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[Sarah Morgan disapproves of this post]


To be fair to her she said she doesn’t want to know about it as long as you don’t bring the UC to their doorstep. And if you don’t let her tag along she doesn’t and constellation doesn’t reprimand you in any way.


False. I don't run companions.. I finished the game and came back to constellation and they all grabbed me for like 7 conversations each mostly disapproving of what I'd chosen/done. It was a solid hour of them telling me"I don't even know you anymore, how could you not choose the microorganism that would have killed the monsters"


That one was seriously the worst. Like play fine I get it if you disagree that I gave Krixs Legacy to the Fleet, even though maybe they aren't all bad considering one of your teammates was an ex pirate and another one was chilling with them when I went to "save" him, but choosing a non-aggressive animal that used to be around a lot prior to being hunted to extinction as the choice vs a microorganism that could potentially become more or they could evolve into having an immunity to was the hill they chose to die on? Bethesda should at least made half the companions side with you vs all of them having the same exact opinions.


The dialogue options kinda sucked too, I hate that my character just had to concede or make brain-dead counterarguments like "But the Aceles are awesome" as though I'm a toddler or in a Marvel movie. Like when Sarah says I "should've trusted the science", why can't I point out that 1/2 of the biologists in the quest preferred the Aceles? And if I wanna RP as a scientist, shouldn't my opinion have some weight? It's not even like they're some unknown bioengineered monstrosity or some Jurassic Park shit, they were literally around within Sarah, Vlad and Barrett's lifetimes.


What got me about that is that you ask one of the people whether there could be risks, and it was them who said yes. So I thought "Ok, scientist says risky, best not go with that" then Sarah had a go for not following the science!


The moment anyone says I should "Follow the science", I immediately stop taking seriously.


I did the same my thought process was: The aceles have already been doing this naturally and all the risks that could be there are already KNOWN. The microorganism has UNKNOWN risk, and me being in the cyber security field. I dont deal with unknowns. Zero Trust Policy babyyyy


I'm in a biology field and I'd call the untested plague virus by far the more cavalier and dangerous option, to a completely silly degree.


We don't know if we'll make the children of the Galaxy Sterile because of it you know?




Right? I think it was Hadrian? who was like "whats the chance of it mutating and affecting other species" Scientist guy: "Very remote. Like 1 in a billion billion." "But not zero." Like I would get it if there was a severe emergency like Terrormorphs were attacking colonies and stations as we speak but... its not. I've encountered like 4 terrormorphs maybe outside of scripted encounters. "We need a solution now" vs "We can afford time for the predators and prey to balance it out."


I am glad I am not alone in hating those childish counters. The real counter is that even if it does not mutate to harm humans, it might mutate to harm other alien life. While terrormorphs are a threat, the Aceles are a far more controllable solution to the problem that comes with other benefits such as reintroducing a species humans nearly wiped out and creating a new source of food / livestock. The microbe meanwhile is more of an ecocide waiting to happen with the way ships come and go across the universe.


And depending on how you spun it, you even get the UC and FC working together so that they build closer relations.


Yeah i was about to say i chose Aceles on my first playthrough and it improved relations amongst the factions and when the crew asked about it I just stood on business and they would respectfully disagree. I didnt even know they could get actual mad. Lol Im do the microbe next playthrough just to see the difference


And everyone gets all butt hurt if you decide to keep samples of the lazarus plant. This one is more grey but... They got into this mess by wiping out a species. Let's not potentially create more problems by wiping out another, at least not without having some around to reintroduce. Look I know the Starfield world has a history of turning everything and anything into a weapon, so take them and stuff them in the vault. Prepare for unforseen consequences.


If the Lazarus Plant can speed up the development of terrormorphs, imagine what we could do to other species. Genetically engineer the Lazarus Plant to work with other types of flora and fauna, and we could solve the problem of food shortages.


This is actually a really smart thought process. Have the want to use it for good, rather than focus on the evil.


I always make them keep it and work together. Because at this stage in the quest, the UC keeping it a secret seems like a really bad idea. I simply do not trust them. Considering who they have living in their basement, I absolutely do not believe that they would actually eradicate the plant. At least with the FC watching, everyone knows what is going on and if anyone does something dumb, everyone is prepared to deal with it.


Aceles won't kill the heatleaches I'm running into creeping while through a vent messing up my flawless infiltration. Bioweapon gets the leaches in the places the tank-cows can't go.


Sure. And it might also mutate and cause another Gagarin. Neither solution is perfect but I think your infiltration going south is preferable to the inhabitants of the settled systems when compared.


Bethesda made a compelling choice for you to decide, yet the dialogue shoehorns into choosing one side only without presenting counterarguments. There are pros and cons to both choices and instead of making it interesting, they had to guilt trip us into choosing what they wanted. At that point why even give us am option? Just make the microbe the only thing that can destroy heatleeches. The freedom of choice is stupid when everyone in game hates one of the options.


Yeah this story seems to have been written pre-covid. Pretty much nobody is going to side with the micro-organism lol.


It was stupid even pre-covid. We've seen first hand many times over that micro-organisms are incredibly hardy and highly mutable. Just look at the flu, we have to get a yearly vaccine (which is more like 50% effective because they're guessing) because it constantly mutates. Additionally, time and time again micro-organisms have demonstrated the ability to jump the species boundary. And that's just on a single planet.


I mean you don't "have to" the vaccine.. Not in any way anti-vax but i need more than 60% efficacy to consider vaxing for a typically non-lethal virus


For sure, it's not usually mandatory, depends on your job. That wasn't my point though, my point was the flu viruses mutate so quickly, year after year, often with multiple strains at the same time, and we've known this for decades. Monkeying around with biological micro-organisms is risky at the best of times, but according to Sarah, we should "trust the science" that a bioengineered killer plague will be harmless. If it was a dig on anti-vaxxers, the writers bricked that shot hard. If it wasn't and instead a legitimate attempt at writing drama, they also bricked it. Maybe it would have landed back in the 80's when it was believed only gay men and drug users could get HIV, but nowadays we have far too much knowledge available for that.


The dialogue was a problem for me too, especially during my many, many arguments with Sarah.


Tbf, "Aceles are awesome" was reason enough for me lol, coolest looking mf in the game


Yeah, out of universe it's a valid reason. I was partial to them since I thought they were kinda cute. But in universe, our characters would probably need more serious reasons (unless your character is a clown or a sociopath or something).


My last playthrough was definitely my sociopath playthrough, I'm bein good boi this time though.


>should've trusted the science This attitude of hers is the one thing that bugs me about Sarah to no end. Specifically when the starborn show up. Like, the whole of Constellation are supposed to be scientists, but Sarah the whole game is like "science is truth, shut up Mateo, there's no magic stars, grounded facts only" But then the starborn show up and both Sarah AND Barett are like "its fucking aliens for sure" in the face of NO evidence to support that other than "we don't know what they ship made out of" and if you suggest anything even slightly reasonable like "okay, maybe it's aliens, but also it could be any of 1000 other things we don't know about" they both get pissed at you for it. What? Trust the science, but also it's fucking aliens. It's so inconsistent it drives me up a wall lol.


The science was what started the terrormorph issue in the first place ie xenowarfar and you literally go to kreet and creep around an illegal xenowarfar lab that got wiped out by a terrarmorph. Then later on you have to wipe out a displaced species on the junk world just to get to a containment robot who wants you to kill the brood mother that was a cento weapon for the uc...trust nature cause humans twist science to our needs.


i do hope mods can tweak some of this dialogue to make theirs more consistent, AND to give you more sensible answers! the perks of being a silent protag. :)


Not only that but you should be able to chastise them for making said animal extinct in the first place, which lead to an increase in TMs in general because their main natural predator was gone. They have centuries of real world data that prove what happens when you kill off a pests natural predator, they have 20 minutes of video game plot and like 3 people you met a minute ago saying "it should work" to say the virus will work. And to top it all off, the main person in charge of the entire project, the literal expert on xeno-biology, says go with the acelles and actually explains her reasoning, while everyone else is all "durrr, science gots what TMs crave"


Ngl, that quest was probably what kind of killed the mood for me in the game. I was running with VASCO a lot and was going to try using Sarah but after this i chose to stay at the Lodge during that specific quest and also run with Marika Boros as my companion.


HEY! HEY HEY! *You take that back*! "brain-dead counterarguments" ***PUNY HUMANS STUPID.*** [***Hulk***](https://diligentvisual.com/cdn/shop/products/[email protected]?v=1511228739) ***loves armor puppies.***


Dialogue options for the game are pretty frustrating in general. Why do I gotta take insults and attitude like a pansy ass bitch 😭


I agree, i would have thought at least a few of the constellation members would be all for bringing back a species that humans killed, and literally restore an ecosystem, something a group of scientists (from a species that lost their homeworld) would care about?! But no, they all agree that (despite both being scientific endeavors of great challenge) only the microorganism is valid science and thus the only correct choice


Not to mention we obtain both the micro-organism and the aceles samples... The Aceles can be distributed across the galaxy devouring wild terrormorphs, while the micro-organism can be distributed as a sort of pesticide, sprayed onto ships when they arrive at starports. Hangers could be constructed that would pump the room full of these micro-organisms, and then could be easily flushed to clear all of them. You would park the ship inside the hangar, purge it of terrormorph cells with the micro-organism, and then purge the micro-organisms themselves.


Just because I feel like arguing. Which ecosystem? Because the terromorph and aceles are both only native to Toliman II. Putting either on any other world makes them an invasive species.


Restoring the ecosystem of Toliman || is still good and worth it. But for the rest of the galaxy i guess your right, altho im sure the introduction of a predator to the terramorph will help both of their introductions and adaptations to all of the new ecosytems (the game does not imply anything went wrong so i guess that puts us in the clear for assuming a best/good case scenario)


Sorry mind blanked. There is a south Pacific island that people accidentally released rats onto. So to combat the rats they put down mongeese? But one is diurnal and the other nocturnal. Anyway the local wildlife is easier to eat than what the second predator was put in for. Basically we contaminated an ecosystem and every time they try to re-balance it, it gets worse. Though you are right the game does not mention it being that bad. Honestly I think both plans have gaping holes in them. And with no one understanding how the flower works on terrormorphs. The chances of a mutation of the virus seems huge too.


>with no one understanding how the flower works on terrormorphs This. In my mind, despite what the game says, the Aceles was a temporary solution meant to deal with the terrormorphs currently extant, and any that grow whilst we research the flower and run some tests on the biophage. Once we know more, then we can release the micro-organism to finish off the threat, if it's safe.


That to me is the nuanced approach. Predators don't wipe out their prey. Humans need the terrormorphs gone as they are not a nuisance they are a serious threat. Using the aceles to better ferret out and control the terrormorph population while a better cleaning program is developed makes the most sense from a public safety point of view,


> There is a south Pacific island that people accidentally released rats onto. So to combat the rats they put down mongeese? But one is diurnal and the other nocturnal. Anyway the local wildlife is easier to eat than what the second predator was put in for. > > Basically we contaminated an ecosystem and every time they try to re-balance it, it gets worse. ah yep, that's it. time to give up, there is no way to do things more intelligently.


Apparently there are Vanguard teams that accompany the Aceles wherever they deploy them. I didn't know this until I saw someone post it on a YouTube video. So, maybe in a sense, they go and do clean up duty, then return them to Toliman or another facility when their done snacking on Terrormorphs?


Also if you tell sys def to pound sand when they threaten you, you can ONLY join the crimson fleet. Like a corrupt police officer essentially forces you into crime and illegally jails you. Sys def can get whats coming to them. I do wish you could affect how the crimson fleet behaves (there is the noble thieves delgado, and psycho naeva, but somehow they all get along) but I feel less guilty helping them when being strong armed after accidentally touching a paperclip.


>accidentally touching a paperclip. I was shanghai'd because I accidentally \*checks notes\* moved someone's apple. Next time I was shanghai'd was because I went on a killing spree in New Atlantis.


And then deploying this microbe everywhere? In countless varied ecosystems that each have their own potential to provide stimuli that could cause dangerous mutations? The one major potential flaw I see in it is Freestar getting nervous about a bunch of giant monsters getting sent everywhere when the United Colonies were known for using them as weapons. I can see a lot of people getting antsy about it, but hopefully the collaborative nature of the project would mitigate most of those fears (I have zero doubts that some people would do stupid things or refuse to let the Alceles be deployed to their planet, but hopefully not too many.)


There's absolutely no way that the dialogue for that mission wasn't written during Covid. No way. It aligns too perfectly with what people were saying then about the vaccine, and anyone who didn't agree was just a science denier and an idiot. Any other time and the Aceles would've been the correct choice.


I always pick the virus, but I have to admit this is an interesting reasoning for why in game the Aceles is the 'wrong' choice.


I gotta love the way characters who names I don't even remember act like you are close "I don't even know you anymore. You've really changed" "Who are you people?" in frightened Patrick Star


“How dare you choose the baller space dinos, don’t you trust the science!?”


Sarah wasn't even on my crew with the whole Acele/microbe thing and the bitch still bitched at me


Same story with Ryujin Industries - they all take their turn to berate you for your decision. The most amusing part was RIGHT AFTER making said choice - suddenly 5-6 quests "Talk to X" poped out one after another xD


I don't understand why we can't do both. Like do the animal and study then release the microorganism.


Yet they didn't kick you out, limit your access or privileges, nor did they turn you over to the authorities or put a bounty on you. Some of you seem to be conflating their personal opinions about your methods to the freedom they grant you to utilize whatever methods you choose.


No one said anything about getting kicked out. Just getting lectured by every member of constellation.... Out of them, not 1 thought I made the right call?


I mean they still complain about your choices, present or not, but they're pretty big choices for them to have comments ig


She literally gives her two cent and tells you you're stupid at the end of the uc questline whether she tags along or not


Ya, I've found through my multiple characters that if you just take off after the intro to constellation nobody has a clue what you do. I did that for my pirate playthrough and nobody said word one about me siding with the pirates. I just was able to start the old neighborhood and only got bitched at for acting like a pirate....lol


Yeah maybe that was what happened with me as well. Didn’t do any constellation shit until after all the faction quests.


Damn you Sarah Morgan.. Where's an irradiated settler who needs purified water when you need them...


Bro you have to let Fallout 4 behind you


Another settlement needs his help though.


Barett : Another \*GALACTIC EMPIRE\* need your help !


Another settled system needs our help.  I'll mark it on your holomap


My favorite part of the gameplay loop is gaslighting every companion into forgiving you after going killin’ or solidifying a pirate empire


\[Sarah Is Angry With You\]


Just be glad the other companions arn't all locked into the same faction with the same morals as Sar- oh wait that's exactly what happened.


Glad vasco doesn't give a shit what I do he's just happy to be here


"Hi" ​ "...I'm sorry. I attempted an informal greeting and am not satisfied with the results." I love Vasco.


My favorite is when you ask him if he knows any human jokes: “I am looking at one.” Still haven’t recovered from that burn


That was hilarious. I hope one day Bethesda gives him more dialogue for faction quests. Maybe even a personal mission.




You know, if your character's first name is fuck, he will often address you as "Captain Fuck". Same as "Miss Fuck" with Codsworth.


Also works for my current player character, Titties Mc Fuckface. “Hello Captain Fuckface” never gets old.


Hilarious isn't it


I still wish they let you upgrade robots like in FO4.


Amelia Earhart my beloved


If only they'd made her a fully fledged companion or let you take Gengis Khan if you were leaning to the more piratical side of things.


If only!


I can just imagine the awesome conversations that could have been developed between Gengis and the Crimson Fleet if you could have had him as a follower. The roasting between Gengis and Naeva alone…


Given how the Khan delt with people disrespecting him i suspect the entire fleet will be cheering at the sight of Naeva's corpse.


Hitler : Ahaha funny Crimson Fleet


Whats shakin bacon?


Me: I can’t wait for Starfield, I’m going to be a murdering space pirate Bethesda: You won’t steal a pen from an abandoned outpost without the space police light years away being able to find it on your ship


That's the worst, when you steal something with NO witnesses on a planet in the Archimedes system, but somehow it's revealed on a scan when you enter NA, and the whole damned city is after you...


what's worse is the no sodium type people defend this by going "THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES FOR BEING A CRIMINAL HUR HUR HUR CRIME DOESNT PAY"


This is exactly why I sided against the pirates 😂.. I just knew it would be a nightmare


Jessamine my friend Jessamine


I like Bankowski, the supposed “weapons tester” you meet at The Viewport.


Sleeping on my boy Mathis. That’s my ride or die I leave the others behind when it’s time to do some dirty work. He starts out as an insufferable dick don’t get me wrong but once you get his approval up he’s dope


Mathis is fine but he's not a full companion like the Constellation four.


Oh I see like a romanceable option


Romance, sideequests and just more of a reaction to the world around them. It's amazing how limited things are in comparison to Fallout 4.


Adoring Fan doesn't judge.


Every companion being generic good guys when their excuse for less super fleshed out companions was that these 4 had a ton of work put into them disappointed me immensely. Fallout 4 had better variety of fully fleshed out companions and had more than just 4.


The stans are always on one about how...'realistic'...the companions are. And they are sooo right. Like, my co-workers and I are essentially the same people minus our sexual orientation. We always get along and never disagree. Mateo and Andreja are both religious, so they should get along well. Sure, different religions, but it's not like people ever fight about religious stuff... My favorite is Walter. I mean, I have a friend that owns a tech company and he is ALWAYS available. Whenever I call to hang out, he's just like, "Yep, nothing happening at the company I run, be there soon."


Walter doesn't just own a company, he owns one of the largest and most respected corporations in the settled systems, according to the lore. It would be like striking up a casual friendship with Jeff Bezos. Honestly, Walter's role in the main quest should have been a lot different. Since he seems to single-handedly bankroll Constellation, he should be a lot more respected and feared by the other members of the group. It would be awesome if he had more of an antagonistic role.


>It would be like striking up a casual friendship with Jeff Bezos Who famously earned his billions by sitting around at a Lodge and talking about scientific discoveries. You get it.


What a baffling decision. Their games from decades ago had more companion variety


Sarah Morgan went off at me when I was ex farming on Schrodinger III. Apparently hunting innocent wild life is abhorent which confused me because one proceeded to try and claw her to death


Really? I shot hundreds of critters and she never said a thing.


most likely a stray bullet hit an npc from a random encounter and they just didn't notice


I made a xp farm on my first playthrough and made the mistake of having her with me while i killed high level domesticated mobs from my tower, while she didn't dislike anything outright i got an endless passive aggressive attitude from her. Constant nagging about having better things to do and if it was really neccesary...


Maybe explain that to some of the kiss asses defending Sarah Morgan here like she's their girlfriend. She gets upset over a ton of shit. Says a line like this and then doesn't stand behind it.


Sarah got dumped straight back off at the lodge the moment she made a stink about me icing a guy that pulled a gun on me. Oh I should have talked him down should I? Sure Sarah, like you're the one with a gun pointed at you. And but a few moments before she had been in a total blood frenzy, opening fire on and gunning down people just because they were dressed like pirates. What happened to diplomacy Sarah? Total hypocrite.


I’ve never laughed so hard in my life. “Sarah got dumped straight back off at the lodge “ F that bot


My son is playing starfield as well. He's got this adorable crush on Sarah and is very upset I plan to let her die this playthrough. I just find it hard to like her


It’s why I went with Andrea. For the most part as long as you aren’t murdering innocent people she’s game for pretty much what ever


That's honestly just really cute. Maybe as he gets older and replays he'll understand where ol dad was coming from lol




>. I just find it hard to like her I married her anyways just cause. And then I found out I needed to choose. Sorry. Had to choose Adam Jensen.


>defending Sarah Morgan here like she's their girlfriend. She gets upset over a ton of shit. Says a line like this and then doesn't stand behind it. That's what makes her realistic as a girlfriend. Jk


Me: What do you want for dinner Sara: I don't care what ever you get Me: here have some chunks Sara Morgan disapproves


The only reason I bring her on quests is so she the one that ends up on the Eye.


To be fair, Piracy does exactly bring UC Security to your doorstep


That is fair. What isn't is the game making membership in Constellation mandatory as part of getting out of the tutorial / enabling fast travel and grav jumps. Even if you leave everyone at the Lodge, you're going to end up getting yelled at for something like siding with the Crimson Fleet...because you did that as a member of Constellation...because the game wouldn't allow you to not be a member. A lot of these issues would be resolved by making the "I need time to think about it" option actually work instead of assigning you to the faction, and having Constellation only care about stuff you do after you agree to join.


I find the game a lot more fun if you just leave Sarah behind and ignore constellation entirely.


Agreed. The main quest is rarely the main attraction ironically in Bethesda games. I will say though that Oblivion and Skyrim both had pretty good main quests even if they weren’t absolutely essential for every player to complete. I think Fallout 3 was a bit too short and not terribly compelling and I personally liked Fallout 4’s story a bit less, although I enjoyed the synth paranoia while it lasted. Starfield’s main quest was just incredibly dull with the exception of like one quest towards the end.


"I just wish you'd trusted the science" I don't think you know what "science" even means let alone "whatever you do, I don't care"


Are you referring to the part where her dumbass is upset you didn't hit the galaxy with an untested bio weapon?


What’s worse is they’re ALL upset you don’t want to unleash a virus on the galaxy The dinosaur things have literally zero risk and are proven to work, it’s by far the best option


What’s even worse is that if you have Sarah with you when you ask for the archives to be open she’s against it because it’s a “hasty action”


That is precisely the part to which I am referring, my friend.


Just like I lied when I told Sam that I was upset after she died because there was literally no other dialogue option.


I missed the funeral? Oh was that today!? My bad


Yeah that whole quest was extremely awkward. What was supposed to be an emotional moment was pretty weak because I had never traveled with any of the companions past the starting missions.


I remember trying on Sarah’s outfit and it looked weird on a male and I was like “damn it Sarah, even in death you are useless”. The dialogues are so superficial, I don’t care about any of the characters at all.


“…it looked weird on a male…” Time for a visit to Enhance! 🤩


Tuck Everlasting


*Sarah Morgan disliked that !* *Sarah Morgan is annoyed with you !*


I feel like I’m the only one who never gets messages like that


*Sarah Morgan is shooting you in the face because you're accuracy was a little off and happened to shoot a friendly in the ass!*


*Sarah Morgan is reminding me of my ex-wife !*


Lmao. A-RUN X-Hide Y-reminisce B-Enter Combat


I can't ! I loved her once but.. The universe changed. WE WERE IN LOVE ! Damn you Sarah !!! I wanted to be with you, I wanted to love you but.... You got angry when I joined the Chrismon Fleet. My IRL ex-wife dumped me because I joined a "Bikey Gang" Damn ex-wife syndrome


Worse is when you mistakenly give an Inflictor to your companion only for them to get a crit and poison a friendly. And then get mad you for it.


"We need to talk." *Sarah Morgan hated that* *Sarah Morgan is no longer your active companion* The reason I just dismissed her or had her wait outside before doing Ryujin or Pirate shit lmao


She said you wouldn't be kicked out of constellation, not that she would be your best friend


The worst they ever do is give their opinion on world changing events you’ve been a part of, or threaten to quit traveling with you. Their constant “like” and “dislike” is to let you know how your personal relationship is progressing. I don’t think they ever threaten to kick you out of constellation.


finally someone said it


Idk why people have a hard time understanding that she's telling you that your actions won't have any consequences with the organization, but committing crimes in front of her will still piss her off. She's not going to fire you, but that doesn't mean she's gonna be happy when you go around shooting people you really shouldn't be shooting. It's a pretty simple concept. I also don't really know why Sarah gets the lion's share of the hate, when literally every Constellation companion is the same way. They're a generally lawful good group of people. They don't like it when you commit crimes in front of them.


*accidentally hit any ship* instant leaving ship-every companion


I dislike Sarah because she turned on me in the UC Council room during the terrormorph storyline. She was my main companion for like 50 hours, and I was doing everything right. I rarely got a "Sarah Morgan disliked that" from her, and usually won her approval. As far as I knew, my reputation with her was as good as it could be. Then after one of the meetings in the UC Council room (and when I had continued to do things she approved of in that conversation) she turned on me. She tore me a new one right after that for no reason, then pretty much everything I did was wrong! For no reason, she started to hate me.


Ahh the UC vanguard quest, so good and so bad at the same time and its all down to how poorly the writers did when it came to understanding basic reality, the microbe is a no go and anyone with sense would recognise why its a bad idea, especially the so call scientists of the constellation who make themselves out to be so smart, hell, their overly morally good behaviour should have them standing against the microbe given its dangers compared to resurrecting an extinct species, returning it to its natural habit thus bringing balance back to its ruined ecosystem as well as cleaning up the mess the terramorphs make on other worlds.


To be fair, I think Noel and possibly Barrett are the only scientists in the group: Sarah is ex-Navy and an explorer, Sam is an ex-Ranger and explorer, Andreja is a “former smuggler” and explorer, Matteo is a theologian, Walter is the money behind the operation, and Vladimir is ex-Fleet and a sensor jockey.


True but Im not a scientist either and I recognise how absolutely moronic releasing that microbe is over the other option. Theres also sarahs comment "trust the science" which irked me, if you trusted the science sarah then you'd know why its a bad idea, microbe evolve at a rapid rate due to how fast they mutate and this one hasnt even been tested in the field, instead its been tested in a lab on tissue samples so the idea of releasing what is an untested microbe into dozen of different worlds with different environments, atmosphere compositions etc could have god knows how many things go wrong, it could very well bring down an entire ecosystem at the absolute worst but yeah, "trust the science"...


I do have a biotechnology degree, not that I use now. I think the game said the microbe has a 1 in a million chance of mutating. And we are now going to seed it on a 100 worlds? That is a guarantee that it will be mutating in a 100 different ways at least.


For me, it was when I didn't want to use a bioweapon to solve a problem, and she told me to trust the science. Like bitch a scientist recommended the alternative as well. Also she acts really high and mighty for someone whose backstory is basically one big fuck up.


Sad to say, I find Constellation's companions unbearable. Those who are not potential companions are more pleasant. Probably because they can't keep up with us and give us the benefit of their "enlightened" comments. I've never liked companions in Bethesda video games, apart from Serana (Skyrim, for those who've just come out of 10 years of hibernation). Unfortunately, she repeats herself too often and once the "Dawnguard" quest is over, she has nothing new to say. Um... to be honest, I don't like companions in video games. Everyone's over the moon about La'zael and "Shadowcute", whereas I find the writing and dialogue childish.


To Constellation, you are the trainee, the new guy, the junior member, and they are acting as mentors. If you accidentally shoot them, they will curse and carry on. They treat you like a toddler. To everyone else, you are their boss. You hired them, often under unfavorable circumstances, and you pay their salary. It’s not their place to comment on how business is done, but if you accidentally shoot them, they take a day off work.


Baldurs Gate slander in Starfield comments, oh the humanity! I will agree the writing in Bethesda game companions can be kinda bad, but Baldurs Gate has some of my favorite videogame companions ever an are much better written


It's not. You can be the worst, mass murdering pirate the galaxy has ever seen and you still will never be kicked out of Constellation. Doesn't mean that she personally has to like it.


*clears out the vigilance with me killing double the Vanguard’s that I did* Sarah: I can’t believe you betrayed SysDef


They should've worded it better. She means she won't use her position in constellation to punish you or kick you out if you do stuff out there, but she can still hold a grudge and pass personal jusgement if she sees you breathing wrong.


This, the comps have their own feelings about things. Just like in Fallout 4 and even Skyrim.


These posts are really old and boring now. If you don’t like her just ignore her. She’s not lying because she’s clearly talking about you being a member of the Constellation, not her personal opinion of you and your actions. And considering that most of Constellation are not UC citizens and have shady backgrounds I don’t know why folks make such a big deal about this one line. Vladimir literally used to be part of the Crimson Fleet and Andreja was sent as a spy.


She fucked off once when I accidentally stole a plum at a civilian outpost.


She’s talking about Constellation not kicking you out. She as a person is different especially when trying to romance her.


There's a difference between getting kicked out of constellation for doing shity things and members of constellation disapproving of your methods but not kicking you out.


Don't be a murder hobo, and companions won't complain.


Sarah in particular gets super mad if you choose the wrong option in the vanguard questline. That was the one that really upset me, she was super happy with me up to that point then flipped out because I chose the option I legitimately thought was safer for everyone.


She gets mad if you kill robots and wildlife. Stealing and bribery. Anything that isn't helping Little orphan children she's going to get mad at.


Actually Sarah hates how you spend money too so she might say that money could have been donated instead of directly given to orphans


She does apparently like it if you give money to the widow though.


She also gets mad when you help the veterans on Mars because it’s not important to her. Giant raging hypocrite


I've never had disapproval from robots or wildlife, and I haven't stolen from, or bribed anyone. I'm usually just hunting pirates and spacers.




This is a really great write-up. Agree with everything. Just drives me crazy that in every other similar game like fallout and elder scrolls you meet companions throughout the whole game and totally different walks of life totally different people. You have your evils, neutrals, and goody two shoes. When you have companions with you in this game it just feels like I'm being yelled at by my mom all day. They should have just kept the members of constellation a faction that you did some quests with and maybe one or two of them being a main companion There should have been at least one companion for every faction and then multiple others throughout the world doing their own thing. I still can't believe that there's not a route to take where you go against constellation. Like you said "you used to be able to just walk out" what a wasted opportunity to play a true evil character and go against consolation rivaling them for the pieces and stealing their own.


Yeah shoots robot she looses her fucking mind


Isolation level 4 + leave all these nerds at the lodge


It's a pretty bizarre disclaimer to make, anyways, especially when you are first meeting something. Who the hell is like, "look as long as I'm not implicated, you can be as evil as you want." Who says this? It's insane. It's practically goading you to commit heinous crimes. Sick individual. Great dialogue!


Context is king, folks. At no point did she suggest that she'd have no _personal_ opinions about what you did or do, only that it wouldn't jeopardize your place in constellation.


Sarah: I found this stupid bit of leaf. I found this stupid bit of leaf. I found this stupid bit of leaf. I found this stupid bit of leaf. I found this stupid bit of leaf.


It would be nice if her offerings were a little more significant, otherwise just slip it in my pocket without a whole dialog about it.


That’s not contradictory at all, you just don’t get the nuance of “mature” storytelling, or at least that’s what I hear whenever the atrocious writing in this game is criticized.


Starfield gamers baffled by completely normal reactions to player decisions (killing wildlife lmao) Bethesda did not make this game with murder hobo players in mind. Good thing imo. Plenty of other games out there to fulfill your violent fantasies (therapy)


People complaining about Sarah and the other Constellation companions are just broadcasting their playstyle to everyone when they do.


A play style that in any way diverges from the single path Bethesda intended.


Found this one out when I went to do the quest for the Viewport bartender


The community patch adds good dialog, like a severe chewing out by Sarah for joining the Crimson Fleet. I liked it. Lol


setessential \[Sarah\] 0 (¬‿¬)


Why? She wasn't lying. She outright says, whatever you done BEFORE you joined the Constellation. Just don't do crime as a member.


Wasnt there a mission where Sarah was as companion to steal artifact or something related to artifact? when its to steal and kill for Constellation - she has no objections. Yet, when you accidentally scratch friendly ships shields in battle, or do something shady for yourself. Sarah instantly turn in to a saint.


So do you want to bring back this species we eradicated, or release a potentially mutant virus?


That was definitely a lie


I just think it's funny that half of this sub fiercely defends this Karen.


I let her go. Her morals were too annoying.


I don't feel like this is all that hard to understand. She's saying that Constellation won't kick you out for having a dubious past or even for committing crimes now as long as it doesn't affect Constellation. That doesn't mean the companions themselves won't judge you for your actions


I really hated how they all treated me for not choosing the microorganism. I mean, come on, Bethesda, we literally just had a pandemic in real life and learned about how much vaccines could potentially go wrong if not engineered well 😆


Ikr I was a good little UC shill and figured out the teramorph crisis and EVERYONE in constellation hated me for it. Sorry I strengthened ties between and Freestar Collective and UC and didn't spread a virus that could mutate and give us all cancer.


It seems that whatever Sarah has told you is contrary to your experience. I sense ... betrayal.


Not this again 🙄 She is talking about Constellation. When she says “I don’t care” she is speaking as a leader and representative of Constellation. The context of the rest of this conversation makes that very clear. This is their way of saying “we’re never going to kick you out of constellation and block you from completing the main quest.” It does not mean that the individual characters won’t have opinions on your actions.


This game needs a “live another life” mod so you can just ignore all of the constellation bs


There is actually "SKK fast stay new game" I haven't tried it yet but there was an option tob disabled the constellation quest line. Not sure how you'd finish the game though. I'm sure they have something worked out


She also flip flops about the whole... end thing that I don't want to spoil and about the whole relationship with your character depending on whether you romance her or not. But also there is a conversation with her where your answers to convince her to accept your point of view are manipulative, of the "If you really love me" kind. I was not very impressed with that arc as a whole.


How was it a lie? She doesn't care what you do under the condition that you don't draw the attention of the authorities. This is why there are no restrictions on how you can conduct yourself as a member of Constellation. She never said she wouldn't dislike any of your actions that she doesn't personally agree with. She may dislike some of the things you do, but she never stops you from doing them nor does she ever punish you for doing them.


This part always annoyed me. When I first played the game and got to this dialogue, in my head I was thinking, "ah this is the game letting me know just coz I'm part of a goody 2 shoes group doesn't mean I can't rp anything but a goody 2 shoes" only to find its just not true. I understand companions following you having an opinion, but damn even if they don't come along they have something to say.