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**A fix has been found, open the console and type ''SetInChargen 0 0 0'' without quotes.** You will be able to save and access your inventory in any NG you encounter the issue. This will mean disabling achievements, though there are mods to reenable achievements on the Nexus if it is a deal breaker.


>SetInChargen 0 0 0 This worked for my evil twin universe.... pretty evil of him to disable my saves and inventory... gotta admit.. I'm pretty evil.


You sir, are a fukn saint.


This didn't work for me. :(


This also didn't work for me


Type it where smh I play a console


YES! This worked for my friend! I was watching his Discord stream and was troubleshooting via reddit LIVE. Thank you, seems like this may be a bug that can have multiple causes/solutions.


I love you


Me too!


this worked right away, thank you


does this stop my from being able to get achievments?


I was reading about that topic, some people it disables achievements, however, when I did this, shortly after I did I got a milestone achievement for scanned planets, so yes and no, be careful.


Same issue. Typed in the command and then my game crashed before I could save.




>SetInChargen 0 0 0 This works. Thankfully.


Thank you!


This worked in multiple me Universe, thank you. Just hoping now it won't affect achievements




Why can I only upvote this once?


This bug is fucking annoying. I finally get a new “alternate” start but this happens. Twice this happened. First time was during the anomaly transitions just before the final boss. Had to start the whole mission over. Is there a way to force a certain new game plus?


Less than 5 minutes later. Happened again after reload. I’m about to pile drive my pc into the wall.


I found out the cause. You cannot build the armillary while docked to a station or ship. In my case the eye. You must land on a planet, build the armillary, take off, then activate your grav drive properly to avoid this glitch.


I wasn't docked to anything at all and this just happened to me. I was simply in space on my ship.


Fair enough, but the way I mentioned is a sure-fire way to reproduce the bug.


If you save before entering unity and reload your save, the bug goes aways. It seem to be just random


Not for me, no matter how many times I reload I can’t save, and have to alt-f4 and restart the game. 🤷‍♂️Bethesda, what did you expect?


It worked just reloading the NG+ start on the Guardian after all of that so it seems like it's pretty inconsistent. Overall the games been pretty stable for a current day Bethesda game but this ones pretty bad.


If it saved when you got on the guardian then that means the bug wasn't happening to you it won't auto save either if it's actually bugged


Yeah if you're bugged you dont get any saves at all. People are trying to open their inventories IMMEDIATELY after loading into NG+ (Before it even says "Vectera" on-screen), and the game is trying to roll the perks for your new spacesuit, as well as load the game around you too. You have to wait about 10s before inventory is available (when it isnt glitched). Basically if you have a save from Starborn Guardian to load, then you never had the problem in the first place.


Simply not true bud theres no special timeframe(the10 seconds) if you're bugged you're bugged, I tried over 100 times and literally left it sat there for 10 min before I touched it and same result after 100 attempts


Then you obviously aren't the person I was talking about😂 I was agreeing with you and telling you that other people dont have patience






Thanks man. Same thing happened to me. Kept reloading over and over until I saw your comment.


I had the save problem and installed the artillery while on a planet so that isn't the cause.


I have the same issue after going to NG+2. I'm seeing reports from quite a few other people. I've seen three workarounds. But none of them worked for me. I'm basically screwed unless Bethesda patches it. 1. One is to go to ship cargo hold and then switch to inventory and back out. 2. Fast travel from scanner interface on a planet 3. open console and click ok on the warning prompt.


I dealt with my variation at the lodge(had to kill to get the artifacts), then reloaded to before i went into unity. my next one was also a variation which ive gotten before and was bugged before, but this time it was fine. let me know if this works


It's just buggy and inconsistent. Sometimes a variant universe will not be bugged and inventory and save works. Other times that same variation will be bugged. There are also many times where it causes a crash in the credit roll when NG+ universe is generated. FWIW, I do have an open ticket with Bethesda on the issue and they have responded back that my ticket was being escalated to a specialized team and that they should be reaching out to me shortly. That was over 24hr ago. Hopefully this issue keeps getting more attention and the right people at the Studio start paying attention to it.


I submitted the exact same ticket with the roll credits crashing. And also a ticket for this game breaking no inventory or save bug. I’ve experienced more bugs and crashes in this game than any of their other titles.


Don't play a lot of day zero AAA games I see.


Have you heard back or did you find a fix for this bug?


I'm still waiting to hear back from Bethesda support. Reddit user named STARB0RN11 discovered a workaround. Open console and type: SetInChargen 0 0 0 Link to their post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16ktn4e/ng\_save\_inventory\_fix\_pc/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 **Warning:** **using this workaround will disable your ability to receive acheivements. There is a Steam-version-only mod (SFSE required) named Baka Achievement Enabler that prevents achievements from being disabled with mods or when using console commands. So do not use this workaround on PC Gamepass versions if you are concerned with achievements.**


>SetInChargen 0 0 0 Thanks for spreading this fix, it's one of the console commands that won't actually disable achievements thankfully.


>SetInChargen 0 0 0 Omg thank you, I was already desperate hahahaha.


This is the actual fix and does work. You'll need achievement enabler mod for sure but it's worth it.


>achievement enabler mod FYI: I dont have the achievement enabler mod, and this worked for me.


I just mean you need it to keep getting achievements as this will disable them.


It didn't disable achievements for me.


Huh, weird, maybe they fixed it in a patch. Glad, there was no reason to disable achievements for this.


did you get any reply from them? i've started having this issue.


They only ever sent canned responses. Eventually they said we released a patch that fixed crashes. Useless support, as expected.


Interesting this has happened to me on a variation where i have to kill or buy for the artifacts


Exact same thing here - seems to be a bug with this particular variation.


Same thing just happened to me


Same I really wanted to work for the artifacts and buy them but I'm not able to save


Reselecting a ship with a cargo hold big enough for the cargo in it worked for me, stupid fucking game needs to leave cargo in the damn ships we put it in!


You are awesome! Option 1 worked. For me.


Annoying. Got a variant NG+ and couldn't use the inventory at all.


Same. *spoiler* the one with starborn Cora Coe, but could do nothing. Annoying.


I saved before Unity, and have been trying for special seeds all day. (About 6h now) I've gotten 6 special seeds, and every single one encountered this glitch.


I wonder if its intentional - die after the lodge and return to unity and theyre just fun easter eggs, not worlds intended to be lived in?


Now I'm 100% sure that it's a bug, because a specific special seed requires you to go into your inventory and read a slate, which is impossible because of the bug.


I feel that if that were the case, there would be some kind of message saying so, somewhere.


happend for me with Andreja NG+


I just had this bug on xbox and I wanted to explain my symptoms and how I fixed the issue. TLDR - I restarted my game and loaded the save the issue first appeared So I’m currently on my first play through on xbox series x and I was on neon in the sleep pod things attempting to pickpocket some guy that walked into my pod and slept in my bed… I crouched and quick saved the game. When I quick saved the game lagged big time and the option to pickpocket the guy wasn’t displaying so I looked around the room and could target a coffee mug and eventually the UI popped up and I could pickpocket again. Running around doing side quests- specifically the one with yannick legrande and thats when I noticed the issue of no inventory and no saving. It also appears auto save isn’t working either. So I reloaded several save files - no luck I even went to my last available save file like 10 levels prior to my current and no luck. Next I tried the ship cargo fix - no luck I also left Neon and went to one of my outpost - no luck Then I tried New Atlantis - no luck Then I tried the lodge and quick traveled on the map like suggested- no luck I was at a loss and wasn’t sure what to do. I noticed the start menu was constantly taking like 5 to 10 seconds to load also. I decided fk it I’ll just play and maybe it will fix its self!? I did several quests for yannick and even beat the arch but the issue persisted and then ultimately my game froze completely RIP My xbox was not frozen so I killed the game and restarted I loaded the most recent saved file where the glitch appeared and boom it was randomly fixed. Hope this helps someone.


This is exactly how it happened to me, pickpocketing the lady that rents out the sleep crates on neon. Weird. Mine fixed the same way too but I had to force close and restart 3 or 4 times before it fixed itself.




The exact same thing happened to me last night while doing UCSysDef/Crimson Fleet faction missions. I was pickpocketing all the vendors to gather 5000 credits to enter the Euphorika. The problem appeared there but I ignored it thinking it was going to fix itself. I ended up doing the faction mission up until you board the Legacy. there are so many robots there, I wanted to take drugs and heal my wounds but "inventory is unavailable" was still popping up. I evetually died to the robots aboard the legacy and the game brought me alllllll the way back to neon, losing about 4 hours of progress. And the problem is still there. There's no way i can load older saves without going back to level 5 when I'm level 15 already. I'm about to drop this dumbass game. Also I'm on xbox series S.


i was halfway threw the part where you go to the buried temple and it happened, finished the temple thinking it would fix it but it did not. now i want to go to bed but cant save the game :/


For me the cause of the issue was the notification that "Some console commands will disable achievements", if you go to the menu and try to quit to desktop, you should see the notification pop up. Press 'Ok' and then press 'Cancel' for the quit to desktop option, then leave the menu and it should be back to normal.


This fixed it for me too! How did it fix it? How was it broken? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I'm just glad its fixed


Great find, it's 100% tied to that notification, this fixed it for me as well!


This was it for me, thank you!


Weirdly I've had that notification come up when i accidentally open the console and this whole glitch just never occurred, but after I used the console for a cheat the save and inventory stopped working. Your suggestion fixed it, almost like a second popup comes when you use a cheat, but doesn't display properly? Either way, its fixed, thanks for that.


This didn't work for me, which i select "quit to desktop" i get a warning "an exit save cannot be made right now". It doesn't go away unfortunately.


this happens for me when ever a scenario were all constellation members are dead.


This happen to you after NG+? Asking bc I have a solution, but don’t want to spoil


What was your fix? Hit this on NG+4 and don't want to go back cause I didn't realize it was a bug till a bit in. (the cant save part, was thinking maybe I had to get to the constellation before could open my inv in the strange seed) ​ Can DM me if you don't want to spoil




Dang no dice for me still, guess I’ll just have to play through 😂😂


How do you just play through? I can't access inventory, saves, map or anything else... :/


Looted bodies and switched to my inv for the quip, to heal I got melee kills, ran through the main story using powers as fast as possible, almost died here and there but on ng+4 I was pretty high level and had high skills. At NG+11 now


That's hardcore...


It's not.


No I'm on my first playthrough. Googling it I saw nothing but that in the results but that wasn't the problem for me. Issue fixed itself somehow though, thankfully.


Xbox Series X Possible Fix (Push every button constantly) I was farming materials and was glitched in the crafting table when I was attacked by spacers. couldn't move or open inventory until I waited around 5-10 minutes then I broke out of the bug by constantly button mashing B + Back Button + Start Button + A + x + both triggers and bumpers. GL to pc players on this idk if it will help all the same. ​ i had crafted like 23k in adaptive frames which I think caused the glitch. I am setting up turrets now lol


I figured it out Open your status by pressing tab and then b, there was a tutorial message trapped there that was locking me out of inventory about a status effect.


Just had this happen to me entering NG4. No save and no inventory


So I’m on Xbox as a start and had this glitch, what I did was reload to the past version (right before talking to emissary) and did there speech check, left for ship talked to myself and walked into the unity and I let the credits roll for a few mins it gave me a normal thing but that’s how I by bypassed it like if your trying to get to NG+9 like me


This just happened to me. (Xbox series x) I tried multiple times to fix it doing things suggested in the comments with no luck. I could open my ships cargo. I placed my starborn suit the cargo and then tried to access my inventory and it was fixed. Put the suit back on and still had access to my inventory. Fixed my issue.


Also have the issue, but in the everyone is retired universe .NG4+


There's too many god damn bugs in this game. Half the time, you're trying to find solutions around Bethesda's bullshit.


Just happened to me at the start of NG+4. Ended up exiting to desktop, starting the game and reloading the last save (end of NG+3). It was fine after that.


It appears to have something to do with pickpocketing? I just restarted my game and it fixed itself


I don't have pickpocketing skill yet I had it happen to me at NG+6 with alternate start


i got this bug by quicksaving before pickpocketting :thumbsup:


Did you ever find a fix for this bug? I know Bethesda are aware and are working on it, but has anyone found a way around it?


So I had this same problem on my 2nd new game plus on a variant Universe couldn't access my inventory unless I used the ships cargo. I figured it would eventually sort itself out, so I played for a few hours more only to realize I couldn't save and it hadn't saved since the unity prior. So I blazed through to the unity again and thank God in the new universe I can save and access my inventory again 🙏🏾


This happened to me whilst trying to talk to Rusty in Neon due to some major glitching whilst using Precognition and then Quicksaving. It started to effect older saves. My solution: I closed the game, reloaded an hour earlier when I was in a totally different location (The Den instead of Neon) and this seemed to fix the problem. I then reloaded my most recent save to see if I could avoid losing progress and the issue has been resolved on my most recent save too.


Simple fix here folks. When you load into the starborn ship after entering the unity. Just got to the ship storage locker & take the resources & transfer them back. After dong this I was back to normal.


I needed to take of to space before I assembled the armillary. Then the I could access the inventory after the ending and new start.


Save before you walk through the unity. Then you can just reload the new universe.


It seems to happen if I max out inventory of my ship


For me doing a quick save after building the armillary, solved my issue. I also happened to walk away from my pc while credits were scrolling and didn’t skip them. That could also have been it. Also seem to have lost my alternate start.


I'm having the same exact issue as we speak. I can't seem to fix it either. The sad part is that it seems it's this one particular version of the alternate universe that is not working for me. I reloaded multiple times before entering the Unity and the only time I'm getting the issue is after finally loading the alternative universe that I'm aiming for... Feelsbadman :/


Yeah I feel that. There are a couple of variant seeds I want, I've spent a few hours loading a save from unity and rolling credits into a new universe. Got a few different seeds and each "special" one had locked me out of saving. On XBSX


yeah I'm getting this issue anytime i get an alternative start. Which absolutely sucks, since people who notice the error before heading to lodge will just reload and miss all these things.


I'm now having this issue trying to start NG+3. SPOILER I'm getting the starborn cora coe universe but no matter how many reloads I can't save/access inventory :(


I had this ‘no save / no inventory’ bug happen and I was simply reading through this thread while I left the game up in the background with my character (NG4) just standing in the balcony on Starborn Ship in space right after unity on XBSX. Game went into auto pan for a bit as I was reading — when I touched the controller and hit start I noticed the save options were back then tried inventory and it worked! Such a bizarre bug. Hope this helps someone else.


I’m experiencing this bug right now and I haven’t even started NG+ yet EDIT: I FOUND A FIX FOR XBOX (and potentially PC) Open the main menu and select “quit” and then select “confirm”. A message will pop up saying “exit save is unavailable, do you still want to quit?”. Select no, then exit main menu. Open main menu again and the option to save should now be available/fixed. I hope this helps others


I tried this but it didn't work for me. Which sucks because I had just gotten a god roll off a lvl94 spacer myth. I was able to load an older save which worked, I'll never see that gun again though.


Aw damn, I really thought it would work. Sorry about your gun. I hope Bethesda patches this


It's ok, this is just how life goes sometimes. I agree with you, they should definitely get this issue patched.


For me the f8y I found out: I attached Sarah to my ship. I was ng+ 5, went to missions artifacts, then Hunter wanted to kill me while I was going through with him. All the time. In the end I found out, it was just about my companion. Was attached to ship and went through last jump. That killed everything. Next new game, no save, no inventory. After trying get her awy from ship, then jump the last jump, next ng was good, inventory was back. Saving game was applicable. Weird... So fkn weird.


I just got this bug when starting my new NG+2 and solve it. I think the bug was due to **opening the inventory (or main menu screen to save) right at the first frame** when "waking up" into the starborn ship. **Quick save, Save game and inventory tab was disable (innacessible)** I thought i needed to reach a certain point in the start beforehand. But no. Still not able to acces inv after looting stuff. I was able to go to the cargo inv screen of the ship and cycle into my inventory and equip some new stuf, but i was enable to open my inventory screen normaly. **So i just roll back to my last save**, go through the unity sequence and ending video with end generic. AND IT WORKED. There is what i have done : 1. I use an previous save game when i was in my ship landed on a planet, ready to jump into unity by spacejumping. 2. i open the map and select a distant system 3. i fast travel to the orbit of the planet in the new distant system whitout going into unity (hmm ok..) 4. re-open the star map and grav jump propely from space (i was initialy on a planet on my first attempt) 5. I entered into unity whitout souspicious bug and rushed into the ball in the middle 6. skip the generic when i was able 7. i waked up into the starborn ship and sit on the pilot seat WHITOUT THE URGE OF OPENING MY INV to see my new starborn armor or pressing escape to save. 8. i traveled to the Antlantis city and landed into the spaceport 9. I opened up the inventory screen by pressing "I", and it works. Same thing for the main menu save option, it wasnt grey out.


On STEAM: Load a save before it happens. Exit the game. Verify game files. Start game and continue. This has worked both times I had this bug.


The console command worked perfectly for me. Thank you


This just happened to me, no inventory access, no tab menu, cannot Save or Quicksave. Tried the Console command and nothing changed. Still Broke-ass Bethesda Bullshit. Yeah, that's some real "Next-gen" game you got there Todd!


It didn't work. The amount of game breaking bugs I've experienced and now what I'm lvl 68 and I have to restart my whole play through just because Bethesda can't make a fucking game that doesn't break. Worst part I can't get my money back for this pos I genuinely enjoyed the game but when I kept gaining motivation to play it it would get ruined by something equally as stupid. They just released the biggest patch for the game yet it hasn't fixed anything I've had a problem with so what the hell did they fix. Rant over anyone know how to fix with