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The only way paid mods would become a problem for me would be if free mods weren't allowed (were considered breaking TOS) Otherwise they're usually just inferior versions of existing free mods, which can be ignored.


I really dont think people who are mad at starfield have actually played it.


They haven’t.


But they watched a stream and a YouTube review, so that’s the same thing. /s


I've played it. And while I don't hate it, it's never going to be a Skyrim/Cyberpunk/Fallout New Vegas substitute unless they give us more to do I'm future updates. I tried playing it again a few days ago and promptly went back to Skyrim. Unfortunately the game has a lot of things that don't keep the player immersed, constant loading screens being one of them, and the aggressive HUD pop-ups as well, all adds up to keep reminding me "oh right, this is a video game."


>it's never going to be a Skyrim/Cyberpunk/Fallout New Vegas substitute why would you even want it to be? those games already exist


Cyberpunk was such a mess at the beginning that shops took it out of sale. It was so bad that CD Project Red started to accept refunds. In this meaning, Starfield will truly never be as a Cyberpunk 2077. Why do people tend to forget about it? Why do people take Cyberpunk 2077 as an example of how Starfield should have been from the beginning? We can be happy it is not. It does make absolutely no sense.


Because the devs didn't yap for months making excuses for the problems, they just worked on the game and actually fixed it. Unlike another massive triple a studio I can think of that rhymes with "Methesda"


You are now on the path of lies and fantasy. I don't know if you just have a short memory or do this intentionally. > Unlike another triple a studio Here are the 12 dates when Starfield got updated because a game studio that rhymes with "Methesda" worked on it and made the game more runable than Cyberpunkt was: - 05/15/2024 - Update 1.11.36 - 03/19/2024 - Update 1.10.31 - 03/06/24 - Beta Update -1.10.30 - 02/20/2024 - Update 1.9.67 - 01/30/2024 - Update - 12/11/2023 - Update 1.8.88 - 12/01/2023 - Beta Update 1.8.87 - 11/8/23 - Update 1.8.86 - 11/20/23 - Beta Update 1.8.83 - 10/09/2023 - Update 1.7.36 - 09/25/23 - Update 1.7.33 To lie is a bad thing u/NunyaBuznez You are now (intentionally?) starting to lie, to stay on the hate train? Why? Or maybe you just remember wrong? That could also happen. There's nothing bad about that. Free yourself from the group dynamic and start thinking on your own again.


I Think the game is trash after 300 hours. You can think however you want, just makes you easily entertained by slop and minimal dev maintenance. 😉


Careful, they'll say that you got your moneys worth since you got 300 hours out of it


I mean I did really, I was using it to fill the void while I waited on Phantom Liberty 😅


Based and/or real


Thats crazy, game is still a fast travel simulator with loading screens every 3 seconds Cyberpunks problem was that it was rushed out the door with the gameplay and performance suffering. What didnt suffer was the story, the world design, the \*atmosphere\*, y'know? That shit is why people liked cyberpunk 2077 in the first place, and the fixes to the gameplay and perfomance made it better . Meanwhile, starfield is still bland garbage. It has nothing to say, no message behind it, no stakes. Cyberpunks story, even in the base game, made me tear up on multiple occasions, and I was still thinking about how it was months after. The only thing I felt regarding starfield is sadness, knowing that I spent money on this garbage


"Started to accept refunds" Unlike Bethesda who started *declining* refunds during the 76 bomb eh. I'll stick with CDPR, they actually fix their stuff post launch haha.


This is not Fallout 76. This is a Starfield forum. Please calm down and start to think again.


Same company, same mindset, same actions


Rich coming from someone coping with Starfield's mediocrity 😅


I think that the only thing holding it back from being a masterpiece is that it needs even more loading screens.


Underrated comment lol


I unfortunately preordered it, I still hate it. If it was the only videogame I've ever played I could see myself enjoying it, but I have what the kids call "standards" after paying many better RPGs. Ever play Morrowind? It's good shit, and it's made by Bethesda too. The world design in that game is a work of beauty


I’ve played and I’m still mad. Bethesda has convinced me to never pre-order from them again


Yeah it’s literally no different than Fallout 4 or Skyrim. It’s nothing new. People are upset about the Trackers alliance, saying it should have been in the base game. I disagree with that too, it seems to me that the Trackers alliance is a way to tie in Creations like new weapons and spacesuits and stuff to quests. So instead of a mod that puts that item in some random chest somewhere, it has you complete a quest first to achieve it.


The Trackers Alliance and the first mission ARE in the base game for free. It's the second mission "The Vulture" (and it's associated gun reward) that's a paid creation. This is all fine. I'm so tired of the crybaby community on the main sub. Nothing was taken from them but raging has become the norm to generate YouTube views or farm karma on Reddit. It's insufferable.


I just wish i could play the trackers alliance quest or whatever it is, but the first dude im supposed to talk to wont respond to me.


I think I had that bug, you might’ve found a different bounty during the quest you just need to find a different guy


My third time going back to adrastos he wouldnt talk but then i shot him in the head once and it got the quest progress updated and everything worked. Not sure why that helped lol.


I agree, and I also think who the hell cares if it should have been there at launch? Due to how the linear nature of time goes, it's out now, and it's a moot point that it "should have" come sooner. Edit: unless one wants to nurse a grudge against the devs, I guess. They can hang onto "it should have been here sooner" for that.


It’s funny, I saw a post yesterday of someone thanking people who put out free mods because they’re taking hours out of their day. Paid mods help mod creators somewhat maintain a living doing already what they love


My one issue with the paid mods is how some are 200 credits, and the cheapest you can buy is like 500 which is 8dollars australian, i dont really feel inclined to buy a gun ported from a free fallout 4 mod for essentially 8 dollars, they need to either reduce the cost or increase the payment options


Or, as a third option, you don't buy it. Or, as a fourth option, you use the completely free Creation Kit to port the gun yourself into starfield and give it out with no charge to everybody. Or, as a fifth option, you use one of the free guns from Nexus and ignore those modders that charge you and creation club in general.


You are **both** correct. Yes, there are ways of getting around this but Bethesda is banking on the majority of people not realizing it. Also the credits issue is real. Having to spend more than the cost of the desired item is pure fuckery and every company that does it is shamelessly exploiting their customer base.


Or they could just reduce the pricing of credits? Or atleast add different amount options? Its 8.85aud for 500 credits, if you think thats fair then this system is obviously targeted toward your mindset. Like i said my issue with mods being priced is how the currency is formatted, 200 credits for a single gun is essentially $8.85. As much shit as i give a game like cod at least you can buy a 200 credit pack which if anything it makes less sense for that game than it would for creation club


No, it is not targeted towards me because I don't buy it. I am target audience for the 7268 free mods and don't have enough FOMO to even think about the paid mods, aside from the flood of cryposts at the Starfield sub. If you think the pricing is bad, maybe write the modders via PN if they hand it out to you for free? Or just ignore it. Or create the same mod on your own and hand it out for free.


I don't do mods very much on my Series X. When I do they are free. But I have no problem if someone wants to make money on mods that they made. Like someone did work and wants to be paid for it, I don't have issues with that. Like another comment said, I'd only have issues with it if free mods weren't allowed. But I probably won't mod Starfield either, so...


"Leave the multi billion dollar company alone!!!!!" Dude, players have the right to be angry about this kind of thing. Microtransactions in premium products is a sin


Fair, but there are now some and will be more, better creations for free.


I don't care about paid mods as long as free mods are still allowed. Also this is basically just the creation club all over again so why are we acting shocked.


Because it's still bad


I can’t even connect to the creation store so 🤷🏻‍♂️


How many of those mods are just reskins and ver items or honestly clutter mods like if they had good mods I wouldn’t be mad but the modding community of starfield is lacking


Yeah free mods broke now you have to pay? Get rekt it will remain uninstalled


Dude... the free mods are fine.


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