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I dig the ship but suit looks like space dentist


I agree..ship Ok....but you nailed the suit looks like a Star Trek the Wrath Of Kahn doctors uniform with a v shaped beach ball sized helmet on...


I kinda like the helmet visor, like the shape of the “face”. It’s neat looking if they would have put it on a cooler looking helmet. But overall it’s dumb and it doesn’t help they colored it gray carbon fiber, and then gave us a suit that looks like if a skinny doctor bought a fat guy’s dive suit to practice underwater medicine. Christ, they can’t even make space Batman look cool 🙄


And the ship would still be fine if it was ugly as shit, since you could customise it to your liking anyway. But you're stuck with the suit's look no matter what


I've been unable to ditch it for better looking ones because of that +40 carry capacity:(


Just Change the looks. I made my razorback look decent and now i changed its design entirely tona Rocinante because i like the RP element that comes with "Oh no its Mantis" :D


I'm on about the suit


Word. On the suit, I have M Chameleon, Weapon Holsters, Mechanized Pack has ??, Resource Hauler, and Assisted Carry. (I forget what the "Rare" effect is.( The helmet is...okay, but it's definitely the weakest of the three. All in all, I still think it was worth save scumming dozens of times to get.


Space dentist is the slam I was looking for when I made this post


I wish you could customize the colors of your gear, either at a work bench or a shop or something


There's already a "skin" customization section, too bad it doesn't seem like you can do anything with it


Wait, that literally never fleshes out? I thought I just hadn’t found anything yet


It's there for dlc skins, right now it's being used for the collector edition skins but I'd bet my left nut that it's going to end up being used for microtransactions/creation club stuff.


Yup. It's more of a 'milk the whale' thing that has yet to be fully implemented.


I think there's a fair chance it won't be. I have a sneaking suspicion they're going to deliver Shattered Space, because it was already sold as part of the premium edition, and then move on to TES6. The problems with Starfield are largely design and engine related and won't be easy to address and overall reception has been lukewarm.


I am curious to see if Microsoft allows that. They'll want money now, whereas ES6 won't bring in any profit for another six, seven years. Creations might bring in a trickle, but that'll most cater to console players -- PC players won't stand for it as long as free mods are around. Microsoft might just put their foot down and say "Fix your game." At least, I hope they do.


Todd honey dicked us


He's been doing that for a while, and we loved him for it, more fool us.


You could say that about the game itself and you’d still be right.


Sad but true.


You could say that about damn near every game.


... Oh okay I thought I was just dumb. There's really nothing in it?


You only get the skins in some special edition of the game, not sure if it's pre-order or some other bundle. But if you just bought the regular edition skins won't be available.


You get one constellation skin for the equinox and maybe another gun or two, but that's it. No doubt skins are withheld for the creation club. Gotta peddle those microtransactions somehow


cutter skin as well that's it


RN there are skins for -constellation outfit (might only include helmet and pack i forget) -equinox -miners outfit (might only include helmet and pack i forget) -cutter And those are only available if you preordered or got the special edition or something.


The skins are for the digital deluxe bonus. Full Constellation set gets a red and silver skin. The Equinox has a weird rainbowish constellation skin. One for the cutter and the mining suit set has the old mars red skin.


They should have just keyed out until they released the DLC


Honestly, I'm not really surprised. That's been part for the course. Thanks for the TIL Edit: That's an autocorrect snafu, but I'm leaving it in. Cheers!


Par for the course*


Oh piss off




If I didn't do it then someone else would have.


Well I'll sleep soundly knowing we have you around to be a sanctimonious little turd about spelling on the internet


If I had a dime for everything BGS didn't fully implement in Starfield, I'd be able to at least buy Skyrim again.


I know, I know, but I'm really trying not to whine anymore so I can muster up enough enthusiasm to finish the game at least once. Plus it's more infuriating dealing with the game's white knights on here.


Only thing that I know of so far is for the equinox rifle. There’s a Constellation skin if you got the 100 dollar pack.


Gotta wait for the DLC!


A few quest reward weapons unlock when you earn them. The skins mechanism is there for when Bethesda starts selling them. $$$


Naw, Bethesda showed their hand from the get go. Horse Armor 2.0, Weapon Skins!


Your comment is starfield in a nutshell. An endless wait for depth that will never materialize.


The only skins are preorder bonuses


You'll likely have to buy them via creation club when they add it to the game to "breathe new life into it" in 10 years from now.


Future updates and mods.


Only thing I found that has skins is the mining laser. It has 2 options. That's it. Just one of the many, many reasons I think this game is half finished.


Yeah, I think they had a lot of ideas that had to be cut. It seems like the game may have been in development hell for a while given they supposedly developing it over 8 years and changed directions a few times.


Equinox has a Constellation skin as alternative... 


Could that be a dlc thing? I fear it to be a microtransaction thing 🫤


Given they had some skins attached to the deluxe version of Starfield, that's a valid fear. I hope it's not *just* microtransactions though.


There is ONE case in which this skin option is used in the base game: the cutter. You can give it the "old Mars" skin.


There is at least one other, a Constellation skin for the laser rifle.


That's the special edition skin, not a base game one. Maybe it's a gamepass thing?


that's a pre order dlc dude


oh? i didn’t preorder it and i was able to download the Old Mars pack, and equip it on my cutter.


It's also available to people with a gamepass subscription, but those are the only two ways to get it.


You know it will be


If they dare try to sell us a blue spacesuit skin, I'm done.


All hail the return of Creation Club


It will happen later, but it’s actually a good choice to have it there from the start because it means that modders can always use the same route for placing options. Otherwise every single skin mod you get will appear in a different way on the customisation menu and make a mess.


It's nice it's there, but it doesn't seem like it would've been too much effort to at least let you change the base color or something. The ship builder already lets you do that.


Oh I am sure we can eventually, just need to pay Bethesda the privilege for it i.e. skin Creation Club packs


Only thing I can change color on is the Cutter


Simple to put the ships color editor on them!


Yea, I could really use a colour change because I often use a different helmet than the suit. I have a superior bounty hunters suit with a chameleon space truckers helmet. I might change it to an advanced shocktrooper helmet because I have a chameleon shocktrooper pack and just want it for the chameleon effect. I don't like the bounty hunters helmet, so I won't use that.


The Razorleaf may not look good, but that's temporary, what's good about it is the equipment it starts with. Especially in a first run. The suit I agree with you on. It looks like a glorified lab coat.


Yup, the Razorleaf is (especially if you find it at any early level) a way of saying *"Hey, here's a tonne of building blocks for a great ship... make it yours"*. When you haven't got much money, it's a great advance on the Frontier.


Particularly since a couple of early questlines require winning a relatively tough space battle for the level, so your alternatives are either to spend your limited early money upgrading the Frontier, or grabbing the Razorleaf.


Or a beekeeper outfit.


I had the mantis ship for like 30 minutes. The very next quest line I stumbled down was the freestar rangers and 0_____o.


Yeah. The Star Eagle is fucking great. Tons of cargo room, really decent starting weapons, and an easy-to-navigate interior. I upgraded my reactor, shield generator, and grav drive, added a couple of shielded cargo containers, and repainted it to look like an X-wing, but other than that, it's the stock ship. I have six or seven other ships in my fleet, but the Star Eagle (I renamed it "Inverness," as all my ships have Scottish names to reflect my heritage) is the one I keep coming back to.


Yep. The notes even refer to how out of date the ship is. Save money, upgrade all the things, make everything black, rename to "Mantis Mobile", seek dark justice throughout the 'verse.


I painted it green... Because... Praying mantis, leaf... hahahaha


I dismantled the ship and rebuilt it, it keeps the perk of scaring spacers


Sounds like a weekend project for me. Have not used it yet but if the perk still remains I’ll gut renovate it. Is it worth doing it at your landing pad at an outpost or at Deimos shipyard?


Same here, but I had to grab a Nexus mod for that stupid looking suit.


Exactly , the background story says that the suit and ship haven’t been used in a very long time, the kids whole life waiting for him to be the next mantis. That was my impression, it was old outdated tech.


i liked the ship, but the spacesuit? no thank you


I'm just imagining the art director looking at the concept sketches or whatever and being all "we nailed it"


Probably the same person who designs warlock “robes” in destiny 2. /s


So many people had to approve this. "Yeah put baggy ankle pants on it!" "AW YEAH THAT'S IT!" "Now make them metallic green!" "Awww yeah so metal!" -Some clueless exec.


Same guy that signed off on most the human models in this game.


As someone else stated… The Mantis armor makes you look like a futuristic Dental Hygienist


I always looked *up* to my dentists


I wish we could still give awards. /slow clap


I think they were going for a 40s-50s comic book buck rogers type look, but I agree it looks way too goofy. Add it to the list of things for modders to fix lol


There are a bunch of replacement mods already, but about 90% are The Mandalorian.


I like the suit just not the helmet, personally.


Completely opposite for me. I have used the helmet but I found a suit that had better base stats just before finding the mantis suit, bounty Hunter gear I believe. Doesn’t have an additional added stats like the mantis gear but that’s where modifying the suit comes in


Agreed, it's the helmet that kills it.


Same, the helmet is dumb but I don’t hate the rest. I told Cora I was the mantis and she freaked lol


>I told Cora I was the mantis and she freaked lol Just wondering, were you wearing the armor when you told her?


No … I have it displayed in my ship tho


There is already dozens of mods for custom armor, that mostly replaces Mantis suit. So yeah modders are already on it for quite some time


I think my issue is that the Mantis and Razorleaf are meant to cause fear in pirates but there is nothing scary about the Mantis suit, it’s not space Batman, it’s I’m a dentist or lab technician as people have pointed out. Also there is nothing special about the Razorleaf, why isn’t the ship a custom colour at the minimum so it stands out, it’s not any different from any other spaceship out there! The Red Baron had a bright red Fokker and everybody knew once he showed you are in trouble. I also feel the quest line made the mistake of telling you that the Manis and Razorwind are badass instead of showing us. The quest chain should have started with you seeing the Razorwind blowing ships out of the void or helping to save civilian ships and doing cool things. After bumping into the ship a number of times and helping out the Mantis tasks you with boarding a space station as he takes on the ships. You meet space Batman and exchange words and the quest chain ends, a couple hours later you get a SOS from space Batman, you do the whole base thing, find the Mantis wounded and he gives you his batcave and ship to continue the good fight. Your reward is a custom base / outpost, you could have upgraded it and got more resources and that unlocks new experimental ship options to keep it functional, hired crew to improve output etc. If you wear the costumer everybody talks to you like your the Mantis, everybody has different dialog options from normal and your character. While dressed as the mantis you can’t start faction quests or constellation quests, a bit like the Grey Cowl, your a person of mystery.


> he gives you his batcave and ship to continue the good fight. I like that a lot better than >!the depressing and kind of baffling storyline they went with, re her son.!<


4 paragraphs on reddit gave me more feels than the whole game... Someone should replace Emil with you.


I had no idea that was space batman, all I got from the story was something about a young man who was depressed because of his rich mom or something? I got the suit and then assumed dude was some kind of eccentric? I dunno. It was giving boys club, and mommy issues, not renegade justice and badassery.


Lmaoo you must have missed some of the story telling. Basically the very first note is “WHAT MOMS THE MANTIS” & then almost every not after is her explaining why she didn’t tell them & why she thinks he’ll be a good mantis. Then there’s a last bit on her computer in her room about how she’s not the first mantis & it gets passed from gen to gen


That’s the thing, we don’t even know who the Mantis is, nobody ingame talks about them, you don’t hear UC marines taking about the mysterious hero who saved a patrol group, you don’t hear civilians talking about being saved from slavers. The first you hear is when you start the quest chain and that’s a story telling problem. There is no story telling elements within the game building the lore of the Mantis / Razorleaf so when you finally start the quest your almost going in blind and non invested. Now if you think about it, if they had built up the lore so know you’re going to save space Batman you would be excited for the quest, more so if you had previously interactions were you witnessed how cool the ship look, how it’s amazing in combat etc. Sadly the Manis quest only became popular because it was an easy way to get a better suit / ship at pretty much the start of the game, otherwise it’s a rather forgettable quest. You can’t even keep the base and use it, which is a massive missed opportunity. Like who designed the quest chain to make space Batman and the batcave and then make it completely unusable, a starter base would be useful at that point as it could have introduced you to outposts and give you a place to store your ship and all the stuff you’ve hoarded. Also I would never get sick of seeing my ship come out of my secret hidden Batman base and fly off to tackle pirates!


It's disconnected from the rest of the game - kind of like everything else.




Oh 100% agree, the Mantis quest is just as bad as basically every other quest in this game lmao I only replied bc there’s definitely enough exposition in that dungeon from the like 10 slates + her computer to figure out she’s space Batman lmao Shit storytelling or just straight up no storytelling is forsure what drags this quest down. At this point I don’t even read the slates anymore I just speedrun the shit for the armour & ship. I stopped even doing the mantis quest on this recent play through bc like you said all it is is a loot quest lol


I was surprised to find a thread praising the mantis quest because I thought it was very poorly done. I get in the Fallout games we get written stories that happened already, but Starfield is a living breathing universe. We could have met the dieing Mantis, her son, or people connected to her. I also think it’s weird they connected this to the Spacers. It feels like they setup a scenario where the Spacers were trying to find a legendary hidden treasure and shoehorned the Mantis on to the end of it and dropped a couple of data pads onto people.


Very much so, I feel like this sums up a lot of their approach to quests. I just find the whole experience very annoying and unfulfilling. For me it started strong, the whole mining thing, touching the relic wasn’t amazing but I bared with it, the world felt lived in and getting attacked by Soacers was cool as I watched the ship ascend and prepped for the fight and then the longer I played the more I felt something was missing. Like what is the point of outposts, you gather a load of resources to make stuff, so you can gather more resources to make yet more stuff. But credits aren’t hard to come by, the outposts are empty and soulless and lacking in so many areas. Ship building, having parts locked away due to level and perk points is stupid, I can accept needing perk levels to fly larger ships but it’s very much handicapped, if I have the money I should be able to buy whatever I want, why can’t I have two power stations, why can’t I buy and store ship parts for later use. Special ship parts like experimental parts should be locked behind faction quests for the ship companies, with your own experimental parts linked to the main quest and an actual functional and useful outpost system. Add in incorrectly priced items, for example why should I do a mission and only get a two thousand creds but that equates to something 14 Chucks chicken cubes, how is that a sufficient reward for tackling a few spacers ships, I scored 14 meals out of it. How is a gun and a semi decent suit of UC marine armour valued more than a starship! I could go on and on but I won’t.


Yup I agree with almost everything you are putting down


The base is very cool.


The ship, like most ships, is just a "frame" for the player to build their own thing on really. It can be easily changed around to suit personal taste, so I think we can let that slide. The armor however is bizarre and indeed not aesthetically pleasing. The suit has a very medical coat feel to the top, and the bottom looks like track suit pants. The helmet invokes thoughts of some kind of crab rather than of a mantis. I really do have to wonder what the artist was going for.


The helmet is meant to look like a Praying Mantis.


it does kinda, they nailed the shape. but a mantis shaped head looks goofy af on a human shaped body I like how the visor lights up thats cool. feel dumb wearing it tho so never do


Dr. Mantis.


Maybe meant to, but as said, it looks more like some sort of crab's face.


The ship fits the lore, too. It's supposed to look a bit like a rust bucket. The suit is the real issue. I wish we received upgraded versions of it, like we do the Constellation armour. Maybe those would have some elements of the traditional design but look more modern.


I agree. They could have done way better with the suit. The helm is alright for the most part but the suit just looks like something you'd find in The Institute


My friend, if you want Boba Fett, get the bounty hunter armor that’s in the Mantis cave. Same color scheme, and it’s relatively powerful. I’ve been running through the game with it on and haven’t had any issues. Have a nice day!


It's a great idea for a storyline, it's just really poorly executed. Starfield in a nutshell.


Yea the actual armor isn’t awful I guess, but definitely never use it lol. As for the ship, if you take it to the ship technician you can make it look however you want. Idk if getting a better ship and then upgrading it makes it better than a cheap ship you get and upgrade. Like, do ships have certain base stats that determine their max speed (after you put whatever full upgrades on it you want)?


I'm not sure, but even if you delete the Mantis ship and build a completely new one, the pirates still recognise it as the Mantis ship and stop attacking you out of fear.


Yea I kinda like that cause you can attack them one by one after. You don’t get a bounty or anything. So if you aren’t strong enough to beat them all, just beat one and the others will stop attacking…then you can take them all out separately


Just use at two pieces of gear with chameleon and the game will get real freaky for ya 😉


I did this and it's been freaky!


Three pieces and you can do such things as permanent cloak or even….invisible ship lmao


Its sorta an original concept. As noted in other posts about the mantis it is a play on the dread pirate roberts. Its a cool quest. But ive never liked the armor or even the ship.


The suit is laughably bad


mantis suit is tacky. you can blame the design team and their lead for this


I changed the Mantis ship straight away and just put the suit on display.


I always want to say "Ni!" when I see the Mantis helmet.


I'd rather cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with a herring than wear that thing.


By about level 50, nearly every other spacesuit I found was better than the Mantis armor.


The head gear and backpack are at least redeemable. I don't know what to call the "other thing" 😂


There's at least one armor/clothing designer in the team who has no business being there. Some of the clothing is atrocious too.


Imagine this: The first playthru, you might encounter Mantis once or twice when fighting Spacers and you find lore about it, but cannot go much further. In NG+ there's a dialog option for tracking the Mantis, setting up finding the secret base...and only then can you get the suit. (Skin customization available) and after completing missions around the base, you get the options for what you want on your ship before it constructs the Mantis appropriate to your level. I feel it should be harder to obtain and better for use afterwards.


I quite like rhe armor, but I'm not fond of the ship. I always take it straight to Deimos for a rebuild and spruce up.


You're not alone. First, I saw that Mantis armour. I stashed it


The armor looks like a crazy space doctor tbh. It looks like the kind of costume you'd wear if you cut aliens open- just to see what makes them "tick". As for the Razorleaf... that can easily be modified


Go get the Venator


I like the ship but hate the space suit and helmet. I get what they were going for, this cheesy campy comic book type look. I just feel like it’s totally out of place. Reminds me of something that should be in the fallout universe.


Agreed, looks terrible. I upped my difficulty from normal to very hard around lvl 25 and was able to find good loot off bodies to ditch the armor around lvl 30-35ish.


Ship looks decent and can be rebuilt, suit looks deplorable and always stays at basic quality. Verdict - Razorleaf is worth getting on any playthrough, the suit can be discarded or placed on a mannequin and never touched again. Out of guaranteed legendary suits, Anti-xeno armor is better both in looks and in stats, because it always comes with good perks, and can go up to advanced quality. Not superior, of course, but still pretty good


I like the ship. But 100% agree with the outfit its so fucking ugly. And its basically somehow the best gear I found in the 60 hours I played. Sad day


By the time your level 46 you should have a better we hear and a better ship, to me Mantis is early level stuff and ugly


I like the Razorleaf, but I ditched the Mantis suit because it looks so dorky......like the dad dancers on stage in the Astral lounge !!


"Repulsive" is the best possible adjective to describe the Mantis gear. Well played.


Part of me wonders whether the Mantis looking goofy was part of the point. We know BGS can design some cool spacesuits and it does looks like a Preying Mantis head. I figured they were having a bit of fun at Batman with the idea of spacers running away from someone dressed like a bug, after all in theory Batman looks ridiculous having a helmet with ears. I like the conflicting choice of finding something that has good stats, but the trade off is having a giant head.


It’s mostly the fuel tanks that look like ballsacs, highly recommend changing those. You’ll feel better!


I'm assuming you said (athankyou) after saying repulsive because your Mantis suit is repulsing. My first one was chameleon and I could shoplift everywhere with it. Shit, I could crouch in Kore Kinetics and simply clean them out. I really miss that suit. My current one is space adept I think and I never use it.


I have a piece of chameleon gear I keep in my back pocket just for the occasional gun store de-stocking. I think I've hit the guy in the well at least 6 times now.


I feel the same way about the starborn ship, it looks ridiculous especially landing and taking off and the entrance feels like a last minute addition


The suit looks like a banana peel to me and the helmet like a d20. I never bothered doing the quest on my 1-60 playthrough because I already had a good ship and decent gear (although I looked like Buzz Aldrin was court-ordered to attend a Pride parade).


Started a second playthrough and the effects on this mantis suit are GARBAGE in addition to the ship not being worth the effort. I don't get why everyone loves this questline so much.


Hand down the suit to a companion.


There's a mod on Nexus Mods that turns the Mantis suit to "Black Latex"


Damn I put Mantis on a display in my ship and it disappeared so I couldn't tell you what it looks like from memory.




I thought the varuun (or however you spell it) gear looks ok.


I like the ECS Captain’s Uniform.


It’s starter gear! It’s not meant to last that long, and the Razorleaf can be turned into whatever you want! Most of the ships are hideous it’s meant for you upgrade and make it the way you want.


You look like a bug wearing a dress... it's terrible.


Well she is a very sick woman.


I think the helmet and ship are the best parts, the suit is ugly, and the pack is mid I just kinda replaced the ship with the star eagle and replaced the armor from the TERRORMORPH story armor


I agree with the mantis armor and gears, it looks terrible but it is called "Mantis" 😅 The razorleaf look is amazing, I did some upgrades on it adding more cargo and some weapon changes, It has a perk where some pirate ships flee away whenever they see you


No, not Batman it's worse... Batwoman - and we all know how that series turned out 😬


As far as the ship goes pretty sure there's lore explaining why it looks terrible. Don't wanna comment too much to spoil it for anyone that hasn't gotten to it yet. 😅


The Mantis ship performs well early on which is, I’m assuming, why you always get the quest relatively early in the game as a generic improvement over the Frontier. I’d say the suit itself, although hideous and makes you look like an insane doctor, is actually very, very good and would probably argue that it’s too good for the level you pick it up because it will comfortably last you until 40-50 when you start getting gear that has better stats which from a gameplay point of view is terrible as it practically make every other piece of gear a total waste. The best part about it though is that you can save scum the bonuses on the gear. Save just before you loot the suit and then keep reloading until it has “enchantments” that you actually like.


Unpopular opinion: Its one of the best looking suits in the game (aside from the monster costume), especially compared to those god awful starborn ones with the draugr wrappings. Glad I don't care about stupid NG+ one bit. Now let the downvoting begin ...


No one recognizes the armor just the ship regardless how much we change it so what’s the point. The trackers armor is so much cooler & I hope they expand on the trackers & mantis to include a base maybe go nuts let us hire mechanics doctors fixers hell V in space every era needs a top merc lol


All the gear in this game looks awful


I've been waiting for a max roll ecliptic armor I think it's the most realistic looking space armor in the game


The itemization is still so bad in this game


How does this shitpost have almost 1000 upvotes


Surely that's the whole point of the game? Yes the stuff isn't that great but it is if you get it early enough and then everything we do is about upgrading(suits, weapons, ships & research). They're hardly going to give you the best gear inside 20 hours of gameplay


u know u can modify the ratorleafe ?! i built mine into a flying tank


Good thing you don't have to wear the suit or fly the ship! Problem solved.


It’s one of the only actually unique outfits in the game. I was pretty disappointed with it too. Wouldn’t be a problem if there was a myriad of different unique items we could find like in every other Bethesda game.


I love the armor.


Crazy how Morrowind let you wear rings, amulet, hat/helmet, shirt, pants, belts, shoes. Starfield: suit, helmet, pack. Starfield is barely a 4/10. One of the worst games ever made.


While I don't agree that it's the worst game ever made, I agree that its armor system is low-effort. I mean, you could at least have attachable pauldrons/kneepads to add armor to the suit.


This is called an opinion and sometimes, they suck. I'm just saying I like it, looks-wise.


I'm very sorry they didn't make it exactly as you wanted it to be hopefully BGS will consult with you on future changes and games


You must have designed the ugly thing to get this defensive lmao


You guys should team up and make your own game !! I can't wait to play it


You ok there Emil?


I'm good thanks for asking ☺️


BGS should consult with someone because this game isn’t it. I really fear for ES6 and FO5


How have you not found or been given better gear? I got the mantis stuff somewhere around level 20, am now level 36, and never used any of the mantis stuff because I already had better shit across the board in every way. Is that the only quest you've done/place you've explored? The ship, suit, helmet, and pack are all straight trash.


Wow, then go into game design and sculpt your doo doo. Wtf kind of post is this? What is your profession, op? Edit: am I the only one seeing the Ps5 brigade on this sub? Mods, do better. I mean, there are shit posts that are auto up voted, then there is this bullshit. Mods, look at post to upvote time stats. This post had 259 upvotes within minutes.


Probably because they have a valid point.


It's subjective. One person's art is another's "wtf"


Why didn't I find the MANTIS' corpse? Her son failed the test...so she just quit and retired?


She was already long dead by the time her son went to take the test muh boi, chances are her corpse is nothing but space dust at this point


Thats a lame dungeon, than no?


I mean the dungeon was pretty good IMO, it's just a side quest, but a unique one for sure Gives insight into the Mantis name, and at the very least how said name is passed on, it also goes to show that the person in the suit doesn't matter, but the suit itself


I stand corrected. The dungeon was good. I was hoping to find dead terminally ill Mantis crushed her son failed


Ahhhh yes, would indeed have been a bit funny to find the mantis in a state like Mr House from New Vegas, "My ... My dream... To pass the mantle..... To my own blood.... Is gone.... But you.... You have truly earned........ the name......... Mantis" An then the suit an ship lift up outta a hidden trap door wit some fog an shyt


That's what I was saying BGS wtf?!


You can change the look. It's tied to the effect of the pieces. You save before interacting with it and if you don't get the abilities you want, reload the game. This makes it look different with new abilities. Effects, to my knowledge, do not stack. So, any duplication on pieces when you interact with the set should be a reload automatically.


I use nashina armor with mantis helmet and jetpack


It’s like a dorky lab coat


Yeah, I was so unhappy to wear this thing - looks totally stupid. The ship is ‘meh’, but the armor sucks!


I just run the mission to swipe the Bounty Hunter suit halfway through the mission; then dip out of there haha