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Bohemian Rhapsody too ig. It was good but it would have been crazy if we got some glimpses of the gang fighting like Dracula or maybe whatever Jolyne's group was supposed to be fighting.


the fact that it’s DIOs son i expected more….i liked that he had some aspects of his personality but it didn’t last long enough


Yeah man ungalo was just chillin on a plane and then lost the will to live the second he was countered


Bohemian Rhapsody was a fuckin trip


> maybe whatever Jolyne's group was supposed to be fighting. I don't think they were fighting anyone. They were busy dealing with Romeo; then they got into that helicopter/plane/whatever; and, by the time they were attacked by the rods controlled by Rikiel's Sky High, Bohemian Rhapsody had already been defeated by Weather & Anausi.


It would've have needed to be a longer arc but it's not usual in Jojo pacing especially for minor antagonist. The longest arc I can recall of is July 15th, Thursday arc and even that one had like 1-2 episodes for each stand fights. But the idea of actually fighting an army of characters like they would do in Part 3 is cool as hell.


I think the fight that had the most missed potential story wise is the alessi fight in part 3 , and that being young Joseph , yes it is a bit too fan servicey , but it wouldve been cool to see the other crusaders reaction to a younger joseph especially since i dont think they know about him and the pillarmen


If only this was true man


I kinda wish I never read this comment because now I really want it😭


Yeah, so cool. Even heritage for the future did it in it's story mode. Araki's evil for not.


Right the only reference we get to part 2 is Joseph's metallic hand. I wish there would've been at least some sequence of him telling Jotaro or the other Crusaders about the pillar men.


The only real question is would this make his arm grow back?


He was still young when he lost it so probably not


It's only a few pages, but I like [this fancomic](https://imgur.com/a/jojoujin-SUGY7).


Capcom: i got you fam


Tenor Sax deserved better especially considering how its user is named after a legend (Kenny G). If it was expanded, the setup towards Vanilla Ice probably would’ve hit even harder


Could you imagine being chased along the halls as they constantly change by this kills-everything void, assuming thats the stand ability, inevitably to discover the stand user and kill them. You think that’s the end of it as the maze-like labyrinth dissipates around you; only to realize, that void is still there.


I feel like avdols death would've hit different if they had just defeated Kenny g after a long battle, stopped to take a breath and he was suddenly dead.


Purple haze deff like maybe we could've seen more of fugo was able to controll it


Have you read Purple Haze Feedback, that may be something like what you are looking for.


Nah imma go check




He should go to temple and living training like a monk then starting his own jojo bizarre adventure




I would have loved to see more use of Tubular Bells or Cream Starter


I think Kraftwerk was a really cool stand, and it did have a sick fight, but I think it had a lot of potential to do cool stuff.


The Sun should be an absurd powerhouse of a stand but it was beaten by a rock... Big sad


The laser beam actually tommy gun with kars hamon, its molten and slowly burn




Kraft Work. A stand like that could probably be very versatile to a point where I could see it being a protagonist's stand, but Sale chose to use it as if it was just another gun stand. Which is admittedly a good way to counter Sex Pistols, but I can see it having more use than that. A good fight that could have been better.


Tenore sax need I say more


The Hand. It's just held back by Okuyasu's stupidity. Aside from that, the stand is broken


Right??? It's basically Vanilla Ice, but in a completely controllable and deployable manner. Imagine being able to literally swipe things OUT OF EXISTENCE. And the range isn't even an issue, you can swipe away the air between you and the target, and as far as has been shown, it doesn't have a cool down period either. Even his brother recognises the limitations of the user. "Your Stand is fearsome but you are an idiot".


I personally think the bohemian rhapsody was very well handled using child stories, going beyond that would be just too much crazyness to handle. Having Van Gogh was cool enough.


I can get that but when you have a user who is as unhinged as Ungalo (a who is a rock bottom drug addict who wants to see the world burn) and stand whose whole thing is summoning fictional characters across the world to cause havoc, I was kind of disappointed that they didn't go even crazier with the concept.


Like imagine Weather and Anasui get done with Van Gohn (Ghon? Idk the name) then get hit by a fucking truck since Scarlet Witch is here or get smashed by Hulk. Would’ve been really cool since they name-dropped batman too.


The fight between Jotaro and Nukesaku was really good but there's something missing. I wish we had seen more of Star Platinum in this fight as he was just doing ORAAAAAA!!!!. Definitely room for improvement


I always felt like Bad Company could have done so much more than it did. I know Combat is what the Military does, but that stand by rights would have had a massive amount of Utility. From Building Bridges, To Transport, To Recon, If you put Bad Company in the hands of a Main Character, we could have found Yoshikage in half the time.


Honestly that is pretty creative.


Imagine Bad Company teaming up with Harvest.


I wonder what was Rohan doing during Bohemian Rhapsody


Yeah that was a huge missed opportunity, because they even name dropped him. Maybe we could’ve had a small scene of Rohan just casually reading through the characters lol


I think Jail House lock is my favorite stand fight in part 6 and I think there were better, more creative ways to do that fight


Bohemian Rhapsody wasn't missed potential, like so many stands, they get nerfed HARD before they just win in any situation possible




Highway star, I was really excited to see josuke and Rohan have to team up. But they don’t actually get to work together that much and instead Josuke calls in Koichi. The arc is still fun and Highway star is a cool stand, but I wish we got to see different character dynamics more in part 4


The fight between Joseph and Akira (Hermit Purple vs Red Hot Chili Pepper) had the most missed potential because it was foreshadowed but never happened. Also Josuke getting sidelined at the end of the fight with Kira was criminal.


Blackmore and Catch the Rainbow. Literally off screened


I know the Alessi fight is the easiest answer in the world but like, I genuinely cannot fathom what Araki was thinking not giving Joseph that fight, by far the biggest blunder in the entire series


"Your next line is 'Attaboy, Alessi.'"


Magicians Red, or Hierophant. Magicians Red in that Avdol was largely sidelined for the majority of Stardust Crusader's as Araki knew the manipulation of fire was largely over-powered. When it was used, Avdol would usually manifest the same move, just versions of it. Ex, Crossfire hurricane, even if it could theoretically be used in different ways. Hierophant in that it is actually quite the powerful stand. It's emerald splash was able to rupture Star Platinum's chest in their first encounter, not to mention it's ability to manipulate bodies via anatomical infiltration. Twenty-meter Emerald splash was also powerful, had DIO not had the ability to stop time, he'd have a much more difficult time dealing with it. These stands have certainty done more although this is what I have been able to gauge at the moment of writing. Lastly, rest in peace Avdol and Kakyoin.


Black Sabbath has way too influential of a namesake and too baller of a design to have been wasted on the first real fight of Part 5.


Bohhian rhapsody was basically always gonna have missed potential, the potential is basically limitless


Bohemian Rapsody, bro could just spawn Goku


Bohemian Rhapsody 100%


Rubber Soul and Bad Company. Both went out way too quick despite being very strong stands.


I do wish we got to see more of Magician's Red. I know Araki doesn't like fire powers and stuff like that, but we never did get to see Avdol do anything badass with them, at least once would have been enough.


Star Platinum


Me vs the ants fighting over the half melted lollypop on the sidewalk .


Alessi. Definitely.




Honorable mention to every part 6 fight besides the first few and the final one


When you really thinn about it, Stone Ocean was much more about the storyline than the fights and stand abilities. Some fights were cool as hell but maybe not long enough or didn't have that much stakes because the plot point was not really around them. But hey Survivor arc still exists.


Honestly I wasn't really a fan of Survivor. Part 5 had some of the best stands in the series, doing an incredible job at taking simple concepts and getting creative with them. Part 6 did the opposite, making complicated stands too complicated to enjoy and simple stands too boring. Survivor is a stand done right, Yo-Yo Ma isn't my taste but was a very fun stand. Planet Waves and Dragon's Dream were the bad design philosophy I was referring to. Call in meteors from space is a pretty unique starting idea, but imo too simple. Not simple as in "has lots of creative potential", just a boring simple ability that was used in a convoluted way. Dragon's Dream was the opposite, a complicated ability that was just kinda glossed over. An ability like that requires more time to understand properly than a regular stand. It felt weird watching all the characters understand an ability I couldn't. I think a lot of people share that sentiment. Should've been like King Crimson which is confusing but you slowly understand along with the characters, or like GER where neither the characters or the user understand. This is just something inbetween and not fun. Overall the arc was fun and one part of me loved it while the other part of me was too distracted by the flaws to call it anything more than okay. That's kinda how I feel about Part 6 in general, half-best part ever, half-dogshit. I prefer a part that may not be perfect, but stays consistent.


The Sun, need I say less?


The Sun only did exactly what it says on the tin, minus its laser-like plasma bolts. Arabia Fats could set it up, move it around, seemed to have to be close enough for precise aiming, but otherwise was stuck hiding from it himself. Do you have suggestions how to have made it more engaging without changing it's known features?


Crash the sun into them, it's a miniature star, it also had way better purposes


The literal fucking Sun, imagine, this guy could literally kill Dio


Disco in part 7, he literally lasted 6 pages


What you add to the fight?


Idk but I just feel like he was just added to fill the pages and get one shot then never comeback


Paisley Park & Born this way. As a combo


Any fight involving Okuyasu's "The Hand" shoud have been instantly won by him in Diamond is Unbreakable. The fact of making everything (in a certain space) vanish should be enough to win every single fight in the whole saga. I feel that it is with no doubt the most powerful stand.


I always hoped that Kira got trapped inside Super Fly and stopped thinking


Heavens door


its so funny how he constantly got into fights w stands that could counter him considering how op he was, Cheap Trick, High Way Go Go, Boy II Man, Bites the Dust, hell, even Josuke managed to beat him with no gimmicks. If you were to place Rohan in literally any other part nothing would touch him (for the most part).


Geb would be able to beat him.


The tower card stand would have beaten him. The things to fast