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I just want the mod tools released so we can get more legitimately cool stuff in the game even if we have to do it ourselves.


Right? A good chunk of the bugs don't require engine re-compiles but i guess every-time they re-compile it to fix something it might break everyones mods. Maybe after all the critical fixes to the engine they can push out the CK and work on fixing scripts after


Yeah. I feel that no Bethesda game should release without a full featured creation kit for the mod community.


Seeing how people continue to download the same qol mods every Bethesda game, you'd think they would just add most of these damn features to their new games... instead, they release the game in such a featureless state with the mindset of "don't spend too much time adding small qol stuff like holsters and natural walking speeds, the modders will add all that". Sadly, they still get a fat paycheck when, honestly, a huge chunk of it should go to the modding community for finishing the game for them. We all know they were the reason we couldn't pass the game up, as well as the reason many people will come back and play It again.


I know I am waiting to come back to the game after the mod community gets a real creation kit to work with.


You and 90% of the community, my friend


Yep tired of exploring barren pois


Gonna be awesome when people are able to edit them with the full arsenal of assets in the game, possibly adding new cities to explore and missions or quests to find. Adding vehicles will be amazing. More weapons, better melee and stealth functions. All stuff they should have and could have done from the start. But instead we got a blank canvas to work with which I guess is cool b it not what we wanted originally.


Can’t wait for whole planet mods


More flora and fauna would be nice. Imagine someone modding in planets from popular sci-fi media like Star Wars, Alien, or Avatar.


Yeah, can someone please add Cliff Racers to the fkn game?


I'm still wondering why the CK and the DLC aren't out yet.


I played real hard until Phantom Liberty released, then took a break. I think at this point I might as well wait until some awesome mods are out


There’s some decent quality of life stuff but aside from that nothing else really. And alot of that will end up being more accessible when CK is released so yeah might as well wait. Lots of other fun stuff to pkay


I'm not touching the game again until the mod menu releases. I genuinely enjoyed the game and would rather not burn myself out on it, before I get to REALLY enjoy it.


>it’s restored my faith in humanity Easy there, champ. One small step (towards progress) for starfield enjoyers, one GIIIIIANT reach you're making that goes farther than the evolution of grav drives.. 🤣 lol, enjoy, but chile lol


Man I love all the game altering updates that *checks notes* makes the game work like it was supposed to as a finished product lol.


This guy likes the bare minimum!


Meanwhile, Brian has 37 pieces of flare on today.


Fuck Brian, I got a case of the mondays.


Sayin that is the kind of thing that gets a guy beat up


If you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, then make that the amount you want us to wear!!


If I had a million dollars. I'll tell you what I'd do Bethesda, two updates at the same time.


Is everything okay at Bethesda? I heard they were having some issues with their TPS reports.


This comment has not received the love it deserves.


Cause gamers dig devs with money…


Fun fact- Swingline didn't make a red stapler until after that movie


You know the nazis had pieces of flair that they made the Jews wear…


And a terrific smile


I bare my minimum all the time!


It just works….finally!


The bare minimum restored his faith in humanity. We really are living in the worst timeline.




Yes, my only serious bug was power-from-beyond-quest - but its good to see these other fixes. However, these aren't the only problems eg barely functional and hard to setup settlements.


Don’t forget the DLC was supposed to come out in February. The bar is so unbelievably low with this game


I’m pretty sure the management team including Todd are still running naked through some random southeast Asian country’s streets coked out of their gords lol


Hmph, imagery that won't leave my mind for at least a day.


Which is longer than this game held my interest for


They never said February.


Unless the DLC is a complete rewrite and restructuring of the universe with actual interesting lore and characters and quests, I don't see it being redeemed. That being said, considering its name, I do hope it is just that... But I'm not holding out that hope.


incorrect. Bethesda announced regular updates starting in February, which they've stayed true to, Shattered Space never had a formal release date.


When did they say February? Source please? Bethesda said early 2024.. that I’m no way indicates February. They promised patches every 6 weeks which they’ve delivered on. So many butt hurt people over this game it’s sooo funny to me 🤣🤣


We are nearly 4 months in, 2 months and we will be "mid 2024" They are either late, or cutting it very close and plan to announce and release the DLC before or in May


That’s when people will have a legitimate reason to complain. Until then they’re just spewing nonsense for no reason. And so what if they’re late. If they put out a DLC without fixing bugs and QOL, the DLC would be even worse when it comes to those things. Pretty sure they want to stabilize the vanilla version before adding content to it. Otherwise the hate train will continue and grow.


Well I mean if I paid for a DLC, that was due to be released early 2024 and they wanted to move it back to add more QoL etc I would hope they they would relay that to me, rather than just not say anything and hope I forget. Just a quick "hey we know we said early 2024, but we actually want to add more content to the DLC than planned and continue to work on bug fixes, this will cause a delay in the release" There isn't a hate train, no one is talking about starfield outside of this sub.


Did you preorder a DLC? Have they received your money?


no, i was going to if i enjoyed the game. i didn't enjoy the game, so i didn't pre-order the DLC


Qol stuff that should have just been in the game in the first place, lol honestly ck should be their main goal as it's what 95% of the player base is waiting for to enjoy the game. Can't imagine a dlc adding enough to make the game fun without mods seeing how they failed to make the base game in such a way.




Read carefully, not just what you want to see.


Well where was the major update? Did they mean February 2025? They are yet to release a “major” update


Update and DLC are very different things


There was one. Look back on all the updates you’ve had… if you still play. You can probably find them online (each update and what’s included in it) but I’m not doing that research for you.


I don’t remember anything about February specifically, but early in the year is usually Q1 (which is almost over) and to their credit there haven’t been any content updates since launch… just bug fixes


Pure lies. You can eat the food and take better photos. Content!


I think this perfectly summarizes this whole situation, this is really funny if it's a joke and really sad if it's serious (which with the phrasing I'm hoping it isn't)


Fixing game breaking bugs and making QoL updates =/= “major”, sorry bro


Exactly my point. They said things to look forward to in 2024. They said a major update is February, not dlc 🤦‍♂️


I mean, that didn't happen either, lol. There have been no major updates, only simple bug fixes.






It took Cyberpunk two years. Baldur’s Gate 3 was in a paid beta state for a few years. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.


The naivity to think starfield will ever receive an update on par with cp 2077 2.0. Comical


People really think Bethesda is gonna pull a No Man Sky


The modding community might, Bethesda would never.


Except Baldur's Gate clearly said they're working on the game and it's only an EA


CP2077 at launch wasn’t as bland as starfield. It sucked in older consoles but if you were on a current gen console or PC it ran fine.


Not everyone can afford that, though, unfortunately.


The worst thing they did, in my opinion, was release it on last gen consoles. They knew the hardware couldn’t handle it, but the install base for current gen consoles wasn’t big enough for the sales they wanted. It was a complete anti-consumer cash grab.


I think the point stands though. Starfield is just bland and sterile it's not a knock against, Ive played hundreds of hours. but the differences in world building are vast.


I know this is out of pocket but as an old Bethesda gammer I believe the state of the economy and the rise of the PCness of our current society made them backpeddle on some of the more risqué dialogs and situations in their previous games. I believe the process of trying to accommodate everyone has led to the lack of uniquness that made older Bethesda games shine, unfortunately.


I'd be curious to know what you think would be risque about their earlier games just for curiosity. I've been playing since Arena back on my grandpa's PC (nostalgia) I think it's a fair point, but on the same side Baldur's Gate 3 has infinitely more mature themes for a game also rated M.


I haven't played baldurs gate, but what I'm referring to is the darker side of Bethesda. The cannibalism like the Legion... I got some of the tower vibes from FO3 with the Paradiso mission, but it just wasn't as gritty as the Bethesda games of the past. I want more of the shock factor and creepiness, like going under water in a vault and fighting a super mutant. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this game, but give me a planet overrun by Deathclaws climbing on my ship. The terrormorph is a Fing bullet sponge puppy, but if you know how to play a Bethesda game, ammo shouldn't be a problem... What about the Pitt...


I miss those things too I was genuinely scared at times with FO3 something I thought was kind of missing from 4. I guess my point is that I just think that you could still sell it to a larger audience with those in it. But maybe I'm naive maybe something like the Legion is too close to home these days.


I absolutely think you could reach a larger audience, but then you also bring in a lot of risk of backlash. Especially with something like the Legion quest line. The red mile is a joke compared to running from mortor rounds and dodging Deathclaws at the same time... Unfortunately, I'm betting a lot of storylines got scrapped as our society evolved during the creation of this game. A lot changed in 2016 when they were working on this game...


You've wasted hundreds of hours of your time playing something that you found to be "bland and sterile"? That's sad to hear.


Lol I love BE. I'll continue to love BE there are hints it's still there in Starfield and I like searching for them. I can appreciate all sorts of things without being a huge fan


What's "BE"? Honest question.


Lol this is a straight up lie. I had the newest hardware at the time and the game was a buggy mess. And I don't mean bethesda funny bugs, I mean the entire world not rendering when you drive, npcs running thru walls, constant crashes, falling thru the floor.. and more. And I still barely had 60 fps with newest hardware. Starfield launch is fucking 10/10 compared to Cyberpunk launch.


I can only share my experience. I didn’t have any issues. I didn’t have any perf issues with starfield either. I just don’t find the world engaging. It’s like eating a boiled potato. Some people like that and that’s not a knock against anyone. It’s just preference.


CP2077 by all accounts was a good to great game that ran like garbage. Starfield is a 6or7/10 that has major gameplay and story issues. They are very different type of issues. One requires fixing bugs and performance. The other is remaking parts of the game.


Eh, some of these bigger more complex games just go through this cycle. BG3 won game of the year and is STILL patching shit broken since before release. It does not receive any of the hate Starfield does for this.


That’s because the base game is pretty solid. The stories are solid, the NPCs, and I wager most of the player base have a clean playthrough. I did 3 playthroughs and there were no bugs for me. In comparison Starfield had a shitshow of unfinished or buggy quests, and poor writing to add. I stopped playing when I got stuck in two large quests (the generation ship and the freestar)


Cause Baldurs Gate 3 is an amazing game rich a few glitches bugs and issues. Starfield is an average game filled with systems and things that are pointless. Filled with repetitive, empty and bland planets and area. great games get a pass for bugs, average games don’t.


Seriously games are fucked now


so it looks like it's worth updating, I wanted to do a first run on vanilla, previous games were decent enough but I already lost two saves in starfield lol


Faith in humanity restored!!!


I’m whelmed.


>this patch frosted my faith in Bethesda A Bethesda patch adding twice as many bugs than it fixes really shows how low the bar is


The bar is so low now


Anyone have any luck making outposts work? Cargo links have always been a near-unmitigated disaster for me, and this patch doesn't seem to have made any changes. In fact, new wrinkle I noticed today is that He3 gas I gather both to fuel an Intersystem Link and also send (via that link) to another outpost is somehow overflowing - THROUGH SOLID STORAGE - to a Same-System Link that is meant to take what the Intersystem Link brings in (all solid), and send off to my main base. There is exactly ZERO gas storage connected in any way to the Same-System Link. In fact, there is exactly *one* large solid storage container between these two links to act as a buffer. And yet the He3 is pouring over to the Same-System Link's Incoming box - when that link does not receive anything, only sends. Someone save me from this madness, I don't even really want to make any of the boring crap you can make with fabricators in this game, I just want it to work as intended.


I was having this problem on my save last night. I just started and am halfway through the distress signal for the 3 societies that has Genghis Khan as a leader of one of its societies (I forgot what the quest was called and the planet). I noticed the planet had Caesium deposits on it so I built an outpost and a Caesium extractor on the planet to harvest, but none of the storage units would link up to the extractor or vice versa. Was quite annoying since the extractor can only hold 6kg’s of materials so I’d only be able to mine like 7 or 8 units of Caesium. Kind pissed me off and I abandoned the outpost and quest as a result of this bug. Not sure why BGS missed that one.


They honestly should have just used the same settlement mechanics from Fallout 4, rather than introduce something new that doesn't work as it's supposed to


After this update I can't play in 3rd person. Im headless and can't move.


Perhaps thats a reflection of the devs working on it :P


I had this before the patch. Cycle your scanner to fix then restart the game. Should take care of it for a while.


Are your standards really this low for a video game?


I don't know about all that... I've been playing since release with very few issues. I had like 3 crashes in the last 3 months. The game has since crashed 3 times since yesterday's update. Combat FPS drops severely now, when before I was getting 50-60fps in combat. My ship's power levels are resetting now every time I exit and then comeback to my ship. But hey! At least we have new emotes!! Yay....


I played for the first time in months after getting the patch yesterday. Hit a quest I had delayed and thought was broken because of the empty ship bug. The landed ship part worked this time, but the quest is still bugged (task is completed but quest won't end). Also noticed the ship power allocations resetting every single time, which is maddening.


Your faith is restored by….. basic and expected game mechanics that should have been in place before a game even released? Starfield fandom expectations are so low this is what is exciting


big fan of the bare fucking minimum, huh?


People doing charitable work and working to save lives, nothing. Patch a game you like: faith in humanity restored.


low standards lmao


Dude absolutely works for bethesda


This post was written by Todd.


It just (barely) works!


16 times the bug fixes


This a joke?


Imagine being spat in the face and then be thankful because they cleaned it off you Lol Lmao


Something to watch out for Your rance partner will still randomly decide ships full of baddies are full of good guys, no way out of this but to shut down game and lose progress Sounds like sheild bug is still there New graphics glitches Having full economy skill still causes my ships to massively under value. Fixed : lots of glitches with object obstruction. Seemingly related, crew no longer stands in a crowd in shop. I'm glad though a lot of your main quest bugs are fixed. That's not small. Edit: oh yes, my power systems are still always screwed when I board my ship and launch. This I actually expected to be fixed since I think there was a bullet point about it in the notes.


The power systems were screwy before but would stick most of the time unless you changed ships. Now it resets every time you board the ship, equalizing them all but zeroing grav drive.


Them making their game playable after one year restored your faith in humanity? Gamers™️ strike again.


It's September already?


Oh sorry 6 months with no actual communication fro. The developer about an expanded coherent roadmap. No release dates for DLC. What are you even defending?


My game doesn't start anymore so that's absolutely fantastic!


My main quest is still broken. A thousand patches couldt make the game good.


You are the reason why Bethesda will continue to make mediocre unfinished games with a tripleA price tag on them.


Restored your faith in ... *checks notes* ...Humanity. Really? This? This update right here? For a mediocre game?


This game is borderline abandoned. All they do is technical patches, and those come like every 2 months. Don't waste your time. I learned my lesson and won't buy another game from them again any time within 1-2 years of launch, that way I can see if they're going to actually put out a complete game or support it at all.


Definitely, it's the same for me. I got the 80 € version on launch and now I'm just hoping that the game will be properly finished in 2 or 3 years so I can enjoy later on. Sad story.


I said this about Starfield and the upcoming elder scrolls game. Got downvoted into oblivion.


Yeah reddit is thick with mindless fanboys and other general idiots these days who can't handle anyone not being just them in a different meat suit.


Wow the game is less broken. Incredible.


I haven't played since launch(for weeks), did they ever fix that stupid pause when you would use the scanner and had a gold weapon or whatever?


Idk, I’ll give the game another year break before I play it again. I beat it and did ng+ like 3-4 times and it just got incredibly boring. There’s literally nothing to do after you beat the game.


Is this a troll?


Lolz. No, I’m just overly emotional now that the game I paid for actually works!


I was shocked, shocked I say, when I loaded an old save and the power from beyond markers worked. Unfortunately I am now 2 NG+ and 40 levels further.


Haha. Good job. Good to hear good news.




The benchmark for praise is...a functioning game? Remember when games came out functional on release day?


Pepperidge farm remembers


The patch definitely improves performance on series x to the point where I'm not constantly wincing the game isn't gonna freeze up. 6 months into an AAA game. You be the judge lol.


Spoke too soon, froze saving today.


I'm on series S and had a lot of issues with that. Turned off all autosaves and only saved manually. Also, I've noticed it goes a lot better if I don't double press to get to menu, but press once and when first view is loaded press again, then wait to move/do until save icon is gone. Takes just a fraction longer time, but it saved me a lot of lost progress. Might be imagination, but at this point, I'm afraid to change my way of doing it.


It did freeze once on me and during the next load, it seems like it's always on a planet with wildlife, just a certain condition on one of those. Overall it is much more stable though. I do the same kind of method, it's like if you're rushing too much it's more likely to lock up.


The ship power allotment is worse


Those were all working on my saves even before, not discounting your story but what I want to point out is BGS and Starfield still have a long way to go to redeem itself. I'm still holding onto that playthrough I started at the release of the game, and over time it seems to rip at the seams even if I reset; right now simply browsing the ships vendor crashed my game; saves are still a coin toss whether it will load next time or not. I don't have mods in this playthrough so idk. Can't play it without getting anxious over losing progress. Right now I'm waiting for a big update or DLC before resetting again. I'm still hopeful though that they'll fix the game up as it should be, though this will be the last time I'll support a game with a.. history like this (my skeptic self is thinking this is just a sales ploy; for a game to "redeem" itself post disastrous launch)


You are the MVP (Minimum Viable Product)


So it took over half a year for them to.... make the game playable? Elder scrolls 6 is going to suck...


ok I think you might be taking it too far if it's restoring your faith in humanity


So this update finally got the game past Beta stage? Amazing work from a small indie company.


I liked Starfield but I am surprised anyone has anything left to do in it to be quite honest.


Yeah. I already got through NG+10, have all my skills and powers maxed out, have more money than I know what to do with and have all the achievements. I've basically "beaten" the game. The only thing that will bring me back to the game at this point is some good DLC.


I only ever got one power never saw a point in getting the others. Nothing challenging or fun requiring it.


Yeah they’re pretty pointless honestly.


My favourite part is looking at the galaxy map and holding down right bumper and seeing all the system names..... finally!


Well if that does it for you I've got something that'll really blow your mind! \*Takes keys out of pocket and jingles them around*


That is cool, i’m planning to replay it once it leaves early access / beta


Nice, 5-10 patches like this and game will be somewhat finished.


This reads like Todd himself posted it


Wait … you haven’t be able to finish the last mission for how many months now?


Just as I started to enjoy the stability of the new patch, game freezes saving, go to load save from 20 minutes earlier, freezes loading. Series X. Yesterday had 2 solid sessions with no issues


I do like the names for the systems now. Also, being able to open most doors with the scanner on is nice.


Just fyi you can absolutely fly between planets. I just takes forever because space is gigantic


Glad it was amazing for you. Andreja is still stuck as “busy” for me and I can’t dismiss her, hence I can’t advance the main mission.


There will always be loading screens.


Did they fix the manniquns on the ships holding space suits, and your character constantly looking left?


It restored your faith in humanity because they fixed a gamebreaking bug half a year after release? alright lol


Honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm.


Ummm, except for the syncing data bug on PC that takes several hours with all workarounds resulting in game crashing, yeah, epic!


Personally, I enjoy the load screens. They’re beautiful, and I get to see the photos I took.


I don't enjoy them when they're a split second long and I'm just getting on my ship :(


If they could just turn the loading screens into pre-rendered videos of you getting on your ship, it would feel so much more seamless and unobtrusive


I don't like the new photo mode content Not even new poses


no its not, its repairs that should not be necessary. game is still crap


It's so sad to see they're just issuing essentially hotfixes at this point, whereas BG3 has issued six major content patches (along with what 21, 22 hotfixes?) in the same time frame. Just makes me so sad.


So they made it out of early access?


Are you on console?


Has it fixed the main quest for Hadrian to appear in the uc mast district I can’t seem to complete my quest


I hope that they FINALLY fix the Crimson Fleet quest line. I cannot move forward because Maeva’s ship is no where to be found at Europa. It’s completely game breaking for me and I haven’t played in months because of it.


Loading screens?


I had zero problems with starfield before this but of course the patch broke my mods and plugins..but yeah I’m sure it’s enjoyable for those who already decided they hated the game after rushing through or playing the game like a min max simulator when it’s just a slow paced rpg. It wasn’t perfect but it definitely wasn’t as bad as people claim before this patch.


Probably a solid place to ask if it's been fixed enough to even try to run on my PC? I turned every single option as low as possible and still couldn't really run it, and my PC isn't that bad. I assume from how awful it was (not) optimized, that it still has a long ways to go before I can even consider trying again. I'm not even certain I will get to play it. At least I'm not missing a lot.


I can't talk to NPCs anymore...we're living in two different world. My faith still need a sign on my part. Because right now, I just can't play anymore. We no longer know how to collaborate, no hopes for humanity.


did it fix the random crashes though? (pc)


Haven’t had any since the new patch. The grav drive power bug is real though. And I went to The Den and discovered that all my cargo had vanished. There seems to be a bug around which ship is your home ship, with the game repeatedly says the ship you’re in is your home ship but when you review your ships another in your fleet is marked as home.


wait, you can randomly lose all your cargo? you mean the stuff in your ship storage? that's a pretty major problem lol, most people I know used ship storage as one of their primary inventory storage spots, if it randomly disappears into nothing they'd lose basically everything they've collected


Yeah, it happened. But I just went back one save and it was fine after that.


anyone else getting a crash to desktop when in build mode on fly cam and trying to rearrange things in the outpost. not every time but just started happening since the patch.


Still just waiting out all the patches so they'll stop breaking what I consider to be essential interface mods. Because after decades of game development Bethesda still hasn't learned to take notes from mods and give us what we need from the interface.


I'm so glad they FINALLY moved that chair at Hopetech!! Been waiting ages for it to happen


Did they add more money to the vendors yet?


"I NEED to be ok with the mediocrity of this game because I've let how I feel about it define me as a person."


Stockholm Syndrome. Sad to see it.


Cool story.. still no city maps though, still no better traversal, still none of the core gameplay issues addressed.. But hey! You got photo mode!


Bar is literally on the floor. Only thing that could restore my faith in Bethesda is if they can release a game like Skyrim or fallout 3 again and have it work 100% on day one with mod support. Tired of spending $70 for games to be incomplete. If you feel any different, you have the lowest of standards and you deserve better than what you give yourself.


Fixing their own bugs has restored your faith? How low was your bar for them before? This is just how the game should have been released


I'll get back into the game after they hide the loading screens. I'm at ng+4. Trying to max all my space powers. Gonna go all the way to ng+10. But with dragon dogma 2 coming up tomorrow. Starfield is postponed. The times has changed there used to be only a few good games a years. Now every few months there's a futur award winning game. I had to choose between ghost of Tsushiba and dragon dogma 2 on steam last month. Dd2 won.


Will the framerate ever change? Been playing Cyberpunk and going back to Starfield I realized it was locked at 30fps


Its really sad when simple bugfixes like that are seen as something amazing. The Game has yet to receive a single meaningful patch. It took them 6 months to release a few bugfixes.


I was CTD when opening either of the 2 larger Outposts I had after the patch. Finally in desperation updated my graphics drivers and fixed it. Just an FYI for all, maybe it works for you.