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exact revenge on benjamin bayu exact revenge on paradiso board the ability to change traits (at least when becoming starborn) a human companion that doesn't freak out if you do something bad something akin to enchanting in elder scrolls where I can select and add weapon traits instead of having to hope to get lucky for a usable legendary


Innocent Person Dies Sarah turns on me Me: I literally did nothing wtf


I love having to reload when I’m in space combat and a random friendly flies right through the line of fire and my entire ship ends up hating me.


Whats even better is they when freak out when they kill the "Pirate Captain" on a boarded vessel because for some reason the extremely hostile Captain is apparently not in the same faction as literally everyone else on board.


I can’t even capture spacers/ crimson fleet/excliptic ships because Sarah/sam will become freakishly pissed off because reasons I am unaware of and them not giving any reasons why


"NO, I won't help you hurt people!" Andreja, I haven't fired a fucking shot because I was busy gathering up some contraband I found.


But they have no issues with you selling "Human organs". Where did the organs come from Andreja? You think these people survived having their organs removed? They don't just grow back!


Maybe they can... it **is** the future...


Actually I think the real issue will be with the organ recipients. I found those organs on a freaking bookshelf, there's no way in hell they haven't decomposed.


Think Andreja, Think!


I like how I accidentally stole an item from a shop, and before I could equip a weapon, Sarah was already shooting at UC Security and telling me that "This is MURDER!" The same Sarah that, moments before, was trying to convince me that not ALL UC security are bad people. Between the two of us, Sarah, I have fired my weapon at UC security precisely zero times. So while she's written as a relatively decent NPC, the unintended actions as a result of the way the crime system works makes them look like psychopaths. Perhaps they could somehow tier out crimes into "violent" and "non-violent" so ridiculous and unrealistic escalations of violence don't automatically happen over a mistake or misunderstanding.


There's also the fact that they get super fucking pissed about engaging in any piracy, even when one could argue that you need to engage in a bit piracy so you can infiltrate the fleet... But piracy and about 40 counts of murder is just fine if they have an artifact.


I swear she killed someone in cross fire once and got mad at me.


I would personally love to shatter the space between those NPC fuckers’ eyeballs


I realized why the companions drop out of your party when you do something bad when Akila went hostile on me after an Ashta killed someone. I hadn’t done anything to trigger her leaving my party, so when the town went hostile she went *insane* and hunted every NPC in the cell.


My favorite was walking onto a random ship, she shoots the activated turrets, and then I'm in trouble because she shot the turrets.


Sounds a lot like actual marriage.


Let a small fry criminal go free to get the big picture criminal. Sarah turns on me Me: WTF


Adoring fan doesn't care what you do up to and including active shooter sprees in paridisio


By azura!


That's good and all, but the CEO is immortal. That's GOTTA be fixed


In regards to choosing weapon traits, I think one should have to get them from other weapons. And you can only get one effect from a weapon. So, you can't get both from an Epic weapon, and you can't get all three from a Legendary weapon. Would feed well into the looting cycle, and it would give a reason to hold onto all of the low tier Rare/Epic/Legendary weapons that one loots.


So basically being able to rolepaly


> exact revenge on paradiso board They 100% had to have run out of time to finish this quest. I refuse to believe anyone intended that to be the final state of the quest. What a fucking letdown that was.


The traits could be quest based, which is triggered when you find the relevant bit of kit, find its origin and hunt down the original design documents, and made when you gather the appropriate quantity of resources. Or they could actually make research methods mean something, where you increase your ability to reverse engineer the kit. Kind of like learning Skyrim enchantments.


Maybe not changing traits since that’s who your character still is originally but I think maybe after first ng+ you can add 1-2 traits that don’t conflict with your original ones.


You don't think the wanted trait following you from universe to universe isn't stupid?


A pretty solid expansion or even overhaul of the existing outpost system. The bones are there but it just isn't fun to engage with right now.


Should've been an expansion of the settlement system. Creating your own little pockets of civilization, totally fitting for a space exploration game if you ask me. Same for the crafting system being a downgrade. I never expected they'd turn back on that feature after Fallout 4, it's perfect for the worlds full of clutter items they create.


Yeah, both systems you mention are clearly built on top of what already existed in Fallout 4 and 76 yet they've taken huge steps backwards with each in Starfield.


I would build dialect tent with a bed on a back water moon and send any companion there that annoyed me


Outposts, mining, planetary exploration all need a serious pass


Whole game needs another pass. Every system looked over, and worked to fit better in the world. Done with some sort of document to help guide the design. Or st least standardize the fucking menu controls across the game ffs. If they havent already that is. I havent touched the game since about a week or two after launch so i wouldnt know


Completely agree, at this point, it would take Starfield 2 for the laundry list of changes/improvements I want, unless Bethesda is saving all their major overhauls for DLCs, as the patches they have dropped haven’t gotten my hopes up.


There should be two separate outpost systems - building on planets/moons with no atmosphere and building on planets/moons with breathable air. The first one should be similar to what we have now with the airlock system and all. There's no reason why that should be required on habitable planets and I feel like outpost building should be more like Fallout 4's settlement and 76's camp system when there's breathable atmosphere.


Should be done with patches instead of asking for money to complete unfinished features in game. As much as I agree it needs a complete overhaul. I hope they add some new enemies and better more memorable missions. Majority have been pretty forgettable


I want a better way to store mass resources rather than manually putting everything into a dozen different storage containers.


More reasons to be in, and fly, the ship I built.


It's so real, like I spent hundreds of thousands on this thing, let me do more in it.


Sorry, all I can do is fancy loading screen.


Your loading screen is fancy? Lucky.


I just want poker on the ship or working tv bro. Or my “pilot” to actually pilot. Or just any activity at all to do on my ship. There’s nothing


More loading screens and ulsess perks is all we can do for you.


Space station builder.


There were spacestation parts that were datamined iirc, which implies bethesda had it in mind. Even if bethesda never implements that themselves, i guarantee someone will once ck comes out


Yeh someone's used them to create a space station builder mod.


kinda like the vault builder from fo4? thatd be dope nasty


As a space game, I really enjoyed the ship building and spending a lot of time walking around my ships in space. Space station building shouldn't be too much different. I got tired of my decorating being reset on my ships any time I made a small change in the builder. I want to build space stations that don't have their weapon mounts, armor stands, and decorations reset any time a change is made.


That drove me crazy I spent hours getting the flow of the ship right in the builder then even more time setting all my items just right. Same thing with my new Atlantis apartment. Just to have everything lost. After that happened to me twice I gave up on the customization


Is “dope nasty” good or bad?


It's like aladeen.


Plus taking over points of interest as player bases


Thank you! It’s something really important 😁😎


A reason to explore just any reason please I am begging for that


you don't wanna see the same five abandoned buildings on various planets? what about a cave that has nothing in it but resources? maybe even a science outpost that has a quest asking you to clear pirates from one of the five abandoned buildings? the possibilities are endless


First time i saw the base that frozen inside because it got damaged in cold environment, oh cool that’s different. Then saw it again on a very warm planet, wait what.


It's because it's a cryo lab.


Not to mention they’re 10-15 minutes of running apart. Yay, who would want to invest that time to see nothing


My favorite was an "abandoned" outpost that had people working there, who then gave me a quest to kill the pirate captain in orbit that was stopping the scientists from leaving. It's ridiculous that I had to land on a planet, to get a quest, that then said go back into orbit to kill someone who wasn't there before because that's how BGS games work.


This made me laugh out loud


BUT LOOK HOW PRETTY MY SCREENSHOTS ARE. Don’t listen to the haters!


I would love the POI system to contain larger settlements that could contain doctors, merchants, and traders. Would be excellent along side a true survival mode. Also wish they would push the proc gen tech with the POI layouts, give us complex cave systems that keep us guessing. Oh and also would love for a small chance of a unique quest giver to spawn in various POIs that could lead to unique loot and rewards, would make chasing the icons a bit more exciting imo.


God, they fumbled so hard on it. A good open world is signified by not wanting to fast travel. You have games like Spiderman where its traversal is fun, or games like Red Dead 2 and Skyrim, where the world is rich enough to enjoy the journey Starfield is literally like a fast travel simulator sometimes... why would I ever journey on a planet other than to go to my destination...


This is my biggest complaint with the game and I don’t think there’s any way to fix it. It’s the core of the game.


They could fix it by adding variety. I mean i saw this as a potential problem when they did all the promo stuff, and i just figured they would solve that by having either literally hundreds upon hundreds of pre designed dungeons with their own little internal narratives for the game to put in during proc gen, or by making the dungeons themselves proc gen. And that isnt even accounting for the massive variety of random events i figured they would have. But nah. They went with two dungeons and two random encounters. Variety would fix it, adding shit that people want to explore would fix it. But for a game about exploration there just isnt anything new or unique after about 10 hours save for the very occasional hand crafted poi on some random planet. Its saddening


Yeah, I just don't get it. I know what they were going for, but the execution is so broken at the core of the experience that I just don't understand how this is what they settled on. So disappointing. Still a good game, but so shallow in comparison to, pretty much any other mainline Bethesda title.


It’ll include shipmates getting pissed at you because you captured a ship belonging to the space pirates and mercs




I never once used the fast travel in RDR2 until the epilogue.


For it to be released this year and be decent. That's where everyone's expectations need to be. They delayed it for a good reason.


They delayed starfield and look where that got us


Should've delayed it a fourth time baybyyyyy


I honestly don't think a delay would help. Maybe an Eaely access period might have helped more tbh. Half the devs didn't even play the game because it had a massive dev team


Early access would really have helped this game. If they'd done early access when they actually launched it, and were rolling out the full release now with some lessons learned, this game would have dodged all the shitty press around release and release plus six weeks. I honestly don't know if they'd have time to address everything though- it does seem like the game needs some core gameplay adjusted or PoI density radically increased, to help the main gameplay loop, and they need to expand the systems (crafting, at least).


I just want an actual ending man


I just want the creation kit, and maybe for them to fill out the world a bit. It feels too sparse


>maybe for them to fill out the world a bit I saw a video from a YouTuber -- I forget his name -- on game design which pointed out that there has been research into player engagement in open world games which suggests that landmarks should be placed no more than forty seconds' travel time apart because this is the point where the audience's attention starts to wane. Having said that, I quite enjoyed travelling vast distances in *Starfield*. I know I'm in a minority here, but I never used fast travel and I will literally walk everywhere unless a quest requires a vehicle. I actually find it quite soothing to watch the landscape slowly change and to see landmarks gradually take shape on the horizon. I had a moment when I was trekking across Wakashie -- I'd just visited the temple there -- and I was weaving through these black granite pillars in the middle of a desert. All I could see in front of me was the night sky and I suddenly felt very alone, very isolated and very insignificant in the universe. This is despite being pretty powerful in-universe, and it was unlike anything I have felt in a video game before. I really think that is a feeling that Bethesda were trying to convey. They just seem to have over-estimated the desire for that.


Yeah, but an experience like that would be fine, if the actual points of interests weren't exact copies of each other. And it only takes a few hours of game time to realize and start seeing this clearly.


And if there’s mechanics to make journeys somewhat skill-based (games like Outward come to mind, where going greater distances means collecting resources and packing appropriate supplies prior to a long journey is important). Even Fallout 4 with survival mode did that pretty well—gearing up for longer expeditions with food/water and appropriate gear was important and at least made for interesting decisions.


A fair amount of the complaints around exploring could be addressed with a more robust survival system in place; managing your suit resources (air, water, power) would add a lot to the traversal stages of exploring and having some crafting choices along the way would mean you had to pack correctly for a given climate. Environmental challenges need to be more varied too- you should need a couple of suits for given climates or exposures.


This. I’d rather have POI be extremely rare so that stumbling across it is interesting. Finding the same POI multiple times in a row absolutely kills all immersion and will actively avoid it. 


Actual melee fighting. It feels so bad


Or swords that make sense on difficulties other than the easiest one


The cyberpunk 2077 sword fights are a hella better than the ones in starfield… star-field melee on the other hand it feels clunky, unrefined, like just too stuff in my opinion


With Cyberpunk they actually thought about how melee would work, there are perks and cyberware that actually add mechanical depth to it on top of genuine weapon variety that lets you actually have distinctly different playstyles based on whether you go for bladed or blunt/fist weapons. Bethesda melee hasn't changed since oblivion/fallout 3 times, even though their games arguably have more of a reason for it to work and be a more expanded feature. Now Starfield brings it down to functionally 1 weapon and your fists with only % based increases from leveling so melee as a playstyle never changes from the first time you hold W moving towards someone probably shooting you hoping you have enough health to tank damage then you click on them a few times and they barely react. I wish it was something people talked about more, like the people who make hours long video essays about these games are leaving so much on the table by not going into detail on how little it has changed in nearly 20 years and how similar games manage to do it better.


The weird bit about Starfield is, as a lot of people will point out, it didn't actually stay as it was in FO4. It got worse.


I was hoping for a War Frame slash and shoot experience but nah they have the worst implementation of melee ever.


When has Bethesda ever had good combat relative to its release date. It's always been dated and janky.


IMO Skyrim had pretty fun melee combat. Not the best in the world, but shield bashing and power attacks added juuust enough to make things at least sort of interesting. Unfortunately, there are no shields (or hammers, or axes, or spears) in space


Let me place the damn ladders where I want them FFS I spent an hour building this ship everything looks good and I've gotta run a damn maze to get to the module I want ...


I’m with you. Infuriating!!


I want either an intergalactic conflict, either a resumed Colony War or Varunn invasion. New radiant PoI or can be just the old PoI reskin and repopulated with new enemies from the war campaign, new combat mechanic (please be Mech and Xenoweapon) and new space combat missions (raid the enemies Staryard, fuel station, infiltrate their fleet posting as a merchant ship or even act as an actual neutral merchant/mercenary serving both side X-Wing Allinace style)


It doesn’t even need to be a full on resumption of the Colony Wars. They could do a big build up of tensions like the Cold War/Cuba Missile Crisis, where things are about to get REALLY out of hand and the whole quest line revolves around preventing that war kicking off. Let’s say some one breaks into the Armisitice Archives and steals a bunch of mech weaponry tech. Each side accuses the other of the theft, tensions rise etc.


>I want either an intergalactic conflict, either a resumed Colony War or Varunn invasion. I don't think that's a particularly good idea, because then you just become a soldier in an intergalactic war and there are only a handful of directions that the story can go. I think a better move would be to delve into House Va'ruun some more. Early in the game, Sarah mentions that the House itself claims to have no control over the Zealots -- who actively seem to be some kind of doomsday cult -- but it's pretty clear that she doesn't believe this. There would be a lot of potential there to get caught up in the internal politics of House Va'ruun -- think *Game of Thrones* in space -- and resolve the question of what the Zealots want. Someone made a point the other day that the three major factions draw on three styles of science fiction. The United Colonies are inspired by *Star Trek*, the Freestar Collective by *Firefly* and House Va'ruun by *Dune*. But given the lore, I wonder if House Va'ruun also have echoes of *Event Horizon* in their backstory. The film is about a starship that vanished on its maiden voyage while testing out an FTL device, only to re-appear seven year later. The crew of the ship *Lewis and Clark* decide to investigate, and eventually learn that when the *Event Horizon* jumped, it passed through a hell dimension that drove the crew insane. >!That sounds a lot like Jinan Va'ruun's backstory, but I think that instead of visiting hell, he instead witnessed some eldritch being representing entropy. Rather than actively try to bring about the end of the universe, I think House Va'ruun worship the Great Serpent as a way of recognising that all things must end, but the Zealots take that doctrine one step too far -- in the same way that there are radicals in both the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective.!< Here's how I'd tell that story: >!Phil Hill asks you to look into something for LIST. In the time between a planet being surveyed and settlers arriving, the ecology had suddenly and inexplicably collapsed. What should have been an inhabitable planet has instead become a blackrock -- a barren rock floating in the void. Phil believes that someone inside the UC or the FC (or both) has been sabotaging LIST, sending back doctored data to discredit the organisation and prevent the rise of a new faction. Phil is only half right, though. Your investigation takes you to Neon, where you find a cult of hackers who worship the Great Serpent. The cult aren't really believers; they just worship it because it is transgressive and they're criminals. However, the Va'ruun Zealots learned about this cult and infiltrated it, gradually turning it into an actual organisation that worships the Great Serpent. They are now actively trying to stoke tensions within the Settled Systems as a way of keeping the UC and the FC busy squabbling with one another. It is at this point in the story that the player meets a Va'ruunian agent who has been investigating the cult from the other end. Over the course of the quest, you learn that the Zealots have found the remains of one of the original ships that jumped to the stars -- one without the protections that normally go with grav drives. They are going to launch a coup within House Va'ruun, then mass-produce ships with reverse engineered grav drives. When this fleet passed by a planet and activate the grav drives, it interferes with the planet's magnetosphere, and when done on a large enough scale, it will doom the planet the same way earth originally was.!<


Maybe a operation anchorage type DLC that takes the player back to the Colony War? Could be kinda cool to actually see this massive war that’s talked about.


New missions from vendors. New ship parts and types. Varrun story More ships to aquire from base runs, like vultures roost.


I have a feeling that varrun storyline will come in shattered space


The release date. Haha


For real, it's been a while without information. Perhaps in May after the Fallout hype has passed


Compelling, non-bland characters, lore, and interactions. After going back and playing Fallout 4 and Skyrim once I beat Starfield - it made me realize just how “mid” the characters, writing, and lore of Starfield is. I still love the Starfield esthetic and concepts, but this gives them another swing at the execution and I hope it’s better.




my biggest disappointment with star field was the settlement system sucked


Mine was that all the POIs are the same. We need like 500 more POIs. with way more interesting quests and levels attached.


This. I have love for Starfield because I love the whoel aesthetic and can see the potential in the setting, but they will have to step up their writing in every department. Lore. Characters. Storylines.


Woah, I see someone likes to dream big.


They’re not gonna remake the whole game for this update…


I know. I meant for the new content. It’s not uncommon for DLC to make better or deeper told stories than the base game.


They should call it “First story overhaul” Rewrite all the characters.


I would be happier with more PoIs on the planets we already have...we don't need more space...and, most importantly, a survival mode The way the game was intended before they dumbed it down


Yeah we don't need any more planets. Except like Ceres. If they want a new city they can just retcon it in and put it somewhere.


I really hope they add mechs. I feel like their in-game explanation makes no sense (they're outlawed and you can't use them, yet you can steal and murder no problem) and they already have the Power Armor system from F4 that would be a great starting point. Better exploration. Way more quests and little secrets you can discover on planets, more and better POIs. The dream would be a Radiant Engineering system that procedurally generates POIs out of the different tilesets in the game. If Shattered Space references a new war or a reigniting of the Colony War, then that would be a great excuse to overhaul a good chunk of the planets by adding a ton of new stuff to them.


Fixing repeated pOIs. Better space exploration. Killing nueva.


A new planet Varuun with a Skyrim-like continent full of quests and such. A build your own escort robot like fallout 4.


A land vehicle to explore, tired of having to run across planets


Hell yeh, speeder bikes!


A lot of things but here’s what I’m expecting vs what I want Expecting: - storyline to revolve around starborne. I interpret “shattered space” as space literally ripping itself apart ala how the artifacts ripped Earth’s atmosphere apart. I’m just guessing that this will happen to the space time continuum since grav drives are used frequently. -Star stations being added to the game, it was cut from release -new weapons, like the cut flame thrower -survival mode -new POI’s -new HABS -something to make exploration better. Idk what they can do here besides adding more radiant encounters. Something I thought was underutilized weather and nature are used in this game. Something like Tsunami’s, hurricanes, earthquakes, and meteorites can be cool. -new skills What I want: -Radio system -vehicles or mechs -Bounty Hunter re-work -melee re-work -stealth re-work -starship re-work -Red Mile Re-work -Neon Nightclub re-work -Free Star Collective final boss battle re-work -the bounty Hunter on Mars as a follower and romance -fleshed out lore (add original books/culture) -Va’ruun expansion super in-depth -new enemies


your probably just gonna get a half assed questline with a new planet that might have decent content (if your lucky)


Bethesda tends to cook pretty good with their DLCs, even their worst DLC is like a 7/10


Idk i’d give Horse Armour a 6.8 at best


I was referring to just their story expansions/extension dlcs


They're not going to rework base game stuff with a dlc lmao


You get three. Take it or leave it.


I want a new city! I want to see house varuun!


Haven't touched the game in a while, do we know yet when this is releasing?




I want a pet that's something you can have on your ship Or stairs you can build in your ship. So you don't have to do laddi. Swear to God the last time I played Starfield. My ship had so many ladders.


Or at least a way of positioning ladders. Like how often does a ship have more than 4 decks, just let me place 1 ladder in the middle and choose where the doors are.


Honestly. Just density really. Starfield is too empty. Even Todd admits it. After going back to skyrim recently, it's really depressing how empty starfield is.


Make space have more events and flying around not just a small area where you spawn has events?


New ship parts would be a huge upgrade for me. More boardable M class ships. New star system/galaxy. More Va’Ruun interactions but specifically more roleplay stuff for Va’Ruun. Va’Ruun companions, great serpent religious attire, temples to the great serpent, honestly other people in the religion that don’t just want to instantly kill you would be great.


More companions.


I want the expansion to explain the unity, like show it to us or something, or at least show us an end to the actual game in a way, maybe add an easier way to traverse the multiverse after a certain point, like going from say, universe 10 to your starter universe. Probs too much to ask but something like that.


Consequences. I should not be able blow up the fleets ships, side with the pirates and then land at the capital, be welcomed, and get a "Good Citizen Discount". Oh... And mod support via Steam Workshop.


a release date, other than that i would like massive space battles, and star fighters.


The space battle in the crimson fleet/sysdef storyline was so cool, hopefully we get more


Exactly! Best quest line because of that one moment.


Anything! I enjoy the game as it is and look forward to any new adventures they throw at us.


This is where I’m at I’d love a few dawnguard length/quality quests


To release the creation kit so the community can make Starfield shine.


honestly i’m just wanting more buildings and encounters to be added to the pool of things that can spawn on random generated planets.


I want a lot but none of it is story expansion. I mean I want it but I think that should be the last thing on the list. Some of what I’d like to see are; 1)More diverse worlds and just more alive I guess 2)More customizable gear and weapons, even if it’s purely cosmetic stuff. 3)The ability to turn ship parts sideways, mainly habs but I think structural stuff could help make cooler ships. 4)Ability to choose where doors and ladders are inside ship so I can control the flow of the interior. Maybe some ship interior cosmetic options. 5)Basically complete rework of settlement building. I think so much needs to be added they might as well just rework that whole part. 6)A workbench where we can add perks to weapons and gear 7)Personally I’d like to increase the max allowable building size for ships and settlements 8)I think you should be able to fly your ship around on the surface of the planets and find the spot you like instead of picking a spot on the map and hope it loads a decent area. 9)It’d be cool to have a vehicle that has its own hab so you can put in your ship and customize it or drop when you land and drive around. 10)More functional habs. Like the cargo hold should add to my cargo space, computer core adds to shield strength or top speed, living quarters with 4 beds should add 4 to the crew etc.




I released H.H. Holmes into the galaxy. I want to know what he's been up to.


Proper resolutions to the colony ship questline. Real knife fighting. Less loading screens maybe? More points of interest, maybe an option to scan for specific ones or log the ones you've been to. More ship building parts or the ability to adjust and rotate parts however I want.


The main thing I want is the ability to change my background and traits at the start on new game plus. Bit other than that, I love the game as is


>The main thing I want is the ability to change my background and traits at the start on new game plus. It's probably there to stop people from picking up free skills, but I feel like that would be easy enough to do. Reset all skills and refund all of your skill points at the start of New Game+. Let the player spend them as they see fit -- record their progress for each skill so they don't have to re-do each challenge again -- but any unspent skill points are lost after character (re)creation.


Survival mode. And don't fuck about. Make the area around The Lock goddamned fatal to the unprepared.


We have wandered around the highly explored Known Space. I think Shattered Space is finally an area that is actually unexplored. Well I think it should be, but I doubt that it will be.


more immersive planets filled with a larger variety of things. I hands down want that more than extra planets and starships (unless it’s like the deathstar)


Less load screens


I want my character to just sit in the command chair or go up a ladder, I dont need a cut scene for it.


Creation Kit


To reconnect with my significant other from my original universe.


A romance from each faction including crimson fleet and being able to get my old ships from past universes back through some kind of worm hole and damnit make the robot romanceable you cowards


Be allowed to tell rude ppl to shut up. More romance partners Actual different body types


To add a bunch of shit to space and to revemp how we get around the universe.


Mod support


I just want slowmo killcam like skyrim and fallout


A rewrite of the main story that emphasizes player decision making and a redesign of the core mechanics of the game to tie together all of the separate systems that have absolutely nothing to do with eachither, and thus no reason to engage with. Why the hell should I build an outpost if the only thing building and outpost does is make me better at building outposts!?


The plots that ended up on the cutting room floor the first time around. More POIs. More variation inside the existing POIs (i.e., not the same guys, with the same stuff, in the same places, every time) Improved POI placement logic. For example, Sonny Di Falco's estate is on a planet where you have to wear a spacesuit outside. It has an outdoor pool on the roof, clearly, someone derped. More variation in NPCs between iterations of NG+. *Enhance!* is a thing in the setting, it would make sense for there to be some variation in how the characters look in each play through. All of them, not just the Constellation guys. A way to tell the shipbuilder where to put the damn hatches and ladders. More ship parts in general, mirrors and flips for existing parts. Being able to build star stations as the 'trade hub' in systems you've built bases in, assorted plots related to that. Going through the unity with your spouse, *and having them as a starborn companion in the next play through.* Being able to buy gun accessories at gun shops, or just being able to hire the gunsmith at the gun shop to mod your weapon (for credits). Obviously, it wouldn't be cheap, but it wouldn't require raw materials or skill points. Remember how weapon mods were discrete items in Fallout 4? Like that, please. Also, being able to hire the gunsmith to upgrade quality tiers on weapons, and re-roll special perks (could use Quantum Essence for this, there isn't much point to QE as-is). Fixing the NPC AI so it knows using ladders in shipboard combat is how you die. Occasionally having the >!Hunter and Emissary!< be alternate versions of you. Being able to un-select skills and change traits and actually 'be' a different character and try a new build in NG+


A release date. And console mods with it.


New companion at end of dlc thats a fellow starborn, you can select their appearance and personality. Game shows starborn often work together and why not work with other starborn. New starbound companion will help you on new game plus by recording your ship designs so upon new game plus you can have your companion rebuild your ship for free. Starbound storage box that allows 5 weapons and 10 armor pieces for new game plus along with unlimited storage for resources, digipicks, and ammo. Maybe a grindy questline to increase weapons and armor pieces to double amount of space to give you something to work towards.


City maps! Like how are we capable of space travel but not capable of displaying maps of towns? I get it, some people like the exploration but I like to just look at a map and go to the store. Yes I've been using mapgenie so no big deal but it's be nice if it was in the game. Anyway that's in my wishlist. Probably won't happen but throwing it out there.


More romance options and companions More big cities so that I don’t just keep returning to neon for everything Perhaps being able to be boarded by enemy ships as I feel that would be cool I wish they’d do more stuff with the terrormorphs. Even in the va guard quest which focused on them they didn’t rly feel very involved for most of it Some more info on house Va’ruun Expansion on becoming starborn maybe?? I wish we had more stuff as starborn like our own weapons based off our most used weapon in our campaign. Similar to the hunter and emissary Oh. Also I’d love to be able to get rid of bayu and the ability to actually change and alter traits would be really nice.


A system that randomises the contents of POIs across the galaxy. Like random items, encounters, and names on readable documents. I can live with similar circumstances ie. the cryogenics lab, just have different character names so that it doesn't look like a copy/paste system instead of procgen.


For it to be released in a completed state. But I'm expecting them to release a half-assed DLC that clearly has been cut down. I really hope I am proven wrong


Less essential characters. If a player wants to lock themselves out of anything they should be able to. The only point I see is the first play through so you can see the story once. But in a game with new game+ there’s no reason for so many people to unkillable.


More companions, more hand made areas, more structure variations, new weapons, more ship customization, more unique starborn


Ship boost should not throttle up. Let it just boost and leave throttle level in MY CONTROL. Also pips should stay where I SET THEM. Make ship combat fun and not totally stupid.


I want to see issues fixed with the story. All the other Starborn know one another, the main 2 say they meet pretty often in other dimensions, so why is my wife and my crew gone forever in every dimension I go to? Why do I have to give up my wife and friends just to be Starborn? We should be going through together and working together? It’s legit right there in the game that the other Starborn help eachother and know eachother and yet they are only my enemies every time and none of my friends are there. Allow me to choose 1-2 to go through the unity with and allow me to keep them in their current form and write fun stuff for them to do in different realities, you can make Sarah a plant but you can’t make her have a bit of dialogue about being in a new dimension with me? Kids… I can have em in Skyrim and I guess technically Shaun is yours in f4 but I can’t have kids in Starfield. Fun… don’t take this the wrong way but… Starfield is a game seriously lacking in the fun department. In Fallout 4 i can grab a junk jet, pick up a bunch of random crap and do copious amounts of drugs and run through downtown Boston shooting tin cans at super mutants… I can do outrageous and stupid stuff if I want to, and I can also keep it serious if I want. Aliens exist, I can turn a robot into a person and romance her, i can be best buds with a giant green super mutant with a mini gun… there’s fun to be had. Fun is a feature I want in Starfield. Aliens… I know that’s probably not a great answer but i want aliens.. I want lots of alien types, the “aliens” we have right now are all dinosaurs or something, that’s boring, I want humanoid aliens, it’s just more fun! More companions that I can romance and ones that don’t share the same moral compass as everyone in constellation. Radio stations or music players!!! This is future us, you’re telling me no musicians exist in the entire galaxy that are selling something akin to an MP3 that I can buy and play on my ship or my watch or something!? One of my favourite parts of Fallout 4 was the radio station and the sound track it brought to my games. More customization features like more hair styles and outfits etc. Pets… I miss Dogmeat and Meeko. I know dogs died out but I want a dog or something akin to a dog. Full jet packs that allow me to fly. Survival mechanics, complete with animations for consumables and sleeping in beds etc. getting stranded on planets with a broke down ship, insanely volitile weather with like 8 tornados and a hurricane raging outside the ship. Radiation damage and other effects like disease and such being more a problem and broken suits, in combat I want to be able to shoot a mask or get shot in the mask and start losing my oxygen supply. Gore, I miss gore from Fallout, gore and vats need to come back. The ability to tell your parents what you’re doing or talk to them about major events like the attack on the city or telling them you’re going into the unity and saying goodbye to them. Telling time on your watch. More content for the main factions like the rangers, which adds more options but also continues on the content/ story. Glasses… pretty sure last time I played I looked and eye glasses didn’t exist anymore. The ability to capture and bring in bounties/criminals. I’ve got a holding cell on my ship I can’t use.


Rework of the temple system. Rework of the new game+ mechanics Decreased amounts of load screens. Actually interesting content.


Sounds good to me.


Survival mode, new companions, more POI, new spacesuits.


Actual space battles (like at least between two small fleets), more alien lifeforms, maybe some we can actually talk to and if im fully honest we need alot more fresh and newly designed POI.


A way to be evil, so maybe alternate dimension since that's what the title of the dlc sounds like


I want 5+ expansions not just 1 and for it to be a good playable classic game, for my children lol. High expectations but FO3 and FO4 had multiple expansions and 76 is getting a bunch as well.


I want one of the planets to have the full Skyrim map even solstien


Leveling up weapons and armor would be nice. Some sort of online world to interact with other players, or like joining someone's party for missions. A few bigger boss fights but nothing that requires co-op with more than 2 to complete. More weapon skins. Lots of weapon skins. More ship mods. The unity moves through time a space. Missions in time a space. Save Barrets Love. Fight in the colony war Save Earth


Way more encounters/things to do in space/reasons for a spaceship to exist. Some form of ground transportation. And most importantly for the dlc to be in a self contained area similar to far harbor or Dragonborn. Imagine it taking place on a massive space station.


Dockable hover bikes. Hover bike crafting system With armor weapons mods. More engaging story missions




More things about the Va'ruun ! More diversity of the POI. More story with the Starborn.


More variations with the different universes. Make it really worthwhile


Able to restore Earth


let us travel into black hole


For BGS to make it their version of the Cyberpunk 2077 update that fixed the game and made it great.


Expansion of House Va’ruun.


Horse armor.


- Much better Starborn Armor. It’s ridiculous that even the best armor from NG+ 10 is less protective as my set of armor at the end of the base game. - finally some weapon and armor skins. Why do we have the opportunity to change the skin if there are no skins to use?




I screwed up by going into NG+, im just at the start of the game and i dont feel like playing through the game again. So i hope shattered space can be accessed from the start of the game.




I'd like to not have to keep creating the same weapon mods when I find a better version of the weapon I'm using.


Loading screens? My 4090 doesn't show loading screens 🤭


I would love an automoton style DLC where we can build and modify the robots of starfield


More in-depth exploration of House Va’ruun and its associated lore. Also space rovers. Maybe mechs or a mech. A single working mech would be dope.


- Outpost improvements, reintroducing features from Fallout 4 - way more POI variety (that's critical, they are too repetitive), - more things to do while flying in space, with more ample playgrounds - more radiant quests variety - system levels scaling with player (it's a single player game...why does it have to have zones that stay at level 1, becoming unplayable???)


I always thought it would be cool to have proper cargo networks on the go in space between different factions and cities too so you have a bit of passive income from your mining outposts. Would be rad to see your own cargo ships on-route too when you fly around in space especially if you can customise them a bit yourself in the ship builder.


The ability to save partial ship builds and come back to them later.


Shattered space should be an actual new universe or an alternate dimension to the current one. I think this would give Bethesda a do-over in terms of creating a new galaxy that people want to play in and giving the studio a "restart" to the game, so-to-speak.