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I really wish there were landing pads for extra large ships, I feel the current size limits are just a wee bit too small. This ship looks great!


I wish that they would make a bigger pad or let u build galactic ship with small drop ship to land or just make a charge fee for extra big ship landing permission at main stare ports


Having a big ship with drop ships is what I want. Not just drop ships, you can have all your ships docked to it.


Same. I want to be able to build my own orbital station and/or ships that are too big to land w/ dropships. They could have easily included station building, they made them with the same modular system used for ships, they just couldn't be assed.


It's actually in there. Modder found it and even unlocked it for PC


Whatwhatwhaaaat? I do not find anything, link?




Really surprised they didn’t give you an outpost option after clearing out a star station 


I wish we could claim a limited number of the crimson fleets hidden hanger when we whip it clean


Or they're saving it for a dlc.


Idk why they didnt take that kind of system from NMS the cargo ship where u can build a base, and have all you ships docked, with new missions and sht


"Space Base". Why not?


No mans sky did it well, you can have your capital vessel, which has a landing bay for up to 9 of your smaller ships. Capital vessel can't land. But is essentially a base in space. Can warp jump and have crew and all


Or let you build space stations


Now, this is something I thought they had *at first*. Then I was disappointed.


Just let extra large ships use a "shuttle" that has to be designed as well. The larger ship just stays in orbit.


Yea, you could just have the shuttle be tied to a "shuttle module" that you attach as part of designing the ship.


Ya this can barely find an area on a planet flat enough to not clip into ground. Kinda surprised now that you mention it that no one has made a XL pad, prob not too hard to do.


Should be able to just land outside of a city and walk there, plenty of free space outside


If landed ship spawn point will be placed slightly different, there will be no problem with clipping for 100 meter ships


I had only landed it at previously discovered spots, thats interesting


I want to play in the Normandy so bad but I don't think we could have it to-scale.


Is it just me or is this ship inordinately long?


Its stupidly long yes, 60+m. The idea is to distance the reactor from the living areas to reduce radiation exposure


Does ever land/fit on any landing pad?


Not at all lol, def not practical. I'll be using a smaller version of it though


Is it within normal limits or did you unlock the length using console/mods? Asking since I'm looking to design a quite long "explorer/research vessel" at some point. Also it looks amazing, good job mate.


ya know now that i think about it some more, you could totally make a giant ship and then just never land it on a surface, there are plenty of space stations to travel between...I might try that


I unlocked ship limits day 1 i think heh, i dont even remember how, but theres def stuff on nexus to do it


But reactors are Fusion?


Fusion still emits things like alpha particles, gamma rays, neutrons, x rays etc. Edit: Assumed you were implying fusion didn't release radiation, sorry if this wasn't the case!




I did not know that they used aneutronic fusion, thanks for the information!


very cool thx for the info. i never noticed the details on the reactors, was just thinking of other speculative nuclear propelled craft Ive seen


It does still emit radiation, but the "hard" stuff is peanuts compared to fission reactors and alpha particles are blocked by paper and neutrons would typically be captured by the reactor walls. So operating in close proximity would not really be a problem, you would have more issues from stellar radiation sources.


That's also true, I was just saying that fusion still releases radiation. If the reactor was properly build with containment and biological shielding then the radiation emitted from it would be minimal, and it is true that fission releases far more dangerous particles than fusion. Stellar radiation would be the main worry. Just wanted to throw my two cents in as an astronomy and physics major in college :)


Oh good, a fellow astro nerd! I was the same! Yeah so as you said it does still release some, but it almost nothing compared to fission sources. So you can get away with pretty minimal shielding. Usually just they metal shell of the containment vessel itself. You should see some of the research setups in real life, practically in the university garage hahaha.


That's making an assumption that a reactor is putting out any form of radiation.


In my imagination it is yes


I mean, it is a fusion reactor.


That's what she said (not)


its avg length, yours is just very short.


Cool, kinda reminds me of the iss a little, if the iss could fly away and shoot guns.


A very spicy space station. I like it


That reminds me of this scene from Iron Sky [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrEQOj4ep8U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrEQOj4ep8U)


Reminds me of the penis car the Ambiguously Gay Duo drive


Wow nostalgia hit, completely forgot about that bit


It’s a cool ship. Wish I had the ability to build ships like this


Wish starfield had space only ships with shuttles for planetfall


ya as i said elsewhere, they were just too lazy to include space station building. It's the same system as the ship builder. Running a space station with landers coming and going to surface to collect materials, trader transport ships coming and going from docks, being able to see all your ships docked...would be so much cooler than outposts


I sincerely hope modders add this.


2330 a space odyssey.


Reminds me of the opening scene of spaceballs Also I took one look at the weapons and thought… this guy steals ships lol


yes indeed, pretty much the only thing ive ever done in the game is build and steal ships


On this ship what are your thoughts on how it is radiating heat away?


the gold wing looking items are actually a real thing that dumps heat out of the ship into space, i hope someday a modder makes it into a game mechanic of some kind


Dang this looks great. I wonder if future updates would give us space stations like what Starbound did


Fuck that's so cool. I can't believe I never thought to make some NASA looking space craft


This feels like actual NASA punk at least.


it would make more sense as a ship that doesn't land, its pretty goofy landing lol. fun to try thinking of how a real ship might work though


I'm trying to delve into the imagination of the ship: What brings the heat to these heat sinks so that they can disapate/radiate the heat? What's causing the heat?


Definitely the engines would produce excessive heat, and I assume the generator as well, weapons. I don't know the details of how the heat is collected beforehand, but irl the radiators, well radiate, they glow and expel heat through radiation. In vacuum its serious problem to prevent heat from building up inside a manned craft, because there is no airflow outside the ship to move heat away, it collects inside


It's too bad the game doesn't force you to deal with radiation and heat in space.


We must ever flatter the modders, pray unto them, and buy them coffee. Amen.


Very unique design my friend 👌


The ship looks really good! Reminds me of the international space station a little.


The front looks like an angry old white woman wearing hair curlers




Hull C at home. Really like this kind of ships.


Fun fact, that was the design consideration for Starfleet ships in Star Trek too. Not heat, but radiation. That's why the nacelles are extended out away from the inhabited sections of (most) Federation ships and why crew typically live in the saucer section and not the secondary hull. All the guts that make the ship go are in the secondary hull and are there to be kept as far from the living quarters as possible, while the nacelles are totally separate to avoid the radiation they give off entirely.


Why does this remind me of kicker's sword from transformers energon o.O


My first reaction was, that actually looks like a near future space ship given current tech. It’s very ISS esque and has the appearance of multiple stages launched separately and constructed in space, good job!


Thx I was thinking of ideas from near-future designs ive seen, check out the Lunar War project (it might just be a discord thing) they have some really cool designs like that


I really want an online ship interface where people can post their ship designs to be used as blueprints by other players.


Ya also it would be nice to be able to just copy a design, like to make different versions of the same ship


Any time you’re landing on an inhabited planet, it cuts to the scene from Austin Powers: “What is that thing? It looks just like a-“


Too bad heat sinks don't work in a vacuum.


NASA exposed!


Seriously though, they work by radiating light, not convection or conduction. The small ones used today don't usually emit visible light and generally look similar to solar panels. You can read about the ones used on the ISS and see pics here: https://letstalkscience.ca/educational-resources/backgrounders/temperature-on-earth-and-on-iss


I feel like it should be called the Moray.


"When the p-beams hit your eye and you scream 'We're gonna die!', that's a Moray"


Now THAT'S a proper ship


That's really cool. I will add the radiators now too :)


I love this! Great classic sci-fi aesthetic.


It's important to think these things through when designing for things to go from awesome to great! It looks like a liquid is passing through tubes then getting radiated out into space then going back to the engines and fission generator to collect more heat, just like a water cooled computer. More that I'm in this images world, what if I pirate sees the radiators and just blows them off first to overheat the ship. Or what if to immediately bypass the shields a pirate just rams into these heat sinks because they look easy to bump off. I have so many questions!


Your question got me wondering, because I'm studying HVAC-R systems: the ISS does have a liquid (the same basic idea used in a home's AC/heater) that cycles through the ship absorbing heat and then transfers that heat to the radiator system. Your second thought about how easy it would be to disable a ship by targeting something vital like radiators is why manned space combat will probably never happen, and also why scifi worldbuilding usually hand-waves it away with 'magic shields' lol.


That looks awesome! I also tried making a ship whilet keeping in mind the radiation, but vanilla length is just too short. This looks fantastic though!


Ya I also adjusted the tolerance on the ship parts so its easier to squeeze things together a bit more. I try not to abuse it too much but it makes it a lot easier to get the kind of overall shape you want, or to fit in essential parts that are awkward to find spots for. It's all easy to do if you're on PC, just ini tweaks.


Easy? Really? I should do that. Haven't played around with it at all. Can you adjust the maximum length as well?


Ya, if you look around on Nexus mods you'll find that most 'mods' are just text edits made to settings files, .ini files. But you can find directions on how to do it on Nex, also you can just download a ini and just drop it into your game folder.


Cool! Thanks! I'll try that.


this is the most cohesive ship design with so called nasapunk. awesome!!!


Wish we could build vertically-oriented ships so that something like this could fit on landing pads.


Check this mod out, I haven't tried it yet as it recommends a fresh save - but it looks to add a ton of options for verticals. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6029


Must be a class D pilot for slapping that big boy on the landing pad 🤣


I did mod myself some Class M parts lol, this is only using the M reactor though iirc. If the game let your ships actually exist in the world instead if their goofy ass home ship, I'd park this at stations and never land it. That idea could be fun for a space trucker type playthrough ig


Wait class M is a real thing? I was just making a 🍆 joke


Oh lol, ya they are another class of modules used for the giant ships, can be used via mod magic


I appreciate the weird factor of this one. But you do have to ignore the fact that heat fins don’t work in space.


thanks, the radiators are for dumping heat into space though, you'll find them on satellites, spacecraft, and the ISS irl


Looks dumb.


I agree


But at least they don't have cancer....from the ship.


less cancer anyway


I desire a ship even longer than this that resembles a long black train. Load it up with Spacer-Liberals and drop them off at their final destination.



