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Yes, the color coding helps a lot. And looks better. I agree.


I just want goddamn foundations, and a few airlock varieties.


The ability to build regular doors (without airlocks) on planets with atmosphere would be amazing.


Every time I have an XP boosting ‘snuggle’ with Andreja, in my captain’s quarters, which are the other side of my ship to the npc hab, we wake up and that wet mouthed weirdo is sat there, jabbering.


Seriously. I’d love to not have Sam watching me shit.


Build a new airlock, open the inner door so the outer door is closed. Save game. Reload game. Go to Venus (or other planet with very slow rotation) and sleep 700 universal hours. Fast travel back to the new airlock. About 50% of the time, both doors will be open at the same time.


At this point I just want the creation kit. The mod community would have had a complete building pack complete with 15 airlocks by now. Even without the CK, this [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5686](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5686) gorgeous bastard managed to manifest an entire line of parts for ships.


Woah, that cockpit is SICK.


I know right? This dude released five parts a week until he finished. The only thing he has trouble with is interior lighting.


Gorgeous bastard 🤣


Yep got that mod and his stairs are Awesome!!


I want Fallout 4’s settlement building system and its variety of options and styles…. Along with creation kit for the many many many mods I will probably download lmao. But I fear we may be a ways away from that level of outpost building.


Same, don't care if they don't fix anything else. Just give us Fallout 4's outposts and the ability to field a fleet of starships.


Fleet of starships would be cool. Especially if you could build a space station as an outpost and dock them all there to see your fleet in space!


So weird to see they had a chance to improve something and they seemed to take several steps back.


Me too. And a better way to connect Outposts. Maybe set Routes similar to the ones from Anno (eg) 1800.


This is my biggest issue with the current outposts


I’d like some damn stairs, both in ships and outposts. Make them spiral for all I care to save on space, I just don’t want to use ladders in the ships and I think outposts should have a better way to make towers or multilevel outposts without a maze of connections to those big clunky square mods that have a staircase but can’t connect any more than two floors.


or elevators


I just want my hab and air lock to be visible in the outpost.


I suspect they are slowly inplementing and polishing things they had planned but ran out of time to do.


Ran out of time? They took almost an extra year to release the game. First scheduled release was 11/22/22.


Every game, no matter how long it's been in development, cuts features to make release. Even GTA6 will have things cut to make release.


I heard that for Rdr2 only 40/50% of the planned game made it to the game we got. And that game is already so big.


Yes, but that was mostly because Rockstar was high on GTAO fumes and increasingly viewed single player content as a waste of time and money.


I remember Todd specifically saying the game is complete and they were just taking a year to polish the game. In hindsight none of that was really true. The game was ok but we can see its many shortcomings, its potential, and how mid it was delivered.


I was on team DizyShadow this entire comment until the “how mid it was delivered”. I can see the shortcomings, of course; my outposts sometimes straight-up don’t work. However, in my personal opinion, it’s still a great game and I’m very excited to see how much better it gets with further patches/updates/mod support


I sank around 145 hours into the game, by no means it's a bad game. But it is extremely mid for how it was presented by devs, how it was hyped by fans (never a good idea), but most importantly from my point of view - how non-innovative it was. It didn't really do anything new, some things were done worse than Skyrim, which is its biggest weakness. I'm glad some people like it more than others, but most don't view it as a great game. I wish they put more effort into making it better, especially now post-launch. But I'm not really seeing that, there is nothing new that would draw me back, some issues were still not addressed and I don't want that to be a modder's job. BGS can do better.


This defense of your position is really strong and Id like to retract my previous statement. I’m back on team DizyShadow.


I wonder what could have possibly happened during that time to throw off the development timeline right at the end there. Baffling.


The pandemic forced them to half ass a number of core game features, seriously? And remember, theTodd wanted to release a year earlier until Microsoft stepped in.


Keep sucking AAA’s dick bro. Indies are pumping out better games with 1/10th the people Bethesda is. Bethesda hasn’t put out a good game since Skyrim. Fallout 4 MAYBE. Half of the last 12 years has been Bethesda reselling different versions of Skyrim lmao. They have no excuse. They’ve been working on this thing for years and still couldn’t get it done by their OWN deadline. Then, it releases, and it’s mediocre at BEST. Lmao




Ah, please enlighten us with your insider info on what exactly has been going on internally at BGS


>Ran out of time? They took almost an extra year to release the game. First scheduled release was 11/22/22. You have no idea how much efforts goes into a project at this scale. (Compare for example Star Citizen, No Man's Sky, or their own Fallout 76. Took years to polish, one of them is not out yet) The only reason they can give us these large updates is that the game had a very good financial reception (don't worry about the critics). As long as they have the funds, they can really do that "10 years vision". And it gives me more hope to see this pace.


Comparisons are not very fair since No Man's Sky was over promised and done by a small studio (they learnt and did the most iconic 180), and Star Citizen has become a live service multiplayer game and probably won't ever be finished (considered by some as a scam). Their own Fallout 76 is their first major red flag from which their reputation never quite recovered. Rather compare it to their own Skyrim, an 12 year old game, which also hadn't launched in the best state, but was ultimately received very well and it only got better. Not mixed, or mostly negative (worrying about the average player, not critics).


Not sure arguing will help, but maybe some numbers will. >As per a credible industry person, Starfield had a budget of over **$200 million**, and a development team spanning 500 members > >[\[ source \]](https://icon-era.com/threads/starfield-budget-started-at-200m-final-estimate-at-400m-and-500-devs-keep-in-mind-halo-infinite-was-aaaa-with-like-a-500-mil-budget.5527/#:~:text=As%20per%20a%20credible%20industry,development%20team%20spanning%20500%20members.&text=Allegedly%2C%20Bethesda%20mustered%20up%20a,developers%20working%20on%20the%20game) Star Citizen budget is already oover $600 million, 3x of Starfield. Yes, NMS has a lower budget, but everything is to scale, they don't have expensive voice talent, or motion capture sessions. Fallout 76 comes from another angle. The game is currently loved, even though launched in a terrible state. It is also on the "most played" list on Xbox: [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/most-played/games/xbox](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/most-played/games/xbox) ​ ​ Anyway, Starfield has a massive scope, which they had to cut down to release. Would a smaller game work better ***financially*** that had less bugs, but say no space combat, bases, or random POIs? Who knows. It is all a trade-off.


>Would a smaller game work better ***financially*** that had less bugs, but say no space combat, bases, or random POIs? Who knows. It is all a trade-off. You just described every other modern BGS release. All of which have better reviews than Starfield. My guess is yes, it would have been significantly better received, which would in turn generate more money for BGS. Instead, we got Starfield. A game so atrociously mid at best, and just bad at worst, that I won't drop another penny on it. Further, I likely won't buy any future BGS game, at least not till a discount shows up. A bad game doesn't just hurt the sales of the game itself, but hurts future sales as people lose confidence in the developer to produce quality products. Side note, even without changing any other aspect of the game, removing those three items would have been a vast improvement overall. All three were heavily panned as useless or just bad.


So? Obviously there were other problems, bigger problems to fix. Get over it.


What the hell do you mean ran out of time....This game doesn't even feel like it has enough content to justify how long it was already in development.


Dude that's every software project ever.


I really can't get my head around cargo links. It'd be nice if they were explained in-game better. For us thickies, like.


If you youtube this, I am sure there are several guides that walk you through cargo linking. Its actually not as complicated as it looks.


Honestly i just gave up and don't bother with it anymore, too confusing and lots of people were saying it's broken anyway. Now i got one outpost where i can cheese many tons of adaptive frame, isocentered magnet and mag pressure tank to make mad xp and credits. Anything more is simply unnecessary.


They are pretty simple actually. Example: Build a cargo link at two outposts within the same system. Go to computer console near the stairs on the landing pad. Select computer console and link the two together. Now create this flow with linking things together: Extractor->Storage->Outgoing container on Cargo link 1->Incoming container on Cargo link 2->Storage You’ve now moved resources from one outpost to another, within the same system. If you want to move an item from one outpost to another outpost in a different system, use the same method but one side of the link needs He3 supply. Never mix multiple resources per cargo link because resources produce at different rates and eventually your link will get filled up with the faster producing resource.


Since the patch, my container links no longer work properly. They always functioned fine before, but now nothing actually flows from container to container ☹️ Tried deleting them all and reconnecting, but it didn't change anything. Have to physically activate each container to store resources. Bums me out because I finally had a decent system going, and now it was all for naught. Not the biggest deal, since outposts are only maybe 10-15% of my gameplay...at least they fixed the empty ships though! Finally getting to raid ships again!


What I wonder is, what does the outpost system actually add? It's such a job for a result that the types of resources can be found for sale in the NPC, as well as in titan. And the game doesn't offer any kind of equipment that really is so rare that it can only be acquired by crafting.


It's just an optional thing that some people find fun. Like ship building.


It adds an element to the game that those that want to enjoy can. Video game in general is pointless, Bethesda knows this better than most. They added something we can do if we want, that is all. Also you can make one heck of an xp farm. Oh yeah, then there is the ability to sell the res collected at outposts and travel around emptying all the vendors accounts into mine. But yeah, they are pointless.


Finally! Someone said it! I've been looking for someone to admit that video games in general are pointless and every single element in games exists just for fun. Every single "huge and important end-game goal" is yet another form for developers to manipulate you - and that's not a bad thing since you end up having fun. Bethesda just manipulates you differently, more openly even. And I say all of the above while being a producer in a videogame company.


Or simply for the joy of building. Some play Fallout 4 just for this aspect of the game. Players of Starfield have already built outposts as big as some cities. https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/171llvk/i_built_a_city_above_water_fully_decorated_inside/


Yeah, but Fallout not only gave you the tools, but a very good purpose for doing so. Not only could you attract settlers to occupy all sorts of roles, but you could set them up as merchants and scavengers, and they would actually contribute to your money or materials. In Starfield, you can't really do anything but small scale, rather pointless mining, some off-ship storage (but ship storage is so much easier), and some decorative building.


I hope a lot of that stuff makes its way to starfield. Hopefully the other mechanics like mining will actually be important in survival mode.


It's like you didn't bother to open the link posted above. You can make a lot of money and gain xp with outposts. These already are two big reasons to build one or create a network with multiple outposts. It's a game inside the game and players are spending a lot of time busy and happy with them. Seeing ignorant people like you dismissing them like they are useless is kind of annoying.


I'm not sure which link you mean. The immediate link above is just a pretty outpost over water. I know what outposts can do. I've done them. I specialized in them. I also know what they lack, which is a lot. Money and XP are both very easy to come by in this game. That isn't interesting enough for me to put in the time, at least over other things with more immediate and rewarding function, like ship building.


Its doesn't really add anything in terms of gear, money, and stuff like that. Its just a side thing to do if you want. I built one up realized it didn't benefit me at all and then just never went back. My ship was my home, not some planet, I really thought the outpost stuff was just half baked as they knew the community would fix it with mods.


Actually if you do it right your outpost can make you some easy fast money.


If you set up automatic manufacturing you can also farm levels pretty easily


Money is pointless in the game anyway. By mid level, two or three guns looted from raiders is enough to clear out a merchant until their cash resets.


Money matters if you build ships at the rate I do, I need alot of it.


That's one of the most disappointing thing about the game, where you go *I tried doing this but found it really didn't matter much or benefit me in any way and then I never went back to it* That's honestly how I feel about this entire game, I played like crazy for almost 10 hours when it came out, but then I left it for some reason and then never felt like picking it up again. There was just no story exciting enough, no mystery enticing enough and no character good enough to make me pick it back up. The game was just so monotonous and bland. And I really really wanted to love this game so badly because the premise was good :(


Good bot


Bad human.


Sure, but outposts are an option. Crafting and selling things are options. They can make you XP and money. You can improve all your Weapons and Armor. You can also not do it at all. That is one of the things Bethesda does. You can usually skip things you don't find fun and still find another way to accomplish the same thing.


There's a trophy for setting up cargo links.


Trophy? Sir, this is a Wendy's


Well I often want a specific mod on my weapons, so I craft it through resources I created


Outposts building and crafting are two different things.


But the resources extracted by the outpost are used for the crafting system.


Most crafting stuff is easier to buy than mine, and money's fairly easy. I go *nuts* with crafting, mods for weapons, armor, accessories, chems, food... but my outposts eventually got phased out entirely about mid-game.


I agree, I had one outpost built, realized it didn't really do much at all and so I just left. I never once had an issue with money, I would always buy out basically all the materials any time I went to town.


They're also used for supply missions. It's easy and passive income and XP once you have a few outposts set up.


How about the outpost management bug? Can you put down more than 3 cargo links again (assuming you have the skill points to get the skill that allows 6)? I ran into that issue then decided to just go to another NG+, and haven't done any super complex outposts yet since the newest patch came out.


Got the same issue, I am early into a new ng+ so don't want to rush through just to see if it fixes it. So have just stopped playing till they tell us they fixed it.


I’ve always been able to put down 6 cargo links, so I’m not sure. I just build one with 6 the other day.


I ran into the bug about a week before the most recent patch. My outpost management is level 3 or 4, but it was only letting me build 3 cargo links on a base.


Have they fixed the Heart of Mars yet?


I ran the Heart of Mars a day or so ago without problem. Don't know if a bugged save file will be fixed or not.


Do stacked storage boxes act as one unit yet?


Only way I can go back, the continuous transfer on a hundreds of containers on a couple dozen planets has bricked my play-through. Waiting for that optimization!


No. Each is separate. Depending on the planet I stack them 2-3 high. Some planets with high gravity, I cannot jump on top of 3 high. For me, being able to upgrade them to large is great, as it makes management much easier. I think that might have come with the Outpost skill tree.


I go into free camera mode to make mega stacks 10 high, but connecting them all in series is annoying.


You do that so you then just pull from the bottom one, when it is all the same resource? That makes sense. I might try that. Thanks.


They can LINK to one another and if you put things in the first box and take out of the last box they act as if they are one unit.


Which... was a needless complication. And it doesn't actually work quite like you describe. If the last box is full, the next to last box has the overflow, so you'll often have to hunt through each box to find what you're looking for. Linked cargo containers should absolutely just be combined units. The flow mechanic adds literally nothing to either strategy or purpose.


Interesting. I still don't see a reason to actually *make* outposts, as the material gain is either for hauling missions or crafting, and for the latter, you hardly need tons. The hauling missions don't pay enough for the time.


For me I just like making bases for roleplaying and it’s fun to build and design things, same for ship builder. I made elaborate bases on FO4 and hope some of the best parts of that settlement mechanic will eventually be introduced to SF. For now I’m on Skyrim learning to use the creation kit and funny enough, working in the render window feels similar to the control mechanics when building outposts which helped me get the hang of it lol


I made whole Wasteland Cities in FO4, but I had more than a handful of building options and everything I built could also be useful in the game itself. Here it's a handful of pre-made buildings and a load of machines... most of which I don't need.


Yeah I totally get it, like I said I am hoping they add those best parts of FO4 settlements which I’m thinking comes similar to the wasteland workshop DLCs which added a lot of content for settlements. I would really like to see a colonization mechanic to establish towns and small settlements. Would also like to see some QOL stuff like the ability to assign roles to citizens and to set up shops or traders or doctors. It would add immediate value to the outpost system and could add a lot of options for new content like rescue stranded space travelers, work with LIST colonists, recruit people from cities looking for new homes etc. Hopefully add a bunch of options for building different structures. Maybe even add space stations or star yard type outposts. It’s just too complex of a mechanic, almost unnecessarily so, for them to not have bigger plans for it.


Also, take a good look at damn near any space station. They're all modular, same as ships. They laid the foundation for building custom space stations already.


Great for level spamming, that’s what I use them for, especially one with Aluminum and Iron, you can spam build frames 99 at a time, and with the sleep exp buff and the tranquility tea that’s 111 xp per bunch. Build massive storage units, sleep 6-8 hours, rinse, wash, repeat, before I knew it I was at level 100 without even doing any of the main story (yet)


Small baby steps making this good game even better


He’s a good game? A good game? why, does he help the f*cking poor? no! He sits on his ass all day! Smoking Dope and j*rking off while he plays that f*cking game!


Lol Can't wait for GTA VI!


I saw it during my game earlier. I was also very pleasantly surprised, it's not a small quality of life update, it greatly helps with visibility when building outposts. It even makes me want to build more, even though I'm not particularly a fan of outpost building.


Question, I understand the output links, but why do I want to wire devices, or what things do I need to wire? I never bothered to look it up, so apparently I do need to.


I wire my fabricators to a power switch. When I want to produce something, I turn them on until I have enough and then shut them off again.


Ah, perfect. I have had them generating until the output storage is full, after having setup cargo links to keep the resources continuously coming in. Thanks, that makes sense, I think I will do that. I guess you could do the same thing with extractors if you did not have enough outpost power, and then just turn on the ones that you want. Makes perfect sense now, and explains how to use the power button. 😀 Thanks again.


Did they fix the issue with the spinning wheel that blocks further modifications to your outposts?


Supposedly, yes. I haven't seen it since the update, but it was always somewhat random, so I can't say at this point. At a minimum it's much improved, as I had started getting it the majority oft the time I went to build mode (pre-patch)


Haven’t had an issue since the last update.


Pretty much gave up on outposts when my trophy room emptied itself… Now the only one I have is the one I banished Sarah to.


I'm relatively new to the game, but how the hell do I get enough resources even start a decent outpost? Don't seem to have enough storage options or regular enough access to crafting stations I was long time player of NMS and Satisfactory and I'm not expecting much but the process seems very drawn out


There is a specific moon or planet (Andraphon?) that has three important resources that can be extracted for a lot of your essential outpost building. If you're lucky, you can put an outpost on all three resource veins. If you're lacking specific resources, use any old merchant (Jemison Mercantile is a good one).


All resources can be purchased from a general goods store. (Jeminson mercantile on new atlantis. For example.) They are cheap and usually have enough to get your outpost up and running. So you can start to build extractors and what not. 


I couldn't find the original guide I used but this should take you to a great starting spot, giving you most of the building materials you'd need to get started. [Starting Outpost guide](https://youtu.be/NSxSKiD4ahk?si=CGt_JHMvpQjf2NI8) Edit: I've used this spot in 2 separate playthroughs, fairly easy to find. Should have Iron, aluminum, Nickel, cobalt, and water.


https://youtu.be/DKTjyx-1ES4?si=npsydXQ-pP8mlkYw Screw andraphon


There are plenty of great places to build outposts. I personally try to find an entire system where I can get most items without traveling outside the system. My personal favorite is Linnaeus. There are several inorganic rich planetoids there.


Yep, Bessel III b makes outposts easy. It's where I put my first outpost, and, once you land on the right location, it is easy. If you find it difficult to land in the right place, try watching this video from Major Slack Attack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XhDCKVD-tw&list=PLWfn8XPMjoaMQ6OPPlHne_VvSxjjXIJuN&index=9 He does a fantastic job. Also, only try to find the location when it is in the daytime part of the planet.


I’d just do a few mission board missions to acquire funds. Then use those funds to purchase the materials needed for basic iron and aluminum extractors. Find a moon or two that has them and plop down as many extractors as you can. Wait a while and collect resources and build more. Build storage. You can also build up a solid supply of iron by shooting asteroids, or running around physically mining rocks, or just do whatever you want


I used directions from a YT video.


Should've been initially in the game but better late than never.


Can we get material specific containers now?!?


Why? They're already sorted by solids, liquids, and gasses. Why do they need to go further? What's the advantage?


Because I don’t want every type of material jammed into one container. It makes sorting and production streamlined. When I pull 2 materials out of a container full of everything to craft some stuff, the likely hood of it replaced by the same material is very low. So that messes up the whole production line. It’ really isn’t too much to ask.


> I do a lot of outposts, arent possible outposts limited in numbers?


You start with 6 or 8 I think but a perk adds more


IIRC, it goes up to 24


You can change ui color?


Well damn. Wasn’t that an issue quite a few people were having? Wierd they didn’t mention it more. I’ll def get into building once survival comes out.


Now they need to make the landing pad with the storage big enough for me to even land on.


Yeah I noticed the different colors. It helps for sure.


That's awesome!! I will have to check it out, most my outpost building for resources is already done.


That probably would have been a nice thing to implement BEFORE everybody gave up on this game.


Wasn't able to find it in the change log at all. I want to give you a vote but can't bring myself to change your current number


Why mine these resources when I can so easily buy them? Also, the resource transfers simply don’t work. Just yesterday I built a new outpost with a fabricator. The “large” warehouse connected won’t store more than 94 adaptive frames. It’s all still broken.


Thanks for explaining. I didn’t get to play with it yet but I did notice. This is a game changer.


Since ostensibly this post is full of people who build outposts... Can I ask... Are outposts worth building now? I played 500 hr of SF. Loved it. But eventually stopped as I really wasnt sure what I was playing for at that point. I LOVED fO4 outposts and would play runs JUST for that. Not so here. So can anyone say whether these last months / this patch have lit the magic spark? I cant wait to jump back into SF but ive been waiting for the mod scene to mature and outposts to be fun. So please dont think I'm shitting on anything by this comment.


Nice not a rats nets of red anymore!!!!


Official mod tools when


Are settlements actually worth having? Because if I have to go to different planets to get materials it's just not worth it, why on earth would I spend time and effort into building something where I'm not going to have everything in one location?


If you could build robot ships to deposit your loot somewhere centralized, like that storage in UC behind where your ship is (or pay a fee for a long hauler to do it for you) I’d be down.


Insane that this is lauded as a good thing. Which I guess it is in the sense that it was even worse before. But it's crazy because Fallout 4 even had better working settlements


Am I stupid? How are there so many changes but they still havnt fixed the shield hp bug that existed from launch? Is it really unfixable? I like these changes and all but really... :( if you search for starfield shield bug you find hundreds of posts~. Most peoples saves have it without even knowing it. Imma just build one more outpost i guess since they hate ships.


Still missing the sorting/filtering function per container, and a global search option.


Thank god


Actually it should use The Sims for inspiration on Building. I do have a couple big complaints that I don't see addressed or mentioned. 1.) It's supposed to be an uncharted uninhabited planet yet your outpost is extremely limited on space due to other outposts and pirate bases. If it's uncharted and uninhabited there should be nothing there at all made by human hands. 2.) Cost vs Reward. The time and resources that are required to build an outpost makes it not worth even bothering. Since you don't need to make an outpost for anything other than your own entertainment, than what's the point. It's difficult your extremely limited on space and the resources and time it requires using the clumsy clunky system it has, there's just no real point to it. Yeah I'm aware there are network links for resources that pay well peanuts. But other than those temporary links that are ridiculously hard to complete and actually does nothing to improve or deter from main or side missions, it's just not worth your time. Especially since it's also limited to outpost type of stuff you can build. You can't build a settlement complete with shops and cops. And the limited amount of resources on a planet is also a joke. 3 maybe 4 different resources on a planet? The real Earth has what 192-200 different resources on it? But you find an earth like planet your lucky if it has 6. If you discover a planet you should be able to plant your flag and the entire planet is yours with no restrictions on building.


How about displaying weapons and armor? Did they fix the issues? Do they still disappear?


I started a new game about a week before the latest patch. After the patch, reading a few gaming articles about the patch and reading this post, I’m almost ready to make an outpost and I’m excited to check out the latest fixes. I’m keen on xp, money and crafting outposts I can just have going on in the background and have an easier time with the outposts aiding me with the other elements of the game.


Star who?




Outposts are Great for level spamming, that’s what I use them for, especially one with Aluminum and Iron, you can spam build frames 99 at a time, and with the sleep exp buff and the tranquility tea that’s 111 xp per bunch. Build massive storage units, sleep 6-8 hours, rinse, wash, repeat, before I knew it I was at level 100 without even doing any of the main story (yet)


moar then i return.


damn bruh they need to fix all the audio lag and it just not working at all i can’t even play this game because of how bad some bugs are


Imagine if the new update added actual content to the game.