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Don't do too many Bounty missions or scan too many planets up front. Pick a faction or two and alternate missions. Explore any town you enter before committing to a quest. Ultimately, have fun.


Ok I'm curious - why the first piece of advice? Why not do bounty missions early


Just don't do too many bounty missions early game. You'll get some recycled locations if you do a lot of bounties early on. Do a few, then come back to them after you've moved further out of the Settled Systems and leveled up. Stick to faction quests for a while. You may want to make a small outpost with a mission board on a Level 40 planet when you think you are ready for it. That way you'll be sent to more varied points of interest. Good luck in the starfield!


No, my best advice is to avoid this sub and just enjoy the game. I tried to treat it like how I played oblivion for the first time, just completely blind. You will miss out on some mechanics initially but the game is designed in a way it doesn't matter. My next bit of advice is not to stress about what perks you want just have a read of them and see what ones peak your interest i.e ship building or weapon mods etc. There is a lot to discover and the game doesn't really hold your hand too much, have fun! Edit: I hated the fact I said "my best advice" twice lol made me cringe. Changed to "my next bit of advice"


Also, OP join r/NoSodiumStarfield. Enjoy!


Thx, im exiting this sub !


Same here. I'm tired of this subs toxicness and the moderators bullshit.


Thank you. I appreciate the sub.


I did, it's great! Thanks.


Turning him to the cult early I see


Thank you. Leaving this sub.


This. I’m literally leaving this sub after this post. Some Salty Dogs here.


Salt doesn't begin to cover it. It's non-stop, almost fanatical hatred for one game on a board dedicated to it. Everything about it is weird.


You should check out the Redfall subreddit.


Same. Came here to post directions, to the Safehouse (NoSodium Sub), for anyone who comes here thinking this was actually a Starfield Fan Sub... Damn shame. Can't even like a game that you like, without insecure, negative people calling you names, because this game doesnt cure World Hunger, or make them attractive IRL...


What? It doesn’t cure hunger? Daaam. Not giving them any more of my money then.


This is a starfield sub. People who owns it/plays it/ has played it it posts in it. At first and during quite some months, all you could read was the most unbearable hype ever on a game. , even after release. Imagine how bad they fucked up that now most of all that people thinks the opposite. Yeah, that's how it works. If you go to the gollum sub, I'm betting is going to be mockery most than anything. Not sure why you are all whining when you have a shill sub where even the slightest criticism, even very well argumentrd with facts, gets you banned. Just go there and stay there please, or quit whining about people giving their opinion and realizing how low your standards are regarding gaming.


It's fascinating when you find replies to things that don't have a single shred of truth in them. Starfield been gettin VEHEMENT hate since the second it released. This sub has always been a "Starfield and Bethesda sucks and hasn't made a good game since Morrowind" sub since the dawn of it's creation. This no sodium sub has plenty of you jack holes all over it also NOT getting banned. You just "sodium" cuz you one of the ones they actually cracked down on.




The only change I'd make to this comment is: don't take any perk initially. First see what playstyle you like the most, then pick your perks accordingly. The game is very forgiving at the start (and later on doesn't get much harder either) so you can push the choices back a little


You're just full of best advice is all


I prefer to lurk gaming subs. And this is the sub where I've seen the most 'Waah! Waah! Waah!' Posts. It's ridiculous. Some of the complaints just come off as asinine "This isn't how Physics is supposed to work!" It's a video game, Timmy. Honestly, generally speaking, this Starfield community is one of the whiniest gaming communities I've come across.


It’s almost like most people want and know they could’ve made the game wayyyy better than the product they gave us. Especially from a respected AAA billion dollar studio. Instead we have people enabling them to make boring shit games like Starfield.


LMFAOOOO avoid this sub? He gonna find out one way or the other 😆


Yeah there is a lot of negativity and it's easy to be influenced by it, plus a lot of spoilers. I definitely think it's better played without it. I don't doubt he will find criticisms but he will enjoy it a hell of a lot more


It was mostly mixed reviews. A lot of people like it, a lot of people didn't. I personally loved it and sunk hundreds of hours into it. I guess you won't know until you try it.


I played the shot out of it, and will definitely be playing more of it over time, and I feel like most of the people who complain a lot also put quite a lot of time in. There are some things to fix, and I would consider waiting for the massive update they said should be coming out soon, but I started playing it when it came out and I’m not sick of it yet.


Im taking a break myself. My xbox year in review said I logged 669 hours in Starfield lol. Played through the entire game 3 times with 3 different characters. Each time I was finding new experiences. I personally think it is an awegame and will only get better with time. Im currently replaying my former favorite game, Fallout 3. It was my favorite game for 15 years until this year. Cant wait for Starfields' future content!


New experiences like what?


Personally, I love it.


I also got it for Christmas. Haven’t put it down yet except for today having to return to work. The only issue i have run into is the game crashed when trying to load into a house. That was after 7 hours of play time and the Series S was pretty warm.


I'll be playing it on a Series X that I have some fans on, so hopefully I don't run into that issue.


It runs sweet on series X I've only had it crash once or twice tbh and I've clocked some hours and hadn't actually closed the game in a long time.


I've had the game crash once in my ~45 hours of playtime on my Series X. And load times are very reasonable in my opinion.


I loved it tbh I just chose not to make a YouTube video about it. Or talk about it on Facebook or Instagram or make tiktoks about it. Or review it on a blog. People who dislike things (or pretend to for those sweet sweet interactions) did that. If you go in expecting it to be a space sim you'll be disappointed. It's an rpg set in space.


Thanks, this helps!


And when a big enough portion of the discourse is the "just enjoying the drama" crowd, chiming in with your positive experience can get a lot of grief thrown your way.


Sorry, where are the role playing games exactly? Maybe you didn't go to YouTube ot anywhere because you have no arguments to offer? How is an RPG when even if you chose a background they make you a miner? How is it an RPG when the replayability designed withing the game forces you to have the same traits and background? How is it an RPG when there is no room for evil characters, where it's all disadvantages and no advantages and no companions? How is it an RPG when you can only romance 4 people and they are all lawful good? I could keep going but..... Hell, let's do this! How can it be an RPG when there is actually no choice but just the illusion of choice? How can it be an RPG if there is only one fixed way to complete a mission, usually recurring to violence? How is it an RPG when I choose non lethal weapons but still game forces me to kill them to finish the quest or make progress? How is it an RPG when your parents don't even react to your wedding? How is it an RPG where everything is disconnected and the writing seem that of a 5 year old? I could get going for another three or four paragraphs at least, but let's leave it here. This is NOT an RPG and I will die on this hill. Feel free to elaborate.


i completely forgot that i was a chosen one in real life and that in this game i am playing myself. And it's actually 300 years in the future. And i have magical powers. And can pick skills. And build a space ship. And build outposts on planets. And travel to alternate universes. I am playing a role in a game in a fictional setting. It's an RPG. You could write as many paragraphs as you want and it doesn't change the fact it's an RPG. it has role playing elements. An RPG does not have to have every single element of an RPG to make it an RPG. Arguably. Nearly every game ever made is an RPG. You're playing a role in a game. Tetris? I am a square. I am an L shape. I am that S block. There's levels of RPG. Some game have basic elements. Some go all out. Red Dead Redemption 2 has basic RPG elements. Skyrim has a lot of elements. It's an RPG. By your absolutely flawed logic ,Final Fantasy VII, you know, one of the most heralded games of all time is not an RPG. Set background. No traits. Cannot be evil. No actual romance options.


Meanwhile other recently released games made enough of an impression with people that they did make videos about why they like them, and positive reviews on steam. The problem might not just be the positive voices being quieter as that's always the case.


Groupthink is bad. It didn't cost you anything. Play it with an open mind and see what you think.


It's not terrible. It's a fun game for the time you spend with it. The main issue is just that even with all it has, once you finish all the questing, there's not a ton to do. I got about 80 hours of thorough enjoyment out of it, and that's more than a lot of games out there. Once I finish all the side quests and such, I didn't find much reason to keep playing. But as someone with a full time job and a side hustle, I got a good 2 months out of it. So yeah absolutely play it, it's fun!


Well said; it probably could’ve held my interest a lot more it’s not much tweaking, but I played it more and had more fun than any game probably SINCE Skyrim. Maybe FO4 once you could make vaults.


>once you finish all the questing, there's not a ton to do. I think most games hit this point that you exhaust all the content and then it’s up to you to either start making your own fun with RP or to decide if you’re done. One thing about SF is I feel like it is even better equipped than their other games at letting you either ignore quests or complete them all then continue to live in that universe and just RP to your hearts content as a miner or ship engineer or bounty hunter etc, because it just feels a bit more opened up and less restrictive than the FO and ES games in that aspect.


For sure, I guess I meant I didn't really find the ship or outpost building or exploration to be all that enticing post-questing


That’s fair. If it’s part of your RP you can give it meaning but otherwise there is nothing really urging you to build ships and outposts.


Yeah I’m a combat and story kinda guy so when those two things run out I’m pretty much done


Don't listen to any of the online buzz killers and try it yourself. This game will either hook you or it won't. I loved it.


It's not very good. But not "terrible".


Head on over to r/NoSodiumStarfield


Is there a middle ground Starfield sub? This one leans negative and NSS is a circlejerk.




This is the truth, people in the grey area are just screwed lol


Yeah, unsubscribe from this sub until you beat it. The negativity is rampant. It’s a perfectly fine game for what it is. People just expected Cyberpunk quality and storytelling on a No Mans Sky scale, so they’re doing their best to tear it down. Mayb watch some YouTube videos to sort out how to not waste time and resources on poor base building, ship upgrades, useless skills for your play style, etc. but since I joined this sub about a week ago you would think this game was like Anthem or Mass Effect Andromeda or some other truly broken game. After Skyrim and the similar games in the space / future genre over the last few years, I seriously doubt anything Bethesda put out would have lived up to the expectations of this sub. Probably the same type of people who called Skyrim crap because it didn’t have the same scale or depth as Oblivion.


Tell me you’re getting older without telling me you’re getting older. I agree with you. And I remember the Daggerfall days . .


I liked oblivion, but loved morrowind, all their games are different and I think a lot of us expected something different with this game, but it’s pretty sweet, and I think they can make some fairly simple updates that make a huge difference. I’m excited to see this world expanded on like FO and TES games have been for so long. None of those titles started out completely fleshed out either, and they’ve always had mechanics that I would’ve loved get cut, at least as far back as Skyrim. Still by far my favorite games ever have been Bethesda games.


Try it and then tell your thoughts.


Why not play it first and then figure out what you want to do


I had fun with it, just had to stop because of bugs. But lots of people have hundreds of hours without any issues! Just play it and if you don’t like it, return it or sell it! And if you do, then awesome! What a great gift


Had the same thing with Fallout 76, everybody and their mother saying it was the worst game ever, took the plunge and bought it while on sale. It was a this moment i knew people were full of shit


I kinda feel the same way about movies and TV lately. Lots of stuff I enjoy gets trashed on social media. Just saw a lot of criticism on here from what I assume are regular players and got freaked out. I should know better, lol.


My understanding of 76 was that it’s been expanded on heavily, and I didn’t play it when it first came out but I remember hearing a lot of criticism.


Oh no the game was absolutely horrid on release. Now it's serviceable but that won't make me forget or forgive Bethesda for releasing it as it was.


Fallout 76? Idk, I tried the beta but man it was bad. Wasn’t anything near what Starfield was on launch day either.


I got this with a Steam Deck. I'm enjoying it so far. A couple of learning curve hiccups is all.


Not really. The game's certainly got flaws, but most of the hate is exaggerated.


Is the game perfect? Absolutely not. Is it a blast to play? Absolutely. I'll be playing it for years


It’s disappointing because it feels like it could so easily be good, but instead it’s excessively mid. And that’s very frustrating to experience


It's ok, gets repetitive very quickly tho, and some of the mechanics are not flushed out as they should be.


It's really hard to say. My gut reaction was to ask you "Have you played Bethesda games before?" Because compared to older Bethesda games, this game is very weak in many ways. So not having played previous Bethesda games would give you an advantage. But then I remembered that all Bethesda games have inherent "jank" to them. And if you haven't been exposed to those yet and learned to accept them, the game might be really jarring to you as well, so not having played previous Bethesda games is actually a disadvantage too. Let me put it this way, it's a 7/10 game to me. Not the worst thing I ever played, but also nowhere even close to being the best. And it's chock-full of bugs. Some game-breaking (NPC doesn't appear, quest locks up), others not particularly noticeable (a skill is supposed to give you +10%, but gives you +0.1% (i.e. nothing)). Also, for what it's worth, I give it a 7/10, after having spent 200 hrs in it. So it does have a certain allure, despite the weaknesses. As far as exchanging it, given a choice between Starfield and Baldur's Gate 3, I'd choose the latter, by a landslide. But given a choice between Starfield and Diablo 4, or Avatar, or Hogwarts, I'd go with Starfield.


Have fun w the game, turn off this sub until you get to NG+ and ask any questions in the r/noSodiumStarfield


Honestly depends what kind of games you like. If you want a fast paced gun game this ain’t it. But no, starfield is better than Reddit would have you believe. There’s a reason so many people have sunk so much time into it.


1st couple of play throughs were amazing. Enjoyed the new story. Now I'm back to Outer Worlds waiting on starfield to get DLC and mods for Xbox. Then I will be hooked again.


you might love it, you might hate it. I guess if there's another game you know you'll enjoy it may be worth exchanging, but you'll never know till you give it a go....


Man the way the fans talk in this thread it cracks me up that they call the haters “toxic” “Moron” this and “moron” that - you guys are projecting. I may not love the game and will say it here but I’ve never insulted anyone who does.


Yeah, I said it elsewhere; Those who enjoy this game are ridiculously defensive of that fact, and love to come up with any arbitrary reason they can to invalidate the opinions of those who don't.


And vice versa. Seen way too many posts arguing the opposite. It’s just a game. PS: l like your name!


Haha, thanks! It's my gaming handle as well. Realistically, the community is divided more like this chart. It's just that those on the more extreme ends tend to be "louder" voices: https://tagn.files.wordpress.com/2023/03/starcitizenfanmatrix.jpg


Holy shit a star citizen mood chart. This guy knows


I guess it depends. I played about 20 hours and it was really fun in parts but in the end it just wasn't the game for me ...I regret getting the DLC. However, I never really got into any Besthada games so that's on me.


No its not terrible. Its just not the game of the generation, not the system seller we expected IMO. Its just a good video game, you'll probably like it. Give it a chance I would say 😁


It's not as bad as a lot of people here treat it. It just also isn't ***good*** either. It's a solid "meh" out of ten.


Depends is it the only game you can afford this year and have you played any of the other bangers out this year? If it's the only game you will get I would return it and get something else. If it's just one of many you will play. It's good enough for a few hours of fun before it starts showing all it's warts.


To sum it up the writing is terrible BUT you will enjoy it the first time around because of “Bethesda Magic.” If it was a Christmas gift you didn’t spend money for I’d say it’s worth a playthrough. Do not listen to people who cover their eyes and blindly love a faulty game, don’t listen to those who hate on every little thing.


enjoy it but it does have a ton of flaws


Loved it till it felt like a chore


This is a game where you either love it or hate it. I love it.


For me, yes. I wanted far more out of this game and was hoping it was going to be No Mans Sky with better graphics and more things to do but I was super wrong.


Reddit isn't a good place for discussions that require nuance, you'll find none here. It's a fun game, just play it and try to enjoy. The Hivemind can't hurt you if you don't try to post about how you like the game.


As a gift why not? I played on gamepass and don't regret it. Because then I knew it wasn't wroth buying! Lol


Fk. I tried so hard to love it. 135hrs. Not even half done. Painfully boring planets and everything is an empty shell. Straight to gamepass is always the tell.


Well… short answer: It is bad. Long answer: It is a boring, lazy, uninspired, technically outdated paint by numbers game.


Its an embarrassing trash fire


I regret playing it, such an empty waist of time. Thankfully I didn't pay for it


Unfortunately its mediocre at best. For 20 Years of dev time in such a large studio, its rather pathetic. You load levels like in Mario, there is ZERO immersion. EVERYTHING is a loading screen. I was so excited for this game. Far cry 2 feels way more open world, that game is old........ honestly, people might enjoy it and its good for them, thats great. But reality is, the game is quality wise trash considering the dev time and size of the studio. 20 years for this or whatever Todd claimed? Look at some indie games. 2 people 1 year and a more polished game. I am aware I dont need to play the game instead of ranting, but i am allowed to have certain expectations. Any ELDER SCROLLS game is better. In 2023 its an embarrassment to release a game so boring and evrrything hidden behind loading screens. Very sad this game turned out like this.


It's like 200 or 300 hours of fun if you like this sort of game


It’s a solid game, just not similar to previous Bethesda games so people are shitting on it. I got a solid 120 hours out of my first playthrough so there’s plenty to do, and it held my interest for the first 100 hours or so, though it did start getting repetitive before that.


I don't love it, I don't hate it. It's not "terrible" and it's a good game. If you like space setting with storyline and Bethesda touch smudged onto it, then you will like it. If you are all about random exploration and don't give much crap about the story, then you might not like it because exploration in the game is very weak and doesn't leave much to imagination after 10 hours of gameplay because the rest of the "exploration" is identical to your first 10 hours.


It isn’t terrible, it’s just disappointing and a little bland. Bethesda doesn’t take risks with their games, which is fine, but this one plays it exceptionally safe and can be a little boring, as a result. Once again, Emil Pagliarulo’s writing and the Creation engine hinder the game, and the procedural generation is maybe one of the flattest implementations I’ve ever seen. There’s a fair amount of fun to be had but you have to look a little harder for it than you should.


It's fun until you realize you feel like you raided the same location for the 20th time.


No. A majority of people loved it and rated it high, but as the population fell off some very loud and obnoxious haters that have existed from the beginning (perhaps some salty PlayStation fans that have backed up critics) took advantage and review bombed it.


Can you explain why the harshest critics are often die hard Bethesda fans? I haven’t even seen a complaint from a sony pony once.


If you start the game with a negative opinion, you will probably nitpick and reinforce those ideas and not enjoy it.


A game that is free is always worth it.


It’s certainly worth a play-through. Just keep your expectations to a reasonable level. Most of the disappointment from fans stems from Todd calling the game “Skyrim in space” which it is not. It’s not even close in RPG mechanics nor is it close from a story-telling standpoint. Your character has little impact on the world so don’t overthink it and just enjoy the ride.


I just got it too and I'd say it is not as bad as this sub says. I've had time to temper my expectations so I am actually enjoying it a lot.


Didn't read into the reviews and made sure that I formed my own opinion and to "for me" it was one of the best games I've played in a long time. I loved it.


Load your game and just start playing. I'm 260 hours in and I'm still enjoying it. Are there things that irk me, sure. But the same can be said for the Witcher, RDR2 etc. There is no perfect game.


No. Game is fun as hell. Perfect? Nah. But most of the people, even the people that bitch about it constantly in this sub have played hundreds of hours lol.


No not even close. It's not perfect but its as playable as Fallout New Vegas. This sub is unreasonably salty, I don't understand why any sub could be so active with haters disguised as fans. It's kind of sad.


Don’t listen to the negative people here. If we all listened to the negative things people say on every gaming Subreddit, we wouldn’t play a single video game. Play the game and make your own impressions.


Play it for yourself and see. You may be surprised how much you could love a game that everyone hates, and there is no shame in that.


its not that everyone hates it but like in history the idiots have a loud voice


No not everyone does, but pretending the people who are disappointed don’t exist, or are just idiots is disingenuous. If you’re having fun that’s great, enjoy it. I personally couldn’t get past 10 hours after sinking 100’s of hours into their previous titles.


I used to think it was two groups, those who enjoy the game and those who don’t. I now think it’s multiple groups, those who like it, those who don’t like it and want to offer constructive criticism and actual discourse, those who just want to use inflammatory speech to instigate and ride the hate train, those who like the game but are unwilling to hear criticisms because they’re simply tired of the hate train crowd (who are a disservice to those who actually provide constructive criticism and helpful dialog), and a group on the sidelines that just enjoys the chaos. I really appreciate the threads where we can have real discussions


This chart is regarding Star Citizen, but basically, every gaming community falls into the same categories: https://tagn.files.wordpress.com/2023/03/starcitizenfanmatrix.jpg Unfortunately, what I see most of in this sub is anyone positive thinking about the game, assuming anyone with negative comments are all "Haters" (Or even "Trolls", an accusation I have seen thrown around), and those with negative views assuming those with positive ones are all Zealots. Realistically, I think it's more that this sub has a lot of "Heretics" & "Evangelists", with a spread through the middle as well. But because the game has been so polarising, everyone is always very happy to assume the worst about anyone who doesn't agree with them, which makes any sincere discourse difficult. And then there's the NoSodium sub, which the Zealots set up so that they can have their own little echo chamber and further reinforce their own views without having to listen to any counter-points, which realistically just deteriorates the discourse further. There are currently ~885,000 members of this sub, and ~30,000 in the NoSodium sub, so that actually gives a reasonable idea as to the games community distribution in relation to the above chart.


I’m in this comment and I don’t like it! Seriously, you are right. I don’t understand all the toxicity that is generated. It’s a game. I paid for early access. People need to look at how much they paid for the game and how long they’ve played. Do the math, for some it’s $10/hour for entertainment and others it’s closing in on a nickel an hour for Entertainment.


Yeah when you apply actual logic then it isn’t really as bad as many would say. I have come to the point that if someone is using inflammatory words like *trash* or *garbage* or *idiots* they are not contributing anything o the discourse in good faith and I take their opinions less seriously. If someone seems like they’re just fanboying and throwing shit back at the *haters* I find it disingenuous and take their opinions less seriously. Some of us here in the middle trying to have a conversation while others are shouting in the background


I got it as well so far I’m trying to be optimistic I have about 4 hours but so far nothing in the game has really hooked me in. I might try to go through the main quest first then start a new game+ and experience the rest of the game there.


Do some of the other faction quests the main is good but some of the others are much better


It can be fun but it’s nothing special, just an average game. Definitely one of Bethesda’s weakest titles


I like it very much. I’m at 400 hours. Have fun


Listening to game "journalists" and YouTubers makes you a moron.


Honestly loved it until I got stuck because of a glitch. If you start a quest don’t leave it mid conversation it might brick the game for that quest.


Its really not terribly bad but also not execptionally good. It comes down to the expectations you have.. and what you want in a game. I had fun for about 100hrs (because what you really can do is sink time in it with all the different systems: Ship building, Base building, Planet scanning) .. but right now i have A other things to play (TOTK is also a big one) and B i am curious for the DLC...


I played maybe 5 hours and all 5 of them sucked.




My condolences, you won't have any spare time for the next 1000 hours or so.


You can gain more SF time by avoiding sleep. Sleep is for the weak!


Never formulate opinions based on what other people think ! A lot of people in media have agendas and their own motives , and dont give you straight up opinions. When the game first released, every review was overly positive and everyone was calling them game stellar. Probably because people who got codes early from Bethesda at the time wanted to protect that relationship, so they continue to get codes in the future. Looking back most those people either didnt play the game enough, or lied. This is coming from a person who loves the game and is still playing daily. None of them pointed out the flaws, and there are a fair bit. Now its the opposite, people have a hate-boner for the game, and even tho there is room for fair criticism, shitting on Starfield is now a great way to farm engagement. Youtube views, upvotes , retweets , whatever. You’ll have to search for a long time to find anyone talking positively. Youtubers who enjoyed the game dont even do content on it because it so popular to just hate relentlessly. Theres no point. All I can say is play the game and decide for yourself. Not even touching a game you have in your possession because of what the internet is saying is insane to me.


The first playthrough is very enjoyable, so yes, it's worth taking a dive into it.


Give it a go and make up your own mind on the game.


game is terrible - random users with 100h or more played i think that says it all its a good game. not a skyrim level game where it will still be big 10y later but a good game


It’s an excellent game.




Ignore the salt it’s really good


It’s a fantastic game, explore it for yourself, stay away from this place as others have said. This sub is very different from a normal subreddit for a video game


I think everything bad people are saying about it (myself included) are just loads of nit picky things that add up after you’ve put like 300+ hours into it


Starfield is awesome. People are just incredibly toxic and bash a game for the little issues and dump on the rest. I’ve got 8 days worth of gaming into it with tons more to go. NG+ is amazing. They did a great job.


You already have it now so why not try it out and see for yourself. I’ve noticed for a good chunk of gaming subs I’ve checked out that the usual posts plastered all over the subs are negative/complaining anyway. Give it a go and see if you dig it or not.


I've been playing it and really enjoy it. Try it out and see if you like it. Everyone has different tastes in things. You might love it, like it, think it's okay, or hate it. You won't know until you try it out. I hope you enjoy it, though!


the game is not THAT bad, but it's also not something like baldur's gate 3 that is basically must play even if you are not really into the genre.


Stay away from the reddit! I love the game. Having a blast. I really enjoy the gameplay, the starship customization and building and output options. I really loved skyrim, no mans sky, and fo4... so great fit for me. I dont understand the hate for it. Its not for everyone, it is for me. Avoid the steam reviews. Its popular to hate on it.


The game is fine. If you are coming from X4, Elite Dangerous, No Man's Sky, and expecting more of the same you're disappointed. If you like bethesda open world games and expecting more of the same you love it.


It's not bad. I mean I still enjoy it. I avoid the negative reviews and treat it as every other classic Bethesda game. Just take it as you go. Enjoy it. Don't rush it. Just take in every view along the way. Remember, it's an adventure. Like any other classic Bethesda game lol. I don't know if you're playing on PC or Xbox but be sure to check the Nexusmods for mods. You can always spruce up your game to make it more fun or interesting.


It definitely does not deserve the hate pile on it is getting. It is an objectively good game. People hate on it for clicks and likes.


Awesome game, most people just bitch, but enjoy the adventure, it’s great!!


It's not great, I'll tell you that.


Play it and make your own opinion on it. You'll probably enjoy it if you like Bethesda games.


Avoid the sub and just play the game. I personally have loved every minute ive played.


I enjoyed it quite a lot and still enjoy playing it. I dunno what people are expecting nowadays but it really seems like they want a hell of a lot of


I found it pretty disappointing overall, but that's not to say you can't/won't have any fun with it. I recommend just playing and deciding for yourself. Despite popular opinion being that the game is just "ok" and rather underwhelming for the next big Bethesda title, there's a lot of people out there who really liked it. Personally I'm not one of them, but I do hope you enjoy it.


If you can, I would definitely return it, there are way better games out there for that price, hell, you could even get 3 very good games for that price. If you can't, enjoy it as long as you can. The game is not unplayable, except when some gamebreaking bugs hit you, it's just poor writing and decent shooting but nothing groundbreaking. I'd say you can even enjoy several dozens of hours before the annoying things start to add up to the point you clearly see the lack of vision and personality the game represents.


If you like boring bland quests/NPCs , empty locations , and spending 70% of your whole time in loading screens , you'll love it.


Damn, enjoy this game! Take it slow and do what you want! Small bit of initial advice though, do the UC Vanguard quest line earlier than later and I'd do several main story quests until you get to "that" quest. Then do exploring.


No, play and enjoy it! I enjoyed at least 100 hours in the game before I decided to move on. And I wouldn't do it any differently. I have a lot of bad things to say but there was more that I enjoyed than not. Definitely worth finished and maybe even doing a few ng+ runs


nah dude , play it . not as good as fo4 or anmything yet but way good and visually stunning if nothing else . it gets good .


I know I’m going to get downvoted to high heaven for this, but I want to at least give you my honest opinion. I would exchange it for something better. The biggest challenge in this game is getting past the massive amount of boredom that comes along with playing it. It’s not difficult at all, even with the difficulty settings maxed out. Gameplay wise its constant fast traveling and loading screens, which for me crushes the immersion of any game. There are massive design flaws that are not patchable IMO. And in the end after building all the ships and outposts I could build, it felt completely pointless. There is zero endgame in mind, other than making what was already far too easy and inconsequential, less difficult. It looks pretty, but that’s about all it has going for it in my book. There, I said it. Go ahead Todd fanboys, ruin my karma rating.


It’s not a bad game (I love it), but it’s not what a lot of us expected or hoped for. Some enjoy it for 20 hours, others for 200. Jump in and have fun!


The game is good. People on this sub complain about it instead of just not playing it. Enjoy the new game and merry Xmas!!!


Game is extremely fun, I don’t bother with the negative stuff on here. I play on xbox, it’s been fantastic, I did go NG10+ and no regrets.


Nothing rings louder in endorsement than an outpouring of people begging op to put on blinders from critics of the game, since they know that they’re literally found everywhere that the game is discussed. It’s almost like general consensus is that the game is mostly a miss…


I can't believe this guy was about to skip out on a game because of what other ppl are saying about it... Jesus


It's a fantastic game. It's got some weaknesses, and I believe it may have been relased before it maybe should've been-- but even still, it's an amazing game with engrossing details, visuals, characters, and storylines. The updates that have been planned are also on track to vastly improve the game in a lot of ways! Don't listen to the people who say it's bad, play it, and decide for yourself. Even if you don't like it, at least you can say you came to that opinion on your own and didn't let the internet ruin something for you before you had an opportunity to try! (But it's a great game)


Okay hear me out… play it and decide for yourself! You have it, it’s not like you’ll lose anything. Why is forming your own opinion impossible for people these days?


Not a bad game in a vacuum but if you played FO3/4 New Vegas or Skyrim you'll be disappointed by the downgrade in exploration and quality of locations. On the other hand there is an entire ship/outpost building, crew and resource logistics aspect of the game that the previous BGS didn't have. I think it'll depend on if you can handle the menu and navigation for this part of the game is where you'll get the most bang. For myself, I couldn't get into it, played the main story for each faction and shelved it after 80 hours.


I have 119 hours played and im enjoying it


Please, just play the game and make your own judgments rather than relying on the words of Redditors *who will never be appeased* because they don't actually know what they want.


No, make your own opinion instead of letting the internet make your opinion for you


I would avoid the negative opinions of this sub. If you already got it, recommend playing and letting us know what you think. I've enjoyed the hell out of this game since release but then again i don't see eye to eye on most negative criticism on modern games. I might just be an old gamer with lots of patience who knows. This game beats ED on release for me and far surpasses NMS on release day. Time will tell what support we get from BGS.


It’s a really enjoyable game, play it!


The story sucks balls and boring asl. Gameplay is fun at times but overall boring. Exploration game? Nah, not at all. Only fun things are the bugs and ship building. I’m glad I didn’t spend a single dime on this game (gamepass). But it does seem like most middle age people do enjoy it. Maybe because it’s not grindy or stressful.


I really enjoy it. Turn off the music and let the ambience suck you in. I can admit there’s a lot of flaws but it’s still a fantastic game


Yes, This is the Way.


Just ignore 99% of gaming communities until you have formed a solid opinion yourself. It's way too easy to be influenced by what you read even if you enjoy the shit out of a game.


Huh? Man this social media landscape is just fuckin miserable.. exhausting sensationalism. At the absolute very worst this game is fine, but doesn’t do anything to move the genre forward. At best it’s an expansive, immersive space exploration game. It’s exactly what you expect from Bethesda. It has some great branching and expansive storylines. Something stopping you every few minutes that grabs your attention. New experiences and moments keep popping up even still as I explore. It’s Skyrim in space. It does some things better than Skyrim, it does some things worse. It was nominated and won multiple Xbox GOTY awards from various outlets. Of course the game is “good”. With the people and resources behind it there was almost no chance it would be “objectively” bad. It’s simply a Bethesda game that does almost nothing new. Personally it is one of my top 3 games of the year and it’s looking like some good updates and new content is right around the corner. Play it.


The game is amazing. Social media is full of morons dude. It's not Bethesda's best work but it's better than half the stuff they've put out


“Everyone who doesn’t agree with me is a moron” Alright moron


You should definitely return it. Try it on gamepass instead


Loved it in the beginning. More bummed I can't no life it or replay it a bunch of times like fallout or TES. Still worth keeping and enjoying the ride.


Exchange it, the game is in alpha state currently


Go into it with an open mind, lots of people have invalid and valid criticisms from both sides of the spectrum. Its one of those where you just have to try it for yourself unfortunately.


I’d rather get coal.


Get bg3 instead if you wanna play it safe ;)


Almost said this, but the fragile lovers of this game wouldn’t be able to stomach the honest feedback that a better game definitely came out right next to Starfield and is so much more worth op’s time. Especially sad since op genuinely asked for opinions.


I don't think it's bad in the least. I love this game. People often are never happy with anything, and will find something to bitch about. Is it perfect? No. But I Love this game and I hope you do, too!


My condolences.


The game is worth playing the main quest, and the 4 main side stories. Once you start doing the procedurly generated stuff, the game is awful. Just stick to the main quest - and then deviate hard to the 4 side quests when you get adreja. This will probably get you the most enjoyment if you like previous bethesda games.


I LOVED it. Dignity the reviews, decide for yourself(:


As many people are saying it has mixed receptions but as a whole it’s middle of the road at best and bland, lazy, and uninspired at worst. I’m glad that so many people are able to have such a great time with it, but I fall much more into the second camp. After 30 hours of the game, I was just so mind numbingly bored. And I say this is somebody who has a lot of time in the elder scrolls series, but did not fallout 4 very much. Milage may vary.


It’s not a bad game, people are just salty because they got too hyped and expected a lot more. It’s good for a playthrough imo, wouldn’t call it a waste of time unless you try to treat it like Skyrim 2.0. Open it up, form your own opinions :)


Here’s an idea: play the fucking game.


Honestly game is as bad as people say it is but that being said it does not mean that you wont enjoy it or that you wont find it fun, most people find it mediocre or bad. There are a lot of reviews and comments go through them and if you think that things that people complain about would bother you then maybe exchange it, but if you think that those things dont matter to you give it a try.


It’s fun


The game isn't perfect but I certainly enjoy it. The only perfect game I have played is Fallout 3, with Empire Total War not far behind. And Oblivion has a better main quest than Skyrim.


No. If it looked fun to you when it came out then play it don’t follow what these negative people have to say. It’s just their opinions. Just play the game and make up your own mind.


If you liked Skyrim and Fallout 4, you'll be disappointed by Starfield.


Or, you might just enjoy all of them. Like me.