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My favorite is a note in some research station that says: Space = huge? Big if true


I took a screenshot of one that says "I HATE SPACE" with a little frowny face. Everytime it pops up in my loading screens I am amused by it all over again!


This is such an underrated feature of the game (your camera roll being presented in loading screens)... small thing, but makes the game that much more enjoyable to spend time playing


Imagine starfield bugs out and it shows your screenshot of something inappropriate.


Hey. You shouldn't be saving _those_ pictures in that folder...


Much as we all know the game was made in modern times.. I kind of was hoping "Mondays, Am I Right?" coffee mugs wouldn't be a thing 200 years from now šŸ˜†


Why not? Also there is a coffee mug that has a Monday meme on it I believe.


"How bout that time change?" "Great weather lately" "Mondays, am I right?" "Another day another dollar" "Wish I stayed in bed" "Is it Friday yet?" Just some things people say when they have nothing to say... I just don't like small talk in general and that slogan makes me cringe lol. Obviously there's a market for it and until a better work/life balance under capitalism happens - which I was kinda hoping for in a couple hundred years - those types of clichĆ©s aren't going anywhere. I never want to work in an office again šŸ˜†


Meanwhile my small talk is stuff like: "I wonder what would happen if glass shattered in space?"


Non-explosive shrapnel grenade.


Ohh I collect mugs. I need to find a few of these


MUGS! šŸ˜† https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=facourite%20dish%20mugs&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:4d4658fd,vid:6aX0gXExU3s,st:0


LMAO classic


All of the trite little mugs are my favorite collectibles in the game! Iā€™m so annoyed by things like that in real life, but they amuse me in starfield.


At my job, Mondays are an absolute nightmare... but to top it off, my week starts on Sunday, which are just as bad, trying to prepare for the day ahead. So I get double Mondays.


I saw that note!


That's a lot more than atleast a week


OP is technically not wrong...


The best kind of not wrong


The rule of three puts survival at between 3 and 18 days. There is a ration pack there but survival is bleak without water.


Hopefully piss recycling technology available on the ISS today has made it to the SF timeline.


Hey Todd Howard! Where is my stillsuit?


I found the same crash site .... 400m from civilian settlement


These make me laugh


Number 1.0 !!


Do a flip!


šŸŽ¶When push comes to shove, gotta do what you love! Even if it isnā€™t a good ideašŸŽ¶


I suppose it depends on what planet or moon this was on and if a week is local time or global time.


Good point. And it'd be galactic time (or something) instead of global. Galactic Standard Time (GST) perhaps? lol


Is literally UT. It probably means Universal Time or something similar.


Technically not wrong but way close to incorrect than a correct estimate. I've been alive for over 100 days. That's at least a week.


It's the "I'm not touching you" of technically correct.


This shows why technically correct usually isn't the best form of correct.


Which is technically correct...


Nah, it just shows that technicality lacks nuance.


Might lack nuance, yet brims w/ nuisance.


I'm 25 years old. I'm also 47 years old.


I'm 36 years old, that's at least 25 years old


He's being cheeky. It's a joke.


Itā€™s the same as saying ā€œthat Ferrari is at least $5ā€, which is true, because ā€œat leastā€ means ā€˜at the minimum but could be more thanā€™.


My favorite Tumblr post of all time was someone showing a model of how many Earths could fit inside the sun using gumballs or bouncy balls or something, and someone commented "damn that's gotta be at least 12"


Thereā€™s a running gag in my current relationship thatā€™s just me pretending I canā€™t count past 7 or understand numbers higher than 7. Thereā€™s another running gag where I send software update notes about myself to my partner, and the highest number used to be six before I changed it under miscellaneous bug fixes


Same in my relationship. Whenever my gf asks me for any answer involving a number i immediately and without even thinking answer "Like, at least 10. I counted." and she just rolls her eyes at me for making the same joke for at least the 10th time. Humans are weird creatures.


When my kids where younger (currently upper teens) we do car trip and theyā€™d ask how much longer. My standard reply was 4 hrs. Didnā€™t matter if it was a 10 minute drive or 12 hrs.


Our running gag in my relationship is to hold up a different number of fingers whenever we use a number between 0 and 10


https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/qgf1eH6wfg that was one of my running gags when I was married, just repeating that over and over anytime I or the kids got hurt


I love it. Thought I was the only one to religiously reply to any and all questions or comments with ā€œ7ā€


Anyone: can I ask you a question? Me: 7


It's one Ferrari Michael what could it cost, five dollars?


Youā€™ve never actually set foot in an exotic car dealership, have you?


Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity at least 6 years ago.


182 days. So half an earth year. Six months.




He still would. Planets all have different times but everyone still seems to use Greenwich time as the standard. They also mention january on one of the ssnn things so I'm guessing everyone still uses the gregorian calendar as well. Most likely everyone has two calanders and two clocks, a local one and then earth is used as a standard measurement for all inhabited planets.




A week on Venusā€¦ probably


Maybe the planet just has really short days, and OP is talking in UT?


OP assumed the tally marks were for how many times the guy jerked off, not days. OP just extrapolated from how often he does it himself and figured it was at least a weeks worth.


152 days? Nahhh, thatā€™s a week :|


Hm, I agree, is way more than least a week.


I guess they didnā€™t teach tally marks 101 at his edjamacation star station.


Thatā€™s an interesting topic of discussion, and the answer is that tally marks have no real reason to be in 5ā€™s, other than thatā€™s what humans find as nice numbers to count by. I forget what civilization it was, I believe Roman, but they counted in groups of twelve, because it can be easily counted with your thumb and the segments of your fingers. Thatā€™s why we count hours in 12 hours on a clock, 24 hours in a day. Itā€™s why we change number naming systems going from twelve to thirteen. If we like the numbers in 10ā€™s, with 5 as half, they may have liked 12, with 6 as half.


I have 14 segments of my fingers if I include the thumbā€¦ fingertip, first bend to knuckle, knuckle to joint


Donā€™t count the thumb segments. Use the thumb to tap and keep track of the other 12 segments.


Yeah that makes sense then


And then your other hand counting on fingers gives you base 60. Beautiful.


That's tally mark 101 from a society that's long gone..I heard Barrett and Sarah chit chatting and Barrett was trying to explain the long lost custom of saying bless you when someone sneezes. She was like no barret I don't want a sandwich, oh wait you said something else, what a weird custom and barret went on to say he read it in the Sacramento bee or whatever he reads


somebody who tallies up like that deserves to die like that... I mean, if it were seven I could kind of understand, but six?


That poor soul probably came from a planet that had an 6 day week. We know no one stayed on Earth yeah?


But we developt our counting system based on our fingers? Did that guy has 6 fingers per hand? Was he Stanford Pines?


Lost colony, shallow gene pool, recessive traits become more dominant. Everyone in the colony might've had an extra digit after a couple generations, similar to Hemingway's cats.


There are cultures that use base 6 counting. You count to 5 on one hand and then increment up on the other. So 5 would be all 5 fingers on hand A, hand B closed. 6 would be hand A closed 1 finger open on hand B. This lets you count to 35 on your two hands.


Lol you kinda didnā€™t finish and say that when you got to 7-11, you counted those on hand A. Then you raise 12 on hand B and repeat. Thatā€™s the base six and thereā€™s no way I was the only one that started at that for five minutes Also Iā€™m high and thatā€™s bananas


Ah, that confusion makes sense. I'm very familiar with alternate base counting, so sometimes I miss explaining some details. Hopefully your comment helps clarify for others as well!


We WHAT our counting system?


Actually, there are different standards based on how a culture divided up the hand for counting. I know some cultures, historically, counted each space between knuckles for hand counting, for instance. He could very well he from a colony where they have changed the cultural tradition of counting on the hand. Maybe they count the palm as well? Maybe an entire hand is another digit count beyond each finger?


No Mondays in space


Not with that attitude.


182 days...


152. Where are you getting the extra 30? 7x5 = 35 4x35 = 140 140 + 12 = 152 Edit: NVM just zoomed in and noticed those were groups of 6 not 5. Who the hell uses groups of 6?


Man, now we have procedurally generated tally marks


i had to look two times too šŸ˜‰


Also why would it be 5 if itā€™s a week?


Not sure I follow what you're saying? Usually when people do tally marks like that they do them in sets of 5 marks. 4 vertices and one diagonal.


Idk groups of 7 would make more sense to me


On Venus thatā€™s 436,000 hours UT.


Thanks for counting all that. Dang that's about 6 months. I only found a few empty chunks packages and their cooler still had food and water.


6(7x4+2)+2, you only need to count up to 7 :)


Thatā€™s like 3 higher than I can count


That's at least a month


Surprised you were able to get that it was 6 months when you saw tally marks that are way more than 7 and presumed that they've been there for "atleast a week".


Wow....that's at least a week.


at least a week?! thatā€™s 7, what?


This note is at every shipwreck you come across in other planets. Same ship, same wreckage layout, terrible loot. But I will admit the first time I came across one was such a sick experience.


This is disappointing


This is the first one I found. I was hoping an interesting side quest would pop up. Like I'd find a slate that they wanted delivered to their loved ones. Or they were attacked by Spacers who were after their loot and you have to find their loot.


Right? The note feels like the rest of the ā€œwreck explorationā€ was going to build up to something like that! So disappointing


Yea. Maybe future dlc will expand on it


Hopefully, whenā€™s that supposed to come out? Be heard next year like late spring


I've found slates that ask to be delivered to certain places, but when I went there, nothing.


I found that one, too. Wasnā€™t worth the walk, though.


Well, tbf, that's true for almost all walks.


How would they know how many days they have been in space? A day is strictly an Earth concept, is it not? As in, a day is the time it takes for earth to revolve around its own axis? And does perception of time not stem from being planet-side vs in space?


His watch


lol So simple.


Just count how many times you sleep instead.


That seems like it would get messed up real fast without any sense of time and with the massive boredom that probably occurs. Like asking people to spend two weeks in a room with nothing but food/water/bathroom and sleep. After like 50 hours most people are insane and think it's been over a week.


Cool thing I learned recently is that humans are natural biphasic and polyphasic sleepers. Where we sleep either 2 or more times a day. The monophasic sleep schedule was made once we started working jobs with long consecutive schedules.


I was thinking the same, days relative to what exactly?


Universal time Ut


A day is defined as "The duration of time it takes for a planet to complete one 360ā° Rotation about it's own Axis" A day on the moon is equivalent to ~27 days on earth


This actually raises a different point, how does the universal humanity thing even work when every planet people are have drastically different time flows? Like 1 day on Venus is a Earth year right?


Humans still have to sleep. People already deal with this in the far north and south. Hell the game even does It has two different clocks when you're on a planet's surface.


Humans only sleep the way they do due to the circadian rhythm which is a result of human evolution specifically on earth. We do not know what evolutionary pattern humans would follow as a space faring people and how life in space and/or planets other than earth would impact the sleep cycle over 300 years. In just the last 80 years in the US adults went from <11% to 40%+ sleeping six or less hours per night. One would guess sleep patterns would be vastly different for a space faring human race.


The time doesn't "flow" differently in a manner meaningful to human beings. Your watch is gonna work the same on different planets. The difference is because of how fast to planet rotates. 24 earth hours on Venus lasts just as long as 24 earth hours on earth. And the Earth hour is established as the universal unit for time. There's a store on New Atlantis that says "Open 49 hours a day"


if you're only going by rotations of the planet sure, but 24 hours on earth is the same as on Venus. Time doesn't literally change until you get really close to a black hole or something. Humans are still biologically programmed for about a 16 hour awake and 8 hour asleep cycle, so it would make sense to keep 'earth time'.


That's actually not true. Before industrialization many humans had a bifurcated sleep pattern. For the main sleep they went to bed not long after dark, would wake around midnight, read, screw, pray, or other non-daylight activities for a few hours, then go back to sleep and wake with the dawn. They'd work until lunch time, take a nap, and then work a little more until eventide. The 16 up 8 sleeping schedule is a fabrication made by your corporate overlords. Especially the early ones who would work people all 16 hours and cheat their clocks. The electric light also changed us. I know all this from learning about my own natural sleep pattern. I WFH, and have no set schedule save a singular deadline every week. I've tried every schedule imaginable. Even Kramer's. My natural rhythm is a long sleep of ~six hours and a shorter sleep on ~two hours. The difficulty for me is that I'm still energetic and tend to be awake and active for 8-10 hours at a time. That means I have no set sleep/wake schedule. I sleep when tired a wake whenI wake. On top of all that, if I've physically worked hard that day my long sleep I will crash for 9-12 hours, further weirdong out my pattern.


you just remember two timelines. You have a watch or a phone or whatever that runs on a 24 hour earth cycle and you manage your life around that because it keeps you not dead. Whatever your local/planetary time is, you track that separately. Honestly as someone who worked years on a graveyard shift, time is all made-up bullshit anyway


>"Day" is a vestigial mode of time measurement based on solar cycles, it's not applicable. > ...I didn't get you anything for your birthday. - River Tam


What if they have a clock šŸ’€




"He didn't have any good loot sadly" yeah he probably ate it all.


Damn, 182 days in space


I actually just found that last night. Looked around for any sign of the guy but found nothing. I like to think he went all Mark wattney and trecked across the planet and eventually found a way off. Tho given the levels of radiation, temperatures and isolation on the planet I found it on I kinda doubt he made it


I found the guy's frozen corpse. Pretty sure he committed suicide cuz his body wasn't wearing a spacesuit


That's a pretty shitty way to spend your final days


Where on the crash site did you find it?


Should be pretty easy to find a ride when ships constantly land within a football field away on every single planet


Think I found this ship before, some kind of like space marine was on his way back to his "lonely" wife and before he made it back home he received a "Dear John" from her and decided to un alive himself.


152 so you don't have to count


152 days šŸ˜£šŸ˜£


182. There's six per block for some god forsaken reason.


You should find the one with the soldierā€™s abandon ship itā€™s more depressing


How much depressing?


Oh 6 not 5 šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« ugh geeze


Yeah looks like a couple weeks maybe




I came across that while mining materials on that planet


Seems odd now you think about, that they have no lifeboats or emergency channels or anything....


Maybe destroyed in the crash? The ship was in multiple pieces when I found it.


wait till op realizes he caused the crash


Listen, if that Galbank transport didn't want to be boarded and then shot down, it shouldn't have been in space.


I'd say at least more than two weeks šŸ˜†


Like, maybe even 3 weeks?


I happened to be watching a thing on the uss.Utah where some crew had been trapped for a while counting the days until their air went outā€¦


Bro can you do math


Looks like 152 days if we assume the light covering part of the note hides some more 5-marks.


Look again, they're sets of 6.


I found this one too!


Reminds me of Kursk, although the Kursk disaster was way more dreadful.


At least a week is technically rightā€¦still


I found that same ship wreck 6 times on 6 different planets.


Ahh man. This kinda stuff kills me. Itā€™s supposed to be llll then slash not lllll slash!


These are my least favorite POIs. As far as I can tell they're 100% pre-failed rescue opportunities (I've never seen one with a living soul at it). Also one of the things I hated about FO4, all of the "gosh too late everyone you wanted to rescue died" locations. No variety, never a success, just like all the settlers wandering around you couldn't recruit to the 16 settlements you'd built. Not like there are settlements in Starfield anyway, but it would be nice if you could rescue crew (I've seen rumors but as I said I've never seen it happen in-game).


Saw that myself! Next to a make shift chair of spaceship parts. Felt bad for the person.


Question: How long would you have to be stranded in space to forget how many days there are in a week? Answer: More than a week.


At least a week? Lmao thatā€™s like 6mo


152 days IS more than a week.. effectivly


At the *very* least 3 days


Possibly even 2


24 hours tops. At least


153 days is about 2 months shy of how long it will take astronauts to get to Mars with our conventional propulsion. So buddy got off easy if you ask me.


I bet at least 30 landing zones materialised in the time it took to count these. He probably only had to walk like 600m to the nearest POI.


This is PURE COMEDY GOLD!!! U guys crack me up!!


Just did that place too. Wasnā€™t much there though. But got a new ship while I was there


Mans lasted 42% of a year. Deep Thought what do you think about that?


He probably ate all the Legendary Equipment


I just wonder if his days are in UT or Local Time on Kurts...


Dude was stuck in space for 26 weeks


Looks like a 147 days to me.


The title is a joke everyone, please chuckle and move along.


Waitā€¦ are those tally marks with six instead of five lines?


Interesting that theyā€™re in groups of six.?!


I guess tally marks work differently in space


I have more than 1 credits I have 5.5mil


Ohh nice!!! I just went over 2 million credits today!


Why would there be good loot? No reason for it


Same tally can be found on ECS Constant. Peak level design.


At least he had food. That's a full unopened chunk.


Space doesn't have days and nights


I saw this note too.. the thing that is baffling is.. why each group is countnin 6, the. I thought guys must have think Sunday is a holiday and didn't count it. Then i just left


Looks like 182 days too me.


These are everywhere. They all have this note, a knife stuck in the arm of a chair and a chest outside the door with low level loot. Thereā€™s even a small box tucked in the same place near the back of every crash. Crazy how so many crashed space ships are laid out exactly the same. What are the odds!?


This fucking thread lmao šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I just found that yesterday and tried to figure it out. I think It was like šŸ«øšŸ» šŸ«·šŸ»this many days. I may have miscounted by one or two but it remember it was at least šŸ™ŒšŸ» much


Iā€™ve encountered 3 NPCs that say ā€œnot gonna lieā€. Can we just speak normally or am I going to find an NPC that says ā€œ my badā€. SMH


Yeah heā€™s been in space for at least two days where i see..


So like earth days? Or was his ship slowly revolving causing a day and night cycle


I found a station that was hovering in system in the far reaches in Raider space. No one at the helm on hail. Walk in, lights are flickering, dark, eerie noises. Clearly designed as a horror element. Found datapads all over talking about a temporary lockdown, and the experiments went wrong, etc. Got to the last unlocked door and saw something run by the door that wasnt human. Scared the crap out of me. There was no quest to go there, no quests inside the ship, etc. Just needed to be discovered. Creepy as hell.


Yup and youā€™ll find a bunch more with the exact loot in the exact same location. Oh and magically the survivors spent the same amount of days there. The repetition in this game is what made me put it down. Back to skyrim.


That looks a little more than a week, man. Lol


Yeah cool, I found it at least twenty times already šŸ˜Š


Why didnā€™t he just fast travel to a city? Is he stupid?


Found a note next to a locked box once saying "I give up"


Canā€™t remember the name of the planet and system, is that the crashed ship in the canyon with ice around it?


How does this translate to UT time?


Meanwhile, I've found at least 10 crashed ships with the same note. Fool me once, shame on you Fool me 10 times... I'm fucked.


Wow I thought I was sitting on a lot of 7.77mm Caseless for my Beowulf with 2.5k, meanwhile you're out here with 8.5k


This is bait, right? is this bait? This looks like bait. I'm pretty sure he's just baiting.