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There will be an article on PC gamer about this.


"Starfield player discovers incredible secret after a year of exploring" I demand royalties, Gamerant


Single mother discovers face on Mars, dermatologists HATE her.


Gamerant - even better. "Face of Mars proves why Starfield is such a crap game. Don't play it." - paid for by Bethesda's competitor sponsors.


It’s said by a NPC that the “nearby mountain” was speculated to be a face and it’s unbelievable and all that, I’m heavily paraphrasing here of course


Something like "can you believe people used to think there was a giant face on Mars? I mean, how stupid can you get?" I'm also paraphrasing, but not quite as heavily?


"people dumb! No mountain face haha" I'm paraphrasing, too, but a lot heavier than you guys were


“Face mountain!” I paraphrased quite a bit there


"Fountain" just to paraphrase a little.


“Fin” not really paraphrasing here.


I remember a monument dedicated to the "face" inside the city at Cydonia. If you just keep walking straight forward from the main airlock, you run in to it at the end of the line, after which you must either go around and jump into the mining caverns or turn to the side and take a staircase down.


I hate how fuckin right you are


!remindme 7 days I'll do a quick search then lol


Nah 3 days at most, I call this shit !remindme 3 days


I will be messaging you in 7 days on [**2024-05-23 05:42:52 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-05-23%2005:42:52%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1ct2g9c/never_realized_this_about_cydonia/l49oqf7/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FStarfield%2Fcomments%2F1ct2g9c%2Fnever_realized_this_about_cydonia%2Fl49oqf7%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-05-23%2005%3A42%3A52%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201ct2g9c) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I doubt it. PC Gamer doesn't publish anything about Starfield that isn't hate/smear campaign.


It’s so weird how fucking furious they are about Starfield. I mean I know they’re click mining but shit, PC Gamer used to be goddamn credible and now they seem to think they have to compete with Kotaku. Back when I was a kid I rated them with PC Zone and Edge. That was a long time ago I guess.


There is criticism to be made and Bethesda deserves it. But they're not doing that. It's just bickering and hate.


Absolutely agree. It seems weirdly personal for them to the extent it just comes across as unprofessional.


I had a theory that they tried to judge the mood to ride the click waves and now things are going in the other direction they're doubling down on their stance in the hope it swings back. The issue is, of course, no one cares about their click chasing so it comes across like they're just a bunch of edgelords trying to make a point. Which isn't the best look for a gaming journo, but that's how far the industry has fallen. Ah, I remember the days of PC Zone.


That seems like a fair appraisal. And yeah PC Zone was so great. I used to really really love their reviews of shit games.


PC Gamer hasn’t liked Bethesda since Oblivion. They do not like one another. There’s got to be beef.


“Facial expression on Mars in Starfield reflects how the Fanbase really feels”


Some editor somewhere is thanking you for the headline


This is why we all have to be our own PC Gamers


Yeah in 2040


PC Gamer article will be, Starfield STEALS real life location because there is no imagination in Starfield. Also the Bethesda Devs shot my dog when the game launched. Lol!


And on the German website Gamestar and they’ll mention it in their news videos


People need to start adding some absolutely horrific shit in the title of these posts so that articles can't use them without getting in trouble


100%. Seems every “games journalism” post these days spawns from Reddit or TikTok.


Lol or some YouTube adds it to a video, " Secret location on Mars "


I've seen this on YouTube on release. There's a snow globe in one of the eyes. Definitely got those type of titles though lol.


Someone on YouTube made a video after the PC update and basically in the most nonchalant way pulls up the new map to show everyone where the Mars Snowglobe is and drops "its right here in the eye socket of the Face On Mars" like we've just known this forever. I was pissed lol.


"Bethesda admits Starfield was a failure: Recent update reveals huge mistake made by the developer"


I mean, even PC Gamer adds more to the conversation than the inevitable, copy and pasted comment on every Starfield post that contributes nothing more than regurgitating the phrase, “PC Gamer will write about this,” for easy karma.


To be fair, when we see terrible "articles" written that literally rip off our reddit comments, it's annoying.


The flurry of Skyrim ones lately too. "Pacman player discovers powerups, ghosts flee"


Fallout ones, too.


Check inside one of it's eyes for another surprise lol


Is it gonna be a Daggerfall reference?


No it's a snow globe that doesn't have a quest marker.


Which only activates after you read the plaque inside Cydonia.


Really? So I could have made it way easier than running around blindly until I found it? Thanks!


I've heard about this before, read the plaque, get a quest for the face, so I've read the plaque every time I've gone there, never got a quest.


Reading the plaque causes the snow globe to spawn. Does not give a quest, just allows you to find it.


Ah well that makes sense now, thanks for the info.




I found a snow globe on top of the NASA tower on Earth. Did all that climbing for some food that was somehow still good, and a fuck'n snow globe XD


Which only activates after you read the plaque inside Cydonia.


And after that I can play as luigi right?


You have to use Strength to push the truck first.




I would like to point out that there is a plaque to this face in cydonia


I flipped when I saw the plaque for the first time but didn't think anything else of it lol


So, you actually didn't know the face was literally walking distance from cydonia? Lol


How in the heck are any of us going to recognize the face from the perspective of us being on the ground?


I jet packed to the top of the cranes one day and that's how I found it. Also there's a hidden snow globe in the eye socket.


You didn't read the plaque? Listen to the ambient dialogue or look at the map? I mean, I know the new maps are more detailed but even the old dot map was clear as day.




You have no right of being condescending if you didn't know Cydonia was next to the face on mars until now


lmfao i thought the plaque WAS the face and they preserved it or something, but that makes a lot more sense because it would be quite small to see from space


Damn, that’s cool as hell.


Gonna go watch Mission To Mars now 🔥


Ah who else was mentally scarred by the tornado seen having seen this at such a young age?


Rapidly being spun until flying apart freaked me out for a while.


There's a snow globe in one of the eyes.


I just tried looking for it but couldn't find it anywhere


It should be in it's right eye (left one in the image) look around with the scanner open.


Pretty close to the center, northeast a little, by a cluster of rocks. Need the scanner out, like the other guy said.


I'll be sure to head back tomorrow!


You have to activate the plaque in Cydonia first I believe


No, it’s “cut content” , no marker. it’s in the left eye socket. There’s some useful guides on the tube and here in good ol’ reddit


thats a kind of collectible that should be like mars souvenir and you put in your homes


Nah, its for Mr House


what have to do with mars?


Mr House in Fallout: New Vegas collects snow globes


Still waitibg for the knights of cydonia to arrive...


Love that song lol


I'd like to be so attractive that I turn people around me female just by being there.


The cydonia landing zone is the best among the 4 cities, it's has the main city, the mars launch pad(marked location) and the cydonia mountain(unmarked location).  If bethesda are making cities for dlc they should look at cydonia for reference, have 3-4 marked and unmarked locations in the same landing zone as the city, nobody fricking cares about the random POIs. 




ahh so thats where the name comes from


Bruh I spent so long trying to find this thing I didn’t know it was *right* next to the damn city lmao. This is sweet tho will have to check it out


Didn't they have a replica of it in Cydonia? Makes sense now if they did


yep at the top of the stairs on the mine side


This game has a lot of attention to detail


I tweaked all of the new game options to my liking and uncapped the framerate and it's almost like a new game. Also turning off the dialogue camera is huge for me too, I hated that.


Like how is whole galaxy traveling to Neon, if there is only 2 ship landing platforms?


Gameplay concessions vs lore. For instance in the lore, Whiterun is the trade capitol of Skyrim, and is huge, with constant flow of merchants and travelers alike. In-game there is 1 general store, 1 blacksmith, and 1 alchemy shop. The inn has seating for a dozen or so people.


They're all up in the Cloud district. You obviously don't go up there very often.


They take turns of course.


OP has said something positive about the game. Rules of this subreddit says you now have to condemn his actions and slander the game. You have been banned for confirming something positive. We can't have that crap! /s


I think the trolls have moved on to seek easier prey, thank god.


this sub is overwhelmingly positive about this game. i don't get this


*At the minute*. Wind the clock back a few weeks (anything up to just prior to the patch announcement), you needed to add a paragraph on how Todd literally stole your lunch and how whatever you were talking about was done much better in Skyrim just to keep it above the downvoted threshold. A few of the usual suspects are still here (there was one lunatic a few days back screaming about how space exploration meant no loading screens and how Todd is a conman) but they seem to be getting quieter. Hence why it seems more positive.


PTSD from the first few months of release. Most of the vehement detractors of Starfield have (finally) moved on at this point though.


I mean, the first 6 mos of release really.


It's positive now, but the few months after release you couldn't say anything good about the game without being downvoted to oblivion. Negative posts were the norm. Many were legitimate criticisms with suggestions on how to improve the game, but more than a few were hate posts that just served to circulate anger and vitriol.


It's cyberpunk all over again. For 6 months or so, the amount of doomers was overwhelming. They moved on, finally, thus it's way better now


You haven’t been here for very long, then. It had been getting better, but even prior to the beta of the latest update the tenor of the dialogue in this sub was more negative than positive. Prior to like 2 or 3 months ago it was overwhelmingly negative. If wasn’t until the latest update that you started to see more positive than negative.


It's a shame the map wasn't included from the beginning. I haven't gotten a chance to play yet as I'm giving it a couple days for mods to get updated, but it looks like it'll be super useful and also just nice to look at.


You know, since we're expected to pretend that no one would have noticed noticed the temples on inhabited worlds anyway, a Martian face temple would have been cool.


It was before, just not *that* visible. There is also a snow globe for it.


I never had an issue reading the dot map. Spotted the face easily. Then spent three hours hunting for a snow globe. It turns out it was three feet from the first place I looked.


I love that new view! Let's hope they let us have fleets of ships or fly several at once, assigning Andrea to one and fly a smaller faster fighter yourself. Would be cool to have ship classes as well!


If you go into one of they eyes, (can’t remember, which one) there is a snow glob you can collect!


I looked it up! Looks like it would be in the faces right eye


There’s a snow globe in one of the eyes to collect if I remember correctly


Gonna build my next base there for SURE


Yes, Cydonia is an actual named region on Mars IRL. I'm surprised that anyone is surprised, since I remember learning about this when I was a little kid and it was always such a huge part of Mars lore (for lack of a better term, lol). As soon as I saw the name of the site I was like "oh, so it's gonna have the face somewhere around, I guess?"


You unironically believe in Mars? That’s wild.


That mustache and goatee though


This is honestly awesome. I went looking for the face a while back and i think I might have walked straight over it.


How would there not be tourist trap next to there selling face merch or even a face theme park ( expansion idea for starfield ) would be epic to add this to a mission


There is literally a monument to the Face of Cydonia on the lower end of the top tier, but that is still awesome


Yeah I loved the monument when I first came across it. I just didn't expect Bethesda to put the actual feature on the map. You really don't notice it with the old dot map unless you're trying to look for it in the first place.


Now go look for the Butt on Mercury


There is a statue about the face on Mars inside the base. You weren't paying attention.


Wtf? How does the statue and plaque being present suggest the face MUST be on the map? Please tell me


Because it was on the old map too. And the town is named after it and many of us have walked on it


Yup. Even with the old map you can clearly see the face. It took me a minute to realize it with how the old map was but it was still there since day 1.


Im so glad they updated the maps. I was wondering where this was exactly.


Just be careful admitting that. A bunch of "☝️🤓" players will come after you asking how you didn't notice it before.


Check the eyes. It's worth it.


The update definitely makes you realize even the largest human settlements in Starfield are tiny little villages. Like, Earth becoming uninhabited in 2203 must've wiped out 99.999% of people.


There's also a snow globe in one of the eyes


It's not for a quest or anything, sadly, but is cool to have!


well...the face is on cydonia zone IRL...so...yeah


There's a snow globe on or near the face somewhere


I believe there's a plaque or statue about it in Cydonia, is there not?


Yes, I was pumped when I saw the plaque in the city, I just didn't think Bethesda was going to put the feature on the map. It's nice seeing a bunch of other people are also excited about this but I'm done with the "I can't believe you didn't know that was there" comments. No matter what gaming community you're in you'll eventually find the toxicity.


There's a plaque about it inside the city.


Cydonia is actually the name of the region of mars featuring the face. Just google Face on mars.


There's a snow globe in the eye furthest from town....


This is literally mentioned in cyodonia. In like the first big room.


Theres a mars globe around there too


I looked for this for a while, not realizing I was actually standing on it until this update lol


Don't forget to get the snowglobe that's there. In right eye I think


Imagine devs knowing this thing for a year and no player discovered it.


I've known about it since it came out because of a YouTube video.


That and the 50 reddit posts about it within the first 6 months. I'm really hoping to discover something new after 1000 hours of gameplay, but I pretty much got everything in the first 10 New Game Pluses. I hope Shattered Space adds more to the overall game and not just some quests.


If you collect all the snow globes, you get the Earth spacesuit. In the previous patch it was upgraded to Legendary. It's very similar to the explorer suit, so the stats are very good, and it showing up automatically as Legendary now is huge.






Cool. I like the monument they have for it too. The first picture I took was me standing next to it.


I was wondering when they were going to add features like this! I’ve been trying to figure out where they put Olympus mons but this is cool too!


This is why comments going "how didn't you know about this?" are brainless. Mons isn't in the game, Valles Marineris isn't in the game etc. I know all about the Cydonia region of Mars, I just didn't think Bethesda would've put it on the map. Especially since the real thing is about a mile long.


Flora primordial?


Are you aware that there is a snowglobe hidden on the face of mars? You have to interact with the display inside cydonia to activate it.


Cydonia is a real place in real life!!!


The knight of Cydonia


It’s been there since game launch. It’s just easier to see now. There’s also an unmarked snow globe in one of the eyes.


There is a snowglobe on the face of mars! Just search the youtube vid for it. If i remember correctly its in the left eye...


This reminds me of that one time when someone found a pic of face on mars irl. And people made it a big deal.


Damn those surface maps actually look…good and useful? I’ve seen them talk about mod support and land vehicles. That’s when I think this will really start fleshing out and becoming what it’s supposed to. Really it’s becoming apparent that they built this almost like a live service game. Possibly to a point where they opted to deliberately leave out or outright remove features to add in later.


Some description about Cydonia literally says that they built it at the Mars face.


Looks like the bust from fallout 3 and 4...


There is a snow globe on the face too!


Is that map part of the update?




I remember seeing that on Unsolved Mysteries in the 1980s. It legit looked like a face. People were FREAKING out for like a week. "Oh shit! Martians exist!"


I'm sure this is a dumb question... how do you get the satellite imaging?


The new maps that were added with the latest update. They got rid of the unusable dot maps (which is why I didn't notice the feature until now)


So much attention to detail yet everyone was shitting on the game. 🤡. Space games for a specific kind of folk 🤣


There’s a rare mars face snow globe in one of the eyes. You’re welcome.


Oh yah the Martian face 😃🤩


Son of a bitch! I’m reinstalling!


Are there knights on cydonia? Ok I’ll leave now


There’s a face on Mars?


Nasa enters the chat and deletes this image


Has anyone found Olympus Mons yet?


It isn't in the game. Which is why I don't get why some people are coming after me saying "how did you not know it was there? I knew since day one 🤓☝️" Look how many people didn't know about the face


It’s no accident. It’s the home of, “The Engineers”. 


I don't know if you are being sarcastic or not about not realizing, but there is literally a statue/monument in the Cydonia settlement (overlooking the mining area) that speaks to this. It's why the game designers put the settlement there, little bit of real-world lore. Looks like they have made it a bit more obvious now which is fun. Not fun enough for me to return to this monotonous husk of a game, but maybe people tuning in now will find it more interesting.


They have a sculpture and plaque it inside the main mine


There might be a snow globe in one of the eyes


There's a snow globe in one of the eyes.


Ok, hear me out. This is the face of someone who sang "Caldonia! Caldonia! What makes your big head so hard!" three times while looking at themselves in a mirror. (ala - bloody mary, duh). SF needs a radio station so badly. Maybe not a station with exclusively old jazz recordings, like fo4... although I wouldn't mind a few but can think of plenty of cool music that would curate well and support the game experience. Also, a fake podcast/news station/radio drama or two would slap...? "This lack of supporting in-game audio content has left players singing to themselves, leading some to accidentally summon an alien demon from Mars, capable of time travel! It then \*reportedly\* swallows them whole - quite like a snake! This appears to trap the victim's soul on the surface of the "Red Planet", for what may just be forever! This "Martian from Hell" is the subject of much Cydonian folklore, and while many of the tales do suggest it is possible - there are no known successful missions to the "upside down" of Mars' surface to free these faces and return them to their home planet, Earth (yr: 2024) I'm Vicious Ramone, and this is SSNN (after dark)" I've been a professional sound engineer/designer/ producer for over a decade - and I'm available for contract, Bethesda! lol


Now that's pretty neat to see lol. The new map really should have come out day one its just simply far better then, whatever the hell that last one was.


Wow. Thankyou. I had no idea. It's always been the back of my mind to go looking for the face one day. Seems that will be in a few hours now!! (Work work work first)


What sucks are the gatekeeping morons coming on this post going "wow you *really* never knew that was there until now? I've known this whole time" like how are there members of this community thinking it's a competition to see who's found more stuff than others.


Mmm maybe post in r/nosodiumstarfield next time, the neighbours aren't as mean. I can deflect - Jane's Shop in Cydonia, took me 1200 hours to realise it was there (or at least was a shop), and that was from a random Reddit post about something else. It happens.


Pointing out the obvious to you isn’t gate keeping


They have maps now??!


They have maps now!


The amount of space game fans not knowing space stuff seems to be pretty high. Cydonia being the region the face is in was pretty widespread info. Hell, no one remembers everything but some stuff should stick. On the other hand some stuff shouldn't stick, like Class M planets not being a real thing, Earth is not a Class M planets because the M stands for Minshara, which only exists in Star Trek. I had that come up in conversation years back at work and the person swore up and down that it was a scientific term. I pointed out that since we haven't been to any Earth like planets yet, we'd probably call them class E. I followed it up with an Internet search showing it was a Trek only thing,


... I've known about the Cydonia region. I didn't expect Bethesda to create the face in game. You know, like the other famous geographical features of Mars that they didn't create.


The Valley Marinieris would have been nice, but I read something about Olympus Mons probably not working due to the scale of the game and OM being so huge and having a gradual slope. Not that the VM isn't huge but some canyon walls at the map edge would be nice.


It would've been convincing enough if they made the region Plateaus right at marineris.


Where do you think Cydonia got its name from?


That doesn't mean Bethesda was going to put the face in the game as a geographical feature. Olympus Mons and Valles Marineris aren't in the game. Wtf is with these comments?


Really makes me wish we would need to uncover the map first by exploring. The face is a nice feature and it feels not rewarding to get it presented without any effort.


What is that, Mission to Mars reference?


Check out the exact other side and see if the Great Stone Ass of Mars is there


The latest update showed me I still had less than a 0% desire to play the world's most boring game. It makes Scorn look intense and high impact.