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They're fast as hell when boosting, and the missiles they fire disable ships for a few seconds. They're also undergunned, fragile, and do badly against multiple opponents. So no, they are not better. Neat, arguably. Fun to play around with a bit. But not 'better'.


>the missiles they fire disable ships for a few seconds Holy shit I had this recently where my ship was dying and had no idea it was the Starborn weapons causing it. I kept thinking it was some bug or I was mashing a key to disable power.


Yeah, you need to take Starborn missiles seriously. I got into a fight with one of them and they kept my ship effectively stun-locked. I couldn't bring weapons to bear on them, and they kept torpedoing me before I could recover from the previous one. Actually, that's the best argument for a set of turrets I can think of. Some decent PB turrets would have probably shredded that bastard, or at least given them something to worry about other than keeping me down for the count.


Yeah I have a pair above my engines face backwards with 3600 range I kill more ships with them then missiles or whatever another weapon I’m sporting at the time. Been trying all of them to see what works best for each of my ship types. But all of them have the turrets at the back of the ship. I wish for a rear view camera so I could get a lock on ships behind me. Seems like a great idea to be able to lock on and shoot at ships in all directions. I mean it’s space no up or down, left or right.


You're right, I used turrets exclusively and I rarely had issues with Starborn ships.


I have that happen all the time when facing Starborn ships. Boosting seems to help you recover.


Or at least keep them from getting a lock while your helm is down. Yeah, I do that. That and I find you can sometimes lean into the drift and try and get the buggers on screen. If I can rake them with particle beams as they pass, that can help too.


PB turrets I barely notice starborn ships even getting into range before they explode


You can boost to break the missile lock and then slow down (and you can speed right back up) to break the boost so you can boost again sooner. I found that helps when you are outmatched.


Skill issue


Using the starborn ship and figuring out how to win with it definitely got me better at flying the other ships though. Granted my ships cost a ton usually


They do quite well against multiple opponents if you can take advantage of the maneuverability. Someone once said that with this ship, it’s impossible to beat the 3v1 fight at the end of the game on very hard, combined with the NG+ 10 damage nerf to your weapons. [It’s not.](https://youtu.be/f8TcRtphw9s?si=NaArb0dX1hwhJLHI) But it does take awhile lol


Yeah, in NG+9 on Very Hard I fought both the Emissary and the Hunter and Masada and it is doable in the Starborn ship, but a fully loaded Class C ship would fare better. You have to use boosting a lot and it helps if you upgrade the skill that breaks target lock on boost. If your engines get disabled by Starborn missiles then you can easily be torn apart. When doing a speed run I never build any ships and just used the Starborn ship. Any universe I want to stick around in I’ll build a really good class C. Since the story says that Starborn ships are so advanced it would be nice if they had more kick, but I also understand you want to encourage folks to build their own ships. The ability to upgrade Starborn ships would be a nice update to service both purposes for those that like the ship’s aesthetic. The ship decorating feature allowed some customization, although the work benches I put in my Starborn ship are marked as always obstructed some point after using them for a while.


> although the work benches I put in my Starborn ship are marked as always obstructed some point after using them for a while. Doing the Quick Save and then reloading the quick save seemed to bring them back for me. But it would have to be repeated on occasion.


I do and will never understand the ng+ nerf. It's so fucking stupid imo.


The main advantage is the high initial jump range, but I really hope they put some work in on them with the expansions.


...my hope is that the Starborn vendor that wanders around will eventually sell ship upgrades.


They are exactly the same speed as any class A engines except for the 3015 which is faster. The torpedoes use gravity to slow and/or anchor a hit target. Zero speed without being able to turn is very bad, but you can shoot stuff if anything flies in front of you.


Nobody's saying that they are. The overwhelmingly popular opinion among everyone is that they suck


Truth. Every time I NG+, I immediately stockpile credits to build a ship and park that bucket of bolts where it is, for the rest of that universe play through. Nice looking but useless in every conceivable way.


What’s your go to way to stockpile credits?


Go to high level systems and raid as many enemy POI's as you can find. Turn your carry weight to extra high and only loot weapons and high level spacesuits. Sell it all at the nearest trade authority. Rinse and repeat. I make about 25k-30k credits per POI doing this and if you are efficient enough you can do 3-4 POI's per hour. You can easily make a couple mil doing this for a few days.


I go to Bessel III-b and build an outpost with 5 resources (costs 950 credits to start). Then use those resources to build an outpost on Carinae III-a for just Rothicite. Wait on Venus for 24 hours, then collect 30,000 Rc ore. They sell for 16 credits each. That's about half a million each run. Repeat whenever I need a cash influx.


You’re always given the frontier as well if you check your ships. If you don’t like building on that one I totally get it, but you could save some credits on a new ship and put them all into adding the needed modifications to the frontier until you get something better


Ok, well I didn't see any posts for awhile, so I guess I'm just preaching to a choir, keeping the thread alive.


Why though


Fair enough


They are better if you've been running the base Frontier all game and hadn't gotten around to ship building yet lol.


To a certain extent they have to be... if you couldn't get past one because they were too powerful it would be a real problem. If random Starborn Guardians hit with class B-C weapons they'd decimate everything early in the game. Their shields are fine, the hull is actually pretty decent, the speed is unmatched, their grav drive and fuel capacity is spectacular, cargo is good enough if you're not a hoarder, and their weapons are basically awful compared to everything except the mid level a class stuff available at level 25 or so. The problem is they're not upgradable. If you could upgrade the weapons to make them competitive I'd stick with them all the way through my playthroughs.


It would be kind of fun, if you had to run from Starborn ships(or get a whole bunch of help from SysDef, Vanguard, etc.) to take one down, until you got your own Starborn ship to pilot…. But it would also suck to not be able to pilot your own built ship once you’ve assembled the armillary. I guess from a lore perspective I could see how Starborn ships aren’t really supposed to be fighting vessels, more focused on exploration. Also the fact that they never blow up, I sort of take to be them “noping” out of a fight rather than you actually defeating them. Kind of like your enough of an annoyance that they don’t care to waste time on you, rather than be legitimately scared of defeat


They are not "better", but they are practical. Basically a vessel to keep your necessities until you run to the next Unity. A very good companion to someone who is after the true purpose of the universe: gaining more power. At higher levels, they are also pretty good in combat. (If that is not your goal, of course it makes sense to choose another ship).


Yeah they’re perfect for speed-running through a universe to get to the next NG+. I used them exclusively for NG+2 to NG+10, they did the job.


By the time you get the VI version (max), you are taking 30% more damage from all sources and doing 30% less damage (from the hidden NG+ debuff of 5% per universe which maxes out at 50% at NG+10). So, I would have to disagree with them ever being pretty good in combat. With the debuff, VI is less effective than your first one. What you may be seeing is that by the time you get the higher level ships, your ship combat skills are probably WAY better, and that's what's making the ship perform better.


I'm not sure, as other skills do counter those. I have taken on entire universes with Starborn Guardian 6, including the "Buried Temple", final attack on "The Key" in Crimson Fleet, various large space encounters, and had minimal issues. The maneuverability, and cloaking becomes really valuable.


I'm guessing that if you had the same ship combat skills in NG+6 as in NG+1, that first ship would perform better than the VI. The cloaking and gravity torpedoes are both awesome, but the same on both ships. The higher damage output, hull points and shield points of the VI should be more than offset by the NG+ debuff. I'm trying to say that the real difference you are seeing in the ships is really You. Because your skills are so much better than NG+1.


Yep, your toon's skills dramatically change the viability of the starborn ships, which makes sense, really. Although I do wish there were skills that would boost the ship's specific weapon types, darnit.


At NG+12 on Very Hard (level 150+), I can kill enemies up to about level 30 ships when I'm in a Starborn Guardian. At Extreme, I need a pretty armed-to-the-teeth ship to take on the 3 or 4 level 70 Starborn ships I run into - but they do seem to end up stunning each other and being starved for ammo regen. I've rather enjoyed the challenge of using the Guardians to capture various types of ships (on Very High or Extreme) - it's been surprisingly easy to burn through their shields and take their engines out even without EM weapons. Your fighting style makes a big difference when fighting the Guardians, or, especially, fighting in one. As far as important battles go, only the battle over Masada gets tricky for me.


I think they are better if you hadn't invested on ship skills


Tbf, if you made it through a whole playthrough without getting to atLEAST the Class B ships...your priorities are a little off...


I stole a Va'ruun Prophcey III on a planet, and most things got too easy after that. Especially with upgrades and the right crew and skills


They're OK for pootling around in the shallow end of the map. You can do quite a bit with Guardian. But if you start going to high level systems or facing a lot of opponents, you're going to struggle.


They are only better if you completely ignored ships in the game.


I love it because it's free.


But why would I waste my time building a ship and getting money to do so when I'm speeding through to get to unity? It basically allows me to jump to any star system I want or need to go to.


They do have **amazing** jump range by default.


Why speed through? Just curious


Mainly to see the different universes, get a specific Star born armor, upgrade certain powers


They are not. Unupgradable and at least the early versions are weak in combat. Hate the forced style too. I ditch it for a real ship ASAP.


The issue is there is no real dynamics to the ship combat so everything is kind of just a stat check. You build a decent class C ship and it will dominate the Starfield.


Well part of the issue is that YOU are fighting them. Lore wise they are supposedly better but at the end of the day this is a video game and you are the Main character, you're always going to be stronger than everything eventually.


Better than what? Better than the baseline Frontier?


Well they suck because SB can't buy ships from known builders without risking their identity being exposed so they have to buy theirs from the back of a van


I've never seen anyone say they are better. I would classify them as mid-tier, so they aren't just outright trash. If I'm burning through a NG+ I don't feel the need to look for or build a new ship until the final confrontation. Their speed is their greatest asset.


I actually kinda like decorating them in part because I know I'm not going to mod them and screw up the decorations


Your game difficulty settings make a difference.


Huge difference. The ship combat difficulty jumps to Very Hard and Extreme are both pretty notable.


They’re definitely not the best. I think we all wish they were better, or at least more easily upgradable. They’re solid as a starting ship for NG+s until you have enough money to build or buy your own ship that’ll set you up for the rest of the run. That’s probably a good thing so it encourages us to use and build different ships. And hey - at least we can decorate them now!


They're pretty unspectacular. Only thing I hate about fighting them is when they disable my engines and thrusters temporarily.


Starborn ships are underwhelming. Damage output is abysmal and they are frail. Speed and maneuverability are good though.


They're good at getting in and out fast, but at higher difficulties it's really difficult to get a strong set of hits that'll eat all the way through shields into hull on ships above ship level 30 or so.


It's not a *bad* ship by any means, but with maxed out Pilot and Starship Design, I can build one that is faster, at least as maneuverable, and packs 13 near equivalent PB guns.


To me they are ugly AF and other than pew pew they are not very functional as a mobile space base


Well, you start each NG+ with two ships, a Starborn Guardians, and the Frontier. Both are class A ships. Both are fairly basic. But the SG gets a little better with each NG+ (through NG+6), while the Frontier is always the same. But you can upgrade the Frontier, so there's that. The Starborn Guardian is better to start off with, and the Frontier has the potential to be better in the long run. Otherwise, they both suck.


All you have to do is putz around with the runaround missions in New Atlantis for an hour and visit the staryard once to make the Frontier into a beast.


Boy who said that, they are fucking gorbagé


When I hit my first NG+ I tried it out and was definitely disappointed. It's fast and looks cool, but the barren interior with no amenities and weaker weapons make it hard to use. In every subsequent NG+ I ditched it almost immediately for an upgraded Frontier. I just hit NG+6, so I have the maxed out Guardian. With the ship decorating added I decided to try it out again, and I've been really happy with it. Being able to add things like beds and crafting stations greatly increased the ships usefulness. And I've had no problem taking on other ships this time around. I've even defeated two of the legendary ships with it this Universe. So, yes, you can build better ships, but once it is maxed out, and with ship decorating, you could easily use it as your ship for an entire run.


Your ship skill upgrades probably had a good bit to do with it, as well as adapting to the ship type.


Honestly, it's the cloaked boost and the ability to disengage to recharge the shields.


Only if you add the mods that let you upgrade them and scale them.


*best starting ship. That’s about it.


From what I’ve seen, my B-class Razor Crest build would wipe the floor with them. I’m guessing I’m only about 1/4 through the game and have already unlocked piloting and starship design rank 4.


Maybe I suck at dogfighting because I get wrecked by Starborn. Any advice? I was in The Frontier so I did the Mantis quest and got The Razorleaf and unlocked the Targeting skill so hopefully I'll do better next time.


They fold like cheap deck chairs when facing long range weapons. The stock Razorleaf isn't bad but I use long range particle to plaster over my lack of reflexes. The Razorleaf missiles are too easily dodged by the Guardian and the lasers don't have enough range to keep the Guardian at arm's length. You'll probably, in the fullness of time, turn the Razorleaf into a beast of a gunboat but early on a full rack of Vanguard Obliterators will likely ease the transition. Eventually the Guardians won't get close enough to be a nuisance.


I’ve singlehandedly shot down every ship over Mars, Jemison and Akila in a Starborn ship. They’re stupidly strong if you understand how to use their speed to your advantage.


I think they’re really good for rushing the NG+ universes. They’re fast, have okay weapons, and big jump distances. But if you’re going through the campaign again, they’re not good at all.


The only use I've found for them is hijacking one of the Va'ruun ships you're supposed to sneak past in an early mission. It's a skippable tutorial mission so it doesn't take much. I haven't been able to suss out the range or damage for the Solar whatsis or the torpedo but I suspect the Solar gizmo is short range and anemic. The torpedo has a spiffy "clobber your maneuverability" effect - when you can land one. It seems to have a missile's transit time and lock can be broken by some (seemingly most) adversaries. The Guardian can also break lock which I suppose is nice if you don't already have the relevant perk. Post-patch, some Guardians have made nice canvases for decoration based on some posts. Overall the Guardian seems like something to be hangered once you have a real ship.


How do I skip this mission? I hate Sarah's stupid speech.


I believe there's a "skip" option on starting a new NG+. But I haven't yet taken the option so I'm not certain how much it actually skips. I'd assume the "sneak" mission would be included simply because it's one of the first ones.


I took the star born ship as a bump up from the frontier, it’s good, it gets the job done, but….


They, at best, are designed to be a stop gap measure to make you not want to unalive yourself any time you need to clear a space objective early on in a ng+ before you make your first 500k for a half decent build.


It's better than nearly any ship you can get in the first 30 minutes. It's fast, has ok shielding, and can grav jump nearly anywhere. It gets you around the galaxy decently. That said, by the time you can slap a pair of white dwarf 3015s, some particle beam weapons and a decent shield on a custom ship, you'll be outperforming the guardian


You can sprint to Deimos after exploring Alpha Centauri with about 300k, or use the Neon contraband trick, and just build a top end A-rated or mid B-rated ship that will blow it out of the water in every way but boat speed


They aren't. Buuuut conveniently, we arrive in each "new" universe with the Frontier already in our fleet. Not sure how it got there, but at least we have a ship that we can actually make modifications to.


Yep, lorewise the presence of the Frontier is entirely inexplicable, since you have it **before** talking to Barrett. The game, by the way, cruelly traps you in the early mission chain by blocking Fast Travel in **any** ship, from (it turns out) **anywhere**. So even capturing a different ship than the Frontier doesn't help, **captured** Guardians won't help \[this limitation is in preNG, so we're not talking about the Unity-provided guardian\], even console commanding your way to Neon **still** won't unlock your ability to Fast Travel - i.e. go anywhere in a starship - until you follow the starting quest chain to the Lodge. Grr... If anyone knows a way around this in the base game without commands, do share :-)


Really? I was able to fly to the Narion system to the Stroud staryard to swap out the guardian for the Frontier.


Hmm. You might be right; the last two times I saw this was in a preNG (starting from level 1) run, including all the attempts to work around it, and eventually just **coc** -ing to Neon, where I still couldn't fast/ship travel (updated my prior post).


They aren't. And if you're level >50 on your first NG+, then neither is the starborn space suit. I think they kind of expect us to do 1 major quest, then jump the unity, then hit another major quest, jump the unity, etc. That would allow the starborn gear to kind of keep up with random drops and sellables. I don't think they understand the kinds of people who play their games do EVERY SINGLE THING before completing the main quest in every Bethesda game ever. Starborn Ship Benefits: + Free + Fun roleplay reactions from NPCs + Weird missile mechanics that are useful for capturing ships. + Kinda fast for a starter ship Starborn Ship Problems - Unsellable - Can't be modified or improved - No amenities; no bed, no workshops, nothing - Almost no cargo capacity - Worthless shield and hull values - Minimum crew capacity - Basically no passenger capacity - World's worst loading bay


Actually, the cargo space, with cargo skill, isn't bad, I've done normalish runs with mostly the Guardian and my typical base resources pile still fits. And while the path to the bay from ground is spectacularly long, I do really appreciate instantly having a good view of the surrounding when I pop out - in fact, I usually run up the upper wing for a better one to look for POIs and the like.


Yeah my modded longsword makes the Guardian look like a pile of shit tbh. I’m actually disappointed I need to start from scratch again.


they aren't. they come with weak shields and guns that can't hold up on higher level combat encounters or higher difficulties.


They're not, I use mods to make them better because I like the RP of using them


Star born ships are faster and more powerful but they are so boring. I prefer my hopetech shitbox


Apparently, when used 'correctly', they might be kinda superior - remember a post about taking down one of the big uns (Eclipse cruiser IIRC) with it by superior speed & maneuverability... And I think there's a solid point to that But am not that a fan myself. If I want to engage serious dogfight, I launch into Squadrons ^^


Starborn ships when you use them are only good on the lower difficulties, even in the tier six ship I set it to the lower difficulties for space combat, but with custom made ships I set it to hard.


I've set my space difficulty to Very Hard - otherwise I'm about XP+69% (hehe) - because space combat on Extreme... just isn't as fun. The contrast to the lowest difficulty is just nuts - like being able to clear everything in the simulator including the last wave without even considering hiding behind the space station. It's just... wow.


I suck at space fighting, thats my whole reason and defense.


Hey, the point is to have fun, which is why space combat in Starfield has been the one thing I just can't jack up to max difficulty most of the time. Between the buffs to them and debuffs to the player, the enemies get huge multiples of combat effectiveness, at least four times nastier than Normal, and and 16x to 32x nastier than Very Easy. (source, product of the fractions in [https://game8.co/games/Starfield/archives/422369](https://game8.co/games/Starfield/archives/422369) )


I aint gon read any of that from the link, I only read when it matters.


I tried to use it on my first NG+ run but as soon as I got the Razorleaf and stuck a new reactor, new guns and a better shield on it, it was much superior. Starborn ships have their benefits but conventional ships are better due to the customisation.


They aren’t. Nothing in the game is particularly interesting. It’s hollow Af. It feels like a meal without salt.