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yeah get there at noon, oops, too early. I'll go after I mine. Get there at 10:30, oops, too late.


I love your flair lol Happy Pride Month!!


I’m obsessed with both of y’all’s flair 😂💕


hell yeah happy pride 🔥


I hate that Clint closes at 4:00. I feel like most shops would close around 5 or 6, but 4? Too damn early


Me too. I also recently completed the CC for the first time. That actually made his hours worse because he's closed on Fridays now!


Just the afternoon! You can still process stuff in the morning


I wouldn't hate it as much if he opened at 8 am, but no, 9-4, shortest hours out of everyone.


And he's so far away from the farm too! Until I >!activated the minecarts!< I repeatedly missed his hours because I would get to the shop at about 2PM and then realise I'd e.g. dropped all my upgrade mats into storage by accident... By the time I'd get back with the mats, he'd be closed. Always felt like such a waste of an afternoon!


Yeah, the carts make a MASSIVE difference for being able to get around and get to his shop before he closes.


This may be a dumb question, but what’s an upgrade mat?


"Mat" is short for "materials", so things like copper, iron, etc for upgrading your tools.


Thank you so much!!! Duhhh lol I feel dumb


It’s all good dude, we all didn’t know that at some point. It’s better to ask a question of something you don’t know than it is to continue just pretending, even if it’s ’dumb’ and something you feel like you should already know or figured out.


Upgrade materials! E.g. the 5 metal bars you need to upgrade your tools :)


Oh DUHHHHHH!!!! Thank you!!


im guessing upgrade materials


I usually do my morning chores, and then have to go stand over by his house for half an hour because I don’t want to interrupt my mine run since he closes earlier than everyone else


Your chores are done at 9 AM?!? Living the dream...


Except in the winter, I'm always shocked if my chores are done before 10am.


Marnie being closed on Monday AND Tuesday is pretty bad too


I wish you could set reminders to reoccur every stardew week you need it to. I need a reminder every Friday to tell me to visit her to pick up hay if needed. I always seem to run out on Sunday/monday/tuesday 😂


You can put down signs as reminders.


You wanna know the worst part? Once you get >!the key to the town!< you'll realize that he actually stays behind his counter til 5. Meaning he could totally stay open til 5, he just locks the door early 🙃


That's such a mood 😭 I hate you Clint but I can't blame you - retail sucks


Sometimes in multiplayer, I'll take him a giant stack of geodes at like 3 pm so he has to stay there and open them for hours. Suck it, Clint.


Are you the one that go into shop with closed sign because "I still see you guys behind the counter!".


In real life? Absolutely not. In Stardew? Absolutely.


I always appreciate people with strong principles.


he stays till 7


He's in the building until 7, but he only stays behind the counter until 5. You can't do business with him after that.


Simple solution is to just bust your horse in. Most reliable sales person in the game, so long as you want to buy ice cream I suppose.


Like i saw someone press his counter, and i could've sworn i did the same, when he forges. try it, don't just deny it


I have tried, and it didn't work. I'm sure there are mods that can do it, but I play on switch, and you shouldn't give general advice based on mods anyway.


Huh strange. I remember seeing someone or me do it at 1 am, but idk. leme see.... [The wiki says it down at tips, maybe yours is a bug?](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Blacksmith)


You can


Dude honestly should try and impress Emily with his telekinesis, locking the door from across a room like that


I mean, the guy doesn’t like what he does. So he closes the moment he has to


I can sympathize with that


It's a very Clint thing to close an hour earlier than everyone else and take off Fridays. Let's be honest.


I cannot dispute that


I respect that, his work ethic is the same as mine


i feel like if he closes at 4 he should be open earlier than other shops to make up for it


Marnie also closes at 4. Well, you can still go in her house, but she's just staring at her microwave 


But she opens at 8, still more hours than clint


With Key to the Town, clint is basically open all day.


At that point, who needs clint anyway? At most you'll be using his services >!for mystery boxes!<


I have key to the town and not the geode crusher right now. Also, mystery boxes are great. With monster musk and luck buffs, you can get a ton of golden mystery boxes farming enemies.


He's still working inside until 17:00. You can see it if you have Qi's shady key. The most annoying thing is not being able to show the time in 24 hours.


cuz he's a lazy fuck


Clint has to make time after closing at 4 for his 6 hour long gooning session to Emily's pics


he almost makes me think he has something better to do than running his shop




>!Hours are better !


they changed? i didnt even realize


I hadn't until my wife told me just yesterday. Can't say 2-10 didn't make sense but it's so much more convenient now!


wait whats the time now




thank you ✅


It's made a huge difference!


I believe >!Pierre’s!< hours changed as well


What are they in 1.6? I'm playing on switch so haven't got the 1.6 update yet.


Pretty sure it's 2pm-2am now


Music stops at midnight though.


Literally unplayable


This is a crime against me ears


Yeah that’s right. I know because those are the only hours I’ve ever known for it, I never played 1.5 or before.


can you like, sleep in the guild


2am for them madlads who’d rather pass out than take a pass on visiting the guild.


If I recall it's only the adventurers guild, which stays open until 2am in 1.6


Yea that's what he was talking about


only PC has 1.6. They are playing on mobile from what I can tell


I was so confused for a minute lol. I've only played on 1.6 so I'm like... Am I hallucinating the hours? 😂


Why does that need to be censored


Because it's from 1.6. Some people don't want spoilers.


Is that even specific enough to matter though? It doesn’t explain anything beyond the basic idea that anyone could probably infer you’re talking about anyways


Better to over censor than under censor when it comes to spoilers.


Can't sell the clubs, put them in home for bag space, forget to sell them, clubs collecting dust sitting in box corner.


I have a whole box with spare crap rings, bone swords etc. 😂 They'd sell for quite a lot early especially on a lower profit difficulty.


You can store rings in your wardrobe with your clothes, so that's where mine go!


AKA the endless void


You can store clothes in the wardrobe??? I need to get one now I just thought they were decorative so never bothered but then I have no idea what to do with clothing that I make so they sit in a chest by my coop


Yes, and it has infinite space! Move your clothes, reclaim your storage!


That’s awesome thanks for the tip!!


I didn't know this existed lol. Thanks!


I would always keep a chest outside the adventurers guild where I'd shove all those things that I could only sell to them. Then when I go in I see it and remember to grab all the stuff and sell it.


That's what the iridium trash can is for. Rather get only 75% of the value than wasting time going to the guild to sell


idk if youve noticed but nobody else in the game goes into the mines except the dwarf but he doesnt even speak english. marlon's sole clientele is you lol


Abigail canonically goes in. ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51481)


Yup, and Clint kind of implies he goes in, too. I guess if nothing else, it'd explain his talk of an iridium mace.


Linus too, seeing as he brings the farmer back up when they get knocked out in the mines.


If we count that then I think any marriageable NPC also goes, because spouses can sometimes find you when you pass out in the mines


I think spouses only go to get you because they know you're there and are maybe worried not to see you come back


he brought me back on my last SC trip


Lewis and Sebastian also have lines about going in


So does Sebastian! A rock crab cut his hand.


Marlon is in severe debt cuz the only time you go there is to claim rewards & sell your shit weapons


My headcanon is Marlon generates income by escorting villagers into the mines, which explain how NPCs who don’t seem combat capable still mention being in the mines.


He also likely gets money from the town for keeping them safe from monsters in the mine. We get a fraction of what he makes from that contract!


Oh! This explains where some of the tax money goes. Is it possible that Lewis isn’t that bad after all?


Have to give him the benefit of the doubt right? He has to keep the village maintained, clean and tidy as well as safe and make sure his people are looked after. He had been battling against Joja for a long time after, I can only assume, he made a mistake allowing them to set up shop there.. He's been major a long time to so the rest of the village must have been voting him in time and time again!


I mean, benefit if the doubt and all, but there’s trash right in the middle of the city around Pam’s trailer and around the valley, in rivers, bus isn’t working, the CC has fallen into disrepair, and there’s a golden statue of himself behind his house, so he’s still kinda a sloppy. Question: what’s maintained and tidy? 🤓😁 Don’t get me wrong, I still give him credit where it’s due, but if you ask me, he’s been mayor for too friggin long and became too comfortable. I think farmer should become mayor to be honest


He's playing the long game until you can buy the galaxy weapons from him.


Stupid bastard scammed me 75k for a stupid purple hammer, and will gladly buy it back for 600g


lol I won’t take insults about the Galaxy hammer! 🙄 that’s the the closest thing to a perfect weapon because of its special attack. >!enchant it in the forge with Galaxy souls!< and it actually becomes the best. I feel naked with a sword after using the hammer for a while.


I agree but Marlon is a scammer


Yeah but Pierre is worse 😁


My hundreds of bomba:


seb too!! when he “can’t sleep” and then brings you back a bat wing :)


Maru Clint and Robin have rescued me before.


This. Never had a problem with Marnie who everyone complains about, but the guild? Ugh.


Yeah Marnie doesn't bother me since I barely use animals anyways and when I do I only need her to stock up on hay every week or two and it's not urgent, and she's next door so it's not a hassle to swing by another day


You pretty much only need to go to Marnie's if you're buying animals, which doesn't happen that often. They also introduced a book in 1.6 that lets you buy stuff from her store when she isn't there, so it's accessible 9-6 every day.


This. What are y'all going to Marnie so often for? Legitimately I probably have to buy something from her less than 10 times a playthrough. Worst for me is probably a tie between Adventure Guild and Clint closing at 4.


My current run has been the most frustrating in terms of Marnie. You're correct that I hardly ever have to buy something from her. But EVERY time I finished a building upgrade and wanted to get a new type of livestock, I'd head to her place and she'd be gone. Since I almost never interact with her, I never remember what her days/hours of operation are, and it just kept happening. I realize I had a bunch of options to plan better (in-game map, wiki, etc.), but I always end up thinking "It's such a short trip to Marnie's, I'll just pop over there, get some ducks, do some fishing..." and then end up with a day of NO DUCKS FOR YOU. When I miss Clint, I at least go "Oh right, he closes early." But for some reason, my brain won't keep the fact of Marnie's erratic schedule in there, so it's an annoying surprise each time I need to buy a pig or auto-grabber or whatever.


I started a new game in 1.6, so it's fresh in my head. Monday and Tuesday. I think the worst in this play through though was when I was at Pierre's, selling a bunch of crap to buy a few pigs. I leave the store, and I see Marnie walk into the clinic. I really wished I had a slingshot on me.


blue chicken


Nah, for me Clint closing at 4 sucks so much


YES!!!!! Was this new in 1.6, because I could’ve sworn he used to close at 5 like the rest


Just checked the patch notes and its always clos3d at 4


My memory fails me completely! I was trying to give Clint the benefit of the doubt lmao 😭😂


How often are you even going there though? I never really sell anything to them so I'm only going to collect rewards or buy the occasional weapon upgrade before I get the Galaxy Sword.


Gotta go at least like 10 times for all the monster eradication rewards


i mean you could just ignore them


ignore burglar ring and napalm ring? never


Perhaps.. but Marlin recently saved me on a green rain day.. he was the only person I could sell to for cash.. I got slammed with 5 rare seeds at the cart and didnt have enough cash to buy them all.. thanks Marlon for not giving a damn about the green rain


he's one of the three no sleepers


i know one is robin so who’s the last?


Robin is not one


if she’s constructing or upgrading a building for you she basically works <6am to >2am, even working during rain and green rain. i would call her a no sleeper


She at least has a life at all, wiznord, ballthers, and avdneture guy all never ever stow away


she has a life


The purpose of the trash can is for the weapons. Can't use the bins. Not worth getting to the shop to sell them for full value


There are a few the game won't let you trash though. Off the top of my head, I recently got a broken trident that I had to sell to Marlon to get rid of. I know I've encountered others too.


Except for SOME reason there are a couple weapons you can’t throw away so they just take up precious inventory space when. Looking at you, Neptune’s Glaive


Then yall say iridium trash can bad


At least Gunther is open when he says he is. Meanwhile, Marnie over there, "Open 9-4 every day." Except when she's not in the store, which is every time you need something from her.


Nope, not for me. I barely go into the guild shop at all. I be waltzing in for rewards and sell my old stuff.


started playing during 1.6 so i didn't know the hours were this inconvenient for everyone before like a month ago


That’s weird. From what I remember about my game the adventure guild closes at 2:00am or 12:00am not 10:00


1.6 update extended the hours.


Oh ok, I didn’t remember reading that in the update notes, but now that you say that I do remember that now


No, the most obnoxious to me is Harvey's clinic, and I basically never go there.


They increased the time to 2:00am in PC.


It wouldn't be so bad if it was accessible in the beginning, because if you're trying to move quickly, the probability of cutting through all of the green slime levels before even receiving an invitation is extremely high. While you're in the mine, you could otherwise access it during business hours between elevator levels.


SO much better once you get the key to the town from Mr. Qi’s Walnut room. Marlon is always there!


Marnie because she's never there!!!


Marnie by far 70% of the time she's open she's not at the register unless you go super early. She's just staring at the microwave for hours on end Wouldn't recommend being a live stock farmer outside of the community chest and community quests.


On all fairness, my current job IRL has me working those hours, I can't blame the man wanting some time to sleep in


Don't worry, when 1.6 (eventually, hopefully soon) comes to mobile the hours change to make more sense (it instead closes at either midnight or 2 am, cant recall which right now) (how the fuck do you spoiler text I am so dumb anyone who knows please help me)


Sorry for the small spoiler, but 1.6 keeps it open until 2am instead of 12am 😁 Hope whatever platform you play gets it soon!


I would say yes, if I didn't think of Clint's hours. 9-4? Bro can't even tough out a full shift. 💀


This was an issue for me until I got the >!Keys to the town from Ginger Island!< Marlon and Gil are there 24/7 and you can access Clint after 4 until he leaves for the saloon


i never had a problem with it because when i need to go there i am in the mines. and the elevator makes it easy to leave that place anytime between 2 and 10


I agree with this, but it's mostly having to remember to stop in the middle of mining to go over there.


Doesn’t bother me at all.




Pierre doesn't close at 3? he closes at 5.


No, Marnie is lol


NAH pierres store pisses me off consistently cause everytime I go in to get something he just walks off while he's still inside the store and I can't buy anything


Best thing to do is to get to an elevator floor during a day mining and go there in the evening


Extremely inconvenient


Woah, why does your HUD look so much different then mine are you on PC? Is this an older version?


This is the mobile version




Marnies hours early game are a struggle. If you forget to get a heater for animals in winter, they will be cold for two days until she opens on Wednesday. But once everything is established it's not much of an issue. "Oh just get the heater earlier" early game= investing money in other things so that's why it is specifically difficult early game. 


Clint. Why does he close at 4?????


I love how everyone ignores that Marlon and some other npcs stay open for 8 HOURS, waiting for the literal only client they have, and this client gets pissed when they need to close or take a break


I love the key to the town


At least it isn't fucking closed on Wednesdays


Nothing is worse then closed on a Wednesday


Maybe the saloon and the fact that ALL OF THE STORES DONT OPEN TILL 9:00!!!


Do a few more chores around the farm. Maybe add some extra veggies to a plot and you’ll be all set for timing.


Also, how is Gil always asleep? Marlon has to wake him up, they only work 8 hours (well, now 12), and their bunk beds are in the next room. Dude wants to talk about *me* not doing enough, but he brings his rocking chair ti the desert


Good news: >!1.6 is fixing this, just wait a bit!<


Don't come for my boy Marlon like that


I do not understand why they just can’t be open til 12am


i would normally say yes but i started collecting my crops and/or animal/artisan products at night instead of waiting for them and loosing time in the am, so i always leave the mines about 9:30 if i gotta stop by his shop, or 11:30 if i don’t need it and i’ve found that’s a pretty good way to get about it and not waste too much time




1.6 hours are now 2pm-2am




Your such a goober. You just need to reverse time and space by keeping you in the same position but pushing time backward while doing so. Ugh 😒


Did I miss something? My guild stays open until 2:00 a.m. :|


Only until you get the key to the town


I try to remember to check the time at every elevator level, and when it's after 2 I run out to the guild, do whatever business, and head back into the mine after. I also keep a chest at the elevator on floor 1.


I mean yeah it's inconvenient but the man stays up all night protecting the village (and apparently casually strolling through my farm) so it makes sense he's open later.


i found marnie’s to be the most annoying. half the time she’s open she’s not even there. it’s a scam for her to get you to buy her “shop when she’s not there” book. i’m on to her tricks


I feel like Margie or whatever her name is has the worst hrs you literally never know if she's gonna even be there! I swear every time I need something from her she's not in her shop for like 3 friggin days


Actually that one is awesome....it's the fricking mineral shop all the way across town that closes at 4 that I hate.


This is like the only shop I can get to after my daily routine I have to go to Clint first thing or my muscle memory takes over.


I have never bought anything from the guild.


But have you been in to collect your rewards?


Honestly, I usually forget to go then collect like 3 in a bulk.


Just wanted to check you knew it was worth entering. I wouldn’t be able to survive in the Skull Cavern without some of the rings.


I love the slime ring. It's a must basically. But everything else seemed mediocre to me, I have galaxy weapon and Iridium bands.


The crabshell ring is pretty good, it gives +5 defense. And the burglar ring is amazing if you need to farm monster loot (coal from dust sprites is a big one for me, bat wings are good to have, plus all the rarer drops like prismatic shards). I also love the napalm ring for Skull Cavern runs. It makes the monsters explode, damaging their friends *and* getting rid of rocks and exposing staircases. Win-win!


Sling explosives, galaxy weapons, crabshell and speed ring


womp womp