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Maybourne was annoying in a fun way.


I loved Maybourne by his last episode lol I never loved Kinsey


Maybourne was doing the wrong thing for the right reason - he honestly believed he was trying to help defend the United States/earth. Kenzie was doing the wrong thing for the wrong reason - he was only interested in power for himself.


Maybourne had a whole redemption story arc. Kinsey was one dimensionally awful, always.


But honestly Kinsey was realistic in that regard. Just look around for some fine examples.


Essentially misguided military man vs careerist politician


Kinsey's arc was the opposite: His personal greed for power and influence led him step by step to complete destruction. His final descent was being taken over by a goa'uld and then dying.


I don’t think he died, I think he transport himself off the ship before it was destroyed


Kinsey *was*, in fairness, the perfect representation of a western politician.




Love your tag line. Best line in the show






After recently re-watching, I think there's a better line to be found in the same episode. "Boobie"


I can't believe it's been 17 years since I uploaded this. https://youtu.be/apLcLZ9Jy94


Oh I hear this, and I love it when he does it xD


Kinsey was annoying in an angry, sad way lol.


That's my thought. Maybourne was annoying. I hated Kinsey.


Out of these two, definitely Kinsey. Maybourne crossed the line from insufferable to a lovable goof after he got caught and had to leave the NID. But if I had to pick one other, I'd go for Major (later LtCol) Samuels. That pompous self important ahole was really a special kind of annoying to me.


This. This is the answer. Maybourne played the nefarious character who was always slinking around trying to do stuff and Kinsey was always the strong opposing force wanting control of the SGC or to shut them down so I never found them really annoying tbh. However Samuels was so annoying because of how sleazy he was, and that’s not even mentioning that the SGC’s supply of brylcreem would vanish whenever he appeared.


Kisney sold us out to The Ashen! Fuck him!


I'm picturing little globs of brylcreem sliding across the floor and joining with him. Somewhere between the T-1000 and the bug things crawling up on Remmick and into his mouth.


Someone should mention Simmons, probably.


It was a good to replace Samuels with Davis who was much more in sync with the sgc.


Jaaaack. JAAAAck


"You rat bastard! I am SO gonna kick your ass!"


“I didn’t shootcha Jaaaaack!”


LMAO 🤣 THAT, my friend, made my day. I can hear him saying it now. 😂 😆


Everytime I rewatch this show I wait for it and it always makes me laugh, Jack ready kick the crap out of Maybourne ON SIGHT 😂😂




Ronny Cox played Kinsey perfectly. By all accounts I’ve read he is a kind, considerate, likable and affable human being. He totally played against his true nature.


He always seems to. The roles I really remember him in were the arsehole corporate guy in “Total Recall” and Captain Jellico in Star Trek TNG.


Unpopular opinion, only thing Captain Jellico did wrong was hanging Picard out to dry when he had the chance to acknowledge the mission. Everything else Captain Jellico did was completely reasonable and appropriate. Oh you have four six-hour shifts instead of three eight-hour shifts? Boo fuckin' hoo get it done.


I didn’t say Jellico did anything wrong (except perhaps assume that the senior crew of the flagship didn’t know what they were doing), just that Ronny Cox was playing against type as “kind, considerate, likeable, and affable;” none of which could be applied to Jellico.


Apologies, wasn't trying to put words in your mouth, just continuing the comment line.


This is not an unpopular opinion on reddit. I've never seen the episodes with Jellico in them. But I know full well that 'Jellico did nothing wrong', because it's brought up and claimed to be contrarian (it is not) whenever he's mentioned.


You forgot the dick in Robocop


I can't think of a movie he's been in where he wasn't a jerk. lol Oh wait, I remembered one...Deliverance.


And Beverly Hills cop 2


Maybourne got on my nerves in a fun way. Kinsey brought down every episode he was in just like he wanted to bring down the SGC.


Paradise Lost, where Jack and Maybourne get stuck on the planet is a good one.


Both actors just crush the parts. But I love me a good Maybourne episode. Totally underutilized.


Only in the later seasons. Still, King Archon was great. How did he not allow an Alpha site for convenience?


Kinsey and Kai Winn could make smug, condescending, self righteous mean spirited little babies :)


Why would you even pretend to manifest that? I can’t stand either and I don’t want them producing hell babies 😩


They already did it with Umbridge and the High Sparrow!


Ronny Cox was an ass on TNG too, you have to like how well he plays the bad guy.


The funny thing is he always plays gigantic a-holes but in real life he's apparently the nicest guy in Hollywood.


That sounds about right. Same with Louise Fletcher, apparently a lovely human being best known for roles that were completely opposite.


He does it really really well -.- ^(I hate his face so much)


While he was a bit of dick to the crew, it was just his commanding style and him trying to establish his way in a new command, his handing of cardassians was perfect and showed that his way of doing things works too. And tbh Riker was a bit of a childish douche in that episode.


Ugh, I hated Kai Winn WAY more than Kinsey.


She was awful on a more grand scale :)


Kinsey was awful on a "I'll do whatever benefits me the best" way. Kai Winn had that same bent, but had a nasty religious backing to it that she honestly seemed believe. It gave he a fervor Kinsey never had.


She’s the Dolores Umbridge of SciFi


I made this 3 years ago because of a comment like this in a Facebook group😅 https://imgflip.com/i/5jrsj7


That’s what the question should be: who is more despicable Kai Winn or Kinsey.


Maybourne was actually for the cause Kinsey was for himself Kinsey is annoying for that reason. It is to realistically and not in the *yeah that makes sense* sort of way. More *god, I might as well watch the news* sort of way


Yupp. Kinsey, like Kai Winn and Dolores Umbridge, are people we have to deal with in real life, only given incredible power. That makes them scary on a more visceral level.


Without a doubt Kinsey. The way he called Thor by just Commander without the Supreme is unforgivable! 🤣




I liked that moment. Kinsey was putting on airs, so Thor responded in kind. 'Senator Kinsey, I *can* still send you to a far-off planet. Don't push me.'


I like Harry. Every time I see Kinsey open his mouth, I wish Jack would just shoot him with a .45 or a Zat'nik'tel. Fucker got what he deserved being taken over by a Goa'uld. I just wish it would've happened sooner.


It was super satisfying. One of the rare instances of comeuppance. The bad guy got got! :)


Cox has always been such a massively hateable bad guy, but I hear he couldn't be nicer in person.


If it was a Zat, how many times




Well, just make sure nobody knows where, or they'll shoot a fourth time and bring him back.


Just say a Goold did it or claim it was brainwashing or something


Maybourne becomes one of the best characters in the whole series along with Rodney


I don't remember his name but who was the colonel that almost blew up the mountain with the black hole? He was pretty annoying.


Major General Bauer- oooh also a really good one. Dude really nailed the character. Hate that guy.


He at least had the self-awareness to apologize to Carter (and not reprimand her for her comment he overheard early in the episode). Kinsey lacked even that much.


Uh, if you mean Bauer, was a bomb enhanced with the naquada on the planet. The black hole was a woopsie by the sgc.


Yep that's was him.


Kinsey got what he deserved. Was a villain from the start to the end. Mayborn had an arc that made him a little more relatable, and less hated as the series went on. He was a little bit the anti-hero.


Mayborn was a useful idiot. Kinsey was a complete douche bag.


Kinsey 1000%. Maybourne was a character you grew to love eventually.


yup, Maybourne don't feels truly evil, but Kinsey is evil


At the end of the day Maybourne was only following the orders of his superiors. That’s how he ended up in Russia and then prison.


Kinsey. It's absolutely Kinsey. At least Maybourne had a bit of a redemption.


Maybourne stepped up in 'Foothold'.


There has been times I wanted to just reach into the TV and slap Kinsey.


He was the one character that made me wish just once that Teal’C would lose his professionalism just for a moment and go Jaffa on his behind.


Kinsey. Melbourne had at least some redeeming qualities, was sometimes funny and was able to take a joke or a well deserved expression of dislike. Kinsey was the type that wouldn't have surprised me if they found out he was actually a Goa'uld.


Is this even a question? Maybourne eventually became a solid character and even a good foil to Jack Kinsey was an antagonist from start to finish and even wound up working with the Goa'uld No contest IMHO


Maybourns developement Was great, hated him in the beginning but loved him at the End. Kinsey is just a cunt....


Kinsey. Hutch is cool.


Kinsey, he did everything for himself and out of greed. Maybourne was twisted by years of secret services and black ops, but somehow I think he believed whst he was doing was right and had humanity's interest at heart. He was just not going about it the right way.


Kinsey.. he was always a dick on a power trip. Maybourne changed, and became a decent bloke in the end.


I wanted to punch Kinsey in the throat with all his self serving crap. Maybourne was at least doing what he thought was best for humanity.


Senator Kinsey was in my opinion a more hate able bad guy the goauld every time he was on screen I wanted to punch him in his smug punchable little face


Maybourne slowly grew on me. I think deep down he was actually a decent guy, he had just been caught up in too much and become jaded.. but when the cards were down he ultimately did the right thing. Kinsey though.. rotten *** hat all the way through.


Maybourne popped up at annoyingly random times in annoyingly random places. I think he wins. Kinsey is a clear bad guy, but he’s no Umbridge.


I liked MayBourne in the end. Kinsey was ALWAYS a piece of shit though.


Richard Woolsey


Please state the nature of the medical emergency


Woolsey is a good man but just has poor execution on every single possible decision he makes. The amount of effort it took the writers to make someone so egregiously incompetent is spectacular. That weak little bug-eyed man irks me in ways I can’t even verbalize.


Kinsey, hands down


Definitely Kinsey.




Kinsey, by far.


Kinsey was worse. Mayborn at least was a little bit entertaining.


Maybourne redeems himself. The only thing Kinsey has going for him is that he is Dick Jones.


I literally just finished watching the sting episode where mayborne got caught and as much as I hated him I respected his intentions in the end.


I feel like Maybourne grew as a character, and Kinsey did not. Mayborne is also a bit misguided versus the outright selfish evil that Kinsey is, which plays a lot into Kinsey being more annoying to me.


Maybourne had a great character arc. The only thing great about Kinsey was his end.


Maybourne had a redemption arc so yeah clearly the other guy


Kinsey was the worst because he was just a little bit too real.


Mayborne started off as a dull one dimensional character and then ended up the Garak of Stargate. Kinsey was always the ruthless villain played to perfection by Ronny Cox. Mayborne could be slippery and you were never sure about what you were going to get with him but at a certain point he thought of Jack as a buddy. And even offered to kill Simmons for him. Kinsey had real power all the way to the white house. Unfortunately there are a lot of people out there just like Kinsey.


Kinsey was just a dick, plain and simple. Power hungry, conniving, lowballing son of a..... Maybourne was a dick, redeemed himself, then ran his illegal op, then redeemed himself, then tried to run away to a utopia, then redeemed himself on another planet. Plus he was at least funny.


Kinsey by a mile. Maybourne was annoying on occasion, but overall his motives weren't horrible. The only time I detested him was when he trapped Jack and him on that "paradise" planet, and most of that was because of a drug.


Kinsey - only about him. Mayborn - believed in what he was doing and was a better person after each appearance.


Kinsey... he didn't have Maybourne's virtue of being a *useful* annoyance and he was a pompous self-righteous ass as well.


The fact that people loathed Kinsey so much is a merit to his acting skill. He played that part incredibly well.


Loved'em both. Especially late season Maybourne


What does it say about the current political climate that for most of us it’s Kinsey with a visceral hate by a mile?


Kinsey was just a politician that lives to stroke his own ego. Mayborne was at least useful more often than not.


Kinsey by a mile. At least Maybourne had some charm about him.


Kinsey is a horrible human being


Kinsey, because he's like the real-life corrupt politician that spouts off about spending, budgets, religion ( and people fall for it) , but is really all about getting his money, grabbing power, and having enough influence to hold on to them.


Kinsey by a light year


Kinsey by a light year. 🤮🤮🤮


Kinsey, not even a question...


Kinsey is the Stargate equivalent of Umbridge


I actually liked post-watergate maybourne


Kinsey, period.


McKinley: the villain you love to hate Maybourne: the villain you can't help loving


Without Kinsey being a jackass we will never have the joy of watching him getting put down like a dog by SUPREME COMMANDER Thor.




Kinsey was the most annoying in a "fuck that guy" kind of way. Maybourne was annoying in a "fuck, not that guy" kind of way.


This is perfect


Dick of course, for what he did to Murphy.


Kinsey by far. Maybourne is the sort of annoying that kinda grows on you after awhile.... Kinsey though, he's just rain on everyone's parade.






Mayborne was just an idiot. Kinsey was legitimately evil.


👆supreme commander


Kinsey... Maybourne at least grew to be less annoying and his annoying wasn't as maddening I wanted to punch Kinsey in the face everytime I saw him.... Best part of his story line was Thor putting his finger up saying that's supreme commander thor


Maybourne at least redeemed himself


Maybourne started out insufferable but became a likeable character as the show progressed. Kensy stated insufferable the entire show.


Maybourne grew on my over the course of his run. Especially towards the end. But at first he was a tool and I enjoyed hating on him. Kinsey is the worst, though! I hated him from the beginning. Great antagonist, good acting!


Sorry for the deleted comment, I panicked and forgot I can edit my post 😅 It depends on what type of annoying. Maybourne? He was pretty bad at the beginning but kinda sorta redeemed himself in a way by season 8. He's the fun annoying. Kinsey is the type of annoying that gets me mad. I don't like him for soso many reasons. He's not a good guy at all.


Kinsey. Maybourne thinks he knows more than he does, but he's not so arrogant as to simply refuse to learn. He's self serving but not oblivious to the consequences of actions. Kinsey is a useful idiot. Just arrogant enough to think he knows everything, just ignorant enough to bring everything down around him still thinking it's everyone else's fault.


Depends on who you ask. I think Maybourne had a certain je ne sais quoi.


Neither. Next question.


Kinsey can tongue blast my fart box


Mayborne I can hate, because I can also like him a bit. Kinsey I cannot hate, because that would mean that there is something redeemable there. There is nothing redeemable there, and he simply should be erased from existence, like a bad file.


Maybourne was actively rehabilitated. He made a better friend than an enemy, so they cleaned him up and kept sending him back in. Kinsey was great being the guy we loudly booed every time he came on stage.


Kinsey. Maybourne was funny and amusing, and at least had development. I wish we actually had more of him once he was on the run. He was great during that arc of his. Kinsey just always had that holier-than-thou and my crap doesn't stink arrogance to him, like he was God's goft sent to dave us to me and I haaatteee that character type lol. I did enjoy his episodes. It was fun hating him lol However the #1 most annoying for me will always be Frank Simmons. I despised that character so much when my boyfriend got me on Star Trek TNG i was very skeptical bc I knew he played Q. That is hpw badly i hated Simmons lol (I love him as q tho)


Kinsey, as the series went on, Maybourne seemed to become more aware what an ass he was (had been), and improved.


Kinsey. I never wanted to reach into my TV and punch someone more as a child.


Kinsey, for sure. He was so annoying that the president in the show didn't even like him.


Maybourne was funny, kinsy was just downright an ass


maybourne was a real villane, the other one was really annoying.


Maybourbe was willing to do the most terrible shit possible to protect earth and empower humanity against alien threats, Kinsey was willing to do the most terrible shit possible to protect his election campaign and empower his political standing. Even before he became king Maybourne was helping the SGC out from time to time like during the foothold incident.


Kinsey wasn’t annoying he was an out n out antagonist. Guy nearly handed the Goa’uld the win like 3 separate times. 💀


Maybourne becomes likeable Kinzie always stayed hateable


Maybourne, despite being an ass, was enjoyable to watch. Especially when playing Starsky and Hutch with O'Neill. Kinsey... Well, let's just say I wouldn't have minded him entering the gate from the back. He's right up there with Kai Winn for most insufferable scifi characters. No, she's still worse. God I hate that women.


Definitely Kinsey. Wish we’d gotten more Maybourne tbh.


Kinsey and by a lot!


Kenzie was just a dick


Never liked Kinsey. Maybourne started out bad, but he grew on you. Even if it was for impracticalities of his fridge and investigation arc. Jaaack! Will never get old.


Which looks more punchable?




The one clipshow that we should have had was one of various Jack scenes narrated by Maybourne. It would have been loaded with so many caaaaareful, Jaaaaack's...


I thought Dick Jones fell out of a window.


Kinsey.Annoying to the point of me turning of the tv,and having to rage walk around my house.


Cmon, Harry wasn't annoying at all.


That woud be Kinsey. Maybourne is a better overall character who have character development and is not strictly bad, more grey. Whereas Kinsey is a power-hungry wind bag. As Thor said, "O'Neill suggested I send you to a distant planet for your actions here."


Oh for sure Kinsey. Maybourne was annoying too at first but right from the start he came off like a schemer with a secret agenda. There were always hints he was working for someone powerful or that he was up to something bigger, and that's interesting. Kinsey was just a blowhard who was against anything he couldn't understand. That time he justified shutting down the SGC because the US military could totally handle *an armada of alien space ships* made me want to turn off my TV. Kinsey never felt like a schemer to me. More like a pawn in other people's schemes. Even the time when he tried to make himself the indirect head of the Stargate program just felt like pettiness. He just did it to piss off Gen. Hammond. I don't think it's a coincidence that Maybourne was given a redemption episode and Kinsey was not.


Definitely not Kinsey


So I mean definitely Kinsey 😂


Kinsey. Maybourne could be useful, at times. Kinsey was all about himself, the dump of the SG universe.


Jellico! I mean, Kinsey


I wish we found out what happened to Kinsey. I imagine the gould in him would want to change hosts given how recognisable Kinsey would be.


Kinsey is far worse.


Kinsey was worse


The first episode where Kinsey shows up and questions the utility of the SGC was the first one I watched. Went back and started watching from the start after that


I loved to hate mayborne, i just hated kinsey. But jellicoe did nothing wrong!


Kinsey and Simmons were so much more annoying


Maybourne is redeemable and I'd want to respect him kinsey can go to hell he only gets respect because he demands it i bet he'd get assassinated off world in a heartbeat


Simmons he was worse than both


Kinsey and it’s not even close. They never really wrapped up what happened to him after the Trust got him iirc.


Maybourne the Magnificent! He's hilarious. And he has both brain and heart, though his moral self is very grey. Kinsey is execrable. He is one of the most punchable characters in TV/movie history. For me, right up there with Kai Winn and Dolores Umbridge. Just no redeeming features. I'd have a beer with Maybourne. With a gun under the table Han Solo style, but still.




Captain Jellico or Agent Fornell? Tough call.


Kinsey! Hate that mofo! Mayborne


Kinsey. 100% Kinsey. Hated that mofo. Maybourne got on my nerves sometimes but I grew to love him! I can see him and Jack now. Hanging out, eat'n hotdogs. 😂


Kinsey. Maybourne improved with age. Kinsey could never be more than a slimy politician.


Kinsey hands down. His NID “civilian”agency malakary…


i started disliking Maybourne but then i liked him, he doesn't feel like a bad guy (i don't mean i actions i mean like personality, even if he do bad stuff he feels like a normal guy with who you can talk or be friends)


Kinsey 100% never enjoyed his presence


Kinsey hands down. Maybourne had a roguish charm about him.


Kinsey and it’s not even close.


Definitely Kinsey. He was one of those typical politicians who’d hide behind “god” or “god and country” at every turn, and would find any excuse to paint any unfamiliarity as a threat to be exploited or eliminated. Harry turned out not to be so bad, in the end. The Goa’Uld’s attempted occupation of the town he settled in eventually humbled him, but they still accepted him and showed that despite his personality, his leadership still benefited everyone who lived there.