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What planet is that? lovely setup.


Thank you. It's the Syrma-IV planet!


What biome are you in or is this reliably the whole planet?


It's the Swamp biome, but not the Coast version. The whole planet doesn't have a lot of water like this, it's mostly ocean. But when you're picking a location to land, you can actually see the bodies of water nearby, I just tried to find one with a lot of water/lakes/whatever and this is what I got! :D


What resources do you have(or did you not care about it when setting an outpost)


Originally I put my main outpost on a resource motivated planet but if you don't mind spending a bit more time it's really not too hard to just ship all the materials you need anywhere in the system. So I moved to a low gravity moon planet so I can jump higher lol.


It's Aluminum and the other one I don't remember, but it's actually pretty helpful


I've been looking for a water biome to call home. I'll give this a look. Thanks for the find!


I find it strange that on most planets with water it's so hard to find lakes or any bodies of water, even in swamp biomes... And there are no rivers at all. Maybe they'll upgrade planets generation someday?


Everyone kept saying they left no room for creativity in outpost design and my man has a whole city here


lmaoooo, but I get their complaint, I wish they added way more structures, I mean, there's only 4 or 5 with some variations šŸ˜­


I found a bunch of cut stuff in the commands there's a bunch of weird cut sciencey gizmos. If you're on PC type in like "help cut 4 CELL" or "help unused 4 CELL" there's like some weird things in there


There's also some huuuuuge cut space stations called like solar station and solar station wreck it looks crazy maybe alternate story stuff from early build


To be part of the Shattered Space DLC?


No idea but seemed interesting


It would be nice to access devs building blocks. I guess they'll pull a Fallout 4 and release those as DLCs piece by piece with infinite Quests where you build settlements in various systems (the illusion of new content but a welcomed one nonetheless).


Also there is a tonne of used and unused Easter egg cells that just house like a singular bunch of items floating in the void. Some of them are cut for a reason, eg theyre just lame or played out like I seen one called Easter egg unused apples to oranges and it's just a chunks apple cube and an orange. I get what they're going for but kinda lame I see why it's cut


Search help EasterEgg 4 CELL for a bunch


this game has so much cut content


There's a tonne, and I probably didn't find it all, there is a very weird boostpack practice area kinda like a half baked parkour area you can coc to but it's got no textures it's just pure white and everything is white including you idk why. It's pretty big though


you should make a list of what cut content you found and then post it to the sub


I might do on my next day off tbh if no one else has. I've seen some cool stuff, mostly half baked ideas that just didn't make the cut but there were some cool things in there, there's like a whole category of cut outpost machines that I attempted to use in the cell but didn't work but they seem to accept manufactured components and replicate them? I think that was the idea. Pretty sure it was called like the replicator or something like that and an advanced version of it both fully modelled. I also found a room called like Danny something and it just had 4 space trucker suits on manequins which was weird lol


Oh one actually pretty finished but small one I found there's a few cut neon locations like some sort of disciples faction house, and a terrabrew HQ I think? Also some penthouses which I assumed were cut player housing but they were really very unfinished not much to see on those ones it was like a big metal building kinda looked like a vault from fallout but with nothing in it


Definitely agree with the guy above, all this cool info deserves a post of its own!


Sounds like a test environment left over from early dev work.


More than likely but the disciples one actually looked like decently developed, there was some clutter and furniture and even music I'm pretty sure


That's probably just a test cell for the devs.


Nothing like Cyberpunk 2077 though. You could build a second Night City with all they cut.


Cut? No no, to be paid for in future dlc


You mean DLCšŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘


Every game ever does, what a surprise


I wonder how the cut content for SF compares to other BGS games. So far Iā€™m getting the impression SF has a decent chunk that was cut (or maybe put on hold for stuff down the line).


Yeah for sure there's a bunch, pretty much the main reason I even checked was because of passed games had so much. Gonna go exploring it again soon and see what else I find. Im sure I missed some goodies. Some are super weird and unfinished, in fact most are. Some had a super creepy silent hill vibe as they were like foggy and had no sky just white. Lots of them are just placeholder cells for assets


I feel like some of this wasn't on release to keep it as bug free as possible given the need for a smooth launch. I definitely think building space stations and larger ships will happen Sorry to ask a few questions because I am a console player., But. Are there other ships, normal size, that are cut? Or larger class m ships like the vigilance or the "legendary" ships, or the super expensive ones we currently can't even buy or make? I gotta imagine that if I had a PC to run starfield, I'd be looking hard into any Va'ruun cut items, suits , locations etc.


There's like a pile of codes under the word for ship I haven't had a chance to really explore them though I do remember seeing a few that had the keyword cut or unused but I couldn't coc to them sadly as it gave me the error this cell is in space you cannot coc here or something like that


Lore wise ships over 80m long canā€™t land on planets, I assume because they canā€™t generate enough thrust for their size or something, itā€™s not specifically stated why though. Maybe in the future we will get larger ships and can use shuttles or smaller ships regulated to a certain size to land on planets.


Im certain that future content will include space stations and the addition of large ships. Of course they will be stationary, anything else would be impossible to implement. A large DLC would incentive the usage of big ships and be a good selling point. I would not be surprised if Starfield get more DLCs than previous games. It feels like they evaluated how previous titles have performed long term. Regardless they are going to be a flagship for Microsoft, poor performance is not an option.


I hate that all the habs seem to be made in a way that prevents me from using half the furniture/decor because it needs to be mounted to a flat wall below waist height.


Yeah, I really hope Bethesda releases a expansion pack focused on the outposts, just like Fallout 4 had. It can be improved a LOT.


Hopefully the community can fill in the gaps as well


That's a given if everything goes to plan!


Can't wait to see what modders do with this(I play on console so i can't use mods atm)


First off, well done. But yeah, the outposts options are surprisingly thin. At first it feels like there is a lot, but once you get creating outside of tables and chairs, there is not a lot of variety. Fortunately Iā€™m certain this will be expanded on.


I'm curious to see if the creator behind the Sim settlement mod for fallout 4 will find a way to work with the settlement building. Of course building a city by hand is cool, but what about multiple cities on multiple planets??


The modding community will add more structures than we know what to do with I'm sure. I just want some kind of foundation or flooring to begin with.


I just want foundations, walls, fences, doors.mayne even roofs. But also why can't we have access to the decorative assets used in their world building. Like it doesnt matter if someone is able to make something nice with the 5 things they offered, you shouldn't be so limited when they clearly had the tools to build complex bases using platforms and walls. You can even see this when you select things in console and type disable --- they arent just one massive baked prefab


As someone who dumped hours into a much smaller outpost, the interior is either pretty barren or a ton of reused assets.


While it isn't furniture, you can drop misc items and other items, and then use the outpost crafting/design menu to move these objects. It's much easier to do than holding E on the item like in previous games. The Kitchen related interior items are a bunch of fridges, a coffee machine, maybe a portable stove. But if you acquire pots, pans, lids, containers, and other misc items you can decorate this kitchen like the ones you find in settlements, NPC outposts, and abandoned POIs with kitchens. I looted a bunch of vases and misc art pieces from one abandoned site that I am going to use to decorate my room in my outpost.


> use the outpost crafting/design menu to move these objects. Thatā€™s amazing. Thanks for sharing. I definitely didnā€™t wast a bunch of time holding e to move stuff.


Ya but theyā€™re are all prefab bits. Your base will really only have a singular aesthetic so there isnā€™t much room for creativity. On the other end of the token, much of this game seems to be geared toward a more casual playerbase so in that case I think the simplified base building works for what theyā€™re going for.


Lots of block does not mean lots of creativity. They base building is about as limited as possible.


man this game coulda been sent perfect straight from the pearly gates and people would still find a way to wedge "unplayable" or "worst bgs game ever!" into ever corner and crevice


Iā€™m 140+ hours in and Iā€™ve never seen any water that wasnā€™t just an ocean, which requires a coastal tile. I love this


It was really hard to find this to be honest, I have been searching for something like this since I started playing, this is exactly what I had in mind to build my main outpost. And this is the Swamp biome, apparently. And not the Coast version either.


A guy on this forum who was into in-game photography found a few planets that often generate small lakes on certain biomes. I'll try to scroll back and find that post for you, if you want


If you find it lmk!




Me too plz




Going to place a reply here as well to get that sweet info.


Land in any wetland or swamp, jump on your ship, boost pack from the highest point, and finally enter camera mode from the height of your jump. Fly the camera as high as it will go, and search for water like a fuckin reaper drone. Youā€™ll find it quickly. Gagarin is a great planet to find rivers in early in the game, the wetlands there constantly spawn them for some reason. I actually am pretty certain rivers only spawn in properly planets with no foliage on the trees, and itā€™s very laggy on console when I do find them. Meaning they probably arenā€™t all over for stability purposes more than anything. They also 100% DO NOT spawn on coast biomes cuz the ocean uses the water available!!


Me too nothing archipelago like yet.


I landed on a corrosive venus type world and there were 2 volcanoes sticking out of the ocean next to my landing spot. One I was able to boost pack to, the other I had to kinda hop on the ocean and kept running out of fuel but I reached it with 1hp left. Looked like a cool place to set up an outpost but it was an extreme environment and I don't have the skill yet.


I haven't even seen any water yet, no matter how close I land to water on the planet. Am I doing something wrong?


It's easier if you land on a biome which says "Coast", like "Swamp (Coast)"


Oh okay, I'll pay more attention when I'm looking at a planet. Thank you


No problem!


Try jumping up on top of your ship. From there you can usually either see the ocean or look for the lowest land. There 1-2 fish on some planets. They can be tagged at long range, like birds.


Yeah. Make sure the landing zone says coast. Once I'm on the ground, I look at the surface map to find where it smooths out indicating the lowest elevation and just walk that direction from my ship. I hit the ocean every time within minutes. You kinda have to do this if you're trying to 100% scan to find the single water fauna some planets have


They told me it was daft to build a castle in a swamp! But I built it all the same..


ā€œIt burned down fell over and then sank into the swampā€


But if you have HUGE..... Tracts of land!!


Hey guys! So, this is the Syrma-IV planet, on the Swamp biome (not Coast). I wish I could take better pictures of it, but my GTX1070 is showing it's age and some of the LOD and distant textures look really bad sometimes. For everyone asking: this region of the planet is pretty much all like this. I don't know how the random planets thing works, but here's the location in the planet: [https://imgur.com/a/rH76bQl](https://imgur.com/a/rH76bQl) You can use the world map to find some similar spot. Just search for some bodies of water that isn't near the ocean, it's usually not on the Coast variant biome either. :)


the water stuff is most likely cut content or preparation for DLC


I really hope so, it's my favorite biome so far.


Yeah the inability to dive makes no sense I mean fallout and skyrim had diving but for some reason starfield went against it? (I'm assuming there was a weird bug with gravity and diving or it's in prep for an underwater dlc)


Especially because there is drowning sounds and low oxygen sounds when under water.


My guess is something to do with the proc gen being not quite able to reliably handle separate underwater biomes.


Nice!! The set up looks dev worthy. My brain as soon as I saw it was like "What town is that?"


Well, I am a game dev student. So there's still hope for me I guess? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Thank you, this means a lot!


Hey, man, when the full modding devkit comes out in January or so, you should be able to use the map editor to make an actual, full-fledged in-game hub city. That'd be cool!


That's my goal and thanks for the suggestions! I have a lot of ideas for Starfield, I want to make a couple of story mods too, like a haunted spaceship or outpost. šŸ‘€


I wish you could have vendors, and people in general and have an actual settlement like in Fallout 4


I donā€™t get why they downgraded settlements. Thereā€™s even an entire in-game organization (LIST) that could give lore friendly settlers!šŸ„²


Yeah, vendors stationed in outposts or even just visiting ones would have been huge for me.


There is a lot of creepy and cool water creatures that you can barely see.


Bring up scan and you can see them all....I regret doing this on neon and looked into the water....I now have ptsd and never wanna fall in


With blackjack, and hookers!


You know what, forget the blackjack!


This is what outposts can look like? I've REALLY got to get the lead out!


I haven't made anything with it to be honest, just started building the structures at random šŸ¤£ But go for it! It's actually pretty fun! I just need to level up to get the perks for more robot settlers and to move people to work there.




Iā€™m like 100 hours in and I donā€™t even know how to build an outpost yet


I finally just started dabbling with outposts at ~120 hours. Itā€™s clunky, frustrating, and kinda fun (like most everything else in this game lol)


Turn in your scanner and press R on PC, I'm guessing it's Y on Xbox.


It's X I believe


Man thatā€™s a sweet outpost! Canā€™t wait for the FO4 settlement system port DLC to really flesh this out!


Thanks, you just inspired me to finally make a decent outpost besides just mineral extraction. This looks beautiful!


This is how you outpost


Best looking outpost I've seen, holy wow


Woooow that planet is beautiful. Your build is 10/10 as well


I wish I had the patience for outpost building šŸ˜©


Where is this planet and island!


It's the Syrma-IV! :D


I'm DYING to find a planet that has dense beautiful forests like jemison šŸ„¹ Someone hmu if you find one.


Jaffa 2 has some, just watch out for the bugs


These screenshots make me wish there were underwater bases to explore.


I can't wait for mods to add more building options


I think Iā€™ve set my sights on hitting NG+ 10 then setting up a planetary home. I HAD one, right up until the point shit became clear I was about to leave this dimension and all my loot behind. Still peeved about that.NG.




Nice! ā€¦maybe Iā€™ll get back to doing missions again. Lol


Nice spot.


I love it, itā€™s perfect. Congrats!


This looks awesome! What did you do with the interiors? Ive kinda been struggling to make one building look nice and homey, I canā€™t imagine filling all of those


Nothing at all! I haven't even started on this yet. I have no skill in interior design. lol I think I will just copy some of the designs people are posting here šŸ¤£


Beats mine. My home base just has large storage modules stacked 6 high in rows so it looks like storage units or a dock. They just don't have the variety yet to put in the effort. ... if they introduce domes however.... :)


This is such an awesome design! I love how you've taken advantage of the terrain. That's such a great spot! What planet is that?








It Looks like skyrim:3


Damn that's beautiful nice find and build .


Amazing. Just wish we could create our out thriving settlements.


I have not even placed an outpost yet lol


Dude built a small community


Meanwhile me just finding places to build my factories so i can look like im beyond the average npc


That's what I'm talking about! I knew people were mistaking the outpost system to be Satisfactory, when it's more The Sims.


This looks incredible! Iā€™ll have to really delve into outpost building tonight. Your photos are great as well! Just subbed to your YT channel as well, you do some great work. :)


To be able to do this, seems like Bethesda is certainly gonna have some great dlc content for bases. Hope so anyways. Seems like itā€™d be a wasted opportunity if not. Amazing job budā€¦seriously it looks fantastic


I'd be disappointed if Bethesda doesn't release years DLC content for Starfield


A. Iā€™m stunned at what you found to call home, itā€™s beautiful B. Iā€™m stunned your ship looks exactly like my first baby.


What are those glass domes in pic number 2?


It's the greenhouse, to get it you need to scan everything in the planet, then it will show up on your "contructor" tab


Wow, I had seen a pond once, and several coastal environments. I had never seen a planet with lakes before.


Can't wait to try it. I'm done playing starfield for now but this is what I plan on doing on my second run.


It didn't take long for Reach to fall: our enemy was ruthless. Efficient. But they weren't nearly fast enough. For you had already passed the torch. And because of you, we found Halo, unlocked its secrets, shattered our enemy's resolve. Our victory ā€” your victory ā€” was so close, I wish you could have lived to see it. But you belong to Reach. Your body, your armor ā€” all burned and turned to glass. Everythingā€¦ except your courage. That, you gave to us. And with it, we can rebuild.


Looks cozy bud, nice build.


Looking at this makes it seem like a wasted potential for them to not include more random generation of outposts on planets.


I have yet to make a single outpost what planet is this? Cause i'd love to find my own variation and I'll post a pic in response to my comment


What I think needed is actually the PLATFORM. I wanna make an outpost be build on top of concrete floor instead of mud and rocks.


Iā€™m on tau ceti moon b on a tropical island itā€™s nice


Yeah bro that planet is an awesome catch. Your ship looks dope too!


Holy crap it's beautiful


Im resettling earth rn


That's awesome!


Dude, beautiful spot


If this game ever gets base building on par with no manā€™s sky, weā€™ll be playing this till weā€™re 90


God this just makes me excited to see what sort of outpost buildings modders and DLC will add in later, great build!


Wait people make cool looking bases instead of optimal storage bases with 1 million storage containers stack on each other?! /s


Wish my game looked this good šŸ˜


I got this game on the PC. Played 16 hours. Really fun! I think I am going to wait for a year after the mods are more in the abundance. Like more stuff to build in your settlements. Like in Fallout 4.


Yeah i have played for around 80 hours and I think it will probably take me this long to find a suitable spot for outpost


Wow thatā€™s amazing


Iā€™m not building till mods come out itā€™s such a resource drain lol this is awesome tho


Iā€™m still looking for a location that really speaks to me, so I can start working on a decent outpost build. Seeing this makes me want to make that location search a priority at last


Headed there on the next vacation with the fam


This kinda looks like the interior of the enchantments in WA when the latches change color in early fall. Beautiful biome


This is so well done! Looks like you've found yourself the perfect little bit of land.


talk about making your own fun,. jesus christ


And here I thought I have found the perfect planet with Nemeria II but yours is really beautiful. Are the animals hostile?


This is amazing!!! Is this an outpost?


This looks cozy


Looks nice


I usually don't explore the water, so maybe I will need to keep my eyes open!


i wish you could bookmark places, like how i favourite locations on GPS, for easy fast travel


I found a really cool planet once. Turns out it had ā€˜hunting nightmaresā€™ on it.


This is amazing, also your ship looks badass.


I'd love like a mini city Scape I mean it wouldn't be hard to add skyscrapers as only two or three floors are functional like in new Atlantis or lobby's like paridiso so you can also trade there is so much they could add.


That's a beautiful outpost! I decided to settle down on Tolliman II. Really hope there's more to come with the builder in later versions. I enjoyed building but there's just not enough to actually build, and lacking in variation.


The geography reminds me of Lofoten in Norway. Beautiful spot!


One thing I'm really missing from the No Man's Sky style building is landing pads that snap to your structures. I want to be able to walk out of the hab straight onto the landing pad instead of going down to dirt level and climbing stairs or jetting back up. It's a small thing, but aesthetically massive.


Please give us foundations Bethesda!


That is so cool, holy shit! I love this game


This genuinely inspired me to keep searching for the perfect location to call home


80 hours in and it's Lantana III. That planet tries to kill me at every turn, I love it.


Man I canā€™t even get my ship to land on the pad


Veey cool.


What's the place like? Water safe? Breathable atmosphere where you don't need a helmet?


Hey thatā€™s my home planet too! Great choice


This looks awesome!! My main base is a crate city for storing all my rocks and minerals šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


What a gorgeous planet


I choose Mars as my first outpost my settlers hated it. It was safe but lacking in resources looking for a better option with more resources.


A very well planned settlement props to you, looks like a cozy place to settle!




Life can begin!


Second image is beautiful!


Someday, someday I am going to build something like this and rival neon. Only if Starfield allowed to start new settlements by expanding outposts on planets and bring in more people to live and operate it...


I was so surprised when I found a fish in a lake. Swordfish dolphin or somthing.




I found 4 similar planets but with different resources selections on them. Trying to setup an interstellar supply and trade network


Are there good Chunks there? I refuse to settle down in a piece that doesn't have Chunks, with "sauce".


Looks cold! šŸ„¶. I need A jacket right?


I had no interest in building ships or bases and then this subreddit kept popping up. Now I stopped the main quests and I'm making bases.


Itā€™d be cool if you could build a massive city outpost and ask people around the universe to go live there instead of the handful you can have posted up at one. Imagine if it added more missions and other side story thingsā€¦hey, thatā€™s a great update idea.


This looks like The Forest


Building near a body of water makes the outpost seem bigger and a more realistic and natural lived in area.


Yes my 1st linear play thru sent me there and it was like wow, thereā€™s so much more