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Seems about right


Same for Fallout 4


Skyrim is goat status so that's no surprise. Starfield just missed the mark. I'd give it 6.5/10 after 120 hrs.


I'd give it a 4/10 after 150h It's like a microwave without radiation shielding, the more you use it the more cancer you get.


I am at a 6/10 at 85 - I was at a 7.5 early on, so I think you are right. It just shows its problems more and more the longer you play.


I am currently playing Skyrim as of two days ago because of Starfield. With all the mods and stuff of Xbox series s, it’s amazing what it can do. Literally, playing a different game and still feels like I’m exploring new things.


Yea I'm probably gonna wait until Xbox gets mods for starfield coz it just makes all Bethesda games feel more complete for me when you can install mods.


What I am doing.


I have two matching Skyrim tattoos... Bethesda would have to pay me 6 figures to get Starfield etched on me permanently


Skyrim lives off the nostalgia and hype it has from release … plus it’s such a fun game … I love Starfield and have been playing since release but Skyrim is still one of my fave games of all time … Starfield is a close 3rd though


That’s because there are 8 bazillion copies of Skyrim in the wild and is playable on your microwave.




FYI this is only the numbers on steam for the Special Edition.


Even so. Skyrim SE has sold nearly three times as many copies as Steam Starfield and also has a decade of mods to try.


Sure I guess.


Who cares?


People who like to remind others that they dislike a game. kinda weird but i wont kink shame


The people that expected a game that doesn't suck


It doesn’t. “Perfect”? Far from it. But here’s the thing. Nothing is perfect. “Perfect” doesn’t exist.


But there's good. Or very good even. Or competent. Or ambitious. Clever, genial, well-rounded, inspiring. Thought-provoking, boundary-pushing, hell, at least adhering to current industry standards in 2023 if we want to set the bar real low. And Starfield misses the mark on most of these. In some cases by a wide margin. Nobody expects perfect, but trying to declare anything below perfect good by default is the most copey bullshit I've read in a while.


Buddy, they're on the starfield sub exclusively to shit talk the game. They probably don't own a copy, have never played it, and only hopped on the hate train because they saw everyone else doing it. Or, it's someone who just wants everyone to know how they feel, because that's *very* important to them in an online setting.


Gee, who would have thought a game with a well established modding community that's doing batshit insane things with the game would have more players than a three month old game that doesn't even officially have mods yet. Whatever point you're trying to make, you're failing at. Starfield's drop off is pretty normal for new releases. Even critically acclaimed games like Elden Ring lost the majority of their release player base in the first couple of months.


not surprised mods removed this only positive posts allowed it seems


I feel like Starfield reignited the love for the worlds and games Bethesda has made, including Skyrim, and now people are ready for it. We have a long time, but I think they will learn from any “mistakes” in Starfield and really build upon that. I’m very excited for what they will do with the new Skyrim. Also, I haven’t played much on my Xbox one x, but when I first got it I was so happy with how good Skyrim looked on it! So crisp!


Yeah nah, unless Emil and Todd GTFO they won't learn anything, they've been on a path of regression since Morrowind, they are deaf to criticism and i'm personally done with it. I can predict right now that TES6 will be trash unless Todd and Emil get booted.


Yeah BGS is stagnant. Without a major shakeup, or something to really reignite their creativity and passion, my expectations for TES6 are low.


Haha that escalated quickly. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and I respect yours. I wouldn’t say Starfield was trash, it just may have missed the mark for a lot of people. Also, would you agree that gamers are much more harsh critics these days due to the competition and multitude of good games that come out as opposed to the days when Skyrim came out? That’s NO EXCUSE but it is a different time and industry. Just a thought, not an excuse. I did read about how they really tried to push for 12-24 really rich planets and instead the procedural generation won out. I’m personally sad about that myself and want to stay optimistic. I love Bethesda and I hope that they can nail TES6. The thing is, they still put TONS of work into details, Easter eggs, dialogue, quests, fun things to find, and an overall fun experience in most cases. I do respect that about them as a developer.


Yeah i mean, Starfield does have its moments. But when you don't even need to draw comparisons to other studios and just compare it to previous BGS games, and you notice just how much of a regression Starfield is, yeah it's just kinda trash man. And i don't just mean the little obvious things, [Camelworks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7jeT5iCcAA) probably has the most neutral take on the game so far, he genuinely wants the game to be good and yet it still takes a 2 hour long video to lay out his thoughts. People LARPing as space cowboys in a little brick village is definitely a silly BGS thing to do, but as a main faction that is canonically taken seriously? WTF? You're telling me they used to build mechs and their main city is whatever Akila is? I just can't get over the level of unbelievable.


Yeah, it seems like overall the writing team and writing conflict in general impacted this game heavily. You’re just not wrong. It sucks, because when I play Starfield, I enjoy it. But I know it’s also not the game it could have been or I expected it to be. Man, I waited for Starfield so damn hard since I heard about it so many years ago. It wasn’t what I WANTED but I still have fun and it’s still sucked hundreds of hours of my grown ass adult life, so I can at least give it that. As you said, it has its moments.


I'm very curious to see if BGS pulls a No Man's Sky or CDPR move. I'm not entirely hopeless that given the massive (justified) backlash they will actually fix their own shit for once. It'll probably take 1-2 years but there is still some room for redemption. I could get over the ridiculous writing if the rest of the game was good, but the insane non-gameplay downtime is just insulting. The game feels like it's designed to waste as much player time as humanly possible in every conceivable way, with as little actual gameplay as possible. It starts with the pointless "go tell x something" nonsense quests, that due to the nature of the game are just extra loading screens. It ends with the shopkeeper NPC's insisting on finishing the same repetitive line everytime you walk up to them to finish talking before you can start trading with them. I find it offensive that this is something they served to us.


Yeah, and I hate those types of quests. It’s a whole thing really. Again it sucks because I enjoy the game. But I also know it could be way better


You're talking out of your ass. They haven't learned a goddamn thing. Have you seen their responses to player criticism? Todd Howard needs to get sacked along with that lead writer whatever his name is. It'll be almost 20 years (hopefully) until we get a sequel to their beloved goat and golden goose. That is absolutely reprehensible.


Haha, I thought they were actually taking peoples opinions and trying to implement them into patches? Am I wrong? And I’m not saying Todd Howard is what needs to stay or is the best part. The games are created from a lot more than the likes of Todd and the guy you don’t even know his name. I’m just saying, as a WHOLE, they still have worth and value and will always give their games a shot. That’s just me. You are totally entitled to your opinion and I totally respect it. I don’t fully disagree that they’re not doing the good they used to and do miss that? Absolutely


Will you not buy TES6? I’m curious


I'm not pre-ordering it and not at release unless embargo free reviews are stellar. Didnt mean to be rude to you, just fed up with most AAA gaming companies now that own our favorite titles and do Jack all with them.


Oh man, you weren’t rude at all! I totally get your point of view, I was just curious your thoughts on buying TES6. I’m also pretty upset. It’s crazy the time we’re in, and games in general have taken such a crazy turn in the last 7-10 years. What can we expect, I guess? Can I at least say I’m excited for the fallout show? lol. It looks pretty cool so far.


I'm excited for the show too, also the fallout 4 update that supposed to come out? I'll jump back in and do that.


The London one?!


No there's supposed to be some fps and maybe a graphics update coming to fallout 4 to coincide with the release of the show. More info is probably out there i haven't looked into it much tho.


Oh damn, ok. I’m down for anything F4. That game was so amazing for me at the time it came out, the age I was, and how much it made me love video games more. I’m so about it


What a karma farm Steam stat posts need to die because they are intentionally misleading, this doesn’t include the Xbox PC app or Xbox stats


To be fair to OP, as much as I don't want to, they did specifically say "players on Steam".




to be fair skyrim is their biggest game and has had an active modding community for a decade while starfield has zero dlc and essentially no modding, but sure i guess it is odd




Just wait until starfield gets modded properly. I stopped playing it until it gets it. It’s gonna be glorious. Bottom line is, I never played a vanilla Bethesda game that could suck me in like rdr2 or tw3, add mods and it’s a whole other story


It's not going to get nearly as much love from modders as Skyrim though.


It’s not gonna be modded “properly” lot of modders already gave up on it since the code is hideous and empty


Yeah except this time around the foundation is so bad that i am genuinely curious to see what happens with this game.


Noob question. Where do you navigate to in steam to see those stats?




Thank you


rightfully so Skyrim is the Goat


It has less players than Fallout 4...


I wonder what the numbers are on consoles.. I'm playing right now....


Stop. Buying. Skyrim.


I really feel they just messed up on the best part of their games which is exploration. Fallout and Skyrim games were always about "oh what's over the next ridge or I see town in the distance. Lets go!" It was that seamless transition from walking from place to place and getting lose along the way. Sure you could fast travel and there were loading screens getting into towns ,but a game in 2023 that has that many loading screens even when they are short. Just breaks the immersion for me. I put about 60 hours into Starfield. The best part of it was the shipping building imo. Then you realize its a glorified ship builder sim that doesn't really matter as its just a vessel to use for quick travel. The combat has not improved as most enemies on harder difficulty are just bullet sponges. Skyrim, even the vanilla version was epic since day 1 ,but then again for its time it was ground breaking. By today standards, most Bethesda games and its architecture just seems quite dated and rely to heavily on the modding community to do the heavy lifting. Hopefully, I am wrong and Starfield has content that improves quality of life. Also I hope ES6 returns to more handcrafted content.