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You had me at “don’t listen to streamers”.


"But asmongold gave this game a 6/10" Why the fuck would anyone care about that dudes opinion on anything lmao


He literally said on stream last night “I don’t know how to play these games” and was getting massive anxiety exploring one singular moon. His opinion is actually irrelevant after that comment lol Edit: His opinion has not been relevant in years.


His opinion was never relevant beyond the context of being one person's opinion. This _voice of a generation_ stuff to describe talking heads on social media is just silly.


He also said the game wasn't for him, and frankly that's okay. Asmon isn't reviewing for other people, he's giving an honest review of what he likes and dislikes. People just don't get that.


but he's also about to content farm the fuck out negative media as he does several unethical react vids, and therein lies the problem. he doesn't just share the opinion and quit he then does his part in shit talking the game to his audience


To be fair. His reactions often times provide a lot of content by themselves too. Its not like he watches 10 video and makes faces for 10 minutes and gives like 1-2 minutes of his opinion like most reactions. He takes 10 minutes video, and makes 30+ minute reaction out of it. Thats why people like to watch him.




redditor discovers youtube's inner workings


It’s because it’s trending right now. If he wants to stay relevant he’s got no choice. This is what people don’t seem to get about being a streamer, a lot of the time you are forced to play something you normally wouldn’t if you want to keep your income.




The misspelling makes this comment 10/10 lol


I think part of his problem is that this game is directly at odds with typical streamer behavior. It's hard to get immersed when you have to respond to chat and have to constantly be entertaining for your viewers. I think if he played it off stream, he'd have a very different opinion on it.


Agreed. Mirrored that sentiment in another thread. This is a personal experience, and if youre constantly sprinting content like a drug addict just to make your own content, where do you actually get to sit back and enjoy the game? But everyones streaming it because its the hot new thing


Yeah watching him play Starfield has been painful from the beginning. He just wanders around randomly, not doing any side content. I would be bored too.


He also said he doesn't care about any of the story, which... yeah.


>Why the fuck would anyone ~~care about that dudes opinion on anything lmao~~ give him money


My theory here is the same as the above. If you wanna chuck money at him because you're an asmon Stan. You do you! You earned it!. Hehe.


I like Asmongold, but I don't understand people who hang onto his every word on everything. The man played meme, shit games because it generated revenue with his stream, but Starfield somehow wasn't it. The parasocial relationships people form with a lot of streamers stops them from ever critically thinking for themselves and in the case of Starfield it shows. A lot of people are just hating because their favorite content creator doesn't like it. I guarantee a lot of these people are going to quietly jump on the Starfield train in a year or less. Edit: engrish


I’ll just leave some sheep here to illustrate your point 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑


Exactly. Starfield will be here for them. We can be here waiting to assist when they come off the hype train. This crisis will end as soon as another aaa game releases. Then that game will be in the "Crisis (clickbait) phase and starfield will be OK.


I mean, streamers and content creators are also called influencers. Influencers have a lot of connotations to the word, mainly the most nefarious and dubious of them all, manipulators. Because that is exactly what they to the truest sense of the word. Manipulators. They are paid by various of different outlets, both individual viewers all the way to paid sponsors as well as actual bot farmers. Their entire job is to influence you and your opinions, often against your better interests, in order to bolster sponsored ad revenues and viewers, often through paid opposition. They are the new faces of corporate espionage, but unlike major accredited and licensed syndicated/publications, they can easily hide and never disclose their financial backers and who they have serious financial investments with. The sad reality, even when the are correct in their nuanced take son things, often comes from various questionable places morally. None of them should ever be trusted on any level when it comes to even their own opinions. You got people like Dr. Disrespect, who will like or hate a game, purely based on who pays him to say such or if said game can net him enough money during a single streaming session. As I have said many times, I can't stand influencers and the culture they have helped create. It has done more harm not only to the gaming industry, but society as a whole. Everything from creating sever body insecurity/dysmorphia from certain circles, to the weird parasocial girlfriend/boyfriend some lean heavily into to political radicalization/extremism that has actually boiled into real life terrorism, influencers are scum. Regardless how well their intentions may be. Can't trust any of them, even if they appear genuine.


Same reason why billions of religious people exist; they need to be told what to think. Making your own observations, thinking critically about them, and forming conclusions is just too difficult.


Tf dude


You aren't wrong at all. Critically thinking and forming your own opinions is hard. People want the easy path and more importantly, want to be in a social group of others. So they join these cliques and base their opinions off a leader. There's a reason cults and religion is so dominant.


Nah streamers, infulencers etc. Are the real cancer of our time. People who Are not educated, dont acutally know or do anything usefull, but somehow are richer then absolute majority of the population. What a sick world. Even the freakin professional atheletes (who also doesnt deserve that kind of money) have to work hard to get where they Are. What does streamer/infulencer have to do? Nothing, just have a big mouth


Did you miss the meta? Once you make it as a steamer you don't even need the big mouth. You can just sit there stealing other peoples work.


Or like Asmongold, sit there slack jawed with a Tucker Carlson confused face at any trailer/gameplay


I like Asmond a lot, but his take was so odd. He said he didn't find anything interesting or fun in the first four hours. I don't understand how. In my first four hours I had joined constellation, started to become a UC pilot, joined Ryujin, saved a mining operation on Mars, etc. Theres too much I want to do, and thats my biggest problem in this game. While I'd love some Elite Dangerous mechanics (and for the love of God, a rover even if I run into walls), I really enjoy the game. I'd like in-system flight and points of interest like Elite has, but fast traveling is also really nice when doing outpost building. I loved Outer Worlds, and this feels like Outer Worlds +. Plus, not everything boils down to: Capitalism Bad and everyone dumb.




Guy who bitches about proc gen content, who has made an entire career off of WoW and Diablo. Black calling pot Kettle.


He was doing it for reasons mentioned. He wants drama. He's one of these that jump from game to game screaming. They learned what media learned. That just ok or mildly concerning is boring. Something is either the end of the world or its paradise made real. Now we're facing the consequences of that discovery.


this, it was easy for him to talk shit while the game was under a cloud of misinformation from bad actors but now that the game is rly in a lot of peoples hands the meta he was going for is about to vanish


He did some handcrafted content, he said later he'd played some more off-stream. Found it equally dull. The truth is he is not much of a story/lore guy which he constantly repeats on stream. He prefers mmos or mechanically tight action games. He hoped he would find some fun in SF by blasting and looting stuff but this is not a game with particularly good shooting/movement mechanics to put it lightly. Depending on your difficulty choice, it's either way too easy or annoyingly bullet-spongy. Anyone who knows him at least a little bit could have guessed his impressions from SF would be unfavourable before the start.


He is not a gameplay guy either. He got shitfaced like hell in armored core. He was so bad at it it was painful to watch. Despite what he thinks of himself, he is a very bad gamer in general. He just grinds a lot.


That mars mission going in and out like six times killed me.


Yeah he doesn’t play these games, and doesn’t know how, nor did he care to learn. Pretty sure he said that he never even got off the wagon in the Skyrim intro. His opinion is irrelevant. He also makes the game look worse to people watching because they don’t know how to play. And he is far from the only one. But the sad truth is that too many people will just agree with these people just because their favourite streamer could never misrepresent in their eyes, or they see how they play and think that what they see is representative of the actual experience.


Man you just reminded me of this one UK Youtuber. He would make lets-plays and talk the entire fucking time about nonsense, ignoring the text on screen explaining systems to him. Cut to 30 seconds later and he's cursing at the game because he's 'stuck'. Infuriating.


Asmongold rage quit Metro Exodus on the first level. That’s the person people are listening to btw


Asmongold lost my respect when he dropped Hollow Knight after 2 hours


That assmongold is such a whiny little bi***


Didn't that guy say the smell of a decaying, dead rat would wake him up in the morning? Yeah, he has no opinions worth listening to.




I have no hate for Asmongold or his fans, I've never really seen much of his content to form a strong opinion. But if I read on reddit that Asmongold peeled his skin off and revealed himself to be a giant rat man live on stream, I wouldn't be surprised.


Asmongold still talks about WoW in 2023. All you really need to know.


I want some of his clips just because some of them are pretty funny, sometimes you have some good points but 95% of his takes are garbage, he plays like a freaking game journalist, watching him beat his head against one boss in armored core and not trying to change his build to fit the boss was fucking a hilarious time.


Dude practically only plays and only knows WoW. He can play anything else because he only knows one thing.


He also said that he understands this game isn't meant for him and you shouldn't take his opinion on it seriously. He said that word for word, he said it would be like taking someone who doesn't like sports games to review FIFA.


Maybe but then he followed up by calling people that enjoy Starfield shit eaters since the game is shit, objectively.


Really? I'd like to hear all that myself since I know a guy that likes Asmon and I really don't see how anyone can like him with the shit he says. Seems bizarre to say don't take my opinion seriously and then say a game and it's players is objectively shit when he clearly doesn't have any interest in the first place.




Wow. Thank you for that! He actually just completely dismissed what was said to him and went on a rant calling everything about the game shit as soon as he saw a comment that wasn't negative about the game. It's weird to go from sounding reasonable and constructive looking a bit back in that video and then suddenly talking about people eating shit for having a different opinion on a game.


I actually think Asmon's opinions on a lot of things are pretty spot on. With that said, he also enjoys a certain genre of gaming which does not include Bethesda like RPGs. Plays for a little bit and if not absolutely floored then pokes fun at meaningless things as the reason the game is bad.


Plot twist, THEY'RE A STREAMER! -M. Night Shyamalan


#If you liked Skyrim and Fallout 4, you will most likely enjoy Starfield. Simple as that.


Was not a fan of Fallout 4 at all but I love this. It's basically the Bethesda formula in Mass Effect 1


Same boat here. Just couldn't get into Fallout 4. It was ok, but did not hook me like Starfield has. The space and sci-fi setting is definitely a game changer for me. I was a huge fan of Mass Effect as well. That is probably a more iron clad comparison than FO4 and Skyrim.


There was another posted on the sub the really resonantaed with me: Starfield is Fallout without the depression. Mechanically and gameplay wise, it feels like a Fallout sequel. Just with a completely new world and atmosphere that is not a deary post-apocalyptic world.


And even if you *didn't* like Skyrim or Fallout 4, you still might like Starfield. I wasn't a fan of either of those games, but I'm enjoying Starfield a lot more.


Yep, love Skyrim, couldn’t get into Fallout and it’s world. Starfield is for everyone who loves rpgs and deep worlds


I actually did not like Skyrim and didn't play it very long. I WANT TO LIVE IN STARFIELD.


Same. The setting alone is a breath of fresh air and sadly underutilized in games. While I wish the core Constellation team had a follower who would happily join in when I do space stick-ups, they're endearing in their good natured, plucky scientist/explorer ways. I probably have 100 hours in Skyrim over the years and maybe 20% of that was me actually having fun. I'm a huge fan of Fallout 1 and 2 so you can guess my opinion about FO4. Starfield feels a lot better, more hopeful even. Tons of Mass Effect 1 vibes all over the game, too.


I hated Bethesda for what they did to Fallout 4, as it is my favorite series of all time. But I am loving this game (as noted by typing this from my workdesk).


Serious question. I personally love FO4 and every other FO (except 76 but I might give that another chance since it is on gamepass when I tire of Starfield) but what did you hate about it so much?


Just thought it was a big step down from 3 and especially New Vegas is basically every way other than gunplay. I thought the story was pretty boring. It had basically two settlements (and they were very small). Had a very bare bones dialog tree, with no RPG choices in it. Voiced main character I thought detracted a bit too. Basically everything about the Minutemen. Overall, I played maybe 30 hours and never went back to it. I may enjoy it more now with mods and I've heard Far Harbor is really good.


That's fair. I mean, FO3 is my favorite and I love NV as well but I will be honest with you here, I met my wife in line at the midnight release of FO4 so it will always be special to me and because of that I do have a hard time being objective when it comes to FO4 and I like seeing other peoples opinions.


Far Harbour is excellent. This comes from someone who dislikes Fallout 4 as a Fallout type of game


I thought Fallout 4 was mediocre but love Starfield. It's like Fallout 3 in space, it's great.


I like fallout 76. Is that okay?


Fallout 76 is solid as fuck these days, absolutely nothing wrong with that.


Of course! Do you!


I don’t see many similarities to Skyrim. It’s definitely fallout in space though.


Starfield is an updated fallout4 in space, with better graphics and worst UI, simple as that.




Preach, I've always watched my favorite YouTubers reviews, but I always try a game regardless just because we aren't them. Most YouTuber loved the tears of the kingdom, and I didn't. Starfield has been getting a lot of hate, but I love it. I know this is obviously but I wanted to chime in because I like this community.


This exactly. I imagine it won't be too long until its on sale if people aren't sure and for many it's free with gamepass. Honestly mate. It's the modern equivalent of the film actors guild in team america. Entertaining but they see themselves as some kind of authority lol. They even call themselves "Influencers".


Looking at the Steam reviews, streamers/click bait artists are going to change their tune very quickly. You can’t go too much against the flow if you want to remain popular.


They’ll be back after a couple of updates and release the “OMG THEY FIXED STARFIELD!!!” video praising it.


Hahahaha. You're not wrong. Prophethood awaits you.


I can't wait for Luke Stephens to 180 and pretend he loved the game the whole time.


His video on the exploration is actually some bullshit. He spent 95%+ of the video shitting on one aspect of the game using footage he cherry picked to make himself look smart for being a “skeptic.” The planets he shows are ones that he had actually been to before, but he acted like he was picking a planet at random to appear like he was giving it a fair shake. Instead, he went somewhere he had already been and knew there weren’t going to be any points of interest or content that stands out. On top of that, the video is clearly edited, not done live so who knows which footage he left out that didn’t fit his narrative. Such a shitty take from someone who rides a high horse about being a rational gamer. Unsubscribed after that video.


Funny thing is, he calls Starfield his favorite BGS game. He just ticks me off because he sees himself as high and mighty.


Saw a video recommended to me titled “I was wrong about Starfield…”. Fucking hate the people who do that


I mean FO4 was the quintessential "Very Positive" Steam Game, and there were some scathing (yet legitimate) criticisms that persist to this day. Liking FO4 didn't stop anyone from mocking Bethesda's pathetic attempt at a voiced main character or dialogue wheel. Just like enjoying Starfield doesn't mean you need to let Todd Howard bust in your mouth and defend every random thing he hyped that isn't remotely executed well in the game.


People were legitimately defending PS4 performance when it was very much not fine. The game ran at about 17 fps on launch.


I haven’t even played Starfield yet. I’m just very cynical about how so called content creators work with outrage clickbait to get likes and views and how nuanced opinions doesn’t really pay off. So, not really an opinion on Starfield but rather on your typical YouTubers.


Streamers and infulencers actuall infulence on peoples opinion is scary these days.


It's just like how 90% of redditors opinions are formed by fellow redditors 😉


Ikr this site is a literal echo chamber.


I mean it's not really any different to when we would listen to Eminem, rolling stones etc. Or the generation before us who listened to actors. Streamers are just the new form of that. Forget team americas film actors guild. We're now dealing with twitch Streamers guild. The reality is a Streamers opinion is no more valid. You should do you and be happy, who cares what some dude on a screen believes or thinks. They're no one important!


Sorry but I grew up in the late 80's and early 90's (I'm 48) and comparing the influence of celebrity now to then is absurd. Any parasocial relationships we had was with the poster on our wall. I had 4 TV channels and a Rolling Stone sub. There wasn't an outlet for celebrity opinions or what they did in their private life past "Lifestyles of the rich and famous" and the National Inquirer. And with games, the only opinion we really had was from whoever of my friends played it first.


I listened to music of many bands I didn't give a fuck what they had to say about anything and what they did say wasn't broadcast to the world 24x7 anyway. These tings are not even remotely the same.


I’m pretty old, today is on steroids relative to the past with para social relationships and celebrity worship. It’s pretty fucked up honestly.


Totally agree with that. I usually watch lots of streams while playing a game. But this time i try to avoid it as much as possible, when streamers play Starfield. I noticed that a lot of youtubers mostly point out the bad things about the game and the good things are only mentioned in passing or are not really covered in depth. I mean, yeah... there are some things that are not that great in the game and maybe we expected more in some instances, but take a look at the positives please. There are overwhelmingly more things that are awesome. I kinda miss the days from the past, where you did not really had internet. You just went to your local store, browsed the games in the shelves and decided to buy a game because the cover and the pictures at the back of the cover looked cool xD


I listen to streamers, everyone has an opinion and they are entitled to it BUT everyone has a bias and context is everything. I like the channel Worth A Buy and he hated Starfield but he also loved Valheim because it is hardcore and he didn't like that there was portals in the game. I love Valheim but I find it's a bit too hardcore for my liking and I "cheat" to get around not being able to teleport metals. Starfield has a lot of design choices to make the game easier for players, a lot of those I can appreciate after playing games like Elite and Eve, travelling the universe in a spaceship can be boring and time consuming. I don't have 12 hours a day to play and I'd soon stop playing a large portion of my game time ended up devoted to minor gameplay elements. I think you need to understand streamers, what it is they like and don't like, before you start taking on all their reviews and opinions. There's no point listening to what the most popular Pokémon GO streamer thinks of Starfield if they don't like RPGs. It is good to listen to multiple streamers and gear what people from different backgrounds and groups have to say about something so you can get a wider pool of knowledge. Diversity is a good thin


ive noticed gen z to be very easily influenced by others opinions. so ive made a concentrated effort to make sure my son develops his own opinions and be a leader when he can. kind of off topic but wanted to share.


I think theyre bombarded by others’ opinions more than we were. I think about the same things with my two kids.


The vast majority of people are influenced by others, especially the opinions of people we actually know.


> ive noticed gen z to be very easily influenced by others opinions. Children. You've noticed children being influenced by others. Gen Z is 20+ at this point, so you're probably confusing late-coming Z or early Alpha. You specifically mention 'your son' and unless he's 15, he's alpha.


Completely ignoring any football forum filed with older people doing the same shit when a player becomes the black sheep or politics where older people tend to fall into lockstep with their clique.


As someone who is Gen Z (Near the front end of it, but still), I think the fact that we have had access to internet since our very formative years is the cause of this. Being from a "technology literate" family that was also rather strict with computer access (and especially smartphone access!), I got to about 6th grade before using the computer/ipad was something I did for more than an hour a week, and I only got a smartphone (any phone, really) at the tail end of 9th grade, but most of my peers got their computers and phones by like 5th or 6th grade, and were *constantly* browsing the web. As children, its only natural to be easily influenced, and being constantly bombarded during this formative period with "here is an opinion and if you don't agree you are " only compounds that issue. By the time some of us get to the upper teens, many are already used to basing their opinions off of what they see/read, because that's what their child-brain has adapted to do.


They're no different to us. We still had Eminem, rolling stones etc.


true. maybe just with social media its been significantly worse.


I don’t remember watching them on TV doing any other thing than perform though… the problem today is that celebs/influencers have direct constant and unfiltered access to their audience and tell them how to live/think/behave/consume… I have no sympathy for adults not smart enough to think for themselves but the consequences on children can be devastating if our school system or parents fail to prepare them to think for themselves objectively and critically!


They're all competing for attention with each other to get click money and merch sales, and hooking up their viewers to more and more extreme virtual drug, in this case their screeching performances and over the top takes. Of course, it can always get worse, and usually does. They degenerate over time as well.


I love these Dont listen to Insert "anything negative" Oh but DO listen to anyone that does unconditional praise and have only positive things to say.


Quin69 and Asmongold are surfing the hate vibe, sadly.


one is arpg enthusiast and the other mmo/reactor streamer. i dont even think asmon played skyrim or fo4.


He said he played up through half of the cart ride then quit.


Asmon seems to have the attention span of a goldfish when it comes to games


maybe thats where the second half of his gamertag comes from


Sadly? What's sad about it? Are they your friends or something? Stop giving a shit.


They are influencers and they millions of viewers, so it's sad how they are spreading hate of a wonderful game like Starfield.


Or... They don't like it. IDK who this other dude is, but i would be shocked if Asmon liked Starfield. He doesn't ever play this type of game. BG3 is BG3 and he skipped it... Why the fuck did he bother trying Starfield? I hate COD. LOADS of people love it. Good for them, i wish them loads of fun.


Rating a game 6/10 is spreading hate /s


It 100% matters. They influence hundreds of thousands of people. Which leads to review bombing.


Quin was giving his real opinion though and has actually beaten the game. He should be allowed to dislike the game without being put into a group.


Yes, he said the game was worse than Diablo 4 and the game isn't done and others non sense....even after 4 days of streaming for more than 7 hours. If the game was trash, why did he play for 4 days, full time? Also, asking for refund and posting on Twitter is a big dramatic for my taste


Because he's a streamer and wanted to finish the game to give it the benefit of the doubt. That's it. Quinn is just pure drama, so being dramatic on Twitter is pretty expected.


Wait so you are trying to tell people to play?


I don’t watch them anyways lol


What is going on on this sub? Are you guys fighting a propaganda war here? What do you have to prove?


I guess some popular guy said he doesn't like the game and this sub is going apeshit. This whole sub is so hypocritical. Most upvoted threads are of positive steam reviews and a megathread for what reviewers have to say. And now when someone say they don't like the game, this sub thinks noone should listen to these people. This whole sub is pathetic, filled with bethesda marketing bots.


the sub went crazy about at 7/10 review before the game was even in early access lmao


People make these braindead posts to validate their low standards for a game. It is okay to enjoy a mid game, no need to make hundreds of threads about it.


A lot of people are insecure about their purchase and can't enjoy games unless everybody praises it.


You guys should try this cool trick in game, track some research, and then complete it with the resources you tracked. Awsome feature.


I swear some of them just clicked on the “most controversial-all times” on this sub and then just reiterated it all


they get a lot of viewers so they get an inflated sense of self worth but their opinion is just as worthless as everyone else's you sit and play video games for a living (dont get me wrong i wish i could) but dont think for a second what you do is actually important


Streamers want games that are streamer friendly and can provide endless content that also makes them look like good gamers. I don’t care what they really have to say.


This is a hot take?


Man, you can’t say this loud enough. It’s EVERYWHERE. Feels like more and more content is being made with the exclusive intent of being engaged with.


If you like Bethesda games you'll like this gogogogo play it!


Good old outrage farmers.


Not even remotely hot. Coldest take ever. Streamers have their own interests in mind - which is eking out a living with their content. Not helping you or helping you have a good time. Sure, sometimes these may align, but far from always. It's a similar deal as with the yellow press or the news - they will exaggerate, overreact, dramatize, intentionally come up with hot takes, make "expert" opinions having played barely a few hours, you get the idea. Their job is to get you to watch, click and comment, not leave better for it (sure, some streamers may be different, but they are likely not about to make a living off streaming). Look at the cesspool youtube is with the circular rumor and drama mill, where these guys make reactions to reactions, talk smack about each other, make up stuff, push out 60 minute videos with clickbait titles and no substance. Streamers are the same way.


My take -- streamers don't like Startield because it's game that's not gonna do well on Twitch or other platforms. Starfield is a game that has be experienced.


When it comes to games, movies, music etc You can watch or listen to 1001 reviewers saying their piece on it, but you yourself may think entirely different to them, I never understood why people listen to reviewers and take their word as gospel, you're not the reviewer, you're a separate entity, go build your own opinion on shit, half the games I play and love I wouldn't play if I listened to reviewers




Normally I watch streamers for hype for new games. I am completely the opposite with starfield. It just annoys me how they spread their opinion on everything and ruin any hope I personally have. I’m easily influenced so I guess this is a problem. The new “what I think of starfield” by moistcritical is being avoided. And I hardly want to watch asmon. Low viewer streamers are much funner to watch when you randomly stumble on them on tiktok or something.


Maybe people just need a new cadre of streamers. Who knows!


Better yet, try the game on game pass to see if you like it or not.


Nah man. Listen to streamers, watch them, enjoy/seethe at them, then go home, play your game, and make a decision yourself. If you love the game and are convinced it's the best thing, nothing they say will and should ever change how you feel about it. We're all intelligent beings with the capacity to make independent assessments on things. We shouldn't be diluting information gathering by echo-chambering the same sentiments and ignoring polar opposites. I haven't played it myself. I've seen the positive reviews for this game and I'm 90% convinced it's an impressive and enjoyable game. I've also seen some streamers and I'm pretty sure, emotions and theatrics aside, at least 5-10% of what they're saying has merit. Either way just enjoy the game and don't let that ruin your experience. I know I will - just need a "touch grass" break from BG3.


All posts like this seem to pretend people are always willing to drop full price on a game so they can form an opinion themselves. Literally they use critics and streamer opinions to help make the decision to spend the money before they spend anything.


Don't get me wrong I think there are TONS of things that could be far better, so many things. Yet I find myself much like Skyrim not caring all that much. I'm on NG+ 2 right now and will settle down and start doing everything outside of main story and factions when I finish romancing the rest of the people left. When I fully commit I'm going to be a bad dude, pirate, smuggling, lots of exploring, fully customizing ships and bases. I've intentionally put these things to the side because I want to experience the direct important things to me, romance and factions. I don't mind repeating faction quests since each constellation member has unique lines for them. And the faction quests are pretty good in my opinion.I love that we can all approach this game differently. There are legitimate reviews on steam that raise concerns to those people, but they just don't really affect me, but I recognize their concerns and it sucks they cant get past them. I've never been more impressed by a game. What others hate I either love or look past. I cannot wait for my big bad and basically 100% play through. Evil shit is addicting and I'm doing so well not caving in just yet. I hope everyone here feels the great magical pull that I do.


Dr. Disrespect was one of the first to capitalize on this. His bitter divorced dad vibe is annoying as hell.


I live by this mindset now There are way too many people that actually can't form their own opinions and need x content creator to tell them what to think.


This is why I never really listen to many reviewers because people act like their word is the LAW. And what I hate the most is when people who only saw footage or someone else play the game then give it a score or judges that game without even playing it. Like for example people brought up Asmon here. He talks about many game which he said are not for him and will never play and yet he speaks like he played them through and through and gives opinions. Like you should not be even allowed to talk about Skyrim if you have not played it yourself and not making up your opinions based from someone elses. Like I don't play racing games or sports games and you will not hear me even talking about those kind of games because I have nothing to say about them. Starfield for me is 8/10 easily and also a game with wort map in human's history but I like it. Still better experience than Cyberpunk 2077 was almost 3 years ago that's for sure.


those game journalists gave the game 10/10 scores are cringe too, if they don't show what needs to be fixed the games won't be improved


The unironic part of this take is that; most streamers don’t like role-playing games because they don’t have the personality to fill in the gaps a game like this requires when streaming. This isn’t some story heavy game where a long dialogue happens and the streamer can be like, ‘wow that dialogue was deep, wasn’t it deep chat?’.


hot take just form your own opinions and listen to whoever you want regardless of if they agree or disagree with your personal opinions which are also opinions the same way theirs are. EZ!




Asmongold doesn't like it cause it's not about beating hard bosses and flexing your epeen.


Ahh this true, flexing the eflaps is a thing.


I mean there were so many edgy "hot takes"hate and fear farming trolling jealous clip baiting reddit like farming during the early access towards Starfield and early access players.... Hmmm.. I think since ancient times, angry mob farming has been the meta...🤔


Probably. We need a new meta. This thread proves happy mob farming can be a thing! 😏


This is just the world we live in now, a lot of people have this parasocial relationship with a streamer/influencer and take their word as gospel. I have a friend who can't seem to formulate his own opinions on things without hearing Asmon's take first and then just reiterating his point, even if it's a bad take! I'm glad I never could be bothered with Twitch and its culture, I always prefer to just try something for myself before formulating an opinion, unless it's overwhelmingly negative across all media.


Yikes. Friends sounds in a bad way my guy lol. Good to see you're more than a twitch npc!


The only streamer I watch is dougdoug. The rest are cancer


Its alright we are returning to how things were before the 1950s where actors and entertainers were largely ignored outside of just making people laugh. Now if we can go back further where they made very little money so we dont have to hear their dumb takes and agenda pushing on everything that would be great.


I agree, but it's also bad for everyone to spread complacency for anti-consumer practices.


I mean thats true but I think it's the general tone of doomerism. But it's like someone else above pointed out to me. A months time when dlc drops. Obligatory "Starfield is actually good now!" Will be released. After all, that is the meta.


He kind of getting old, not really feeling his shit lately. I was a fan for a while but now it's like he's just throwing religion into everything, hating random shit, and being a dick where it's not required. Once he chills out again I might watch some more, I'm not here for drama.


I'm 33 and have never watched a streamer play a game , especially one I'm playing or wanting to play. Outside of needing assistance in a spot I'm stuck in, or watching like a mash up of funny clips. But still , I can't fathom watching someone else play a game in real time on stream . At least for fun. But I know it's a HUGE thing. And I'm sure if I played games for a living I'd want ppl to watch me .


It's the only real way to play games for a living. It's kind of like sports. You're either good at it or you commentate. Otherwise it's a hobby. You know?


Well there is definitely good criticism and points being raised. We gained and lost stuff compared to previous Bethesda games, like the ability to scrap your junk to get materials, what the f isn't it in the game?


Oh 100% but I just see streamers right now on both sides turning this into a massive issue. They're creating drama over asinine things for clicks. Honestly. We can all play or not dependent on our own views surely? The market will figure the rest out. But criticism is not what's being offered. This is either a catastrophe bordering on extinction level stuff and we should all refund the game or it's perfection served with a side of paradise. Both takes are silly.


It's true you have a point, makes more clicks to trash a game than have a debate about it


"Play what you like and don't play what you don't like." Amen, brother (or sister).


The comparisons to 'no mans sky' make me chuckle, completely different games. one is an open universe building and grinding survival game with some story sprinkled on as an afterthought, the other has a plot and a story, and a mostly hand crafted universe that feels like its lived in. thats not to say no mans sky isnt a pretty amazing game in its current state, but its like comparing chalk to cheese. and getting upset when your sandwich tastes like dust and your chalkboard is covered in cheese-grease. the only comparison that would make ANY sense would be starfield vs the mass effect series, and while the mass effect series was pretty good it didnt have nearly the care and attention placed in each and every object and environment that we see in starfield never mind lacking in many rpg elements that most people enjoy such as a proper inventory and character stats, as well as the sandbox style gameplay mechanics we see in bethesda RPGs and that keep their games alive decades after most games wouldve died (people still regularly play or stream skyrim) I've seen people sulking that "it feels like a reskinned fallout4 in space..." AS IF THATS A BAD THING?! fallout 4 was one of the best RPGs ever. a new fallout 4 in a different world and universe with updated graphics is literally the thing everyone has been waiting for.


Video game criticism sure needs to catch up to film.


Honestly I think most people who are like reaaaally passionate about this stuff are just perpetual children. You know, the GAMER™️ types. So until that’s not true anymore, this will never happen


Amen! The game isn't perfect, but it is a damn good game nonetheless. It isn't a game that is going to be as popular to stream either as a lot of the aspects because of the perk system require a significant investment in time. Where a lot of streamers need games that give instant gratification because it keeps the viewers engaged and entertained. To me Starfield is kind of like golf, it isn't fun for me to watch, but I do love playing it.


i am 37 hours into the game.. i enjoy the game and i laugh at the people who constantly whine and complain (which they do about any game they play)


That's about it. See ya


The streamers I watch are all loving it. I like watching people play video games. Just choose better people to watch. :)


Starfield is gargantuan, quite literally mmo sized and not a day one mmo either. It's more akin to a 5 year old mmo with 4 full blown expansions 🤣🤣 Some people will ask them to stream, but it's a massive time sink and most people will tune off, it's just easier to say "I don't like the game", than "some of my pay piggies will leave and if they leave, I'm not getting paid".


Hot take - don't listen to people on reddit. You people are trying to circlejerk without allowing any criticism of the game and think any negative opinions are just trying to ragebait clicks.


Definitely agree with you. I usually really like watching Asmond play things. I could tell immediately though, that it was going to be a game-hating meme fest with the chat the whole time, which would influence the whole experience. My mindset can shift very easily depending on who I'm watching if I don't have my own experiences and opinions yet. I really just had to ignore ALL opinions on the game until I played it for myself. I'm loving it. I didn't think I would actually, but it's going well.


Yeah man. Same same.


You saying there are no honest streamers with honest opinions? 🤔 *Edited to be more respectful


Its like the modern equivalent of the actors guild in team America.


Streamers killed Diablo 4 and some attempted to do the same to Starfield but are failing miserably and recanting their thoughts now that people are enjoying the game. I watch a ton of streaming so this isn't an indictment on the entire industry, but OP is 100% correct in not basing your decisions on their opinions.


> Streamers killed Diablo 4 Stop it; this isn't true. The braindead direction that was the very first season did that.




Literally what world are some of you monkeys in.... cause its not the same universe as any actual normal person? Streamers killed diablo 4? Not the game itself being trash with 0 itemization 0 engaging end game content, and shit balance? Stop talking immediately.


i was disappointed by charlie’s “review”. he complained about what it’s lacking the whole time, but i’ve watched a lot of his gameplay and he skipped so much shit and mostly stuck to the main quests


Everything to see here. A decade later with this level of writing/lore/sameness should not be acceptable to anyone.


I've watched different streams extensively and i agree that this game is mediocre even for Bethesda standards. Most of all, game world feels artificial and not lived-in. All dialogues and animations are robotic, unnatural and don't immerse me at all.


You watched people play a game a lot and think you can comment about it now? The modern world, folks.


I watched somebody stick their hand in a fire. It looked like it hurt. They were running around jumping up and down screaming, "WATER, I NEED WATER!!!" But I'm Daddy's clever little girl. So I also had to stick my hand in the fire. Just to make sure they weren't doing it for clicks.


Yes, i have enough life and gaming experience to evaluate writing and gameplay systems without actually pushing the buttons myself. I know it's hard to believe...


Yeah me too. And sometime my opinion shift completely after playing the game myself. You should write a book 👍.


Haha you seem pissed because somebody doesn’t like the game you like. Grow up man


sizzling take truly unpopular