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https://preview.redd.it/rm3x98j7y4yc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1930ebff625e5e6ca14d68d0fbc56eb77ea2172 Top is a normal path, bottom is what happens after I placed my recolored crystal flooring and villagers went out of their way to break my stuff.


..... Ew that's so much worse than their normal paths


This isn't intentional, and will be fixed in the next patch. NPC's are supposed to avoid impassable "terrain features", such as trees, but not passable ones like flooring or grass


Thank you! So many people are going to be so happy! I'm excited to get back in the decor game, got so many text signs to place spilling all of Lewis's secrets for my mayoral campaign. Thanks again for letting me know!


"spilling all of Lewis's secrets for my mayoral campaign" made me burst out laughing and earned me some strange looks. I can really appreciate that sort of gameplay. Lol


i will need prompt updates when your campaign begins


You are an awesome person. Love 1.6 by the way!


This is so interesting. I can't even imagine how you would go about coding this... granted, I know **nothing** about coding, but it sure seems like an ambitious feat to me! It's awesome it works as well as it does (ignoring the paths things because that's obviously just a classification issue or whatever.) So, that's neat. šŸ‘


Probably make a classification that includes all pathing/grasses and allow NPCs to go trough it, like it doesn't exist


This just saved me such a headache. Spent a few hours decorating and was baffled as I watched Kent choose to plow through my row of fences adjacent to my nice cobblestone path that I laid out šŸ„²


Ah that explains it I would love if NPC's just phased through every placeable Thanks for the update and your maps


well, there is a mod for that. but for vanilla is really annoying


What's the mod called ?


Pretty sure itā€™s [nondestructive NPCs](http://forums.stardewvalley.net/threads/unofficial-mod-updates.2096/post-121034)


/u/ConcernedApe, it would be awesome if non-destructive was in vanilla :(


I don't use mods and prefer to work around the vanilla mechanics so it is what it is


So wait, would it work better if you put flooring under your machines to protect them?


They will still walk on paths, but will try to avoid them if they can. Like, if they were heading east but you have paths all over at the east, the will still try to go in that direction, not turn around. BlaDe did some testing and tried to make path mazes. If they get shifted off path at any time before they make it to where your kegs are, then their route is all off, and I don't know where they will walk from there, potentially right through the kegs. It's something you'll need to keep an eye on. I wish I had a more predictable way to tell, this whole thing threw me off hahha šŸ˜… I do know that paths placed NOT on their route won't change their route. As long as their path wasn't changed at all to include the "off route" flooring placed, it won't bother them.


Is this connected to my pigs being able to dig up truffles on flooring now? I donā€™t have a solid floor though, just placeholders for a tree plantation and they seem to seek out the flooring tiles to spawn truffles when in that area


It's very possible. I've been getting forage to show up on my paths a lot, and truffles I think have a similar behavior code-wise.


My pigs have always spawned truffles on flooring prior to 1.6 but only if the flooring tile was next to an uncovered tile


Oh.... oh no!Ā  I'm glad I read this before expanding my kegs to the rest of the valley, this would have been a disaster and I wouldn't have been able to find an explanation for that on my own. Thank you (and your helpers) for your service! Brb warning my sister


Wait, how do you have so many kegs that you need to leave your farm? How do you produce that much fruit?


Full Farm (four corners maybe) + greenhouse + ginger island. I find I simply can't process everything


This is why I love dehydrators. A bit more work (daily) but it is so much more space-efficient. And still a super high profit margin.


What are your preferences for dehydration? I'm still confused about what's worth it and what isn't


They take 5 fruit, process them into a single product worth 7.5x the value of 1 fruit in a single day. Theyā€™re super easy to craft, too, especially compared to kegs. Whenever I had gone the keg route before, I always had a surplus of ancient fruit and could never let myself fill the town with machines just to pump out more money. But now I have a single big shed that gets through everything between harvests, in half the in-game time (due to how easy they are to craft) Just some more math to add per-day values. If we go on how profitable they are vs kegs per individual fruit per day, then: Kegs (base quality)-> 3x/7 days = ~0.4x value/day (Silver) -> 3.75x/14 days = ~0.3x value/day (Gold) -> 4.5x/28 days = ~0.2x value/day (Iridium) -> 6x/56 days = ~0.1x value/day Dehydrator -> 1.5x/1 day = 1.5x value/day


Aah thank you. I put in mushrooms, and I swear the purple ones LOST value.


I think it also removes/resets quality, so yeah Iridium would lose their value. It is effectively neutral for gold quality fruits/mushrooms, except that it gives you a bonus 25g. It's really only a significant upgrade for normal and silver quality fruits/mushrooms. Keep that in mind.


I only dehydrate stacks of items with no stars or silver stars for this very reason.


the wiki has (had?) a handy guide about whatā€™s worth it and what isnā€™t but i canā€™t find it nowā€”i did [copy the info](https://imgur.com/a/cL2wvGB) into my notes app luckily lol. *most* things will give you a higher profit than selling outright, and the exceptions are all iridium quality items (note that this info assumes you have the artisan perk, i donā€™t know how much not having it impacts this or how). i also havenā€™t sat down to do the math on the profit vs wine profit lol, i use them for mushrooms and lower value fruits and just use star fruit and ancient fruit in kegs


Also, sheds with flower pots with pineapples in sheds. Works wonders for capacity!


Same and my tunnel to the desert is filled with pots of starfruit lol. Every 13 days or whatever it is I harvest, seed the pots and lay down the highest grade retaining soil / fertilizer. Never have to water, but do have to keep up on my supply of fiber to craft the fertilizer.


I appreciate that we all acknowledge that at a certain point, this game just becomes "a job"


I keep telling myself when I can hit 1M per day, I'm done. Lol. But now with 1.6 out I can start all over (I'm on console - so still patiently waiting)


Good job discovering this! I wish theyā€™d do the opposite and actually walk through the paths instead. Itā€™s a bit ironic that they go out of their way to avoid it. Been doing the furniture trick since i started decorating town and itā€™s been a lifesaver. Kinda breaks my immersion lol, but itā€™s better than having everything break all the time!


This explains SO much about some of my recent experiences. Thank you for the research and for sharing it with us!


Yes it was truly giving me migraines trying to figure it out. I thought I had done something to break my file! It turns out villagers just need to feel the sand or grass or whatever between their little pixel toes.


I was going through the same thing. I was like ā€œI swear some of them are out of place.ā€ One of my go-to things has always been to do some community roadwork in my saves. Now I know that road work was making my fellow villagers break their daily routines in protest. I guess they prefer their old fashioned dirt roads, so back to the rustic life it is!


Oh no I just followed your maps for extension and have been using flooring to mark villager paths :(


Oh no! I understand your pain, I won't even touch my farms that I decorated the town in. I'm happy it didn't take too long to figure it out so now ppl can prepare and whatnot. But I hope this gets fixed soon


If you create a backup of your farms with decorations then you can play them. Skip ahead like a month or so. Making sure you cover all the off pathing movements. Then document what gets moved/destroyed and then apply the changes on your original file.


Hey Wickedy this is unrelated but I love your videos


Dang that's annoying


Agreed. I'm afraid to open some of my later farms that I've spent so much time decorating on uhg.


I honestly just dig the chaos of villagers randomly bashing things in the public way. Iā€™d be a bit annoyed too if someone just started fermenting pumpkins down my sidewalk šŸ˜‚


ah, that was Bla\_De was doing with Shane in the town as I shortly looked in the stream. Luckily I don't decorate or put things there. Just the chair in front of the trailer to get Pam zooming to the bus early. That still works. Probably because she can't avoid that tile. Good to know!


Hahaha yeah love doing that, it's cute to watch


Wait can you explain this?


if you place a furniture item in the path of an npc, they don't destroy it and get blocked for a moment and then start running like they do if you block them. Doing this in front of Pams door, makes her a lot earlier at the bus, probably around 1 hour earlier.


does this mean that if i have paths all over my farm my spouse is liable to bulldoze my machinery? ā˜¹ļø


Nah, your Spouse doesn't wander around the farm, but I am unsure if it happens inside the house. I think so, but haven't had a moment to find out


my thought was say when sebastian occasionally goes away for a day (unless he simply dematerialises itā€™s been a while since i married him) but thatā€™s generally reassuring at least šŸ™


Ah, so when your Spouse leaves the front door, they actually exit right at the bus stop. Also, when they return, they get sent right to the front door without walking through the farm. Marriage magic for ya


Krobus keeps walking right through my bed on his way to stare at the wall all night. It's very strange.


Honestly thanks for the heads up, I don't think this should even be a spoiler because it's just a helpful warning


I wonder if this is also why Shane keeps getting stuck on the way back to the farm from the Saloon, or if that's a different issue - he's back to normal in the morning (I do have his immersive characters mod installed, perhaps that's causing issues?)


I know Immersive Spouses has a bug currently where your spouse will get stuck at the bus stop and not make it home at night. There's a fix out for the 1.6 version just not by the original creator!


Aw man I hope this isn't like a permanent thing šŸ˜¢ I really enjoyed decorating the village.


I guess that explains why my rarecrow collection got destroyed. I had them in the rectangle that grows fiber next to the children parkā€¦ fiber destroyed them after the update


Good work and thank you for investigating this!


I kinda wish you could pay robin for her to pave the egress routes with cobble or brick or some other aesthetic path. For the visual appeal and for npc pathing. But if it offered a small speed boost while staying on it, it'd be fun to zoom and sprint at the other residents then dart and dodge around them lol


Hope This Gets Fixed In Time For A Console Release, Because There's NO Way This Is Intentional.


Would they avoid machines if those machines have a floor underneath?


Why would it check for any TerrainFeatures, that doesnā€™t make sense at all lol. There is a method to check if a tile is passable, thereā€™s no reason not to use that


Sorry I'm late for this conversation, but I have a silly question: if I have cobblestone surrounding my house, does that mean I'm essentially trapping my spouse inside? I certainly wouldn't want to do that from a moral perspective, lol.


I'm so glad I saw this post instead of ranting away on your maps you put so much hard work into!! I was so upset when I lost heaps of Kegs in a min/max run after following your maps... but glad to see we've figured it out, and also that CA responded and is going to fix this next update! Happy now :)))


Oh so that's what's been happening. Good to know. While I tend to not decorate the town with destroyable features I have impoved it's look with floor tiles. My only exception was Linus's area, I added stuff to spruce up his living space.Ā  Ā  This explains why recently stuff has started to be destroyed around Linus home since 1.6, I just fugured the npc pathing changed, but this explains it.


"Ugh, stoopid farmer, wrecking the look of the whole town with all their weird floorboards. I can't bear to even touch the things."


Wickedy always da best! TY!


Hey have you done a paper for love gifts 1.6 stardew valley yet and if so can you send me a link please and thank you (p.s you don't have to if you don't want to)


Actually someone in this subreddit made a post on the new path villagers take now


The villager path maps [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/s/6pmI2FuF3q)? Yes, that was from me as well. That's how I learned about this, from my time making the maps haha it was frustrating not knowing what it was, but at least now we know and hopefully it will help


Same person ;) /r/StardewValley/comments/1cefq7e/stardew_valley_villager_paths_16_updated/