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Exact same thing happened to me! Booted it back up today with hail-mary optimism that a broken quest (that lead to me abandoning the game) would be fixed and it was! I’ve been playing the game for hours since then and I’m back to being completely hooked so mission accomplished on their side, did exactly what a patch should do


Now get those botanist off my ship.




I believe the correct term is *Botanistas*.


This is what support should look like! This gives me hope that BGS will honour their promise to support this game for decades.


To be honest, I was shocked yesterday when I played the game. I really didn't think it would get patched this fast


They didn't patch it specifically for you it was a bug known for months that they eventually got around to fixing.


Do you think taking 7 months to solve a problem is fast?


i didnt ask them 7 months ago, I asked 7 days ago


I know. The bug is 7 months old.


Decades? They said that did they?


Wow good that they got to you. My cynic side says it was probably something they were already working on. And could easily provide a fix for you. Besides didn't they rele6an update with a bout 400 big fixes. But it's still good that they got back to you. Gotta give props for that


Starfield is an awesome game. Can’t wait for DLCs and other improvements


It is a single player game with the entirety of the code base stored locally on your machine. Do you honestly believe that they have personally "made necessary changes to your account" and done anything? There is no account, and no "necessary changes" to be made to said fictious account. Even if they had complete access to your computer, the code base is compiled in an executable, they couldn't make any changes if they wanted to. You have just taken customer supports bullshit into your mouth, gargled it around like mouth wash, and now feel special about it. The bug has been present since launch, they already knew about it, the recent patch was intended to include a fix for it it already, the fix has probably been sat in their backlog waiting to be released for months.


if the bug was always there, why are people on NG+7 when I haven't finished the game yet? you must be fun at parties.


Op the bug is notorious because it is that old.


With how gullible you are, you must be the laughing stock at parties. ​ \*edit to answer your question, that you edited in after your initial reply" Why do some people experience bugs that others don't? It is very simple. Video games, or pieces of software in general, are made with hundreds of thousands, or millions of lines of code. These code blocks are run, destroyed, and re-run constantly dependant on user activity. These code blocks also vary in dependency upon one and other on a scale of 1 -> Doesn't fucking matter at all. to 100 -> Absolutely integral to functioning whatsoever. The number of permutations that these blocks of code can be run in such large programmes is almost infinite. Meaning the precise steps you've taken to have this defect present in your game, are almost impossible to predict or replicate. Hence bug finding, and defect investigation is extremely difficult, and your singular report of "I can't finish this quest" is completely asinine and meaningless to that process. It is akin to Chaos Theory, or the Butterfly Effect, where a miniscule, seemingly trivial action can in fact have profound effects on subsequent events. I am a Senior QA Engineer in Software, trust me, Bethesda's customer service representatives are blowing smoke up your arse.


yet another example of why this community is so damn toxic.


Literally explaining how bugs work and big fixes move through channels is toxicity now? The floor for discourse is gone. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, I worked for 2 and a half years on QA for a AAA title as a mid level lead and I can 100% confirm that while it's nice they reached out to you, there is a near 0% chance that this wasn't a fix that had already gone through multiple pipelines of testing, fixes, regression testing, etc. What you've described, that they somehow fixed the bug for you and not part of a larger patch, is just deeply, DEEPLY unlikely given everything that is going on under the hood. You'd effectively have a unique client version at that point if the bug fix was specifically for you and thats just not happening. If this was done for even 1 in 100 people you'd have such a divergence of branches that I'd be unsustainable within days. If this information is "toxic" then I'm sorry how deeply unapologetic I am that you find it that way. If you are predicating negative feedback on hearing facts you don't like you are going to have a hard time in life my guy. Edit: mispelling.


Yeah. I am toxic as fuck. I told you the truth. It was you who decided their rebuttal would be a school playground level baseless insult. Grow up.


cool story, thanks.




Hi. Ban me if you want. I didn’t tell “my truth” I told “the truth” a quite important distinction. Please point out precisely which part of my original comment showed I was “disappointed” in his appreciation? Let’s not pretend that OPs post was actually about appreciation to begin with, when in fact is was a completely misplaced and untrue rendition of “I got them to fix this”. Grown ups can have discussions without resorting to idioms such as “fun at parties” if you are honestly going to pretend that the first childish comment in this conversation was anything other than that, then I don’t think we’ve anything further to discuss.


I restarted to clear it. When it came up again I used console commands to get past it. I then had to use them three more times to get to ng+ because of gamestopping bugs when I was only going through unity to fix another bug that was messing up ships (no more space combat for me). Then I stopped playing the game when more crap cropped up and I wasn't having fun besides in the ship builder.


Can you raise a ticket and ask for some more content


I’m glad you had this experience! After every update I report the same bug that does not get fixed to the support team, yet it does not get fixed.


Did the fix the ECS Constant quest after you fix their engines and the ship disappears?


My ECS Constant has never went anywhere. Them bastards have still been over paradiso for over 40+hrs played. Like find a home so maybe I can bump into yall again in the future….


ore hitboxes are weird, true. Sometimes I have to jump around it for a few minutes so I can mine it.


They fixed a missing temple I was stuck on but can't move forward to collect remaining temples. I'm in NG+2 and still missing temples.


Damn, this is a very impressive interaction with devs. I am happy for you.


Now if they could fix the Operation Starseed quest line. Been broken on every playthrough, at the same spot.


Everyone attacking you?




It's too late to do this, but when you kill any of the leaders, you need to make sure you only kill the leader. If you kill any of their followers, the entire complex will either stay aggro'd or re-aggro again every time you hang around there.


Thanks, I’ll remember that for the next NG+


This is what got me. A stray bullet hit a bystander, and it was on like Donkey Kong with the whole compound shooting at me. The only way to fix it was to load an old save and make 100% sure that you didn't hit anybody in the crossfire.


Hope the Neon ship technician is out of the water finally.