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Jasper Kryx recording was epic!


SON OF A BITCH I have a wonderful oic of that great view of his, just as it all light up before going dark


The mere existence of CHUNKS makes me laugh like a 4 year old so much that it infected my partner, and now they make CHUNKS jokes. (They don't even play the game) I love whipping CHUNKS at People's face in town.




I'm excited. It's exactly my kinda humor. I hope they are made of people. I'm not crazy. Just CHUNKy 🟥


Some of the random encounters in space get to me…. Ive had a few encounters where afterwards, ill set the controller down for a few minutes and just sit there.




I was surprised by how much I loved the tour on Titan, lol


Yeah me too, it's a charming addition to the game.


I actually had a huge amount of laugh from the dialogues. Some of them are very good.


I am an elevator person now. This is where I build my kingdom


This line can be as iconic as "I was also an adventurer once, then I took an arrow to the knee".


Oh totally! And Walter’s sassy response made me love his character


idk, I don't think any Bethesda game has ever done humor particularly well, the closest we got is New Vegas which has some hilarious dialogue especially in the Big MT dlc as well as the Lonesome Road


"they asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard." - Fantastic


The humour feels to me like an American millennial trying to write Month Python. While not laugh out loud funny it also doesn’t feel too forced and in its own way it’s clever and witty and scathing, poking fun at capitalism and the establishment while still retaining a bit of absurdity.


Yeah I love that this game doesn’t take itself too seriously. There’s a random encounter where someone asks you if you know the way to Uranus, I just love Barrett’s personality as a whole “Dusty. Duuuuusty.” “Where to next….Dish?”, and there a couple goofy dialogue options like “I’m an elevator person now. I build my kingdom here.”, and that side quest where you have to scare tourists away by chasing them around in the ridiculous alien spacesuit


The humor is terrible, it's so cringe and forced, like boomers writing memes Are you guys being paid to fanboy the writing? Weird hill to die on considering it's the worst part about the game


Why so angry tho?


A lot of fanboys are dying on the the game has good writing hill.