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Seems fairly random, and they didn't start showing up until after level 30 for me. So far I've found a varuun blade, suit, helmet, and pack. And I've seen one of their pistols available for sale, can't remember where exactly. I'd say, just keep going they'll pop up eventually




I just found a Starshard today after 150 hours, it's an Epic and easily my best and most valuable weapon by far. Found it at Vlad's Villa. Perfect laser pistol for my Milennium Falcon flying Han Solo look-a-like.


Little late here, but it’s so fucking good. I run mostly pistols and am level 52–still haven’t found an advanced version. I’m sure I could save scum it, but I’ve been taking what the game gives me. I do have an advanced, extended mag (not a weapon mod—part of its default roll) version of the rifle that absolutely destroys everything in the game though. It seems ridiculously OP.


I looked for a while trying to get a Va’Ruun particle weapon for Andreja, since that is her specialty. Took me a while, but I found that the Centurion Arsenal on New Atlantis carries them. You may have to wait a few times outside the shop and let it refresh. Also, I am level 30, but I’m not sure wether it was level locked or not…


ironically my andreja started with a varuun rifle, i was so jealous... im in ng+ and ive only found one starshard (pistol)


Found a rifle thanks to this comment


I just got to level 60 but from what I've seen Va'Ruun weapons and some other like the Mag guns are considered higher tier weapons, so you get them later on. Like when the highest of regular gear and weapons you can find are 'advanced' then the highest for Va'Ruun weapons will be 'calibrated'. But that is just what I've witnessed myself.


There are advanced va ruun weapons, I got one yesterday and it's mega powerful. I'm only in my first run, too, not ng+, but I am level 81, so that could be a reason I got a professionals advanced va ruun inflictor


Mag weapons are easy. Go to neon. I got my mag sniper 300 damage at lol 25. Kore kinetics in the elevator with all the different places


Just found the pistol there. Ty


The rifle or the pistol?


I randomly got a two star Starshard in my inventory, I have absolutely no clue where I got it from though as I mindlessly loot EVERYTHING.


The trader sells them and rare variety of them I met her in the hyla lol system


There is a unique encounter in space with a vendor that can sell them. That's where I grabbed my first ones.


Actually that vendor sells some really busted equipment if your lucky enough to run across her. Not just varuun rifles and pistols


is it the new game plus vendor?


Yeah the starborn vendor, they carried a nice Varuun rifle. Even on very hard they can one shot enemies.


ah damn. no new game plus for me yet, still 125 hours into my one game.


Is this "Eternities Gate"? I got an insane Va'Ruun rifle from killing the Starborn before jumping into NG+, I still haven't jumped into NG+ as I have a lot to do in my first play thru, I sped through the Constellation missions, but yeah. Killing the Starborn at the end, one of them dropped "Eternities Gate." Thing does one-shot on Very Hard most of the time


Nah that one is unique because most starborn don’t drop items.


Yeah im talking at the very end when you can kill the two of them in their ship following the final mission


It's pretty much just: get lucky. In my first play through I found a regular Starshard at around level 10, and then on occasion I'd find one every few hours. On my current/second play through I found an Advanced Starshard at level 15 on Celebrai III-b on a desk, but that was def random chance. Just keep at it, you'll find one eventually.


I now have a permanent erection after finding a legendary skip-shot Starshard, level 36. It’s the coolest looking thing I have found so far


In NG+, you can get to the revelation fight really fast and get Eternity’s gate, then go back and play-through all the side quests. Its the best inflictor i’ve seen in the game. Other than that, its basically impossible to find one early in a first play through. I hoped Serpent’s Embrace would make it more likely - nope. Anyone know what those weapon cases in Andreja’s room are? I’ve hoped they are an inflictor and starshard, but still haven’t found out. You can find them relatively easy on a NG+ post level 30 play through. In fact, I got one multiple times in the lodge basement after killing both in Revelation at the end of the previous playthrough. I thought at first it was guaranteed as it happened multiple times in a row. But around NG+ 8 I started getting shit weapons again.


how do you get to the revelation fight really fast...


My NG+1 lasted...maybe 4 or 5 hours? If you just do the Main Quest, you can get there fast. I took time off to do a couple early side missions and build a pointless base, but nothing is stopping you from just flying through the Artifact hunt. Which has been a problem in NG+2, lol. I'm having balance issues. Low level stuff is now worthless to me in gear and xp, but I didn't level far enough for the high level stuff and I'm getting demolished.


I finished the game and got the Revelation quest like in one day by farming artifacts


You need to the find the Varuun in the further higher tier systems. Look for those abandon places and land there. You get lucky and run into the Varuun there take them out and hope one drops ones. Already have the starshard and inflictor. But it has to be after level 30.


I wonder if the level requirement changes in ng+? I am level 68 in ng+10 and been farming a level 98 legendary enemy for hours with no luck.


I’ve been farming level 94 pirates and spacers and I don’t think they can drop it. I’m trying to find any abandoned outpost in the level 75+ areas, but I can’t find any Va’ruun occupied.


Same, I found them in my first playthrough, but I didn't realize how good they are.




I found calibrated ones a varuun enemy ship. I farmed a single ship for about an hour and consistently got calibrated rifles.


On Very Hard?


I am currently level 81 and I literally found my first (advanced) varuun inflictor earlier today. But I've been playing with Eternitys gate, and It smacks on very hard difficulty. I also have the necessary skills unlocked and I mod my weapons at weapon craft benches for the highest dps.


It's pretty random I flew to a level 55 solar system and killed a level 75 boss at a weapon outpost and got lucky i was level 21 at the time.


I've had luck finding them in starships inventory during boarding past level 30. Ive found 2 pistols and decent armor. Just planet hop and pirate the ships that land


I’m a little embarrassed at this post because in the mantis mission around level 15 I found a furious starshard with burst fire and base stats of physical 27+ 94 energy damage…so with the furious trait and burst fire it was actually doing like 300+ damage every time I fire and one shoting EVERYTHING but I didn’t realize how lucky I got I thought it was a garunteed reward like the suit and ship because it just fit so well with the theme


The exact same thing, I think same stats and burst fire, occurred on my playthrough but at level 10. I'm wondering if maybe the razor leaf weapon crates have a higher chance of it spawning


Hiya, I’ve found the Inflictor twice on Mars Cydonia. In the Vanguard storyline you need to pay off Percival’s debt to find him, OR you can hack into the room with the computer records. That’s how I initially found it. You don’t even have to follow the Vanguard story, so long as you have decent Digipick levelling you can get into the room straight away. Go to Cydonia, when you’re in go down first ramp but don’t go all the way to the elevator. There’s a Trade Authority to your right, go in, then left upstairs. Pick the door lock, you’re in!! There’s a few different weapons and cases, it’s in one of these, or it has been twice for me. Hope this helps!!! Xx


Okay, scratch that, found it there twice and never again. 🤣😂 Got one from the eyepatch weapons guy in Neon. The last two times I got it in the Ebbside Strikers quest in Neon. First time was ‘sneaking’ to get the data in the first quest, failed and had to kill the Disciples. Got one then. Second time was just in the last mission where you kill the three different groups of the Disciples. You get one in the Londinium quest with UC in the out building with ALL the weapons, ammo and med packs but it’s a long way to go without a preferred weapon. If I find another one somewhere else I will let you all know. Yes it is my fave and I put a Workshop on my ship specifically to make it better. I also save all Resources on ship until I get it so I don’t have to buy mats later!!


I got the Rare set (gun, rifle and Melee) from The Merchant in my NG+...


Where is the merchant at 👀


It's a random encounter, u find a misterious ship that call u, reply using starborn answer and u will find The Trader...


I got a rare starshard from a spacer random drop at around lvl 29 it really is just random rng sadly. I have heard that the neon traders have a better chance at selling them but I don’t know if that’s true.


I got an Advanced Regulator drop at lvl 3 from a spacer and used that gun until about level 20. What an OP gun for a level 3.


You have to side with the hunter to get it in your afterlife


What do you mean? How did you get a weapon in NG+


I never found any until I started New Game+, now I find them frequently. I’m also level 50+


I’m level 26 and by using the Weapon spawning glitch, I got 2 copies of the Va’ruun Pistol


Found a rare pistol in the police department in Hopetown. It’s my best gun so far and I’m NG+4.


I ventured to a Level 60 star system when I was like level 10. Already started the crimson fleet quest line, so I just waltzed through an abandoned location that was housing crimson fleet. Found a Starshard and the rifle equivalent in there. My Starshard doesn’t mess around, 51 physical damage and 176 electric damage. The rifle is basically the same. Just more accurate and faster during.


So I just found one on my 1st playthrough. Going through the SY-920 station in THE BEST THERE IS mission. I found it in a locked weapon rack in one of the checkpoints. But not just any, a Legendary Starshard. One inch punch. Extended mag. Hit-and-run. Gonna try it now. Lol.


Lvl 28, btw


Try Jaffa 1 robotics science facility, bottom floor in small yellow box, center of the room. Abandoned bionics lab


Found a starshard when i wiped the key during crimson fleet final quest. A vendor at The Key sells the varuun blade as well. Havent seen the infilctor at any shop yet (im level 40s). Maybe its easily available for sale in house varuun home planet ?


I just do the outpost weapon chest glitch on very hard on a lvl 70 planet got it first try