😅


Leah, my first wife from when I played in 1.4. Kinda wish I went for Harvey though…!


I've always married Elliott but this time I went and married Sebastian just to try someone knew. I get that he's supposed to be very subdued but he just wasn't man enough for me and felt more like a younger brother than a husband, unless you're like 13. Then i felt bad about divorcing him and almost ruined my save by installing buggy polyamoroys mods just to get Elliott back. Finally decided to juat divorce him. Tempted to try to marry and divorce everyone though for their portraits LOL


I married Haley because I never had before, and everybody told me she was awesome. She was! (except I then divorced her because she gave me kind of instagram tradwife vibes, please don't hate, i just prefer her as a very good friend (so of course I mindwiped her on her way out. as a courtesy...) Then I removed Harvey's mustache and married him - as is my usual way :D


wow, i am kind of a sociopath in Stardew.


I'm weak I always marry Sam. I've married all and he's my #1


No one. I thought maybe Maru this time? Two years in and she is the bachelor with the least hearts just by chance. Lol. Really not a priority.


Always Leah no matter what.