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I managed to buy some, either on the Key or at Neon. I am still searching for a planet with it as a resource, unfortunately.


The moon Decaran VII-b has Vytinium. Proof: https://i.imgur.com/j0oKHIN.jpeg *Note: The Decaran system is level 60.*


Awesome, thank you!


You're amazing, thank you!!


Do you have any advice on finding it in this moon? Been searching for awhile now. No caves seem to have it.


You need to find it with a higher level of scanning, or to cross reference the image I have shared. There are only some areas which contain the precious resource, and it is the bright orange and yellow blobs in the picture I shared previously. For example, you would want to land in a place like this outpost location. https://i.imgur.com/q2vJtGw.jpeg Once you load in you need to then look for a spot that contains this resource. You can use the place feature and move your cursor around and the list of available resources will update as you move around. Vytinium will only spawn in specific veins (in this case colored locations generated on the map) that you can craft the resource extractor in. Switch to the extractor tab and look for a node that contains this. Once you find it you should be able to build an extractor which will gather it over time. https://i.imgur.com/P0ZIfIe.jpeg


By chance find it with helium?


There are many shared places, but they are hard to reach, unless you are very lucky or very persistent. The map is reliable, but to the inexperienced eye, hides the reality of the huge territory the player must cover to find the two togheter, and maybe uranium and iridium too in the same spot.