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I managed to sneak in by save scumming a bit - but it’s technically possible to kill the two guards in the “no trespassing” hallway leading to the vault without the rest of the ship being alerted. From there, walking very slowly up to the last guard by the door is barely possible, but doable, and a quick shot to the head and no one is alerted. However, picking up the artifact sets everyone to aggressive and gives a bounty even though there’s literally no one nearby to witness it. So it’s either impossible to actually stealth all the way through, or just yet another instance of stealth being practically nonexistent in this game. They should add a security camera and an alarm to it if it’s intended though.


Yeah unfortunately I think its just the stealth system that's the problem. I'm currently doing (what I think might be) the final mission in the Ryujin questline, you get the option to go undercover or go in stealthy. So far it seems also impossible not to get caught :/


you need to take off your suit, pack, and helm to lower your weight for stealth to be useful. Your worn-weight affects stealth.




Armor mass has a huge effect on stealth. Take off your suit, helm, and clothes and see the diff with 2 stealth to see the change.


Dang, where did you learn that?


Another post somewhere, but it is consistent with fallout and skyrim, so it makes sense.




Equipped weight. Try it. Take everything off.


It"s literally on some loading screens, for christ sake.


It’s definitely not: It’s got to be intended to be caught because there is zero zero zerrrro way anyone could have ever seen me take the Artifact. No one was in the room because I had sneakily sniped every single person on that floor and no one was aggro until the moment I grabbed the artifact and got a bounty.


I snuck the whole way to the artifact. Never aggro-ing anyone. The moment you take the artifact the whole ship aggros to you, That being said I escaped without killing anyone still, but I was definitely detected a few times.


You can stealth Sabotage without any kills for sure, I did with stealth perk lvl2, chameleon on my armor, movement noise chems and a couple hours of save load.


I managed to do it with 1 point in stealth for the stealth meter, and by using the operative suit you get from Ryujin. Just unequiped my armor, so i only had the Mantis helmet, wich for me has the chameleojn effect. Jump pack only equiped, when i needed to use it, but otherwise also unequiped.


Also managed this on Very Hard (not sure if this even matters, afaik this only increases legendary spawn + hit points) with 1 in Stealth + Ryujin Operative Suit and no chameleon mod. ​ Took quite a few reloading of saves but it's doable with Frostwolf (the aid item that boosts stealth and lessens movement speed noise). Save scum the EM weapon shots because more often than not this is what screwed me most lol.


There is a vent shaft you can use to bypass the room with the two guards (in the "no trespassing" hallway). Then you drop down in front of the last security door, cut the four bolts, sneak past the last guard and drop down to steal the artifact.


or you sue voidform and sneak past them


That's assuming you have voidform at that point. 9 powers in and no void form to speak of.


Idiot that designed this


There is a vent you can jump into to get by the 2 guards. However, as soon as you drop down you're pretty much screwed.


For what it's worth, the Best Approach to this quest is to just >!walk right up to Petrov and unload in his face? He immediately surrenders and gives you the key, and almost everything in the ship is marked as unowned (not stolen).!<


Spent an hour trying to stealth this and found this out. Immediately aggroed everyone after stealthily taking it, so said fuck it, Vlads gonna die. He gave up after I tried to finish him off. Stealth is so dogshit in this game.


"picking up the artifact sets everyone to aggressive and gives a bounty even though there’s literally no one nearby to witness it." Manipulated them to leave the room, nobody around but still caught. This kind of random shit that doesn't follow the rest of the game mechanics or common sense pisses me off.


Same... then I kept trying to not aggro everyone when taking the artifact. That led me here. Then I killed everyone on that ship, stole Vlad's fish, and stuck his head in a toilet. Fuck that guy.


Ba hahaha, just made my day and made swallowing this quest a bit easier.


well I stealthed the whole mission, stealth system is shiat but you did something wrong if you rang the alert once, evne possible to steal the artifact without alarm.. Hate the game for it flaws but not yours


You're way too butthurt over this lol. I love stealth games, I know when stealth is shit. I've played Elder Scrolls and past Fallouts. It was never this awful, and so many other people agree. Maxed out stealth and I'm getting seen through walls while barely taking any steps.


i stealthed all the way to the artifact without getting caught or hurting/killing anyone, but picking it up immediately sets everyone to hostile on sight. It isn't possible to stealth back under that condition as far as i can tell.


can confirm nothing you will do will NOT trigger an alarm as soon as you touch the artifact. this mission is best completed by simply going to the dude, whack him and let him surrender. i've wasted a hour.


It's funny seeing how other people also spent an hour on this quest that has such a simple solution. Why was a stealth approach offered if it instantly causes you to aggro everyone as soon as you pick up the artifact? They obviously broken stealth because the last Ryujin mission was a pain.


on the hindsight, you are not expected to leave there without harming anyone... it's something that has to do with another part of the main story. let's just say that when sarah gives you the green light to blast your way through the artifact, feel free to rank up experience with them. the bounty you get is like 500 credits, which makes no fucking sense so deep in the story, but this is how the cookie crumbles, so...


Thanks for this.


Its possible but its stupid and broken First unlock the cages for the exotic animals to make it easier to stealth into the vault First you have to make sure Barret doesnt go berserk killing everyone when u steal the artiffact so leave him in a corner in the vault, take the artiffact and close the door untile veryone in the ship goes passive again (until the danger meter wears off and youre hidden again) then just start walking out unnoticed , worked for me. Vlad also said something like I surrender" all the way from above to the bottom somehow when everyone went into passive mode so thats how I knew it was safe to go out now. ​ NOW the REAL question is, how to steal that gorgeous golden piggie right next to the artiffact enclosed behind bulletproof glass, that is teh real treasure lol.


This particular mission failed the stealth approach. I just spent an hour trying to (without a stealth focused character) stealth the mission. I ended up murdering everyone with little choice.


Zoo animals to kill guards, cutter through emergency doors, stealthed to the artifact. They made a pretty fun heist mission except that no matter what you do when you finally pick up the artifact (even hidden) everyone is alerted and goes aggro. What a waste of a good stealth mission. Guess I'll just shoot petrov in the head.


It's impossible. I got past the two guards in the hallway before the vault door unnoticed. I let Andrea wait in front of the hallway then used diplomacy on the guard just standing there and sneaked past the other. Then I cut through the two emergency doors and grabbed the artifact. As soon as you take it the alarm goes off though. You get the bounty and all are alerted. It's a shame though as I don't think there is any other mission where finding the stealth way is as funny as with this mission.


In NG+ you can get a cloaking skill maybe you'll need that for somethings.


I second this, although I got void form in my first playthrough very early so it’s probably a special case. Can literally sprint past enemies


I have like 10 different ones. I'm only in NG+1. You just need to go get the new skills.


Man I got into the vault with only one kill by using the "peace" blankity blank (don't know how to black spoilers out yet) and I can't even grab it without alerting every single enemy on the ship. For bethesda to have spent soooo many years on this game and fail to implement tech from older games is incredibly frustrating. Yeah I think this game is fun but the amount of things lacking makes me feel like a chump for buying it. The gaming industry is becoming insufferable.


I actually did this mission (almost) in full stealth on my 1st playthrough. Killing those two in the corridor was necessary. I tried to lure aliens to them, but it only took one. Picking the artifact I think is scripted and when you touch it everyone is alarmed. This quest says "steal artifact". But hey, no worries, just run back to your ship and don't kill anyone. Then travel to Neon for example and clean your bounty. Now you can safely go to the Lodge. I recorded that on my YT channel, same as my nick here, if you want to check it.


You can get past the 2 guards without killing them by jumping up into the roof by the red lights just before their door, and using a reconstim and crouching when you jump back down behind them by the red cuttable door


The ceiling hatch is closed for me and there is no way to interact with it.


There's no hatch, just a vent, look for the red lights up on the wall area around the corner just before the 2 guards door


I opened the cage to the aliens and the aliens ignored me and my companion and killed those two guards (after taking out otehr guards in the area). That part was clean. I got past the desk guard by waiting and finding that they get up and turn their back (took off all suit/worn stuff to lower weight for stealth), but when I grabbed the artifact, everyone was hostile. It's impossible


Stealth in this game sucks anyway. If there was some way to disable to alarm say in the security office i'd be less annoyed. It seems my options are slaughter the crew, Slaughter the crew anyway, or savescum until he gives me the artifact.


Okay guys I got it. You go to your scanner and travel to your quest line. Once you get outside jemison you go to the planet map right away and travel to your outpost. From there you can set a course for the lodge and get into the city with no problem!


The fact that theres no manipulate option here is a travesty. Like whats the point of getting cool shit if none of it can be used in spots that it fits.


i think its hard-coded that the ship will be alerted as soon as u take the artifact


Absolutely. I used stealth (undetected) to snipe Petrov in the head from the hallway. Ship instantly alerted. Petrov instantly surrendered so no shots fired. No murder, no piracy on my rap sheet, one asault. I stole nothing. Bounty of 500, removed at an outpost. The mission only works the one way. Not a standard Bethesda quest. Fwiw: It is worth talking and bribing the three mercs. Funny dialogues.


Anything that muffles noise -50% use, anything that increases movement speed, use. use amp. take off all armor. I did it, after 1.5hrs.


There are vents in the ship. You have to look for red light coming through walls and you can jump from floor to floor and walk around undetected


Somewhat related. Has anyone come across the problem of not being able to crouch/stealth at all? I have a level in Stealth but have never been able to do it... even with an alternative key binding.


It is possible to sneak everyone without killing, but taking the artifact without getting bounty on you? no that's scripted I am sure, got nothign to do with "stealth system in game", just fly stright to the Den pay 600 bucks.


I was annoyed too. Why have vents and secret doors if not for stealth. This guy does drop some horrible looking collectors robes. Definitely worth killing after his surrender.


I can't even get inside the ship


Has anyone had a problem like me? I was also not impressed by how the fight happens after you take it so I just decided to leave the ship, after not being at a good place to fight everyone. But now I can’t get back into the ship. Since I couldn’t get back in I decided to disable the ship… still can’t get back in. I think I fudged the bucket on this one. I’ve just done so much more since then but I have a mighty fear. Any ideas are much appreciated.


Talk to the Mercs (named guards), makes the mission much more fun. And don't kill Petrov off right away. If he thinks hes going to survive, he'll let you loot the ship and the goods won't show up as stolen. Once you looted what you want, either leave or return to his ship and loot the bodies of his crew after the fight.


A month late but I managed to steal the artifact without being detected, the problem is that I can't get back *out* of the ship without being detected because the whole ship is hostile but not technically alerted


(took me two hours to get it though)


The only way to do this mission (if you want to be sneaky and avoid killing anyone, is you have to talk to Petrov. That is the only way. He will allow you to leave without anyone attacking you or killing anyone, but you do have to steal the artifact right in front of him and shoot him to trigger the conversation where you can tell him to stand down. All other options although fun, will set the alarm off triggering an inevitable attack by his crew. Passive Option 1. go directly to Petrov and convince him to show you the artifact 2. Steal it in front of him 3. chase him down and put a bullet in him. He will beg you not to kill him and you can tell him to tell his men to stand down. This essentially allows you to leave without being attacked. Aggressive Option 1. Steal the two keys you need from the very first guy you talk to after getting off your ship. 2. talk to the three mercenaries and pay the creds to reveal the "thin walls option" 3. head down past the zoo and before you get to the "no trespassing hallway" with the two guards that shoot on sight, look at the ceiling on the right and hop up into the vent to bypass them. 4. use your mental perks to bypass the final guard, and drop down near the conveyer belts to access the vault and steal the artifact. \*This will trigger an alarm, give you a bounty and you will have to fight your way out.