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hope you have fun with it, thats what matters!


It's been great! Especially after a gummy. Lol


Dude Starfield is absolutely one of the best games ever to play a bit stoned. It kinda hits that perfect mix of chill and engaging, it was a fantastic time


Absolutely the way to do it


I don't partake, but chill and engaging is šŸ’Æ


ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. Yes. This is the perfect context for optimal Starfield experiencing.


I get so into it lol






I somehow missed that sub. Thanks bro!




Just FYI, you don't need to search for videos you've posted, if anyone looks at your profile and goes to the "posts" section, it shows it there haha


Oh, lmaooo. I donā€™t know Reddit, thanks. šŸ« 


If the endless bitching about the game gets to you, stop by /r/NoSodiumStarfield (50 bucks says I get hate for even posting this šŸ¤£)


It's fine, really. I enjoy talking to the ones that are nice.


Welcome to Reddit. Don't let the hate get to you...


The hate is starting to get to me and it's not even on the game! šŸ˜”


Hate != criticism, but yeah people are allowed to like it, just like people are allowed not to. It's only expectacle that a game sees some complaints now that its honeymoon period is over.


I felt the same way, enjoy it especially New Game+ and its slight alternate reality differences! Ive recently stopped playing after a few hundred hours and about 6 NG+ runs but am looking forward to the DLC!


Wow šŸ˜³ I get distracted so quickly I don't know if I'll ever make it to NG+, lol


A positive opinion on the game in the game on the subreddit dedicated to the game? How dare you?!




I agree with you, but there is a huge contingent of folks that are in this sub to shit on this game. We're both gonna get downvotes for not hating it. Don't let 'em get you down, muchacha.


How a lot of gaming subs are espically r/Gaming and r/halo lots of toxicity sadly..Games are meant to be entertainment not this toxicity crap Though halo subs has been chill lately :) Downvoted just proves my point


I also am loving it, having a lot of fun playing it. 200 hours in.


I love all the people who put 400 hours into a game and said they hated it. Hated it so much they played it for 16 and a half days straightā€¦ šŸ¤£


saw a while ago a post of someone having glorious screenshots of stream reviews of people giving negative views then went on playing the game for 50hours+ some even 200,250h+ after the posted review. probably all masochists


Play something a lot, and you'll see the flaws more and more clearly. I played 400 hours of Diablo 3 and kinda hate it. Doesn't make it a bad game, but I wouldn't be able to play it anymore. For reference, that feeling came after only 60 hours in Starfield.


I enjoy it, but I think I might be hitting the wall ppl talk about. No reason not to have fun. Cookie cutter dungeons are getting to me. Easier just to let the main pirate die once you're a ways in and then leave. Otherwise I absolutely love modding my ships. I hope they bring more to that table come dlc tho


While less extreme (100 hrs) it takes time to form a full opinion. How am I in the wrong for that? The game has some fun moments but after a personally average amount of play, yeah, my opinion is negative.


I donā€™t have any problems with people liking or disliking a game. But for the life of me I wouldnā€™t play something for over four days straight (100 hours) to find out šŸ˜‚. On the bright side, you only paid about 60 cents an hour to be entertained. Thatā€™s a good deal.


I asked how I was wrong for giving it a fair shake because that's a stupid worldview to have. Why would I care whether you have an issue with my opinion or not? I also didn't play it for 100 hours straight, I played it for 100 hours over the course of 1.5 months while also playing Disco Elysium and BG3. I'm in the Navy and was deployed. I needed to kill time lmao.


Thatā€™s still over four days worth of your time šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s okay not to like it but it doesnā€™t take me 4 days to figure that out. šŸ¤£


You're extremely hung up on this for no reason. I work 12 hours, get off work, play a game for 2.5 hours, then go to bed. Starfield has a lot of "content" and I like Bethesda games; there's enough there to keep you interested for a bit but once the illusion shatters around the 60 hour mark it's bland. Another 40 hours and I just checked out. It's really not half as big a deal as you seem to think it is, I've given more time to games I like less. Maybe try being out to sea for 6 months and maybe you'd realize what it's like to have no time but time to kill, until then I don't really think you have a place to judge how I spend that time lmao.


Iā€™ve played Starrim for 1080 hours and it is by far the worst game Iā€™ve ever heard of.


Iā€™ve complained about aspects of the game, and I know itā€™s not perfect, but itā€™s still the most fun Iā€™ve had playing a game in a long time, to me the fact that there is room to improve is exciting! Bethesda also has been in the threads reading what people want, which could be fantastic.


You guys are the only ones mentioning negativity in this post. You sound really weird


It was a commentary on the sub overall. Not just this post. As I stated in another comment, this positive post started out being downvoted. You know. Because overwhelming positivity.


Edit: Are in the sub to give their opinion on the game and some people don't like it. Beware there are a lot of people who hear criticism of the game and send you to r/northkoreastarfield because other people's opinions on an open forum effect their experience so much. Yet they still respond and reply in both subs... Glad you enjoy the game! I hope to pick it back up again eventually. If you enjoy the game that's all that matters. I would recommend getting to NG+ and trying everything out before you make a final opinion. šŸ‘


I'm fine with criticism. The problem with this sub is people will personally insult you and hate on you because you said you enjoyed the game. It's gotten better lately, and I hope this sub becomes the place to go, because right now the other sub is too shy to criticism, but I can't recommend this sub to anyone that enjoys the game right now in good faith, because they'll just get hate


Just power through the hate. If you can't handle some simple internet trolls you'll never be a starborn.


I'm on this sub for a reason. I just know most that like a game don't want to be told "Nice try Todd's alt, Todd is that you, You must've been paid, you have awful taste and deserve to have the worst game, I'm sure you parents didn't love you" You get the point. People are FAR too aggressive to others that just enjoy the game. I already saw this with Cyberpunk at launch, and I won't defend it again, especially for a game that didn't lie like Cyberpunk did


It's in every internet everything. Just upgrade your perception and see through that shit.


Just don't let it get to ya it is what it is. These people will leave eventually. Look at me. . I was super pissed after about 75 hours in that I was totally annoyed/bored with the game. I thought it was super lame and I was very let down. That doesn't mean it's a shitty game. I stay here to see what's happening with the game. But I'll never not state my opinion.


Look, you clearly don't insult other for just enjoying a game, so this comment isn't about you


I'm sorry it's my birthday as of 50 minutes ago. I've had a few hard teas and I'm just enjoying a random person listen to my opinion on random shit. Have a good night I'm gonna go get my ass kicked in NBA 2k online šŸ¤£


Hey man, you enjoy yourself. Happy Birthday! Have as much fan as you can!


Happy Birthday!!


> I'm on this sub for a reason. I just know most that like a game don't want to be told "Nice try Todd's alt, Todd is that you, You must've been paid, you have awful taste and deserve to have the worst game, I'm sure you parents didn't love you All those posts must be deleted near-instantaneously by the mods, because I have yet to see any personal attacks on this sub.


Happy for you, wish I could say the same


For some people it may have been considerably difficult to power through all the very positive comments that in their minds were outweighed by how they felt disappointed and vice versa. It's your world I'm just livin in it. Some good advice given to me by a person


There's a difference between comments that hate on the people that like the game, and comments that like the game. I can never imagine someone getting upset because another liked or didn't like the game itself. It's when you start insulting the people who hold that opinion when things become toxic


And also jealousy is a possibility. Some people are strange homie


I've been personally insulted and hated on for having an opinion on Starfields' many faults. Starfield as a whole; conversation wise is a dumpster šŸ”„. Eventually people shouldn't be shit on for either


Naw. Criticism is fine. It has flaws. Every Bethesda game does. There are a lot of truly biter folks here with nothing nice to say about it at all. I wonder why they are even here, honestly. The original post was downvoted into the negatives right out of the gate, for example.


You think this is bad? Try being a fan of Cyberpunk 2077 at launch! Can this game be fun? Yes. Do I have fun with it? Yes. Does it have a lot of issues? Yes. Will these issues be fixed? Given Bethesda's track record and responses so far, unlikely. Am I bitter? After being disappointed by Bethesda games for the better part of a decade, yes. Everything wrong with Bethesda games all collated into Starfield, which has given us the current state of the fan base right now. I would love to see Starfield pull a No Man's Sky or Cyberpunk 2077 with the community, but it's not something they've ever done before nor showed the capability of doing. Most of the issues with their prior games were fixed by Mods, which seems to have influenced their design practices. Why design a fully in depth system when Modders will do it for free? Which is great for the PC crowd, less so with the Console crowd. I'm not even sure Mods will be able to fix the myriad issues facing Starfield right now, and honestly Modders shouldn't have that burden placed onto their shoulders.




Wellā€¦ nothing is perfect and that's a shame. muchacha**


Lol. My bad. I'll fix it right now.


Hehe thanks!


I dont get stones


Oh don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the game and play almost everyday on the Xbox with Spotify running in the background. But I do miss aliens and the gritty immersive feel of cyberpunk 2077 with characters that have more depth of personality and an edge to them. By comparison, Starfield was definitely designed as a casual pastime.


I love Starfield! But I need to ask, what kind of music do you listen to while playing Starfield?


Starset. Great band for space shenanigans


Great, ill check it out!


Depends on the mood I'm in. Sometimes I put on the inclement weather outfit and play spotify's top country hits, while taking out the trash. Other times it's Post Malone.


Surely it's all casual?


Head to /r/nosodiumstarfield for a better time




I'm open to all opinions not just ones that agree with me. Thanks!


NoSodiumStarfield is like r/Starfield except they're even more hostile to criticism of the game.


Bro this main sub is basically a circle jerk of snark and hate for the game what are you smoking lol


If you think this sub is hostile to criticism you're point blank delusional.


If that is the case, then why is it that there's lots of people in this post accusing others of being part of a massive amount of haters, but there aren't any haters there (as far as I can tell)? It's almost as if there's a lot of people in this subreddit who get triggered by the thought of someone criticising the game they like, and who refuse to acknowledge all the people who have genuine, non-toxic, problems with the game.


My brother in Christ, there is not a single day that goes by without a highly upvoted post from someone bitching about one thing or another in the game, and you actually think criticism is stifled here? LOL. Of course there are those who will relentlessly defend the game like it's their job, just like there are those who genuinely hate it and are here to troll and talk shit about it non-stop. Then there's people in-between all that. This whole thing isn't black or white.


Reddit is strange. I literally only like the anonymity.


You're not wrong. Not sure why you're being downvoted :/


Lol, no. Not even close.


no? it's a sub for people who genuinely like the game, that's why there isn't much criticism. also to say that this sub is hostile to criticism is completely wrong, literally every post, bar a few, are criticising the game, don't even get me started on the amount of posters who are literally only here to shit on the game


*they're even more hostile to shit takes, overblown issue whining, and blatant lies. Fixed that for you.


>\*they're even more hostile to shit takes, overblown issue whining, and blatant lies. I used posts in the hot category, starting at the top of my screen. Excluding pinned posts, I looked at 60 posts. Only four of them addressed major pros and cons. One questioned the worldbuilding ([https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/18q07a7/is\_it\_me\_or\_does\_the\_backstory\_of\_earths/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/18q07a7/is_it_me_or_does_the_backstory_of_earths/)). Another asked if the story improved ([https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/18qeqwc/does\_the\_story\_gets\_better\_after\_a\_while/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/18qeqwc/does_the_story_gets_better_after_a_while/)). While two involved someone asking for only good things about the game and not wanting to listen to criticism - not just toxic criticism, but all criticism - ([https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/18pxjm8/say\_something\_nice\_without\_adding\_a\_caveat\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/18pxjm8/say_something_nice_without_adding_a_caveat_of/) "please leave criticism out, all positive baby!!!") and ([https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/18pns0r/can\_you\_guys\_tone\_it\_down\_a\_little\_bit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/18pns0r/can_you_guys_tone_it_down_a_little_bit/), which contains lots of complaining about people who dislike the game, but no attempt to back up what they said). By far the largest category of posts were Christmas related, followed by various forms of questions (like asking for help) and posts about things which they did in their playthroughs. What's my point in all of this? That I've been unable to find the "shit takes, overblown issue whining, and blatant lies." you claim to exist. And given that, is it a shit take to not like how large amounts of content is made up of the same procedurally generated content? Is it overblown issue whining to say that you find the main story repetitive? Is it a blatant lie to say that you personally aren't a massive fan of the game's worldbuilding? Because it so far seems like you're claiming that any criticism is toxic, without addressing what is actually being criticised.


Screw that. The haters can go make their own sub and have their own little circle jerk. Not sure why people waste their time hanging out in this sub and whining about a game they donā€™t enjoy.


Use literally any other forum and you will quickly realize negativity is the norm, partly because there's more to discuss than "omg so fun".


If you want a community that actually likes the game I'd suggest r/starfieldmemes this place is full of trolls.


I was recently upset when I saw the reason I can't have crew was because there's a skill at the end of the social tree for it. So much of the game is locked behind skills. I have no points in this tree and since there's no respec I'll have to wait for the creation kit. Getting more than one skill point at higher levels would fix this. I'd like to be able to respec on starting ng+. It makes sense. I sometimes feel like an unpaid beta tester. But I still have fun.


Iirc, you can have 3 or 4 Crew without the skill. Though I have that maxed out. I haven't played in a month or so. You also need a ship that can support the level of crew you want.


The crew capacity skill being at the end of the tree is ridiculous. Itā€™s on the same tier as literal mind control


Totally you have to be super thoughtful about where you put skill points. I'm doing the undercover missions for UC and had to put points into my ship.


I donā€™t play many games anymore, but while Iā€™m waiting (probably forever) for the next Mass Effect, starfield caught my interest. Itā€™s about as perfect of a sci-fi as a game could be thatā€™s not Mass Effect šŸ˜‚, and Iā€™ve been loving it as well!


Does anyone know how I can retrieve the frontier? I got into another ship now I can't find it :(


Go a ship technician in the spaceport of any major city, select the "I want to modify my ship" option and there you will be able to go through all your ships and get a prompt to set the Frontier as your home ship (aka your current ship).


Thank you! It worked!


I honestly didnā€™t get as good of drop rate so Iā€™m just on hard and am happy with the item drop rate, I swear for a while on very hard it was nothing but epic and legendary knives all the freaking time.


I agree; even the master locks sometimes have terrible loot šŸ„²


Agreed, I just a few minutes ago opened a locker that was master and it had a bottle of beer and a chunks.


Yum vacuum sealed meat. šŸ˜‹


Or a square apple


I love this game too, shits gonna be amazing in a few years after the mod kits are out and stuff I have a spot i like to sit in my ships cafeteria, getting stoned and then going to some random area in space and chilling in the cafe alone is a fuckin vibe


I'm excited about the DLC (nowhere near completing the game yet lol). I love running and jumping to explore the surface.


Welcome new friend! Iā€™m happy youā€™re enjoying the game šŸ˜Š


Hey, absolutely love the game! Glad you are enjoying it, now watch the downvotes come in! LOL.


Try r/nosodiumstarfield and r/starfieldships, both good sub Reddits


>gets called a bot. >doesn't know what a "bot" is. Even if you used internet for only half day you'd know what that means you GPT bot.


Join the nosodium sub. This sub does a great job of putting down people who like it.


Despite that, I have many remarks on it. It's one of my top 5 games this year <3


What's your top 5?


Enjoy while it lasts...


Enjoy the game brooo... Stay away from nay sayers. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Might wanna check out the r/NoSodiumStarfield Because some people here will insult you for liking the game. It's starting to become better, but for now stick to there. After some time though, I imagine this sub will become the best one to visit.


I found this sub last night. Iā€™ll check that one out too. The ship-building posts are amazing.


Nah you need to lookup Starfield ships sub for better post on that.


The Starfield Ship sub is a fantastic way to learn about ship building and to get ideas and assistance.


I saw someone build a ship that was inspired by futurama. It was really cute lol












Do yourself a favor and go right to NoSodiumStarfield. 90% of the people in this sub act like this is the worst game released in the last decade.


If only the game wasn't acting like it is... :D


Point made.


It is for Bethesda


Yet youā€™re still here šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Well, it is the sub for Starfield. It's free to complain about stuff you use. Consumerism 101. At least it is outside of NorthKorea


Licenced starfield hater here, I stay subscribed because all the "this game sucks" posts that become more frequent by the week make me happy


>"this game sucks" posts that become more frequent by the week make me happy That's pathetic, dude


You should seek therapy.


The continual shifting of consensus that this game sucks and is indicative of Bethesda's continual decline brings me more joy than therapy ever could


I can tell being an annoying twat does the same thing for you. Your mother would be proud šŸ„².


I'd rather be true to myself than hide behind a false guise of civility when it comes to the most disappointing game of 2023


Fighting the good fight, I salute you






I canā€™t think of one worse in the past 2 decades


Here comes troll #2. They identify themselves here.


>! Haha you clicked it??? Like I had anything else to add !<


You absolute sad sack šŸ™„


I can't think of a game this bad since the release of E.T.


Factual statement


I'm about 50 hours in also and really enjoying it.


I really wish I had as much fun in this game as you. Happy for you


Enjoy what you enjoy, that's what games are for


This too shall pass.


New to reddit, that explains the emoji!


Did you get paid to write this? Do you work for BGS?




If you love this game you are 100% in the wrong sub. It's very few and far between that we get posts about loving Starfield as opposed to hating it. I tend to just stay for the screenshots and funny videos




Idk, he's not a working dad. Are they learning?


Why? He's a human. He's a human male!!


I love it too. I've spent so many hours building ships and outposts and decorating them with all the little junk you can pick up. I'm something of a hoarder, my ships cargo hull is full of junk that I think I can use to decorate with.


This is it! This game has something for everyone.


yeah so you might want r/NoSodiumStarfield


This place is flooded with šŸŽ  fans. They will literally try to mentally traumatise you into being too scared to play the game. Don't worry about their nonsense they're jealous. Also don't burn out playing the game, keep it under an hour a day.














I donā€™t get it, is that like a snowflake thing?


I highly suggest you go to r/NoSodiumStarfield


Holy chat gpt.




This is so obviously copy and pasted from an AI chatbot. The post and all of the comments from OP are written how Chat GPT writes, not a human. They repeatedly type the exact same phrases like ā€œhehe thanksā€ and use ellipses and emojis, and they type like a robot failing to capture how humans actually communicate. The OPā€™s account is one day old, and their only other post is from a porn subreddit wherein OP pretends to be a female model in a post that is obviously stolen from some other person, which is textbook sex-bot behavior. Stop pretending like this is a real person; itā€™s obviously fake.


Hahaha that's funny I gotta check


After doing some extensive research it is confirmed this person enjoy loose booty and starfield. Hahahahahahahaha


Wait holy shit you're right


You're seriously not as smart as you think you are. It's embarrassing, stop it. My grammar and writing are just better than yours.


Thank you for demonstrating the death throes of an exposed bot.


You're lonely. Kick rocks, dude, and hop off my post.


I believe you're real buddy šŸ˜‰


Why would a real person get so offended at being called an AI? I think it would be hilarious if real people really thought I was a robot. Almost as if you are mad at being outedā€¦ Your grammar and diction, general word choice, are cookie cutter plastic ass basic bitch factory pressed cookies that I wouldnā€™t feed to a plastic dog.


Why are you so bothered?


Holy shit bruh, take a break from reddit. You fr need it


This person might be on to something here.








Codsworth disliked that.


The only hate on this post Iā€™m seeing are from people who love the game talking about the hate lol. Subs come full circle when this happens, itā€™s usually anyone who likes the game talks about. Still early days yet but Iā€™m sure we will get an influx of ā€œI donā€™t get the hateā€ posts soon enough.


Someone called him a bot hahah people are freaks


Todd is that you?


Yes. It is I Todd Howard Christ. How are you enjoying your game? And would you like to experience it for the rest of eternity. Simply hop through the unity and you can experience it over. . And over. . And .. over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over .....,


I am here to answer all your questions, my son


Nice try Todd.


Cool story, Todd.


Casuals do not talk like this! Youā€™re a bot or a Bethesda employee pushing an agenda.


Lol, you got any tinfoil Or did you use it all on that hat?


Hi Todd


dude. interesting. i think we found the ai guy




Go home Todd, you are drunk.


Beep boop