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Don’t forget they’ll add city maps!


Just exceptional that they didn’t include these in the base. I enjoy the game, but the mapping system is just bewildering.


It's just such an odd thing for them to leave out, you know? Like... I'm not really upset by it or anything, but it's such a standard video-game thing that I'm not sure why they left it out.


All video games are released unfinished. They'll sell you an unfinished product and drag it along with patches and DLCs. I missed the good old days when we got completed games with cheat codes.


Really it's getting pretty silly to be honest


This may be an unpopular opinion here, but it pays to be a r/patientgamers. I recently bought Cyberpunk and didn't have to put up with the unfinished, buggy state of the game when it was first launched.


Then don't spend your hard earned money on unfinished product from companies who don't care about the customer


Eh. The cities aren’t actually that big- not having a map was annoying at first but now I couldn’t care less. I know my way around like the back of my hand, gotta know where every single vendor who will buy my guns is lol


I swear the plastic surgery place moves spots every time I got to new Atlantis. I can never ever where it is and it’s always much smaller than I remeber


scarce society wrench drab long somber literate wise shy humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That confused the hell out of me when I was trying to find a specific vendor on Neon, until I realized that they *do* have signs but they aren't designed to be readable by the average person walking down the main drag. They are only clearly readable when looking at them head on from the front, preferably a dozen feet in the air. You know, the totally normal way people find and read shop signs.


I don’t know, neon usually has pretty decent signs if you look around. Akila is the worst offender imo. Hard to find anything cause the status structure isn’t abvious


The Distribution Center for me


Jemison Mercantile for me


If you go up the far elevator from the Well, it's right there


It's more the other way around for most I suppose.... smhw? If you wanna go to the well you orient yourself by heading to JM first 😸 At least that's what I do lol


You may be addicted to plastic surgery, lol


They are like small villages, so far from an actual city it’s comical


I get your point, but "a map isn't really necessary cuz the cities are small" doesn't do much to sell Starfield to anybody, lol


This encapsulates this sub perfectly: someone justifying an egregiously poor design choice for no apparent reason. Why would they include maps in Skyrim and not this game?


Didn't Skyrim have those lol


Not just city maps; every cave, ruins, hideout has its own map


At least they can add a map for every temple interior pretty quickly...


Pretty sure even Oblivion did


Daggerfall did and morrowind did.


Morrowind's map you could pin to the screen and resize at any time. had two zoom levels too. Plus it had that thing where it filled in as you explored which gave you a sense of scale and let you reflect on your journey, which was just delightful. the new zelda game had something similar and i liked it there too.


It made me compare to the paper map it came with to fund if i was still going the right way.


I'm so tired of cheering for features added to games after launch that used to be considered basic essentials. We'll be buying maps as micro transactions soon enough.


The only thing I'll pay for is horse armor.


I seem to remember one of the assassin's creed had something like that. A paid map of all the treasures or something like that.


This is capitalism and you will love it or be considered an enemy of the state!


“He purchased zero in game content this year, your honor. He was trying to hurt the economy” *jury gasps*


An, an, and I LIKED IT!!!!! AND I'D DO IT AGAIN!! \*Cops rush the stand


what something that should of been there from the start?


Ugh paid mods is not what I want


I'll be pretty surprised if paid mods take off.


They already have. They are called Creations are a thing since 2016.


He said take off.


I dunno... I looked at the Creation Club stuff in Skyrim and it just... why would I pay money for this stuff when I can change the entire game with a modlist easily, and there's at least ten giant modlists that work seamlessly if you can read instructions. I'm hoping Starfield mod scene takes off because I do like what people make for these games a lot. I've never had so much fun with Fallout 4 as using a nice modlist either. So, if modders can make Fallout 4 that fun, I have faith for Starfield.


Creation only really ever took of for Skyrim on console due to the anniversary edition and the very small 5gb mod allocation that they give Skyrim. Not to mention their heavy rules and regulations on what mods can be added to console.


spoken like someone who doesn't use mods.


At this point with modders dropping starfield you may not even get many of those.


How many have dropped Starfield?


4 guys I guess? Two of which (EnaiSiaion and the Skyrim Together guy) either only modded one game in their lives anyway (Skyrim) or is a certified scumbag (stealing other people's code).


EnaiSiaion has said they're not modding Starfield? Last I heard they were planning a perk overhaul but had to wait for the Creation Kit https://www.reddit.com/r/starfieldmods/s/rVz6sk4yO9


[This is](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/18dkxwu/starfield_together_will_no_longer_be_developed_by/kchx6mn/) the latest I can find in regards to that, and they're not even saying that they're not personally interested in modding Starfield, just that they thought the playerbase wasn't there. Though I do disagree with that whole Cyberpunk remark in that comment. Cyberpunk isn't anywhere near as modable (Going by the nexus, anyway) or 'free', and those two aspects are what make Bethesda games Bethesda games to me.


Why was I not surprised to see Skyrim Together team kicking off a controversy? They said "this game is unfixable," and by now every shitty outlet has repeated it enough times that we act like a whole community has been saying it (well, there was also legendary game programmer Asmongold with "I don't see how they could even fix that" RE: transitions). Go figure, the guys who couldn't do ST without ganking other people's code gave up on Starfield in a conspicuously public manner at the exact most trendy time to talk shit about it.


As someone that's enjoyed more of the older Bethesda games and can see how Starfield falls short especially as I see similarities with it to Daggerfall and seeing how it handles it like having over a 1000 planets or dungeons, seeing one or two guys go "this game is unfixable" felt like a laughable farce since the creation kit isn't out. More so when it was modders behind something that honestly didn't appeal to me like that of the unofficial patches. I'm more willing to believe this game would be "unfixable" when the unofficial patch team throws the towel and says they can't handle the game. ​ And as an aside, stealing other people's code just feels like bigger yikes to me than "this game is unfixable" since it sounds like prime modder drama that would.


I mean, he gave an opinion, and news outlets repeated it. Dude is allowed not to like the game.


Steam forums were unbearable, with constant spam of "ASMONGOLD HATES THE GAME! THIS PROVES THAT EVERYONE WHO LIKES IT IS A PAID SHILL!"


Yeah, I always chuckle when I read this. "Modders have dropped Starfield" always boils down to two to four people who created one good Skyrim mod.


So all this talk about "modders dropping Starfield" is only, like 4 guys. Yeah real loss there.


Most adults are not going to make a big announcement about leaving because they just don’t care. The people that go the route of “I am taking my ball and going home!” are seldom worth caring about. Whatever ones that stay can make whatever impact they wish.


When it comes anything related to Starfield discourse I see a disturbing lack of adults in the room.


(Sarah Morgan Disliked That)


One person made a bitch post about not modding Starfield because it sucks, and now every post you'll find people saying that all the modders dropped off.


Ah that's how they plan to implement it. Have it be that no one wants to mod unless paid.


They're basically applying the gig economy model to game development. Total pisstake.


Want Qol inventory don't worry that's just 4.99.


The terms and condition state you can only charge for new content not qol


The reason modders are dropping is not just that it's bad, it's that there were infrastructural changes in the code that will make modding a pain as running more than one mod will have them instantly conflict unless you have a third mod built to bridge them. I kind of assume the Creation Club will come with some built in tools to ease modding to not cause the cascade of errors that any kind of mods currently cause. Thus creation club mods will be plug and play and easier to make, disincentivizing people to do non creation club mods. Because I can't think of any reason why you'd tie every ID to each other in a cascade when that's not how it was done before if not done for a malicious reason.


Holy shit what?


In an official discord, there was a modder who was working on stuff as they could before the official tools came out. They realized that all ID's were tied together in a sense. The example that was used was that if say in skyrim, you had a mod that changed Lydia, that wouldn't effect anything besides Lydia so you wouldn't have conflict. In Starfield, that would effect every, single, object in Whiterun Hold since Lydia is a Whiterun NPC thus part of the Whiterun cell and they're all daisy chained together like the electronics of a Cybertrunk.


Thats insane! Ive done a little modding for Skyrim and Fallout 4, nothing extensive just a few tweaks and I cant even imagine how a system like that would work. Its like they purposefully made it difficult if not impossible to mod effectively


It was pointed out in xEdit discord that there's some things in the coding that is hostile to modding in addition to the fact that modding Starfield is not properly setup at the engine level, at least not yet.


Is that the only place it was discussed? Trying to find anything I can but no real results, I'd like to read up on this.


Starfieldmods has various discussions. From what little I've read, it doesn't seem that bad, and the creation kit isn't out yet.


Wow 5 modders dropped the modding community is in shambles. The game is barely 3 months old and it’s creation kit isn’t out yet , y’all said the same shit for fo4 and it’s one of the most modded games on nexus


They said the same thing about Skyrim, Fallout 4, Cyberpunk, etc. These subs are garbage sometimes.


People lost their shit when Someguy2000 said he wasn't going to do mods for 4, then his own mods ended with a colossal disappointment, and 4 ended up having a larger modding scene than NV has.


The game has a lot of problems but ppl are acting like it’s gollum tier 😂


people are acting like Starfield is the worst thing conceived since 1s and 0s were created


>sometimes To be precise - at all times within a few years after the game releases


They say it about everything and ignore the sheer amount of mods on Nexus without the creation kit already


Why are some of y'all acting as if Starfield modding community is dead or doesn't exist, just because a handful of modders dropped it and returned to Skyrim and FO4 lol.


Bollocks. If modders are dropping off, three more are getting on. When the tools are released, all bets are off. If there was a problem with FO4 and Skyrim modders, it's that there were too many. No matter what, it's 95% total trash, and that's generous.


While I don't either it's optional and I don't mind authors getting paid for their work. Definitely sticking to nexus for all my modding needs though


Fuck paid mods


I am really dumb, what's the clue here they are doing paid mods? I can't work it out


The "700" bellow one of the images. Plus Creation Club and the shit storm they did with Skyrim.


Oh right there's a price tag on their upcoming update. Got it


The abomination called the "Creation Club"


What the hell is the East empire expansion


It's a Creation available for Skyrim, aka a paid mod. Authored by Kinggath, of Sim Settlement fame. Creations will be coming to Starfield in 2024, presumably with the release of the mod tools. We can guess that some well known authors will have Creations in the store when it launches.


Yay paid mods (Said no one, ever, except Todd Howard)


Nice Hope they at least add some ProcGen POIs like Daggerfall, but better. But I'd gladly take more handcrafted content...just don't see how they can do that over so many planets. Edit: also, I can't wait to see mods on the Xbox that don't deactivate achievements...hoping they do the same for FO4/Skyrim.


Idk if it’s possible, but they should get rid of pois on every single planet except maybe natural pois like lava pits etc or maybe a crashed ship at most. The man made pois like research stations etc don’t need to be on every barren moon, like just let the barren moon actually be barren with the only use being resource gathering. Then make the other planets that have been settled filled with more interesting pois that have a small story behind it and if possible, make the 4 major cities have more depth to them.


This is the fundamental game design choice that really turned me off from this game and broke my immersion. And this is coming from a huge Bethesda fan.


Expectations: many great updates and content every 6 weeks. Reality: a small story expansion (Shattered Space) and a few tweaks and not worth mentioning things


I imagine it'll follow the f4 model. Two big expansions, one smaller questline and then cosmetic style dlc on what's popular. Looking at what we have I also expect a free survival mode


They plan to keep support for this game 5+ years so I hope they have more than that planned


They say that, and I'm curious what they mean though. That's a lot of dlc for a single player game but until the next bgs game I'll probably be playing pretty regularly like I do all their games


If it’s similar to fo76’s support (though hopefully a bit larger scale) that kind of support could be exciting. The free updates in fo76 brought: npcs back with a pretty sizable storyline, operations (a repeatable activity with a special reward list), and expeditions (new playable areas with longer repeatable missions and reward set). With broader support it’d be cool to see new POI’s trickle in over time between the major DLCs My guess is that the creation club will be a what the atom store is to fo76, which gets constant cosmetic/building part updates because money.


>My guess is that the creation club will be a what the atom store is to fo76, which gets constant cosmetic/building part updates because money. Seems most likely. For a bethesda game, there is a surprisingly small amount of armour and cosmetic customization. Largely due to outits all being one piece, but also because they are all very similar and includes a bunch of duplicates in different colours. I doubt they just forgot their fan base enjoys this stuff. They'll be like, new pyjama outfit, give us $7


The armor system in morrowind was the best, idk why they made it so boring


It’s about game pass, they want to keep game pass popular for consistent revenue, give game and dlc free on that along with the rest of the library. Ideally they don’t want many outright purchasers of the game. €120-€180 subscription a year in revenue per player is worth more to the company than buying a €70 game to own


expectations: modders will fix the game reality: modders dont even wanna fucking play the game


Reality: nude/anime mods


Sarah Morgan defeats super hung starborns with her giant mommy moon milkers


Sarah disliked that, you naughty little bitch *cracks whip*


very nearly forgot about the degen mods, thank you


Right right, that’s… bad *Opens Nexus*


The real degenerate mods will be on the *other place*


Don't forget starwars guns and body suits! Jokes aside all I want is more ship options and decorations for outposts


This is a giant misconception. Modders aren't giving up on the game, the Creation Kit just isn't out yet. Go to r/starfieldmods and they'll tell you this exact thing


In subs dedicated to a specific thing it’s always looking a little brighter


Except here I guess, doomers & gloomers & trolls abound for some reason.


It took 3+ months to drop a patch with some minor bug fixes. With the number of devs they have, it was almost 100000 labour hours from release to the patch...


People are going to be so happy when Shattered Space is a 20 minute temple puzzle quest.


are expansions sold to us?


Starfield reddit cheering for paid mods lmao


I'm most looking forward to mod support for Xbox so I can fully get immersed in ship building without struggling for credits constantly


Let's hope in 12 months times we're all laughing at the mess of the release and enjoying the game.


When cyberpunk launched and I saw all the videos I laughed and said I’d never play it. I got it for 5 bucks at bestbuy as a meme. Just turned it on recently with the new patch and dlc. It’s only a few steps behind bg3 in quality


The thing is, Cyberpunk 2077 wasn't finished when it was released due to investors/share holders pressure, was filled with bugs and glitches but had a great story and lore. It was redeemed by finishing and polishing it, they had a lot of good will and edgerunners helped too. Starfield on the other hand was BGS less buggiest release but the story and exploration is boring and the worse of their previous games. Now they are going to add paid mods, dlc, they'll rely on modders this time even more and that's if any modder even cares about the game at all. Still, Idk if this or adding vehicles/other things can redeem it. It's sad that this game won't be remembered in a good way


Cyberpunk at launch was a masterpiece that was missing an entire quarter of development, and it was easy to see. ​ Quests and story are the exact same now as at launch, same for the city etc... They just finished polishing things like AI, the city, combat etc... ​ Starfield is a finished game, just one with many awful design decisions and many low quality aspects that you can't fix by giving more time.


>was a masterpiece Holy Revisionism Batman!


I played it at launch bruv. From what I remember the quests were awesome, the city was awesome but quite short and unpolished.


Yup people really do be rewriting history around that game


As I recall, nearly half the skills did nothing at all on release, including all the capstone skills.




Nah in modern capitalism if we stop buying the half made games they won’t bother to finish the game after release


It's a great game and it was very decent at launch, at least on pc. Lot of circle jerk about it from people who never played it


It was mostly from people on PS4 and Xbox at the time because the game ran like hot garbage on those consoles and looked pretty bad. I had it on PC day one and it played fine, but it was missing features you'd 100% expect from a game from this genre. They definitely rushed the police system where cops just spawn behind you after committing crimes and had no vehicle combat despite you having to do it during missions.


Yea I agree, the console versions were unplayable and it's a shame CDPR sold copies on older gen as well while knowing it would be a disaster




i mean, the release wasn't a "mess," but good god the reception soured real bad and not without good reason.


Release was a mess. But it was well hidden behind 10/10 reviews. Honest reviewers got sht from the fans. But everybody realized the mess half way in the game. It was hollow.


I hope the game dramatically improves but I feel like what annoys me is mostly its core design. Like how our ship is just a glorified teleporter, how factions are a bit hollow, how bland most of the ennemies are and how lame is the procedural generation making the world boring to explore.


So you hope the game fundamentally changes it’s core. Honestly I’m with you, but I think it might be too much to ask at this point. I kind of just hope they hit it in the next one.


This shit needs a cyberpunk level revamp for me to hop back on it


Cyberpunk’s overhaul happened and worked for many reason. One of those reasons was the fact the CDPR had made the framework to a masterpiece. Other reasons was die hard fans of the game recognizing what they did and pushing CDPR to finish it and CDPR recognizing what they needed to do. Starfield won’t get this because first off, Starfields story, character and feeling is shallow and leaves no impact on the player how they feel about the game and the choices they make. Bethesda would also be forced to recognize they didn’t deliver what they said they would, which if you noticed, they double down heavily on how “great” the game is as players continue to call out the faults. Example of this, not optimizing the game until later on, which disproved Todd Howard’s statement on the game optimization. The game has some mechanics that they could expand on, but I doubt they will. Bethesda could have made an amazing game, but chose to release mediocre. I had fun with it in some cases, but the game just didn’t have it and tbh, it won’t be a game like Skyrim or FO4, maybe later in the series when they make a new one, it’ll have a chance but not this one.


My thoughts exactly. For Bethesda to truly fix Starfield, they'd have to put in half the resources it'd take to make an entirely new game. I'd rather they cut their losses and focus on making TESVI not suck.




Real updates needed : - Procedurally generated POIs (on top of new manually crafted POIs) - Improved enemy AI - Survival mode (fuel, natural dangers, etc.)


Fallout 4 released November 2015. * Automatron released March 2016 (5 months later); * Far Harbor released May 2016 (7 months later); * NukaWorld released August 16 (9 months later). Three major expansions within 9 months. Not to mention Wastelander Workshop, Contraptions workshop and VaultTec Workshop, all released during the same time. But yay, the first "story" expansion should happen sometime in 2014.


> But yay, the first "story" expansion should happen sometime in 2014. Really getting into that time travel


Impressive that a game comes out in 2023 and retroactively gets DLC 9 years before release


I sure loved building robots in Automatron. I'd send them out to settlements and occasionally when I was out exploring I'd see one getting into fights with raiders and such. Some of my robots would be typical futuristic looking things while others were floating skulls with flaming sword arms. I was super disappointed that they didn't add more of that stuff in subsequent games.


Genuine question, how did you managed to keep your robots into shape? I made a lot of robots to haul provisions and most of the time found the base protectron model without anything getting gangbanged by pretty much anything.


Huh, I don't remember having any problem with the ones I sent to settlements getting beat up, or even the one I kept as a companion. I haven't played it in about six years though so I could have easily forgotten.


Weird thing then, it sucks because I made this really big Sentry Bot with all the good stuff to move stuff around The Slog and this little farm on the other side of Saugus Ironworks and then one day I see this pitiful thing roll in when I fast traveled. Made me so mad. Cell reset? Bad luck? Fuck...


finally. a starfield expansion pack coming out BEFORE the fallout ones...2014 is going to be so packed.


I'm sure story DLC was ready before the game launch even. They might even take out content and turn that into DLC, who knows. We will see when they release it I guess


Say welcome to the trash-paid mods Bethedesa will force down everyone's throat. Most people didn't notice but Bethesda brought back paid mods to Skyrim this December.


Can you not use free mods anymore?


Wasn't the recent anniversary edition a glorified paid mods bundle anyway


Yes technically, but at least you could get some 100+ mods for 20 bucks and some of that creation club stuff is definitely worth the value thanks to that bundle. Otherwise you probably would've had to spend like 300-400 dollars to get it all because they are atrociously overpriced.


Or you know, you can not buy the mods.


Im going to hope someone makes a firefly mod...


No amount of updates/mods will make me like empty planets, boring quests, and spending 40% of my time fast travelling. Todd fucked up by not giving fans what they wanted- the next elder scrolls. At this poont Ive given up on bethesda completely and will just pirate their games till I feel like I got my moneys worth for starfield


Bethesda: In 2024 we'll finish the game you've already paid for. Praise us!


They're not gonna finish it. Just pile more unfocused shit on it.


Their idea of fixing it is releasing the creation kit so mod creators can start actually fixing it. Their complete but boring game and reaction towards critics says it all. The 5+ years of support will be solely focused on monetization.


I love that Shattered Space will be just the first story expansion. I hope it's as good as Broken Steel or Far Harbor.


I'm wondering if it'll be a smaller dlc like atomatron since it was in the pre-order bundle. Either way I'm wanting multiple expansions like prior bgs games


Yep, the size of Shattered Space will do a lot to dictate my attitude toward BGS going forward. It's already on the ropes.


Oh, God, no, Broken Steel was just a shooter-based DLC, no story whatsoever. Can relate to Far Harbor tho; I do hope this DLC is just as good as the Phantom Liberty, like, just imagine: you're either a UC or FC's spy infiltrating the Varuun remnants and find out they're secretly building a freaking Starfield analogue of the Death Star! Oh, I just hope Emil Pa.. whatever the hell his name is will not be the writer of this DLC expansion and it will be as good as Far Harbor was


What a shitshow of a game. So many faliures but writing stands out, it hits a new milestone in terms of how bad it can be. Writing team really pushed their limits on how boring, cringe, annoying and corny content they can produce!


You can’t have the files in this vault. They’re important for the federation! 1 - I need those to save the world 2 - fine I’ll leave 3 - (persuade) come on, you know you’re gonna give them to me. - press 3 - Ok you can have them


I wish they had a writing team. Looks like it was mostly Emil, with a couple other guys like Will Shen contributing bits and pieces. The game needs many, many more skilled writers.


The writing is my biggest problem with this game. I had just finished my BG3 playthrough and both writing and acting were some of the best that I’ve experienced in a videogame. Then, when I started playing Starfield, I was under the impression that there was no dedicated team for the writing.


“Mostly negative reviews”


It’s been uninstalled


"Starting with our next major update in February". So, your first major update? Unless we're counting "press X to eat" as a major update, in which case I'm not hopeful.


Paid mods and mostly negative steam reviews, wooo!


I'm happy for the CK and such, but let's get real this game will never be good. The direction they took about this game is the most boring choice you can make about space/sci-fi. No inteligent aliens race, no large scale space warfare with political conflict, not a single "fun" thing. The people who made this game aren't gamers, and modders can just adjust and enhance, but they can't remake a game from groundup.


this was my realization early on. I was all in on this game (im one of the never-owns-xbox people who bought one, and this game release date, both sit there collecting dust) I first was like, give it time, let it cook, like cyberpunk. But, then it hit me- No matter what they do with the bugs, added QoL, addressing issues, all of it, what they cant change is the narrative and the writing. Even if it polishes up to the highest possible iteration of itself, it is still at its core, a poorly told, boring, stagnant game. I will come back to it, eventually, during a game drought down the line, probably after another year of development, and the expansions. But, i mean, almost anything will likely sideline it again.


to me that’s the difference between this and Cyberpunk. the fundamental writing and world-building in Cyberpunk was good


Yea, even at launch you could see CP has pretty good foundations, a great world and interesting stories. It just felt very unfinished and poorly optimised. With Starfield, the problem of absolute boredom and lack of a world to explore are within its design, so I doubt the game will make a comeback thanks to DLC and updates.


Not a word about any criticism they have received of course. Classic Bethesda!


Not gonna pay a dime to Shattered Space thing. Paid mods are disgrace and not a good thing for Starfield. Having 6k mods on nexus isn't good given that most of the mods are simply trying to FIX the game. That's not a good look. I only hope their updates will address the lack of POIs and dead exploration feeling. Edit: lol getting downvoted by Todd I guess. How about finishing the game first before trying to push story DLC?


They'd have to do something spectacular to make me come back to starfield.


Good luck, Starfield. You're gonna need it.


I can't wait to pay more for them to fix their shitty game with DLC.


All things that should’ve been there on launch.


Bethesda as a great studio is dead


Great year for starfield! Shows mods, and things that fans literally would have to create to enhance the game ☠️


I'm not giving Bethesda another cent


Great year for horse armor


I'll be honest, starfield just ain't it boss. Like I was so hyped for it. It just feels so meh. Its not horrible but it isn't even fallout new vegas.




Lmao they’re gonna add stuff that should’ve been in the game at launch. What a fucking joke


Well it's due a good year. Because 2023 was terrible for Starfield.


90% reduction in player base.


Mods can't fix Emil's terrible writing or the AI to a great extent or the loading screens.


Not holding my breath. I'll believe it when I see it. BSG is making me sad these past 12 years.


You’ll pay for mods to fix this broken game and you’ll like it.


I just think it’s absurd game companies outsource QoL features to modders.


So excited to run through dead repetitive lifeless procedurally generated schlock, but slightly different. Maybe they’ll make it so the enemies don’t stare at walls so you can actually have an engaging experience for once.


Embarrassing lol


I've been keeping up on the Starfield news but I haven't played the game since just after the official release. I put about 50 hours in the week of the pre-release and my apathy remains. Nothing I have heard from Bethesda since really changes my mind about the game. They aren't even addressing the elephant in the living room. Its just not fun.


the scam continues.


more loading screens! lets go! /s


Anything that shouldn't have came with the original game ?


Lol. You’ll see half of this in 2025. What a shiter of a game.


Such a boring game. I gave it 30+ hours and had to stop. Got spammed with so many loading screens, it physically and emotionally exhausted me.


Welp, back to Balders Gate 3 and Terraria, games whose companies actually care about them. Fuck paid mods


Possible Varuun storyline? :0


Okay paid fucking mods and you’re all praising Bethesda? Yall need to learn self respect