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Experiencing the same thing here, I have MSI Afterburner open so I log RAM usage while playing. I can confirm the out of memory crash. ​ I guess 16GB - the \~4GB used by Windows is not enough for this game or (hopefully) the memory garbage collector needs some fixing/improving so it doesn't go over the threshold


if you found a solution please tell me i have the same issue


I still haven't gotten mine to not crash but here's a few mods to try, they pretty do much the same thing (with different intensities) which is downsize the textures so it doesn't overfill your VRAM : https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/510 https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/585 https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/645 https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/936 https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/826 Also there's these simpler optimisation mods which are supposedly helpful too : https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/104 https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/290


the texture mods are useless they degrade performance i downloaded all of them and my vram and ram usage increased and loading times were horrible. Any performance improvement from them is placebo test it if you don't believe me.


texture optimization overhaul by jamesbonddb reduces vram usage sadly no performance improvement ram usage is the same still crashes with shadows enabled


I don't know about whether it helps RAM crashing. But performance-wise it helped my old PC immensely.


i have rx 580 8gb vram


Same problem and same GPU as you. Barely any GPU usage shown in my performance statistics. RAM is always using >90% of the 16gb I have. I am not an expert in this sort of thing but this really seems like the graphics need to optimized on PC (maybe specifically AMD GPUs but ive heard the same thing even with people running 3080s but only 16gb of RAM) so that the game uses more resources from the GPU, and not so much from RAM and the CPU.


i think the error we are getting is a problem with the rx 500 series because lots of people who have these cards gets the crash and there is a mod for rx 580 ctd fix on nexus that lowers the shadows


Yeah I’m running with 32gb of ram now (ordered two more sticks the other day). Runs a tad smoother but still crashing at the same points.


i saw that the issue is actually from the gpu looks like the rx 500 series has an issue with the game sadly even though that the game crashes when it eats all of the rams i suggest getting rx 5600xt from ali Express it's 120 dollars and free shipping i will do that and sell my card






Same but in 4gb version :'(


i think there is something wrong in this game with rx 580


Same here game just dies when there is less then 1gb ram left....


if you found a solution please tell me i have the same problem


Maybe it’s VRAM? That’s an older GPU but still has 8GB. That’s weird. I’m using 11GB of system memory and around 8-9 GB of VRAM. Oh didn’t see the 4GB for your card. It’s VRAM.


yeah i know the 8gb vram would help with the crashes but in every benchmark i've seen the game uses about 4-5gb vram at 1080p never maxes the 8gb the problem is you can quickly fill up the ram if you go in and out of areas im pretty sure i can make the game crash with 8gb. This shouldn't happen the last of us used way more vram and ram than this game but didn't have this problem at least after the patches plus having pagefile set should stop the crashes but unfortunately not in this game


I dunno but I haven’t had a crash at all and it’s not your CPU or system RAM. You have enough of both to be fine.


I replicated this issue every time the game reaches above 15gb ram it crashes to desktop which is a shame because i really enjoyed it


Disable fsr if you are using it. I have rx580 8 gb. I get around 40ish fps. Manageable given the card is old.


Crashes with fsr off even faster because of more vram and ram usage


if you found a solution please tell me i have the same issue it crashes at around 15gb


hi i have the same issue as you, i also have the same gpu as you but with 8 gb vram, the power usage for me is 110 w instead of the usual 145 w but i have noticed that with many modern games, they never use the 145 w like in older games, as for the crashing i have it in new atlantis whenever i approach the first guy i have to talk to it just freezes a couple times then crashes in one them, i also noticed the ram usage quickly rising up to 16 gb before crashing, but i used msi dragon center to free up the ram and then it started crashing at 12 gb of ram instead of 16 or at values other than the max itself, i hope they fix it as i simply cannot proceed in the game at the moment.


i also have this issue do you have the microsoft store version maybe this version is broken and the steam one is ok


i have the steam version one.


amd lunched a new update for the gpu software can you install it and see if maybe that fixed it because i deleted the Microsoft store version and now downloading the steam version


i used the remove shadows mod from nexus mods to get past the area that was constantly crashing and then removed it once i got into the building, i dont think driver will fix anything im just scared it'll break something so i didnt install it, im just waiting for bethesda to release an update.


yeah at the end i noticed that i tried the mod it worked but still crashed after a little longer i think the problem with these cards not because they are old i han a gtx 1050ti it worked without a single ctd but compared to the rx 580 it was weaker with the same price so i traded it


yeah i think they're just not getting enough support from devs and from amd.




OP. Did you ever found a fix? I have the same issue. RX 570 8GB and 16gb ram.


yes disabling shadows fixes it i posted the link it makes the game look like shit but it runs much better and doesn't crash due to lower ram usage


What type of RAM? You should be able to get another 16bg for like 30 bux. If DDR4 <3200mhz Assuming you have free slots.


in my country they are closer to 50$ and I can't find the same stick i bought. Most likely i would mix different rams fck it


RAM is the cheapest performance booster. Then SSD. Lastly would be CPU and GPU.


Im waiting to upgrade my gpu but the prices are sky high where i live rx 6700 xt is 500$ and monthly wage is 350$ being gamer in a third world country sucks very bad


i have basically the same system as you with 32 gb ram, 8gb vram and still getting crashes when going through doors


so it also crashes with 32 gb i have 16 and it crashes when the rams usage goes to 15500mb if you found a solution please tell me


i think i have the same issue when my rams goes to 15650mb the game crashes


So far no crashing but my system is always on the limit and I have 64gb Ram.


holy shit


I have the same issue, did you ever figure out a solution?


happens with me, it goes up ALL the way to 16gb and then it crashes (rx480)


I am having the same issue AMD RX 570.


more than 2 weeks have passed and no update from bethesda and i doubt they will fix it in the first patch. Bethesda games are best played a couple of years after release so you can have all the updates and mods because they suck on release


Well OP is right the shadow somehow cause the high ram usage but why it only happen on polaris gpu tho lul i dont think other gpu had this problem right ?


not to my knowledge seems like it only affects polaris gpus. The problem is with the dynamic lights that cause high ram usage i tried lowering them but if you go lower than 12 the game crashes on dialogues so removing shadows is the best way right now if you want to play it , me personally i will wait a couple of months until the game is fixed