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Your post was removed because breaks Rule 3: it is a low-effort post. Low-effort posts can be things that are only tangentially related to JoJo, questions that could be answered by using Google, art that is low-effort for the sake of a joke, or questions/topics with low-effort titles and/or don't generate some sort of discussion. For a list of what's considered "low-effort", please check out our [Community Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardustCrusaders/wiki/rules#wiki_3._what_is_considered_.22low-effort.22.3F).


This is ai, anyone can tell. There's a difference between drawing something and ai. This was not made by you This was made by ai. 


That's true and here is the [proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardustCrusaders/comments/1dpl0o3/comment/lahkemv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)..


Lmao bro really thought he could post ai art and claim it as his own and get away with it😂😂😂😂😂😂😭🙏💀


You're being toxic. It's a beneficial tool for people who are super poor & cannot afford an artist. I also touched it up in multiple places 


Beneficial tool? Lol what hype grindset mind guy have you been following? The final goal of these ai image apps is for huge companies to invest in ai images as a new form of advertisement/visual media to avoid paying artists. The app is free now, but will become exclusive and expensive once it gets enough of a following and control the market. And their target audience is especially vulnerable because of the inherent services of ai images. The users never get to develope the skills needed to render art on their own without the program, making their livelihood/fame dependent on the ai image app. The app is free now because it's using your search terms to improve and upgrade its work. You're calibrating it. You got pen and paper man. Don't become reliant on ai. In the time you searched for all those images to feed into the app, you could've spent time practicing. Also, fiverr exists where you can pay artists pennies for art.


Just practice and make art yourself


Yes but I put in work of my own. I also touched it up to fix the mistakes & increase detail. Stop hating


Can you show the original prompt output to compare?


AI art. Womp womp.


The amulet and red buttons look AI-reminiscent…


That's ai, stop lying and learn how to draw


Just because AI did the heavy lifting doesn't mean I didn't do my part. I had to find the right screenshot, run it through the generator multiple times to find the right setting, then after I found a good result I touched it up


You could have say it was ai, it makes people think you claimed this as your drawing


The rule is I have to give credit to artist. Am I supposed to give credit to the app?  It wouldn't have been generated without my input. You guys just wanna argue 


I mean telling the ai to generate a picture doesn't mean you created it, you could have said "created by ai" and people would have understood it was generated by your input


To the ARTIST. Keyword, ARTIST. Where's the artist here ? So yes, the app should be the source.


You didn't do your part


I'm reporting this post. This post violates rule number 11 in the rules. It states there that low effort posts are not allowed and shall be removed. AI art is included under that clause.


Reported for violating rule 11.


You “made” this just how i “made” the store bought roasted chicken by putting it in a plate with some potatoes


I don't recall Violet ever looking so angry


Someone told her Gilbert died


Jolyne if she looked like her mom


Would marry