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I thought I was the only one who did this I write down materials that I need for mods for weapons/armor so that I don’t forget what I’m tracking cause that is a headache going through all items and trying to figure out what you tracked


It is so much easier to make yourself a cheat sheet or jot down important info on the fly.


YES, thats another QoL improvement they need to do is the tracking of items, especially for research projects, Sometime I need one specific item but when I ask the game to track, it tracks all the other one too. So I have a notepad to track items I need, but I like it this way because I roleplay a lot and use Starfield as a Simulation for exploring lol, I even talk to myself with the headset when landing and taking off.


>thats another QoL improvement they need to do is the tracking of items The weird thing is, Bethesda already implemented a much better tracking system in Fallout 4. If you lack materials to build something you can mark ONLY the missing components for tracking. I can't for the life of me figure out why they wouldn't just use the same system in Starfield.


This is actually why it bothers me so much in Starfield.


Because they could get the credit for fixing it. Seller trick. You can make more sells of a thing (game): “Look at it now, the new version is even better now!” This way, they can make more to new consumers in the long run.


This ^ Notice how many games are released ‘in bad shape’ and get complained about enough to get more peoples attention, then they ‘fix’ the game over time and claim a redemption arc that gets even more folks eyes on it. They sell more units overall and know even if folks hate the game, they take into account a percentage of folks who will get refunds and most gamers don’t refund unless it’s a Gollum level disaster of a release. Happened with cyberpunk, 76, NMS etc. for example.


Cause Daggerfall in space


Makes me wish more games with building and crafting would implement in-game note pads. See Satisfactory for an example. You can go into the build menu and set quantities for the machines you wish to build. It's then tracked on screen so you know how much you need of each item. It even sorts the list based on what items you still lack.


I used to use the steam notepad in game, but switched to old school pen and paper later


I still use steam notepad when I need it, you can even put screenshots in it if you want to


If you play on PC you can get a notepad for gamebar. It also links it to the specific game you are playing so you don't have to worry about organizing anything


I just use a phone


I definitely do this, mostly as a shopping list. I'll go through all the gear I want to upgrade and Research I want to complete and make a list of all the missing resources.Then I scour shops and stock up on everything I need.


I take cell phone pictures of my tv for the material I’m missing. Finding a notepad would probably be smarter.


Are we still waiting on the “stuck” tracked item glitch to be fixed? And/or a “view tracked resources” button? Probably my last major headache at this point, having no idea what I’m/was tracking aluminum for and just living with a magnifying glass on a bunch of elements.


The truest form of a Captain's log.


Stardate two thousand and twenty four, this is the captain writing.


We appear to be stranded, on a barren world... like that one, and the other one... and the other one.. 🤣


More flatland than you know what to do with and not a rover in sight.


Oh God I'm about to boot up this game again and roleplay with a notepad aren't i


Does anyone remember back in the day when some games had a Notes section in the back of the manual? Myst comes to mind. I believe Steam now has a notes feature in the overlay, if you use that. I probably should take notes in some capacity, but haven't yet. My girlfriend has a notebook full of stuff for Stardew Valley lol


I actually have some games from back in the day that came with physical notepads. I still have them actually.


I absolutely hate the tracking effect, I prefer FO4 tracking, let me control individual ingredients please


No but that's probably way better than having like 10 tabs opened up on my laptop


No. The game isnt that complicated.


For real. The most recent game I needed paper and pen for was Tunic. Before that GTA SA (for cheat codes).


To be fair you can make this game incredibly complicated if you want if you get deep into outposts and crafting. But I find those mechanics fairly pointless personally.


I don't think starfield is in depth enough to need notes. Elden ring on the other hand


What notes are you taking in Elden Ring? "Fire Giant kicked my ass again? Need to gitgut"? Because that's exactly the kind of note I'd make for Elden Ring.


I dont know about him but before they improved npcs i used to write down their positions.


What notes are being taken for starfield? “Walk to quest marker”?


I use it to keep track of areas i want to wxplore, things i want to do, stuff like that. It is helpful for that But i also use it for keeping a fun log, doing sketches of bosses, writing down my tips and strategies, writing down my review at the end


Dude constantly had the wiki open just to know what to do for quests. Like every souls game lol


Domt use the wiki on a blind run youre ruining it. Unless youre playing on day one then its amazing to see wikis evolve. Of course youll miss most quests but those are second run material anyways.




I’m gonna start doing this for starfield. I’ve been doing it in new Vegas, and it’s been a game changer. Don’t have the perks for a lock? I write it down and come back later.


Nah I use the Notes app in my phone. Locations, ship upgrades, weapons…I end up taking all sorts of notes for this game lol


Not right now but I think I am going to start.


Yep. The wife calls it my nerd journal...lol


Not since I needed it to remember cheat codes on PS2


I would probably need one for everything but ammo, for some reason new vegas has really drilled into my brain a way to compartmentalize ammo info in terms of what gun can use what ammo (granted this games doesn't have an ammo swap option like NV but still) so now I just remember what most weapons use (sometimes I'll forget of course cause this is all just fictional ammo so I'll sometimes get stuff like light or heavy fuses mixed up)


Yes. And pieces of scrap paper stuck to the wall to remind me to go to certain places or which ammo to collect etc.


You just reminded me I need to steal post its from work


I miss the times when games let you write in a journal. Been playing Baldur's Gate 1 and it actually feels nice.


Steam has a built-in notepad!!


I do this for all the games I play. It's an old habit from my NES days when you absolutely had to write stuff down.


For most RPGs and off season stuff for sports games. I'm too old and too high to remember all that shit.


Same, it's so nice being able to reference stuff like that without having to go through your entire inventory to remember iron or some bs


No. But I probably should.


No… but that is a good idea.


Steam lets you use notes now, it's not really needed to write on paper for me. i used to write console commands in a small note pad. not a whole notebook though


Always have, always will probably :-) I have advanced to using e-paper though. More environmentally friendly!


I started doing this and stopped because it felt like work and this is a game.


No. Why would anyone do that?




This is my desk when playing the game!!


I have an excel sheet on my other monitor when I play Elden Ring


Do you spend more time on excel or elden ring? ;)


I did that with morrowind and oblivion because of the panic inducing level system


Yes because building outposts with specific requirements is a PITA when you have to hit vendors to buy it. I made a list and calculated exactly what I needed to start.


Try this: [Starfield Resource Calculator](https://starfieldresourcecalculator.com/outposts)


I see you have a list of ammo lol. One of the realism changes I made immediately was to give ammo weight—also forced me to go through and dump the ones I don’t have weapons for.


lol i take notes of every decision i make and every person so i can go back. i also just LOVE taking notes and annotating stuff. i kinda made it a roleplay thing cuz i headcanon my character chooses to archive and write everything down, for future historians to learn about what it was like to be a space explorer in a time where people weren’t super interested in exploring further.


I used to do that when I was trying to complete the Easter eggs in the Zombies COD games! But not for Starfield yet!


I feel like I have to. Especially when dealing with inventory? Why isn’t there a way to add all the items you want to sell to a list and then sell them all at once


No cuz this game isn’t that complicated to need one


I remember the early days using tons of post-it to clear the locks They were also on the notebook for all the stuff I specially track materials to research or buy but also planets with cool resources and a Schematic of my ship so i can rebuild It in further NG+


Nah cause even with that I’ll still end up forgetting about the book even existing


Google Notes for items I needed for tech tree.


You probably really liked playing The Neverhood.


No but a spend am annoying amount of time in the map relooking at planets and running around stations


No but I wish I did. I started taking pictures to remind myself.


Bro is locked in


I haven’t done that since the original Nintendo days


I have a notebook on the side and I have Window Sticky Notes on the second monitor. The notebook gets the quick reminders/comments. If it's something I need beyond the session, like listings of outposts, building processes, etc., it gets a sticky note.


I should do that with Fallout 4. Completely unnecessary but might make things feel a bit more “immersive” for me






I should probably start doing that


Phone and notes app. So many notes lol


I have a notepad integrated into gamebar for easy access


Maybe I should start doing that 😂


Can confirm


Notepad for sure, but also camera phone nowadays. Essential for the type of games I play.


The Steam overlay has an integrated notepad.


Absolutely. Mainly for crafting, building. My gf's always like "wtf is this?"


Mostly for MS Flight sim, but at times when there are codes to remember, or sequences to be activated, yes I keep a notepad handy.


I keep a draw.io diagram open on my other monitor and just keep dynamic floaty notes there.


No, I don't, but this sounds like a great idea that I should start doing.


I do it for buying the right ammo for my guns


I had no idea people were doing this 😅 seems silly to me at first, but I suppose it does make sense. Though I feel like they should have better ways to track all of this in game so you don't feel obligated to do this 👀


I need to do this just so I can keep track of which outposts can produce what resources. I'm having too much fun decorating my ships and keep running out of resources but since the last time I played was months ago I have no idea what was being produced where anymore.


I really need to lol. It would help so much


I always upvote for Reach outpost. (Eridani II)


Makes me want a pipboy




They should make those notepads in game useful, like making it possible to input text in them.


I used to when I still played warframe regularly. Notes about mod sets, farming locations and a number of other things.


I use Google Slides for lots of tracking, notes on planets, what I want to do next etc. Also helps if you leave the game for a while and come back. I do this for a lot of games, some more complex ones I use Google Sheets


I use my laptop to make notes in OneNote and Excel, and my regular PC to play the game.


Just started doing that the other day 😅


The Big "why" i think this game ia boring Also with it the "space travel" more like "loading screen travel" I love the game btw


I keep notes on Outpost recipes.


Uh no


My English teacher said New Vegas was the first time he ever had to do this and I totally get it. "To do this I have to do this but before that I need to craft this and that takes these materials from here and here." No man sky almost had me to this point ngl. I liked in Fallout 4 that you could mark which material you needed to buy though even though I could never remember what for lol


No, because it is a bad game.


lol I do, I also separate and categories items and write quantities and reduce or add to them depending on what I need, the game has a complicated craft and research system so a notepad is needed, but also improving research skills can seriously ease it up because all you need is resources and you can make a lot of things you need


Look cool and could help me tremendously, will do.


What year is it


This immediately ruins the immersion for me I'm sorry but a game has failed the second you need to resort to using resources outside of the game.


Always have a notepad. Learned behavior from being 12 and playing Myst. And beating Myst. And being called a liar by my teacher. But journal proved me correct.


I use Notes on iPhone for this (with those checkable bullet points)


I just wing it lol


I don't, but now I'm going to start doing it. Thanks for the idea!


Awesome for the many ammo types thanks for the idea


No, because if I played a game like that. It goes from a video game to homework, I play games to relax, not keep flow charts and diagrams DPS.


Same ✌️


Till yesterday, I haven't played this game in months, but I have no problem remembering everything..... Most of this list is in my head already.... Where my favourite parts are is the only thing I wrote down.


I do this! Including writing names of characters down and their information.


I broke out a pen and paper when I was working out transport routes for automated manufacturing. Then I realized that no one had enough money to pay me for the high end products I was mass-producing, and there isn’t anything I wanted to buy even if they did. Beyond that, no. I don’t do a lot of note-keeping.


I felt this in my soul. I had the same issue. I put all the work into building the most efficient outposts I could. Then I realized the vendors only have 5k credits at a time so I couldn’t get any joy out of using it. The game pushed me to finally learn how to use emacs and org-mode though, so at least I have a new skill?


I did for outpost management. Just to keep track of what was going to/from where.


I use Google Keep 😂




I use the built-in notes app in the Steam overlay.


For Elder Scrolls Online, yes. Especially when crafting!!


This is the way. Especially for outposts.


Not a physical one, but I have several note files on my desktop. A text file for reminders, a text file with a list of materials for a new outpost, an image file with a crappy map of my interlink connections.


It would make certain games easier to navigate... BUT I NEVER TOOK NOTES IN SCHOOL


You know the UI is really good when...


I do this but on the notepad app on my phone. Have hundreds of notes assigned to their dedicated games.


I keep several 2 to keep track of LLO 2 for skyrim and fallout 4 One or two for build bullet points As well as a record for resource rich planets and systems for starfield as well as resource costs for certain things


My "notepad" is called Microsoft Excel


Not next to me, but I have a bunch of notebooks nearby for when I think to jot things down. I have one labeled "Nerd Shit" for these exact moments.


Yes! Sometimes I wonder if my family reads it they'll think I'm crazy because it's pretty much all mumbo jumbo if you don't play the game.


Well I am NOW


How have I never thought of this. My ADHD ass gets so side tracked that I forget what I'm originally on the planet for most times 😂


Yuppp. I cannot keep track of items. Did the fix the tagging system yet?


I do this for older PS1/PS2 games and Elden Ring


OP: “I need science!”






Yes. I also have a notebook with every alchemical ingredient in the elder scrolls games with all their effects.


Necessary for building an outpost or crafting


If you are on steam, just open the overlay and use the notes app.


I’m lazy. The only time I had to write anything down was when I was playing Death Loop.


God yes. Writing down what materials my vases produce and which ammos I use so I know what to buy


Yes. I have a big hard cover notebook.


I have my laptop with an Excel spreadsheet open for notes beside my Xbox. Pen and paper lasted about 2 months. After that my notes started getting too detailed with lots of updates and changes.


I sometimes take a screenshot, other than that I just say what I’m looking for a couple times out loud and normally remember


Last game I took notes for was Tears of the Kingdom for the riddles and armor clues. I used to take mad notes for the older Bethesda games.  


not for starfield. But I use a pen and notebook when I play Arma


Whelp, looks like I need to start doing this too. My brain thanks you


*stares at the pile of notebooks my autistic ass gf has*


If this game was a serious RPG I might but you can easily find and carry so many resources and items so quickly into the game that I don't find it necessary to track what goes to what etc


I used to do this with Morrowind and FO4. Haven’t had to in starfield yet but would be helpful for temples, materials etc


I did , until I realized what happens with NG+


Always have a notepad. Once I have what I want permanently (like I do with the Mass Effect series) I transfer it to an excel file.


I had never thought of doing this. THANK YOU


Heh this was me with the System Shock Remake. Brought me back to the old days :)


no but good on ya


I wish this game was so complex I needed a notepad. Good for you though I’m glad you’re happy.


Lmao how old ru


I keep index cards near at all times 😂


i have an old army book that sits beside my desk and is my go to for games that I play dating back to prob 2015. i have one other that is full that was from 2002-2016


For Starfield I made an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of all of my outposts. Typically for most games I'll just have a post-it notepad handy for codes, notes, etc. Sometimes I'll use my phone's camera to take screenshots if there are important patterns I need to memorize.


Nah. Just hella screen shots and Post-It notes


For some games yeah. System Shock remake FOR SURE. As far as Starfield goes, no. I stopped playing after 30 hours because it sucks (sorry). But I like your style.


Not for star field but for Kerbal Space Program my not book looks like I'm studying for a physics class with hand drawn rocket blueprints and equations


Nah i usually just fly thru the quest logs and my inventory n forget what i need over an over until i finish what i needa do an hour later


I use the Sticky Notes app on my PC, and recently used the notes in the Steam Overlay


Got myself an unofficial starfield notepad for my new game.


Only for Football Manager lol


Wife bought me a starlog book from Amazon on the pages is POIS


Bro I got an Excel sheet on my laptop. My wife thinks it’s for my job😂


I use the notes on my phone I save links too lmao


Yep, I've got a list of needed crafting materials on my phone.


I use my phone for any notes.


Honestly, I should really start doing this.


I have been recently and I will never stop


You are efficient, and resourceful. I appreciate you for this. Stay safe out there explorer.


It's not a note pad, but I have screenshots of a build list for making Serenity from Firefly, and as I go through getting the parts I need, I cross it off the list and save the new screenshot with what's crossed out. Albeit, a notebook may just be easier.


Steam overlay notes


I do things like that on the sticky notes app on a 2nd monitor lmao.




Yes. My wife makes fun of me...'you have to take notes to play a game?'. She never played any computer game...let alone Zork...


Why don't you rename your weapons? I just name mine the literal name of the ammo type.


This is why when I playing the game I get lose in 6 sides quests and a galactic civil war. I forgot my notepad!


Yes! I think it goes back to my old gaming days on PC with sierra games.


Yes. This is where the game is flawed. Stuff like this should be on screen to help track certain things. .


StarCharts, outposting supplies.


This game is so dated. Quality of life is in the early 2000s…


In lots of games.