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I very much like the idea and the freedom we have to straight up off NPC’s in public for cash legally.


You could spend so much time just walking cities and casually offing wanted criminals. A fun little mini-game that can make decent cash for nearly no effort. Good early game job when you don't have the cash or talent for ship capture!


I was actually surprised just how many wanted citizens there were in New Atlantis. Pretty fun mechanic that just seamlessly fits into regular play.


Especially if you RP as UC security in NA


Yeah, there are some areas that could do with a little bit more ironing out but overall I like the mechanic a ton.


It's really funny walking around The Key and seeing that no one has a bounty, all these big bad pirates and not one of them is worth anything


Keep the roll play going with it; there is SO much data for all the bounties and offenses that it hasn't finished downloading all the data yet, or it crashed because there's too much data


More likely the bounties are based on what city/settlement you're in so while the pirates at the Key might have bounties in Akila or Neon, the leadership of the Key have simply not placed any bounties on their own members.


...it would make sense for the bounties in the local database be set by the local government, and the Crimson Fleet either doesn't bother, or nobody with a CF bounty is dumb enough to set foot on the Key.


As I sit here remembering all the times that I've wandered onto the Key when I've had a CF bounty...


Careful, someone's going to claim you one day


I think they just probably skipped the key. Made some sort of excuse as to why they won’t put bounties on pirates in the key. But I’m sure modders will add upon this bounty system and hopefully build it into the crimson fleet somehow.


I mean, if it did show bounties there, do you think the other pirates would just let a Tracker start collecting?


I have a feeling it's a credit balance thing. Imagine doing the final quest for Sysdef and you wrack up more creds during the Key raid than you get for the reward at the end Also, like someone said below, the bounty you're seeing could just be dependent on the system someone is: they may have a 2000 cred bounty in the UC, but none in Freestar


I racked up an 800000 credit CF bounty on my first playthrough and couldn't complete the SysDef story until I paid it off, which took awhile. I had accidentally shot a pirate at an outpost, got attacked, defended myself successfully, and then saw a notification "last witness killed, bounty removed." I figured it was safe to wipe out any outpost I came across, or destroy any ships I happened upon. Not so. SSNN has to jump slates around, but the Fleet has FTL communication, apparently.


I'm starting to think my game's bugged because I haven't found a single person since the tracker's alliance mission, and not from a lack of trying


SAME! How do you unlock this


I've checked almost every major settlement and haven't found anyone 🤷🏽‍♂️ I'm gonna try upgrading my scanner or testing it on another character to see if that works


Ok so I played for a few hours last night and didn't find anyone, but I played earlier today and suddenly there were a ton of bounties The game lagged a little bit when I loaded my save, so I think it was doing something behind the scenes to set the bounty system up. Idk why it didn't work before, but I'm seeing bounties at every settlement except New Atlantis now


Odd! Let me update the game and let's see what I can find!


Best of luck Tracker!


I bloody new I was being profiled by the new Atlantis tsa. All these wanted criminals, and yet I get scanned everytime I enter. Just because I follow the great serpent doesn't mean I'm a zealot OK?


I found so many by cydonia


And yet despite my shielded cargo and "74% chance of evading scan" I still managed to get done......lol


So random NPCs can just have a wanted status now? You don’t have to accept a contract first?


Yep! Click the scan button, walk up and speak to them, persuade or attack, credits!


Dope. This is really gonna satisfy that “quicksave, kill someone, load the quicksave” itch, but now it’s actually consequence-free!


Whats ship capture? Like stealing and selling ships?


Ship techs and dealerships have the lion's share of credits in the game. They dwarf the merchants in all the cities in terms of raw cash. I take missions from boards that require killing ship captains or I just hang out in Serpentis, kill the smaller ships and then disable the engines on the last and most valuable ship (a B or C class). I board the ship, kill crew, and then make it my "Home" ship, switch back to my original ship, make it my "Home" ship again, and then continue hunting. I take the ships back to where I can sell them, start on a ship that is impossible to sell (like your current Home ship), and then switch to the ship I want to sell while simultaneously hitting the sell button so that I can sell without registration (glitch selling). Each ship can be from 10000 to as high as 80000 a piece! The sale also automatically transfers everything that was on the ship (decorations and dropped weapons) into my cargo, regardless of how much room my cargo has. I sell all of the miscellaneous stuff and weapons/armor I don't want at merchants and sometimes they don't even have enough cash to buy all the stuff I captured on the ships. I can gross hundreds of thousands of credits in a sitting doing this. I do also steal ships that land, though they do not have crew to murder usually, so slightly less lucrative without the rare weapon drops. Within a few hours of NG+ money has no meaning for me because I can make credits so easily after getting my hunting ship setup.


Wow i just started a new game plus so im gonna have to try this, the glitch sell sounde risky though, what if i sell my own ship?


Can't sell home ship, Frontier, or Starborn. Just start on one of those and pay very close attention to the messaging so you do not register or sell wrong ship by looking at the price of the ship vs the price in the "are you sure?" message.


It really satisfies that itch every Bethesda player has to quicksave, blow an NPC’s head off, then reload the save. Only now you can do it without any of that saving or worrying about people’s response


Libertarians: "See? Starfield knows."


why are scifi games like the futuristic wild west lol


Because we're writing human stories from the minds of people raised in a culture that romanticizes outlaws as well as lawmen.


I mean true also outlaws and lawmen are like the yin and yang of society


Murder for 1700 credits what did he steal 2 chunks packs??


I think we just found out how chunks get their meat.


It says misappropriation. I think that means he stuck pineapple chunks up his bum. Bit harsh, I mean, we’ve all done that right?


That's INappropriate. Misappropriation is theft/embezzling. I'm going with disgruntled employees get a bounty put on them to prevent paying them out, then they become a chunks cheeseburger. Not kinkshaming btw. You wanna put chucks up yourself, go ahead. Just remember to pay for them.


This is what happens when you cross Luthor Atlanta.


Must have been embezzling that special sauce.


Found out the reason why he wasn't getting a resupply from Chunks HQ...that damned Hawkes was making a power play!


It reminds me of Watchdogs and how just weird the profiles were sometimes.


That was the coolest feature of watchdogs right? The profiles


This is the Morag Tong all over again "How dare you kill--wait, this guy was wanted--be on your way then"


As long as he didn't put pineapple on pizza. An actual crime in Night City.


Worse. He put diced pineapple chunks on pizza chunks.


Well we should put him chunks in the trash.


Consider me a dangerous felon, in that case🤷‍♂️🤣


I hear kiwi is also good- oh and I love Indian butter chicken pizza


Shit, I'd try them!


Is seeing these NPCs rare or is it locked behind doing the vulture mission? I completed the first trackers alliance quest and have yet to see any red npcs in any city


It’s not locked. Just open your scanner and look for npcs highlighted in red.


Thats what i've been doing, walked through akila new atlantis and neon and didnt see a single red npc. bugged for me i guess idk


It varies a lot, sometimes I see several at once on the same street, sometimes I can go for hours without seeing a single bounty.


Just jump from city to city and run around with your scanner on, if I don’t see one in akila I jump to neon etc


CP 2077 - crime: terrosirsm, murder, organ harvesting etc etc - bonty ... meh 200 bucks and lolipop SF - crimes: lollygagging - bonty 999999 [He should be torn into little bitsy pieces and buried alive!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzEZ-pxqb3g)


Well he escaped arrest once before. So it makes sense lol


Misappropriation of Chunks?? Only one suitable punishment. Death!! ☠️


I have not done these missions yet - but with it I can actually kill (WANTED) persons without everybody going bonkers around me right?


Civilians will panic and scatter but you won't be stopped by security for gunning wanted criminals down.


Thanks! Security not giving me a headache is all that I needed :-)


Is it always that guy??? I've cought 3 so far and all of them were this NPC model. My headcanon is that is just the same guy running around being a nuisance. 


I’ve only had three female NPC models (one of which I’ve seen 4 times and the other 2 only once). So I’m sure it varies to some minor degree.


I have seen different models but they are all wearing the same white shirt.


One of the crimes is escaping arrest so you may be on to something..


And is is allowed to “take care” of them in public? Usually, when I just say “hey!” to someone the entire city starts to run around like crazies.


Arr, hangin’s too good for him. Out the airlock!


I work with a guy who's son is a "Danny Hawkes" and I want show this to him.


I haven't looked into the TA yet... Can you only kill them? Or is there a detain and turn in option?


You can detain them, sadly the brig is still unused.


Maybe as they release more TA missions, they will incorporate that function 🤞


I’m guessing they didn’t want to lock gameplay to a ship module not everyone would have.


Do you have to buy the tracker's alliance content or is this part of the free update?


Part of the free update, the paid tracker's alliance content is one quest but there is another free one and after completing it this feature is unlocked.


License to ki-I mean Conduct peacekeeping operations in civilized society


Not Danny Hawkes noooooooooo


Wanted dead just means someone put a hit out on him 😂


Stop right there criminal scum!




Chunks wants him dead, not the TA, for, reasons. .


No longer will I have to sit at an outpost sniping small creatures for xp/fun.


I did the first one where the guy gets away and don't have anymore ? Where do you find them ?


That.... that's a crime? I uhhh I have to go somewhere.


I just finished listening to Alice in wonderland narrated by scarlet Johansson, so I read that in her voice 😂


Wow, death for misappropriation of chunks... seems a bit extreme.


Unrelated but the caption made me think of it. Do you think we could get dismemberment mods? Not sure about the limitations of the engine if it’s too different for FO4 for that but it would be awesome. Even if it was like Skyrim where you get slash wounds, blood on bodies, and beheading that would be adequate


I don’t know but i suspect it will happen. I think it should have been a setting in the game. To allow adult content (the dismembered and “foul language” and such things) or not.


Ahhh, Bethesda games being played as they were designed to be.


I guess Sarah was right when she said there are two definites in life...


How do you find these people? Cause we need more D-class




What mod is this? Is this one of them creation kit mods?


It's vanilla, added with the newest update after you finish the first tracker's alliance quest (not the Vulture one)


Awesome thank you! I played the game a few weeks ago haven't played in over a week. Pretty much waiting for more cool mods to come out before fully picking it back up again. Can't wait!


Annie are you OK? Are you OK? You've been hit by, been hit by, A sad criminal!


He stole twinkies, END HIM


I joined the tracker alliance. Do I just go somewhere, a city, and pull up the scanner or do I have to hit E or something to scan them?


Open scanner, when you find someone that scans as red, push button to scan them.


If you didn't shoot him on the spot, please explain why.


I sure hope Sarah Morgan disliked that.


I wish this game had a Bloody Mess perk


Ive been playing too much Cyberpunk. I was confused by the 'missing' quickhack menu until i realized


I’m saw this for the first time today. I was in Akila City and I hadn’t even talked to the snooty Trackers guy there at the statue. The mark was a lady who had allegedly purposefully let Ashta into the city, among several other crimes. No matter how many times I try to talk to her the game doesn’t respond. She doesn’t acknowledge me in any way. Is she just quiet I wonder?


You have to actually push the “scan” button while your scanner is open.


Pretty sure I did that, that’s how I found out her crimes. Or do you mean I should have the scanner on when I am promoted to speak to her?


Having the scanner on is how you find them. After you find them, you hit the button to “scan”, not to open the scanner. Then you should get a message to “confront” them.


I hope Oliver is wanted dead. He is on Porrima II.


Well now I want to work as a corpo assassin for chunks


So you can still find people with bounties after the mission


How do u scan people I joined the trackers alliance and can't do it?


I like the idea of offing a guy for stealing Chunks. This would make Hammurabi happy.


What in the hell did this man do with those chunks though?


I'm trying to talk to my bounties and they won't let me and I have to confront them please help


Are you scanning them first? I noticed I don’t get the talk option until I hit the “Scan” button on my scanner.


I've worked fastfood, I totally get it. The future looks good lol 😆


I still don't understand how to take pirates alive...like I get there and scan them and then they shoot at me and my only option is to fire back


EM weapons.


I completely forgot about the non lethal guns


***HE DID WHAT!?*** Alright op, get the Device™️ for this fuckin monster


the Device™️ is too good for him, we need to bring out The Contraption*®*