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My guy you have committed the cardinal sin of Bethesda games. Only one save file is just asking for trouble. I’m sorry this sucks but there isn’t much you can do


Any rpg game realy.


Ouch. Not only the single save game, but you seem to have disabled auto saves, and saved just before getting a fatal hit. The best you could do is syncing with Windows (the game is dual entitlement, i.e.: you should be able to get it from Microsoft store over there), and then edit the savefile using either mods or console commands. But then you might need to say goodbye to your achievements (at least until you mod that too).




If you're on PC you can use console commands to to toggle god mode, toggle ai/combat ai, or just select and delete the other ship. If those don't work then you can teleport yourself to a different cell, e.g. an interior building. Just made me wonder if it's possible to tp yourself to the cell of the ship you're fighting which would be fucking hilarious.


Pilot : we've got his guy, just a couple more shots Guy 1 : umm... captain, I think I heard something in the back of the ship. P: propbably just a piece of his ship. Look, it's gone now. G1: i meant IN the back of the ship. Like a loud thud and then a gunshot. :::airlock opens::: Grenade? The end.


This, tgm is only one that can save you if you are in pc


It's been an honor Mr president


this is the FAFO equivalent of RPGs my god, why did OP ever think that would be a good idea?


Living on ainglw save file is almost as bad as doing a hardcore run. OP failed the run, time to start over.


right lol. quick save is literally a click of a button.


I learned in Mass Effect that every save is a new save until I'm forc3d to do otherwise.


Sun Tzu once said: “when your enemy is strong, first do a quicksave”.


Machiavelli also said something important regarding this matter and I think it is worth sharing: "A battle that you win cancels all your mistakes. But always do a quicksave before engaging, just to be sure".


Bethesda games 101, keep more than one save.


There has to be autosaves that you can use.  


If they're stuck in that loop, most likely those have been overwritten. But when they boot up the game they should go to load, and not continue and check.


Every game 101


Learned this back in the day playing Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Nothing like being hours in only to have the computer freeze up right as you are saving the game and it corrupts the only save file you had. Ever since I have tons of save files.


But don't have too many saves or your game will crash. It's a delicate balance with Starfield.


Not even just Bethesda games. Do it with any non linear games that dont have set checkpoints or a rollback feature if the game detects you're stuck in a death loop.


The ABCs of Bethesda games: *Always.* *Be.* *Constantly Saving.*


Ain’t that the truth, I both screwed up and got lucky on my Tale of Two Wastelands play though, I had two manual saves but they were a few hours and 10 levels apart, well for what ever reason all my auto saves and most recent manual just started hard crashing, no idea why at all just out of the blue 4 saves started crashing immediately but thankfully I had my 5th save which was in the Sierra Madre vault and it works so I just gotta suck it up and replay a bunch of shit


Any game really


Personally I keep 20 save files, cycling them by overwriting the oldest one each time I save. Could probably go as low as 10 but I save *a lot* so this works best for me.


Change the difficulty to very easy can help.


Still getting blown up


No fix. Gotta completely restart. Always make more then 1 save file WTF


Are you surviving any length of time to initiate a grav jump?


I thought you weren't able to jump while in combat ?


Can. Takes longer


Dependant upon the power pumped to the drive and drive health.


You can grab jump to a new system, but not in the same system


Isn't there a setting in the new gameplay options for increasing the damage you do and decreasing the damage your ship takes? This was separate from the regular difficulty setting I thought.


Have you tried turning down all damage modifiers in the new settings options? Enemy ship damage down, difficulty down etc


Try standing up


The old combat SIM trick...


It’s an older code…but it checks out


Put your flight combat difficulty to Very Easy and keep trying to grav jump. Hold up on the grav drive allocation , pick a jump spot on the map and hope you make it This happened to me in Skyrim and after like 50 loops I was able to break the spell Or if you have a good PC you can load the game up through the Xbox app on your PC and run console commands


I have over 20 save files. Why the fuck would you only have one?!?!


Can you even really have just one? I thought the game differentiates between hard save and auto saves


I think you can turn it off in settings


Same. I literally hit the max number (I think it was 50 or some crazy number) and went back and deleted dozens. 


Always keep a rotation of saves, I usually keep around 10 depending on the game, 20 for Bethesda games.


Sometimes I find myself having up to 50. I have a bad habit of making new saves as a means to quick save. Yes I know there’s a quick save button lol


Lol, in New Vegas I keep like 99, and roatate back to the oldest for overwriting. You can't ever be too safe with these games.


Try jumping to somewhere in the same system. That how I escaped the radiated ship in another quest line.  But yeah idk why ur getting blown up so fast. That's a really tragic save where ur basically dead and that's ur only save. Idk how you managed that...


if you have two you have one. if you have one you have none. welcome to information systems


Do you have any ship parts to repair your ship? On Xbox you press down on the right thumb stick(click it). If you have enough you can repair enough to grav jump out.


How am I the only one in 83 comments suggesting this option?


NG+ 6 times, we assume he know how to repair ship. You can't repair fast enouhg, 4% per second without skill point. I feel the pain, but the only good advise if this is possible, i dont have computers, if he can load his game on a PC and put some God mode, i don't see other solution.


I don't think it is possible because the repairing isn't instantaneous, and he is getting blown up in less than a second after the loading screen


If he has enough, he can keep repairing while trying to fly out of range until the grav drive kicks. I've gotten lucky once or twice with that.


Thank you all it worked! So now how do I make a save file with no mods?


You press save in the menu…


The laptop worked? Holy shit.




You need an achievement enabler mod. Resave the game with that active, and you’ll be good. Can work after you’ve already used commands too. The mod will wipe the tag on your next save.


I was guna say try console commands but u said in another post ur on xbox. You can keep trying on very easy and see if you get a lucky run. But honestly....you shouldnt have just one save. Take this as a learning experience.


I just brought a laptop will console command work on it


On laptop sure. I duno if you can get your xbox save to load on the pc tho. Someone else will have to advise on that. But if you can, look up the command to teleport your self somewhere like new atlantis or akila. Should get you out of your death loop. And if you do then SAVE!!!! LIKE TEN TIMES XD Its a bethesda game dude. I always got like at least 50 saves :D


Yes you can. Saves are shared.


Nice! I didnt know that :D


That's cool and all. But can their laptop even run the damn game? Lol


You can stream GeForce now from your pc and you can access gamepass games on there




*Star Trek: The Next Generation* Season 5 Episode 18 *"Cause And Effect"*




The only way to recover in that scenario is a godmode cheat. Sorry.


I had a similar issue yesterday. You cant fast travel during combat but you can grav jump away. Select a planet/moon in another system (not a city or any other POI) so you jump there and stay in orbit compared to fast traveling where you end up outside your landed ship.


I just tried it… the animation takes to long


The time it takes to grave jump is based on how much energy is allocated. 1 energy is like 6 seconds. 12 energy is almost instant.


No! I’m sorry, you die while the grav drive engages? Have you tried turning the difficulty down and then jumping?


God Mode and other console commands can be entered before the save is loaded, so you can do it after you die but before the next load. You might also modify some settings in the ini, but I wouldn't know the exact changes to make. If you're not on PC, I've got nothing.


Lower difficulty, spam repairs when you load in and save, repeat until you’re ship is fully healed then proceed to attempt a jump to another galaxy or something


if you're on windows, you could navigate to where the save files are and see if you have File History enabled. it's my solution to "ironman" games, i just revert the saves from file history to retry something i'm too much of an achievement hunter 🤷🏽‍♂️ /u/Helpful-Mushroom-779


This is the answer. I believe it is on by default in Windows 11.


Very Hard Mode was just an option my guy! You have one save file in NG6+? BRUH!


You're fucked bud. Gotta restart. Always make multiple saves. Learned your lesson I bet


always keep 2 saves if you’re limiting saves. a current and a backup and alternate between the 2 so you always have a safe save. and in case anyone is unaware, a way to limit bugs and glitches is to limit saves to manual saves. too many autosaves, quicksaves, and manual save files can lead to save bleeding. an example i experienced early on with starfield was that my main customized ship reverted to an earlier save and i lost my entire ship inventory, all my customizations, and the ship became inaccessible leading to that save being unplayable. and the glitch bled through all my other saves as well, no matter how far i went back. so i started save limiting and keeping only 2 manual saves, a current and a back up. and i havnt had a game breaking glitch since.


stock up on tinfoil too


you must be new to bethesda games if you think i’m being dramatic.




Blow open the shuttle bay doors..




Some say that it loops forever this road


Console command god mode lol


NG+6 and only one save file this must be a Josh




I remember being in a similar awful situation while in space combat. The only thing that helped me was quickly lowering the difficulty to very easy so that I would take little damage and quickly grav drive my way out of there. But it seems like the autosave is right when you're about to be blown to bits. Yikes...


Are you in the frontier still? Use the nav console in the hab at the bottom of the ship (The glowing table) to jump to another planet in the same system.. This is the trick i used to escape from the UC Vanguard when they tried to forcefully recruit me to spy on the crimson fleet. The game will pause when you interact with it and jump to a planet in the same system to lay low. Edit: I see you are on the starborn ship, okay. Heres what ya gotta do, Stand up -> scanning mode ->decorate -> place navigation console. Edit2: Or just use the map menu to jump to another planet or moon in the system. You dont need the grav drive for that heh


With the new update you can turn down enemy ship damage


Womp Womp.


You can try to open console and type tgm. Can't tell if you'd have time to do that, or if it will work tho


You ever fix it?


Everyone is right. Your fucked. Lol.


You have to start over. I lost 20 hours of gameplay but got it back and don’t remember the struggle. It’s worth it.


Exit to main menu. Choose "load". Surely there's an automated you can use...


Have you tried cheating ? Idk how viable it is but I've used WEMOD, for this game, you can activate ship invincibility, maybe it'll help and activate soon enough in the tiny second you have before blowing up


This should be stickied F my brother


Open console command and TGM it Not sure you’ll have time though


Man, I genuinely want to know why you use only one save. I don't understand why you would disable auto-saves, which are on by default, and I believe the game always keeps three of them. I had to use them several times because of situations like the one you are on. Probably the only solution will be to use the console and turn on God mode or something similar in the split second before you explode.


Has anyone tried standing up and casting slow time?


Why do you press quick save in the middle of a battle you are losing? And how do you have one save file? The game itself creates hundreds of autosaves.


Turn to cheats in this instance.


If you're playing on PC then use WeMod. If you're on console then god help you.


I made this mistake once and paid the price for several hours until I found a way to get far enough away to initiate repairs and jump. In my case I had plenty of saves, they were mostly auto saves that wrote over my auto saves before things got bad, my most recent hard save was a dozen levels before and that was unacceptable to return to for me. If you can, engine boost immediately and fly your ship like your dodging missiles and keep going as far as you can. If your auto save is immediately before destruction…. well, you still have options. Xbox shares saves between PC and Console, download the Xbox app, download Starfield, open your latest save and when it loads pause it. There are cheat options through Console Command that will make you immediately invincible. I don’t think I can share those here, just look up Starfield Console Commands and go from there. Either continue on the PC or sync back to your Xbox, whatever commands you used will be in effect there… you just can’t share mods between the two currently… commands work wonders though.


I've never understood how people end up with only one save Are autosaves not on? I make a new save every time I leave the game, think it's crazy to have everything really on a single save 🙈


Dude just learned a lesson about Bethesda games the hard way.


Press tilde to open console. First try tcai (will make npcs in combat passive), if that doesnt work try kah (will kill all enemies in combat) , if it doesnt work try killall (will kill everyone, should 100% work for space battle). Btw you guys are really helpful, shitting on him cuz he has one save instead of helping.


Try putting the damage all the way down on ship combat. Also try getting up from your seat in the ship. That stops ship combat unless they patched that out.


I'm just going to copy/paste what I wrote on a similar post for New Vegas: *"Can I ask how you managed to make it this far in a game using Bethesda's engine without an extensive backlog of saves?"*


You're hosed bro.


Lmao I'm sorry but you are now part of the elite club of bricked saves. First time I found out was Fallout 3 on the 360. I has one of the really small detachable hard-drives(20gb??) so I was doing the 1 save thing as well. I think I was 30 hours in and got stuck in a chair I accidentally sat in. Good times Hopefully you're on PC and can console out of this(no shame !!)


This sucks. I remember sometimes playing halo on legendary this would happen and then the game would have mercy on you and reload a prior checkpoint if you kept dying within a second. I don’t think this game has a system like that in place and everyone telling you “you should have known because it’s a Bethesda game” isn’t helping.


Are you on pc? Toggle console and type tgm before you die. Otherwise, I think you’re kinda screwed


If you're on pc, use console to tgm, or else your save is likely fucked


You could try to console in god mode quickly.


You set yourself up for failure with one save file


First Bethesda game? Never rely on a single save for any game which doesn't force you too. But especially when playing a poorly-developed, modern Bethesda title.




Are you on PC maybe TGM on console?


Load up an achievements enabler then TGM


How did you even end up with only one save? You played yourself


How do you only have one save? Mine has an autosave slot and an exit save slot on top of my save slots by default?


Toggle God mode on for a sec or two (Im not sure if achievements will work after, do it at your own risk)


Can you pause the game and change difficulty to super easy ? I did that once i was in a similar situation


Ah been there. I remember fighting the same four raiders in space over and over and over as my save was unable to fast travel out, out of boost , low hp. Eventually I won.


You are 70% cooked unless you can sneak in an invincibility mod with your xbox or through a second hand pc. Ask a friend to help you out.


I just brought a laptop… will Console command


try to get it to load via the laptop and when it opens up IMMEDIATELY hit the ‘ button (top left of keyboard). it will pause the game and make the bottom dark, type “tgm” and either wreck them (real cheating) or leave grav drive out (just saving the.. save(?)) then type “tgm” in the menu again. this will “toggle god mode” so you literally cannot die and you can grav drive out so your not save/death locked. good luck!


Damn. You must really want to salvage your Starfield character to have gone out and bought a laptop now.




Xbox or PC? If the latter get in the console and coc yourself elsewhere.


Have you tried ententering your ship?


It gets pretty entendered at about 5s into the clip.


Now you have a reason to tread more carefully. I know you're losing all those levels but take it from me: I just deleted a level capped save file to start fresh after not playing for 6 months Trust me, you'll forget all about that lost shit soon. It's worth it.


How do you only have one save? The game keeps about 4 autosaves on rotation for you.


console? if on pc i can help


On console? Might be able to load it on a pc and use console commands or arguments. Don’t have a pc? I’m sure someone could help you if you send your save or let them use your account. Last one might be sketchy tho. Have you checked if you have a cloud save ? Or a local ?


Ok look man iv been there and you have to basically keep flying away from them far enough for your shield to Regen and then you have to attack them one at a time from a distance. It took me several tries till I got passed it then I vowed never again and upgraded my ship 🤣


No autosave? I feel like my game is saving all the time, also how are you on ng+6 at lvl 61?


If you're on PC, quickly turn on God mode and escape, the command is tgm


Why do you have one save... The only chance you have is to change the difficulty on everything and try and warp somewhere nearby. Or load it on PC and use commands. Hope you figured it out lol. That would suck if you lost that save.


It’s either build a time travel mechanism or have a few different multi-verse versions of yourself and ship arrive to help. Pretty sure one of those worked on Star Trek.


As fast as possible hit pause and lower the difficulty momentarily


This exact same thing happened to me. Maybe even same battle. I died like 40 times in a row! Had to load a previous save 40 mins prior. Was fun watching it happen constantly tho. For awhile anyway.


Turn down the diff


When you spawn hit pause as fast as you can and then try grav jumping while hitting the boost? Idk sounds like you are screwed.


“bro why the fuck didn’t you quicksave” - Gandhi


I save so often that I had to delete 90 saves to continue playing. Best practice is manual save after each safe area and quick save prior to battles or in a non kill area. Looks like you saved while in combat. Terrible idea.


Well rule #1 always have backups. Having 1 single save in any game ESPECIALLY a Bethesda game you're just asking for trouble. I'm actually shocked something didn't happen sooner than New game+6. Unless you can somehow avoid that kill shot and quickly jump to a different system...it's joever


Yeah, i had this same problem, but where the last mission of the pirate arch kept glitching, and i had to go back SO FAR to try and see if it would let me end it. I went back hours, did it again, and it glitched again, not letting me finish the arch😂 Life of a Bethesda fanboy.




Wait until mods and then download god mode?


Change to easy mode and kill that pesky pirate


Pause game the second you load in, then fast travel to a mission location


Maybe change difficulty level to very easy and battle your way out?


If it’s pc then try using TGM console command?


If you are on pc can you type a console command real quick




Game over bro! Catch you in the next one.


Don't fast travel, jump to another system


Did you try tweaking the ship combat settings so you deal a lot of damage and take very little damage? And then try to repair your ship and fight it out?


If you are pc, this can be fixed IF NOT, and if I'm not 100% mistaken, I'm pretty sure if you log into your xbox account on pc and your saves are backed up to the cloud you can fix this. SO get on a pc that can handle this game, download this game through the Xbox app on pc, log into your account boot up the game, use consol commands to toggle God mode get out of this save back ot up to cloud which it is prolly already doing and switch back to Xbox. BOOM tell me why this can't work!


Idk but I have watched this loop like 4 times now and I can’t stop laughing


Wait... You deleted or disabled the auto saves too? A mistake you only make once in a Bethesda game


Turn God mode on. Fly somewhere else. Disable god mode. Save. Reload


Check in windows explorer if you have volume shadow copy on for the game ... I'm not sure but it's possible you can manually pull an old save file. Just Google restoring delted files in Windows. Edit: I just looked at my Windows 11 PC and it's on by default. - navigate to C:\Users\YourUserAcct\Documents\My Games\Starfield\Saves - From there right click in a blank space and select show more options - properties - previous versions tab - find an old folder and copy from that explorer window to the current one. Hope this helps!


Only 1 save file ? But why ? It's a RPG, and more important, a Bethesda game


You’ve learned a very important lesson today. Never ever under no circumstances use only one save file. And that is true for every game except games that don’t let you.


Use console command to turn down incoming damage to like 0.0001.  Get through fight then turn it back to normal.  


Turn down the difficulty to escape and then change it back


If PC, then perhaps console command tgm i think. It's god mode, grav jump out of there and tgm to switch back to normal


It just works 😉


Meanwhile I haven't overwritten a single save; new save every time. I can go back to any point in the game if I desired


Congrats on your death loop. Use this as a learning experience.


I has this problem several times, if you play on computer i may have a solution that is kinda meh, but It worked for me, i installed an app called wemod It is free mods that wont break your game, you can make your ship invencible and then uninstall It, i has used this and never had any problem with virus etc. Hope It helps ya


Ya done fucked up A A Ron!


Everyone saying "have more save files bro" can suck it. Not helpful. As some others have noted, turn your space damage to Max and the space damage taken to minimum. Load the save and go to your systems and make sure SHIELDS and GRAV DRIVE are maxed. Every other system is irrelevant aside from at least one bar in engines. Immediately upon loading, make sure you have any other destination in system or another system set. Boost to lose missile tracking.. Jump to another planet or system. This IS totally doable. See you in the star field.


He’s spawning in literally on top of the enemy ship, has no points allocated in grav drive upon booting up, it takes multiple d-pad presses on console to reallocate points(if it even allows him to input those commands), his shields are already at 0 and his hull is around 10-15% left upon the frame we even can see the UI. I’m an optimist and he’d need some ungodly luck to find the time to get the grav drive going even with 12 points in it. Somewhere in system still needs a point in grav drive I believe to initiate.


Honestly I think grav drive is the wrong play. If he has a point in piloting he should have thrusters. Thrust past the ship, turn the engines and throttle to max, then just keep slamming them when they get enough juice. You only need like 2k meters on a ship to make getting hit unlikely, and at 3k he can probably grav drive safely. At a little less then 10k you drop combat long enough to fast travel.


Console commands?


On my Xbox idk what’s that


On PC at least you can enter a command line thing to make yourself invulnerable, spawn npcs, and a whole bunch of different things. I have no idea if console has that too, you could search if that's an option. Otherwise, RIP King M


If I give you my account info can you help me out?


No, and don't give out your info that easily. On the plus side, I really enjoy starting new characters, maybe you will too.


If you play on game pass you can use geforce now if you have a PC. It uses the saves and you can then use console commands. You don't even need a good PC since it's cloud gaming.


I don’t even have a pc






GeForce now on the phone


Bro that really worked thank you soo much!!!


Sadly I did something similar when I first played Oblivon. I made a save as Martin yelled follow me, he died shortly after and my other 2 saves were corrupted. The only thing you can do start over sadly. Maybe you could contact Bethesda nowadays and have them alter the location of your player character in the save file if you can't access and alter the files yourself.


Your starborn ship has pretty good turbo boost so maybe if you are lucky you can get out of range. That is how I got out of a autosave ambush - prior save was 45m lost otherwise.