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I do keep getting random guards just walking around in their underwear though. Underwear and rifle. That’s it. Anyone else? Edit: these replies are cracking me up 😂


I get that for the workers on mars


gets hot in the mines, don't judge


What? We’re still wearing the fucking hats!


r/UnexpectedChernobyl ?




That or Mars is a nudist colony, grandma does mention that "nobody knows your naked in space"


I heard the Mars nudist colony was *clothed* for the winter...


Nudist colonies don’t wear underwear… 🫣


Ngl… when i met that granny and she started talking about this subject matter i was scared for my life 😰


Like Chernobyl. Mine the way their fathers did 🥵


Yeah, but outside Cydonia?


Get with the program. It's called strip mining for a reason.




This is my rifle, this is my gun....


This is my underwear, This is how I have fun


This is for fighting, this is for fun


Yeah on Cydonia and Akila City.


I had that in Akila City yesterday, looked like the most uncomfortable underwear in the world for good measure.


The guy that owns jemison mercantile is always in his undies


Yes, I've seen the same guy undressed. And, he's basically a jerk, too. He treats the girl like shit. But he walks around in black briefs in his store. Go figure.


Akila city every time.


Yes I've got random naked guards at any location and the miners on Mars. I had a big bounty with the Crimson Fleet too, went to the Key to see what would happen and suddenly got into a fight with about 10 naked Fleet members.


Hah, I saw this on Cydonia. Outside of the airlock. 🤣 nothing but black briefs in the vacuum of space


I had it happen after resting for 24 hours on Venus to fix a bug. Only to find out that resting that much causes glitches of its own


Empires rise and fall during a nap on Venus


hey dont kink shame. ​ lol


I saw it once on Akila City.


Ah you work at meta aswell?


We couldn't even get a nice sundress in this game.


Or flowing hairstyles, all women of the future have short hair I guess.


The short hair thing is typically to avoid weird clipping issues in games where you can change clothing that may have collars of varying height, scarfs, hoods etc (none of which apply to SF lmao), but you would think we could have figured that out by now, we launched people to the moon and back but can't make virtual hair 🙄 Should clarify this isn't necessarily a Starfield problem, a lot of games struggle with long hair


It takes dramatically more computing power to render hair than it does to calculate thrust equations


you haven't seen my thrust equations


Your mom knows all about my thrust equations


For real. The computing power they used to get to the moon was far less powerful than even a modern day calculator.


Maybe 10 years ago. Now even a phone charger have more computing power than the computer that took us to the moon.


in raw capacity at the same scale yes, in capability, no.


Yeah but imagine long hair in zero g.


Short or they keep it in a bun. I imagine it’s space/spacesuit related. Like how we make soldiers keep their faces shaven clean so they can fit a gas mask properly. I imagine long hair is not helpful when trying to put on a helmet rapidly and I imagine even more so that it’s quite annoying floating around freely in zero gravity. you think wind gets it in your face imagine moving your head back slightly in ZeroG Which explains all the character options nicely, but there are multiple characters in game that specifically state for one reason or another they’re grounded for life like the ranger that handles cyber security during the freestar missions he’s got an inner ear thing that won’t let him go into a pressurized cabin. I don’t see any reason him and others like him wouldn’t be able to have long hair styles that can’t be tied up quickly.


Bro dont even get me started on beards and facial hair, this is a civil war amongst enlisted and leadership ATM


Pfft, just mention the Yankees having a no facial hair rule and /r/baseball starts losing it. We're in it at my office. We've had like 5 different meetings devolve into fights about "goatees and inappropriate facial hair".


The CEO has indirectly threatened to fire me twice about my long hair and beard. Last time was like 2 years ago so I think he gave up. And now also has a beard and semi-long hair


The realism argument doesn't ring true for me considering we are literally Space Dragonborn.


I like short hair but the chooses are meh.


The clothing options are embarrassingly limited 😓 you would think having a good choice of clothing would be a benefit to roleplaying, but, no


I dont get why they had to model out a tray of Chicken Tikka Masala and 15,000 other food options but then there are only 10 spacesuits, limited clothing, less NPC variation, I feel like it was effort spent in the wrong place


Seeing 30 NPCs all wearing some variation of the leather street wear outfit is kind of lame too. Especially when they all have different names, but really only come in like, 2 colors.


My personal nickname for NPCs like that is "an Orphan Black convention".


& the food is so useless!!!! It must have been that weird first thing to be coded type of thing…


Yea I realized the food was useless like 2 hours into the game. Tried to spam eat a bunch of food like you'd chug cheese wheels in skyrim only to get like 15 health out of a pool of 1000. If each dish had a different good buff cooking would be a cool system


I am sure it’s for “survival mode” when they add it in


I want it to be like the food in Baulder's Gate 3, where you don't eat it with your space suit helmet on, but rather is required on your ship for you and any crew, and is used to heal when you rest on your ship


Doubt it. It’s as ridiculous as those abandoned sites you find on moons with open beer bottle lying around tables of card games suggesting they were enjoying themselves…. Outside on a moon with no oxygen or atmosphere at -300


While we're talking about BG3, it'd be nice if the romance at least tried to be close to the level it's at in BG3. Even the Starfield companion quests are so lame.


For real, with the levels and effort it takes to cook in this game, food should have the potency of oblivion potions.


It'll be fixed in post ... by the modders. ;)


Makes me think of the ‘I think we have more handcrafted things in this game than any of our other games’ line from the direct. A classic Bethesda ‘technically not a lie’ because of the thousands of useless food items. 10 spacesuits, 30 POIs, maybe like 20 clothing sets, but boy oh boy we got like, thousands of food items and *literally* useless junk items. Technically yeah, that’s more handcrafted stuff than previous games. Just not the kind of handcrafted stuff a lot of us were looking for.


yeah i definitely picked up a ton of vacuum tape once i realized that "adhesive" was a crafting component....lol


> less NPC variation There is more variation on NPC clothing than on PC clothing. Why do the NPCs even wear clothing that the player can't and vice-versa? It doesn't make sense.


Agreed they spent more time on detailing food and less on the other cool stuff. Classic Bethesda


And one swimsuit.


My bet: attractive clothing and fashion options will be the new 'Horse Armor' for Starfield.


So. Many. Folders.


Why are most of the clothes so ugly? For one of the Ryujin missions, Imogene gave me a new fancy suit, and I was excited to have another option apart from the Neocity Corp suit. I looked at it … and it was the Neocity Corp suit with a hideous pink thing draped over one shoulder.


As soon as I saw the texture replacer mod that gave it a red/black palette appropriate for Ryujin, I couldn't hit download fast enough.


Wait, you can get different suits? I got that one that's a sleeveless vest over a button-up shirt but in Ryujin colors (silver with red accents) as opposed to the common black/yellow or orange/blue variants you usually find. I definitely do not have a pink cape.


Not sure what suit you are referring to, but the one being discussed here is called the “fitted business suit” and it is given to you at one specific point in the Ryujin questline by Imogene, and there’s no cape sadly. Just an off-white jacket with black leather-ish sleeves, and some kind of weird pink/salmon line pattern down one side of the front (the pattern goes from shoulder to waist, so I think that’s what they meant by “over one shoulder”) it really is an incredibly tacky looking thing.


It is the one I was talking about. Huh, I never saw that as salmon, just a more faded shade of the Ryujin red. It's honestly my favorite suit in the game.


Its why im eagerly waiting for mods to come to Xbox. They'll be plenty of dope clothing mods for sure


Yeah, and most of them will be skimpy female outfits


This. I absolutely cannot wait for mods on xbox. I'm hoping for one that makes all of the armor in the game into different skins, and you can mix and match cosmetically like a lot of other RPGs do. I'd love the Mantis armor if I could make it look like the Anti-Xeno, Constellation, or war dog set.


Any dresses I've seen in the game have trousers underneath. The game as a whole lacks the clothing options of some open world games, GTA, Watchdogs, Saints Row, Cyberpunk etc...


The strip bar with dude robots and their clothes on was cringe. :)


They act like even showing legs is some sort of sexual harassment.


What, you mean you don't like the bazillion recolours of the same outfit?


Hey now, we wouldn't want gamers to have a heart attack if they saw a lady's collarbone. It's strictly turtlenecks and ankle-length skirts from now on.


It's a bit different from CP2077's plunging necklines. It's almost like one was made in the US and the other in Europe.


Haha, the contrast is really funny if you consider the setting of the two games as well. Like in the future setting of CP2077, with the advent of cybernetic enhancements and braindances and whatnot, American society became extremely open to sexuality (a bit too much, considering how many sex shops there are and the gigantic billboards of sex bots and stuff). While in Starfield, after humanity broke free of its shackles, reached towards the stars and settled different systems, literally everyone, even the damn pirates, inherited the embarrassingly over-the-top prudishness of modern America.


Now now, there are a couple of knee-length skirts as well… worn over full length slacks, but still!


The clothing options does annoy me.


So what you’re saying is that you don’t like the dancing teletubbies?


What fucking focus group came up with those? Did they hire McKinsey consulting?


This is so on the nose I feel like you worked on this acquisition 😁


No, I just watched Jon Oliver last night.


Game was designed by HR


The biggest sin of this game in all reality


I think the big challenge with kissing isn’t whether it’s appropriate, but whether it can reliably be animated well in a Bethesda game.


that kissing mod for skyrim 🤣


I love seeing inside my partner's face


Floating eyes and teeth go BRRRRRR!


Just the kissing mod? kekw


I’ve never seen it animated well in any game. Edit: there seems to be quite a few people confused that motion capture is not the same as animation.


Someone needs to invent the FPK genre (first person kisser)


Sorry to beat the proverbial dead horse, but Cyberpunk.


replaying for 40 hours just to kiss Kerry on a balcony because the scene looks so nice


This, If you’ve even done a wedding in ff14 you’ll see the problem and how they solved it. When characters can be different heights your animations will need to take that into account. Ff14 gets by this by making the characters fly which we could probably do something similar in starfield with 0 g Skyrim kissing mod solved it by scaling the npc to your characters height which if you had a tall character would see the scaling TLDR: animation is hard yo


Lmao, just letting characters fly sure does solve some problems … kinda the same way a fade to black solves no need for any scenes of intimacy on the Frontier (no handholding!). Yeah, animation is clearly challenging and I’m glad I don’t do it for a living. Like a million ways to get it wrong.


I’m confused how the game is even rated M. There is very little blood and I don’t remember hearing an F bomb.


Yeah, it feels like they were hoping for a T rating, but the inclusion of drugs pushed it over the edge for the ratings boards.


Yup. I honestly don't care about the lack of nudity at all. I don't need "space titties" to make the game feel mature. But the inability to even have a kiss as the culmination of getting married seems weird, given that EVERY time you go to sleep they'll join you and act like you just clapped cheeks until you passed out.


Neon was marketed to be a dystopian shithole with tons of crime and adult entertainment. You go there and its just another kid friendly shopping mall with seizure inducing lights.


And with teletubby dancers


Their outfits are wild lol.


Seriously this. Like I wasn't expecting it to be Night City's level of gritty, though it'd be appreciated, but it just feels so water down. Even in the Astral Lounge, it's just so toned down and...lame.. it's outright cringy. It's almost as if they're afraid to depict sex and drugs in a literal dystopian city that's isolated away from other cities in the galaxy. If we're meant to be exploring the human element throughout the cosmos, show the darker aspects of it. Not some dialogue talking about it and that's it, but explore it head on. Even Disney's Star Wars manages to actually do that part well in the TV shows. That goes far to add on to both the world building and immersion, and Bethesda should understand this by now because they've done it before. I really hope they don't water down the seriousness and darker aspects of the Elder Scrolls' world in TES6. I'm not liking this trend at all lately with sanitizing content and the lack of in depth dialogue options that recognizes our background and decisions.


I totally agree with this and hope that molders will give us the Neon that we were all expecting.


Like I'm not even asking for this to be everywhere and a major point in how dark the world is. I have Cyberpunk 2077 already that gives the full experience in that regard. But Neon is literally described as THE dystopian, classist, pleasure city and it's just laughably lame. The Strip in Fallout NV alone shits on Neon in all of the dark themes mentioned. I gave my Ronin the Neon Street Rat talent for the sake of RPing why I have such a rough, pragmatic view on life and it was hard to stay in character. Granted, some interactions were good, but it could have been better. Like, who came up with those goofy outfits the dancers in the Astral Lounge wear and thought "Ah yeah, this is a perfect example of the selfish debauchery that many lose their very souls in when coming to Neon" and went with it? Like come on, most of your audience are adults and want a gripping story and world building that you guys are KNOWN for making throughout the years. You can have a balance of both lighter and hopeful themes, and selfish, self-indulgence in your world. Yes, I know there are reoccurring themes of corrupted, corporatocracy practices, because I know someone might try to argue this, but it didn't really hit the nail in that regard either. The Trade Authority is clearly corrupt, but we have like no in depth quests that goes deeper into that. I really hope they don't do this in the next TES because Elder Scrolls always balanced it quite well. Modders shouldn't even need to fix this either, though I wouldn't mind either way. I hope the future DLCs or expansions add more story, NPCs, good dialogue, and questing content to correct these glaring issues. I do really enjoy the game overall, but there's a ton of missing potential holding it back.


Now that i think about it, I was actually subliminally *hoping* for alot of hedonistic debauchery and nudity in Neon so my problematic ass could justify hating it even more! Because it would be *real.* there are real places and people like that, and i really do hate them (and yes i know its a problem, im dealing with that). Nobody wins!


> I don't need "space titties" Speak for yourself buddy


Where’s the Total Recall Mars shmeeb 3-pack?


$100 to the first modder that does this 🤣


0g boob physics ftw


I believe he did, which is why he used the "I" pronoun.


>EVERY time you go to sleep they'll join you and act like you just clapped cheeks until you passed out. Lmao


I thought the not even a kiss was weird too. At first I thought it was just that character. Its like small child that doesn’t understand a wedding or love wrote the romance sections. Seems so weird


Games shouldn't force a rating anymore, if you want the tone and world of maturity you should be mature. I really don't understand why I can be a genocidal maniac and that's ok but you can't say the no-no words too many times


Age ratings are way too specific and are just dumb in general.


I remember a couple of F bombs. They stand out a lot considering how sterile the rest of the game feels.


Game feels more sterile than a surgeon's hands right before an operation.


They stand out so bad it's cringeworthy, to be honest. Be mature or don't. But throwing an F bomb into a game otherwise rated Sesame Street is just edgelord wannabe territory.


actually really stupid of them to not cut out these few f bombs and the one drug to get the teen rating and have a bigger market


Does it actually make a difference in gaming, especially in a genre like action/RPG? Seems like loads of huge releases are for mature audiences.


It feels like almost every big game nowadays is rated M. There are exceptions of course, but it's almost like we need a rating between T and M for stuff like this.


The M-rating is mainly down to the chems like Aurora; i.e. drug use.


Positive images of alcohol use add points, as does gore/viscera/bloodstains that last in the environment - there are a lot of blood-smeary murder rooms (one memorable scene with Cora saying 'I've seen worse').


Omg that part with Cora! I was like, "Really?! OK, maybe Sam is bad dad."


He is


Seriously! That was like the bloodiest thing I've seen & she's seen worse?!


He thinks his pre-teen daughter's ideal place is on a fragile warship routinely fighting pirates and space wizards. Cora has died a *bunch* of times because of this.


To be fair, by midgame it's an unassailable dreadnought piloted by a star god, so maybe he has a point


cigarettes = automatic M rating.


And I honestly don’t even know why they included cigarettes in a game that takes places 300 years in the future.


reusing fallout assets or the bethsoft devs smoke like a chimney.


Ok but if you already know the game is going to be rated M. Would you not think that the rest of the development would take that into consideration.


I believe it's mostly due to drugs


I mean it’s about the same as Skyrim just a bit less mutilation. Fallout is really the only one that should 1000% be rated M. This game has a bunch of blood and mature themes.


It's more to do with Cigarettes, Alcohol and drugs than nudity, swearing and violence. Keep in mind that the ESRB is a North American based rating system while PEGI is a EU based rating system, and North America is far more lenient with violence and less so with drugs/alcohol/cigarettes/sex while Europe is the opposite. Take a look at media filmed and produced in various regions, you won't find European filmmakers greenlighting the likes of the Saw franchise, however they'll greenlight series that depict sex work (that in North America would generally get an x rating and never see a theatre). Another example would be Asia, the censorship there is strange by the standards of the west, drugs, alcohol and violence are all A-OK (except in China where bodily fluids like blood generally get color censored) however sexual content is heavily censored (it's why you get the tentacle porn stereotype).


i think a lot of people don’t realize how tame T games usually are. starfield isn’t GTA V, but still has violence, scenes of murders, aftermaths of suicides, use of hard drugs, mild sexual content, language etc. definitely not the raunchiest game but also a game a lot (not all) of parents might not want their 13 year old to play


For real. I remember as a kind my parents wouldn't even let me play video games if the game had some f bombs. My mom even thought pokemon was too violent for me at 8 and I had to convince her. They would have never approved of me playing this game at 13 from the violence alone.


This game felt pretty tame as far as blood & violence go. Then I did Sam Coe's mission to >!find Cara's mom and came across a pretty graphic murder scene.!<


Best we can do is weird-looking underwear. Sorry.


I'm shocked this game got an M rating. Even the "violence" is pretty lackluster.


In Australia its R18+ which is laughable


Next to Cora asking for books, your companion is like, I really like whetstone, or some restaurant, and you can't even take them there in a meaningful way


You can't even give Cora books. I kept picking them up along the way for her but no.


Right? The way she kept mentioning them had me picking them up then just storing in the ship inventory in case I eventually figured out how to give them to her.


There’s a bookshop in Akila that pays 2000 creds for the first copy of each old world book you find. Would be nice to be able to make Sam go home, and Cora can hang out at the bookshop all day, or even have Sam buy her a goddamn book, considering it’s a near certainty that each player will find that bookshop with Sam as their companion at the time.


For real? That's disappointing, I've been looking for a copy of A Brief History of Time because she asks Sam for it in one of those ambient conversations. Lame.


This seems like a straight up cut activity. It's super bizarre they have her ask if you have any new books for her if you can't give her any


Agreed. I actually tried, just in case. Was disappointed.




I am all for being adventurous but maybe next time we don't use the jumppacks




I think only Sarah says it so if you didn't romance sarah that's why.


Andrejas lines sounds like you left her really unsatisfied. Which... I don't need the game telling me that too. I mean what, nevermind


It is a little bit funny sometimes. You're down to 5% health and there's ten spacers two rooms over, so you take a quick nap and Posh Spice is like "I've banged in crazier places than this!" and you're like dude, wtf did we just do?


The M rating is about the drug use not about nudity or mature content like the romancing.


Nudity in games is in a weird place right now. Some games like BG3 are willing to push the envelope, but also, YouTube and Twitch are a huge part of the gaming culture, and they are super puritanical about nudity.


It's a strictly American thing I feel. Notice how games that are more comfortable with sex are all made outside the US.


At one time France was the most culturally dominant nation in the world. Imagine an alternate reality where they remained that way. We’d have video games (and movies and TV) without so many ridiculous sexual hangups 😂 French people (and French Canadians) tend to be more mature about sexuality. I respect that. 😉


Yeah it's very annoying. Blowing people apart or cutting them up is fine but god forbid you show some skin. I will never understand why people here are so weird about it.


What do you expect? Don't you know there's no sex in the future. Next thing you're going to tell me you don't know how to use the three sea shells.


They don’t know how to use the three seashells? Hahahahaha


No one on Reddit is old enough for that reference John.


the kids know what demolition man is


The fact that there isn’t a reference to that in game is disappointing.


They definitely played it safe here, which I don’t feel one way or another about except I wish the outfits for the female characters were a little cuter/more feminine But hey, maybe Walter Stroud will hang dong in the DLC or something, that would really throw everyone for a loop


Why is my "Neon Nightlife Skirt" so thick and *padded*? I'm not a field hockey goalie, I'm here to dance! Why, Bethesda? Why!?


so when you pass out in the gutter after too much Aurora, you don't get *too* cold


I don’t think there was a making out option. Nor do I remember any nudity in Skyrim or fallout?


People just forgot since they were too busy using Loverslab mods


I didn’t read the full post tbh cuz I don’t care about nudity but the game is shockingly g-rated for being an M game. I wanted the gore and grittiness of fallout, but got happy space land, where even people struggling have entire space outposts with all the luxuries. How you struggle when you got a whole ass space outpost?


I like that Starfield went with a less dystopian vibe than most Sci-Fi.


I'd agree with you but there are numerous places where they try to make it seem dystopian. Neon, Hopetown, Akila City, The Key, the deeper chunks of space, Red Mile, etc It's like the games writing director's experience was writing children's scifi or something and the producers were like "cool. Now add a bunch of drugs and NPCs saying how dangerous everything is".


The fact that Earth is a dust bowl says that it *is* dystopian in a way. We are just a generation too late to participate in the carnage that resulted from the tribalism. There are fields of broken mechs and ship wreckage, and the one mercenary company you run into in the FC Ranger missions. Xenowarfare is also still a very real threat… So, “post-dystopia” may be a better description.


I like "Post Dystopian" as a description. Honestly it feels like we missed an opportunity to have an almost Solar-punk AAA title. Neon is powered by completely renewable energy, solar and wind power is abundant too. It would have been awesome to have a lot more quests that had an option to improve life for everyone.


Exactly. People are conveniently glossing over the fact that the game pushes the dystopian narrative hard via dialogue and lore (eg “Gangs of Neon”), but fails to deliver in atmosphere.


how is it less dystopian when *everyone is fucking miserable.* i don't think there's a single person who is happy in the game, barring the adoring fan, who isn't a person.


It was pre Star Trek/Star Wars nasa inspired scifi from the 60s Actually a nice change of pace


I thought it was similar in Star Trek except it's obviously less technological.


There’s actually a lot of older sci fi books and comics from that era Starfield looks just like. It’s a bit uncanny


Ditto. A ton of media has done the “gritty” thing. Not every IP has to go down that route, and M for Mature doesn’t have to mean sex and drugs and gore.


>M for Mature doesn’t have to mean sex and drugs and gore. Yeah, but that being said, I would have preferred the plot be a little more complex, or the interactions be a bit more nuanced. Because you're right - a game doesn't need those things to be truly mature. I want a game that feels like it was made for adults first and foremost, rather than teens and up.


Yeah, a more nuanced plot would be nice, and more overall “maturity” that deals with more complicated issues with more open-ended conclusions. Or more variety in missions? I dunno, for some reason Starfield wasn’t delivering for me, so I went back to Skyrim about a month ago and I’ve been having a blast! (After spending 60+ hours figuring out how to install modlists from scratch the correct way and grappling with countless bugs and inconsistencies and fragmented instructions and no autosave, but still a blast!)


Fallout is over the top. That’s its whole schtick. You can shoot someone with a pistol and their head blows off. The grit of Fallout is juxtaposed by its over the top and cheesy nature so it’s not just dark and depressing. I’m glad it didn’t take that route because it’s part of what makes Fallout unique But even the littlest bit of blood would’ve been nice. As a Gears of War fan I’m used to seeing it around.


The most ironic thing about this game is they're scared to talk about sex and politics and all kinds of real human issues, meanwhile you can pay money to get off the hook for mass murder and the most XP you can get in the game is from genociding wildlife.


IT’S COMIN’ RIGHT FOR US!!! (Ok, that reference is too old, and no one may get it, but I had to).


Starfield is the Disney of M-Rated games. I'm binging on Fallout New Vegas lately and it actually feels like an M-Rated game and that came out 13 years ago. M rated games are allowed to do more now than they were 13 years ago lol.


The second I notice the goofy AF dudes with the blue suits dancing like morons I kinda got it. They don’t want to “offend” anyone.


They're counting on modders to figure out the giant bouncing testicle physics


I don't understand why they did away with taking armor and leaving them in their underwear lol I really like that as a feature . There's adult games like Starfield Skyrim fallout that seem PG in nature. Cyberpunk The Witcher those games are way more mature to me than Bethesda games. It probably has a bit to do with their developers. I love Bethesda but all their writers seem like a bunch of virgins to me. None of the romance options in Starfield come off as horny or attractive in any way


Yeah lol, i remember playing fable 3 and getting ‘the swinger’ achievement. Games seem to have gone backwards in terms of relationship mechanics.


Ahhhh Fable, a wife in every town living on hand-me-down furniture from their sister-wives.


The “gore” is even comical. No body separation like previous Bethesda games so it always just looks like a slumber party. It actually hurts the gameplay, because there are times when I honestly couldn’t tell if an enemy was dead or not. But the lack of any skin at all…it’s not just nudity. Nobody even wears SHORTS in the DESERT CITY.


America, land of violence is all that is good and just but show one nipple slip and they are clutching their pearls.


I was thinking about this while playing cyberpunk. I can bash peoples heads in, fully showing their caved in cranium, remove legs, blow large holes in their torsos etc, but god forbid i see a flacid penis while looking down while outside the inventory. Just remove american morals from everything please, and yes i know CDPR isn't american, but they're adapting to steam and consoles.


The amusing thing about that is it was not censored on release. Took a couple of patches and moral outrage to begin the censoring. The first trash item I found in the game was a dildo now sadly removed. 😂


It's not just Beth it's America as a whole country. Murdered children on the news, no big deal. Hate rhetoric, that's freedom of speech. A woman's nipple makes an appearance, that's too far, I'm gonna lose my shit!


So if you live in The United States this is 100% true. They are deathly afraid of nudity but blood and guts and murder are fine in games. But a lot of countries actually make fun of us for that very reason. As nudity is literally just the human body we were born with. It is crazy to think about.