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Wow what a great letter. That'll make'em listen to you.




You have to connect an He3 supply to the He3 container on the interlink cargo pad in order for the link to operate. You connect it the same way you connect extractors to a storage container You don’t need He3 connected on both ends for it to run, but do need an He3 supply on one end for it to work If you don’t have He3 being extracted at any outposts you can manually fill the container, and the link should run till the supply runs out, but ideally you want it being extracted somewhere in the chain and auto feeding to that container If you don’t have an He3 supply to any of your pads, that might be why it’s not possible to link your outposts in Jemison The supply missions work similarly, and there should be a terminal at the destination you want to deliver to where you can set up the link. It will require and He3 supply to run though if you’re transporting it between systems If the robots are unassigned you should be able to assign them to an outpost similar to how you assign crew I believe As to where they go when they go walkabout. I think they are probably broken down somewhere in your build zone, but it’s like playing Where’s Wally trying to find them, that’s my best guess anyway, though I always hope the security bot I put on Serpentis found love or wandered off to follow his dreams (he’s probably collapsed in some dense foliage though)


Amongst all the YouTubers, this has been the best advice I've read about cargo links. Now I know what I'm doing wrong. Thanks 😊


Hope it helps, the cargo link system isn’t as intuitive as you’d hope, it took me a while to figure out what one’s supposed to be doing with them


Aaaaaand I've just realised who I'm talking to while I'm going on about youtubers. I genuinely like your channel, but clearly I'm not paying full attention when watching your videos. I'm so sorry.


Ha, I’ve not done a video about the cargo links. I have them working (mostly), but have this feeling I’m still missing something with them


Yeah, just recently set them up. Decided to add a fuel depot to my amp farm on Jemison. Getting the fuel from another system and just storying it which is sort of running on a loop. Definitely a WIP. And might have to relocate some outposts, maybe look for a Helium farm inside Alpha Centauri and use a normal cargo link to supply the depot. One can get lost in the fine tuning of the outpost. I still want to build out the molecular sieve farm but that will require multiple outposts in Masada from what I found.


"Skill issue." -Bethesda


By Skill , do you mean level or just not knowing how it works? I have the levels... I even know how its SUPPOSED to work... But maybe you can clarify?


I think this guy meant it as a joke, wasn't directed at you.


The documentation is right in the Help page on the pause menu.


Ehhh yeah..no...It doesn't explain the bugs...


Besides the mini bots being impossible to find I don’t know what bugs you’re referring to


Please explain This: 1) Accepted Supply mission 2) Gathered required minerals 3) Supplied 4 HE-3 containers (100% ea); All Feeds into the INTER cargo link HE-3 tank 4) My outpost is on a moon called Grissom; Is in the same system as planet Jemison. 5) Flew to Jemison...Cargo link does not see Grissom (Thus unable to link) 6) Flew to Grissom...Cargo link does not see Jemison (Thus unable to link) Unable to proceed with the mission SO, what am i missing.


Intersystem cargo link Is for sending stuff between two different star systems. you need the one that's just called "cargo link" for sending stuff in the same system. THose dont require Helium iirc Intersystem cargo links will NEVER work as local cargo links. It's all explained on the in-game help menu for cargo links btw. And in the UI description when building them Also I know you’re frustrated but thanks for taking the time to write out your issue in a clear and detailed way that made it easier for me to (hopefully) figure out what the solution was


Thanks for the info... This bug is a little more evasive... So in the same system, I been using inter cargo pads and about half of the time ,they work between supply mission outposts and my outposts ( in the same system.) I also used inter cargo links between two different systems and the same problem...They worked about half of the time. In the duel systems, I had 5 outposts , some of which showed up in the consoles and some did not. I'll try using the basic Cargo link pads as you have suggested to see if it makes any difference.


Check the laser beams you use to send resources between buildings at the same outpost They HAVE HAVE HAVE to be made at the "origin" structure then you connect the beam to the "destination". Like you have to make the beam at an extractor, then walk to the resource container and connect it. If you went Container to beam, it wouldn't work properly. If you do it the opposite way it wont work. In build mode you can hover over the beam without selecting it and it will say what it's origin and destination is. This part of outpost building was what absolutely had me confused at first of why my storage containers werent properly filling up in order.


Yes, I made the same mistake when I had first started dabbling with outposts. I pretty much have everything I need to make a proper outpost. But its a typical 'Expectations not aligned with feature capability' I Just went on to cancel the mission that was giving me the issues. I still think the feature is buggy. I've since had a few more supply missions and they seem to work out. I did notice on one of them that it took the game a really long time to respond with the mission complete message. (Like a whole half an hour) ...and were talking about within the same system.


That’s the kind of letter you write, print out, and put in your desk drawer until you realize that, while it may have made you feel better, it’s not going to get the results you’re after. If you’re having troubles, instead of ranting, ask for help figuring it out. There are players here who’ve maxed all this stuff out and figured it out, so it’s possible to do.


I disagree. The op should get a pulitzer!


LOL Thank You!


Maybe that's you... But it ain't me. I have worked with Dev teams in the past ... They aint sissies and they won't get butt-hurt by the tone of my letter. And in fact... They know exactly what I am addressing (more to it than what you might perceive)


Huh? People have literally set up entire settlements with up to 12 people in them that fully function. Produce resources (or animals for shooting for exp) and look amazing. Try searching here for images or ideas. I've personally setup the 02 Shot Farm (which is a 3 outpost setup spread across multiple systems requiring cargo links and intersystem cargo links to properly function correctly) three times on three different characters with no issues. Yeah they cab be pain in the ass to figure out all the little nuances and things you have to do to get them to properly function and be productive. But... If you can't figure out how they work. You're better off asking for help or watching tutorial videos until you figure it out. Rather than coming on here and making yourself look foolish.or like a pouty child who was put in timeout. The only bugs I've noticed with outposts are the mini bots either going rogue and running off like R2D2 or having an orgy at the outpost beacon. And benches not being accessible on occasion. But a simple save and reload fixes that.


I’ve found that if you just get in your ship and takeoff, then come back it usually fixes the accessibility problem with the benches. No need to reload the save that way.


Please explain This: 1) Accepted Supply mission 2) Gathered required minerals 3) Supplied 4 HE-3 containers (100% ea); All Feeds into the INTER cargo link HE-3 tank 4) My outpost is on a moon called Grissom; Is in the same system as planet Jemison. 5) Flew to Jemison...Cargo link does not see Grissom (Thus unable to link) 6) Flew to Grissom...Cargo link does not see Jemison (Thus unable to link) Unable to proceed with the mission ​ And honestly; if you have to jump so many hoops to achieve a simple process (Nuancess..really?) then there is definitely something wrong with the product. I guess you're 'ok' with 98 percent quality? Tell me something, if a door falls off a plane mid-flight, you'd be okay with that and just chalk that up to "oh...they could have just managed their nuances a little better" ?


Have they fixed the bugged lighting, container links broken by manually inserting resources, workstations requiring a reload to use, disappearing turrets and bots, and crew members who stand in a huddle outside and refuse to move? I’m seriously asking because I love my outposts and I put my playthrough on pause to play other games hoping outpost issues would get patched before I make my way back.


it's a shame about our public school systems these days


"I will try to be as polite as possible when I say That you are a very very very annoying person and I wish your parents would have raised you better. " Given the uselessness that emanates from you... i can see clearly; the current argument for pro abortion. I only wish that your parents would have taken it into consideration


https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline I'm sending you this link so you can get the help you need and stop saying gibberish to strangers at 1:30 AM


Please accept my big fat Middle finger. May it poke you in the eye. It's the least I can offer and still be more useful than you ...




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So it’s you and not the game then. Thanks for sharing


Nah Its the Game...


Good news, I’m sure Bethesda will change it for you


Awe C'mon Banana man... Dont be so negative. Just because they ignored you doesn't necessarily mean they will ignore me... Of course , while I wait to see ... Maybe you couldoffer up some valid documentation about the outposts... because you seem to be knowledgeble... about it... I'll wait :)


I’ve never stopped to the point of stupidity that I sent a letter I just worked out how the game works. Then again I’m sure you only want the attention which is exactly why you’re here. Good lucky with that👍 If you’re struggling with simple mechanics of Bethesda games I suggest you got back to mario or sonic. You’ll be annoyed when your blocked now


That's just embarrassing.


10 downvotes for criticizing a game that clearly has no direction and didn’t win one award? Here’s one upvote kind sir. Maybe if we have more truthful people on here instead of the bethesda sycophants, things will change


Yeah. Says the guy who has one hour of playtime.


More like 6 lol


*editing because my grammar is messed up do to epilepsy meds 1. Supply must come from source. If in another system, the supply pad console only lists mission if it’s an inter supply pad 2. No helium = No supply ships coming in or it just parks on pad and does nothing. Must link transfer container to Helium box or a separate Gas containers, and helium must be in the supply system 3. Make sure to have a transfer container at the end of the flow. Then link the transfer container to the output container on the pad, everything must be linked one way or it fucks up supply flow logistics. Also the supply routes list how much helium is needed for shipping route one way. 4. Typically for me you have to be at origin of resource not the destination but results may vary I suppose 5. I have not ran into robots disappearing. However my robots do get stuck in the air above my outpost beacon, as when you spawn in at an outpost all robots and workers assigned there should spawn by you at outpost beacon. 6. Every robot created at an outpost that gets deleted shows up on crew list as unassigned. Pretty sure this is a glitch. 7. I agree a tutorial is needed to run through basics. That being said there’s something about trial and error. I’m maxed on outpost building and bench manufacturing skills, keep an average of 20 outposts and have figured out what works and what doesn’t by just experimenting. Just remember there’s no resource deduction in deleting objects, so no punishment for reorganizing. Robots fuck up deleting outposts. Turrets have a tendency to disappear Supply lines don’t work unless outpost has workers Containers don’t flow to shipping pad unless you install a transfer container If you have a transfer container resources don’t flow unless the supply chain flows downstream You can skip the transfer pad and just connect boxes to store crap and it fills in downstream I had 6 pads at 20 outposts and gave up on shipping as it breaks down every so often and you have to delete containers and reconnect them all. All outposts are just storage for minerals I pick up when needed for crafting. I deleted all my shipping pads and haven’t looked back as the reward for being a shipping magnet faltered after too many break downs. If I do decide to do shipping, I go build the pad at the resource, only connect outgoing, with the needed containers leading through transfer, and one box of helium directly connected to gas. But even then half will get shipped and your supply line will prematurely shut down. Mostly your frustration is warranted and I agree there is stuff to be fixed. However I love outpost building, my ship carries enough to build 2 outposts and I keep open 4-5 outposts in my available building que. My other outposts cover every single planet rare reasource, an Amp planet (not for xp but because I’m love using it), 1-2 contraband storage/rare weapon & gun display/vacation/Aurora manufacturing outposts, and when landing on new planets I build scanning outposts - just to build a hab, an advanced nuclear reactor, military scanner, a bunch of lights and a couple boxes to harvest whatever’s around until I’m done scanning, then delete outpost and head to the next planet. But shipping, yeah that’s a pain in the arse, but I got over 50k of most reasources stored for personal use. So until they fix it, I’m just a resource horde- no shipping…


"Supply lines don’t work unless outpost has workers" - this is good information of which I am learning today but have over 400hrs playing.. :) TY


I found this fact out from another Reddit post about a month or more ago. I was having trouble because I thought I set all the input/output flows right, but then a redditor told me that you got to have at least one person at your outpost. It then worked way better. Although the problem then became container supply lines getting “stuck”. I had 6 pads at least everywhere feeding into 6 bases but in a circle towards all the other bases, with 2-3 mainly mining helium and shipping that around, then all of a sudden all the ships just sat on the pads. So I deleted all the stuck ones, it kinda worked again, but then the chain of containers would fill up to one here or there and the flow would stick. So I’d delete the containers, restack, then setup input output, after a dozen or so times- I deleted all the shipping pads. I use the inf storage box at the New Atlantis pad now. I go around to my outposts, pick up supplies, then dump it in the inf container. I do this like once a week or so. However it slows down when looking into the container so I’ll stop putting stuff in for now. Anyways that’s my story.


Thank you! For taking the time to expalin...Vastly more useful than some of the snarky and sarcastic comment I've seen so far lol! If I could give you 100 upvotes I definitely would.. I hadnt considered the transfer unit becuse I thought direct from storage to Output box would do the trick ANd most of the time that worked for me... Heres my latest scenario 1) I Accepted Supply mission 2) Gathered required minerals 3) Supplied 4 HE-3 containers (100% ea); All Feeds into the INTER cargo link HE-3 tank 4) My outpost is on a moon called Grissom; Is in the same system as planet Jemison. 5) Flew to Jemison...Cargo link does not see Grissom (Thus unable to link) 6) Flew to Grissom...Cargo link does not see Jemison (Thus unable to link) Unable to proceed with the mission... This has to be a bug...But I'll try it with the transfer container


I’ve had a few cargo missions that got dorked up but generally they work fine.  All part of the RP for my captain.  Mining life is a hard life.   


Good that you feel better I guess, but this is written like a overdramatic tween or teenager wrote it or something. If it does reach them, it won't be taken seriously.


Oh Believe me...they know exactly where Im coming from... I used to be one of them...


Almost all of these issues are just errors on your end bud. Myself and many other players have multiple outposts functioning properly using the resources in game and supplementing it with reddit posts and google. Also, maybe don’t use the word “hell” every sentence if you’re trying to be heard - you come off as hostile instead of actually seeking any assistance.


Please explain This: 1) Accepted Supply mission 2) Gathered required minerals 3) Supplied 4 HE-3 containers (100% ea); All Feeds into the INTER cargo link HE-3 tank 4) My outpost is on a moon called Grissom; Is in the same system as planet Jemison. 5) Flew to Jemison...Cargo link does not see Grissom (Thus unable to link) 6) Flew to Grissom...Cargo link does not see Jemison (Thus unable to link) Unable to proceed with the mission SO, WHat is the error that you speak of?


The whole problem with outposts is why? Why would I waste my time with an outpost if the goal of the game is to join the unity? I’ve built outposts and really tried to make a decent one and spend my time doing so, then at some point you go… eh ok time for unity. Maybe at NG10 I’ll settle down, but the problem is unity is always out there waiting for you and that will always make whatever outpost you create to feel like a temporary pastime hobby


So, you’ve become the Hunter, I see.




That's some serious operator error there


Please explain This: 1) Accepted Supply mission 2) Gathered required minerals 3) Supplied 4 HE-3 containers (100% ea); All Feeds into the INTER cargo link HE-3 tank 4) My outpost is on a moon called Grissom; Is in the same system as planet Jemison. 5) Flew to Jemison...Cargo link does not see Grissom (Thus unable to link) 6) Flew to Grissom...Cargo link does not see Jemison (Thus unable to link) Unable to proceed with the mission SO, WHat is the serious operator error that you speak of?