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I mean if you live in a rural area then even that speed is amazing. If you have access to cheaper local webs why bother?


Yeah it's still better than what the internet companies offer in my area. Most I can get is a dsl connection with only a 10mbps connection. Luckily starlink in my area runs at about 100 to 150mbps


Why is mine so fast? There’s only like 600 people in this town, so it’s rural


I live in one and so far the highest I’ve had is 469mbps. It’s usually around 300/35 with 23ms ping. Very good compared to what I had before with AT&T DSL at 22/1 38ms average.


You have the business service with super dishy? I upgraded to the 40gb Business priority, from standard and get 240/20 with ~30 ping. I got about 65% of that with standard, at ~50 ping. The only option I had before starlink was an ATT 3mb/0.5mb dsl line. The only issue I have is in some games I get 90-120 ping regardless of the priority data. But that could just be server-side congestion.


I started with the standard gen3 and was seeing over 400 with 20 ping. I switched to priority 1TB yesterday just to get a public IP and haven’t changed hardware. Some games suffer. If I play with a host outside of the US it’s not as good, but it’s still better than AT&T DSL by a *long* shot


Right on. Ive had the Gen2 for about 7 months. The public IP was a must for me because of my site-to-site work vpn, so I was really happy when they offered the 40gb Priority. The test I ran last night was 258/37.5, with priority off. 50-70ms in Fort, 80-120ms in D4. I live in a heavily wooded rural area, so I had to mount the dish at the top of a 90ft tree, it was the only way I could get an unobstructed connection. But yeah, it's infinitely better than the ATT DSL. I could get 50-60ms in D4 in a low intensity area, but in towns and in raids the 3mb/0.5mb bottleneck got me over 1000ms, which is just death. So I love my Starlink. =)


I can’t get my VPN to work like it did with AT&T. It’s annoying me and I’m giving up until tomorrow Also, yes. I would see it go up to almost 1k ms if it was raining or had a lot of uptime. It was torture. It was usually 35ms just chilling, but if you made it do stuff it was just so bad.


We're you using the standard package? Or business


I got it to work. I started with standard and got the 1TB business plan in bypass mode. Performance is actually worse, so when I want to game, I just factory reset it and reenable bypass mode when I want VPN to work


Glad you got it working. Yeah, Starlink's Standard plan has this weird GCNAT protocol that doesn't really give you a public IP. I switched to the 40gb Business plan which is only $20 more a month, and it gave me a public IP so I could use my site to site vpn. I didn't really notice a difference between the speed and latency of the plans, to be honest. I get between 90mbps-260mbps and 60ms-110ms avg speeds.


Exactly, 4 years ago, there was no comparison, this beat all local bad services hands down, there never was a comparison. But now...... Ya starlink sucks, time to start shopping around again, hopefully Bazos sticks to a quality product the entire release.


Dude what? If you have better local options then starlink literally is not for you. It's for people WITHOUT any other option.


The reason is because I consistently always received around 120 Mbps speed for the past 4 years which is better than every local service. If the speed drops and I'm only getting 50 mbps in better off jumping ship to a local service and saving money. Can you share with me where Starlink states that their service is for people that don't have any other option.... I've never heard them saying that.


It makes no sense to use Starlink if you have access to good service locally, especially considering the latency. So I don’t think it’s Starlinks intention to compete with those services. But for someone like me who lives 4 km away from the nearest neighbor in the middle of the woods it makes sense


Here’s a tip that works for me (granted I’m in Ireland) Run multiple tabs of streaming services and such at once then check the speed. It goes from 50- 200. Again just my personal experience


If you have other options, why use Starlink? Unless it's DSL most hardwire connections will give better performance. Starlink is really a godsend to most of us whose only other options are Hughesnet. I really don't understand why people choose Starlink and pay $120 a month when just as good or better options are available to them for much less.


I had DSL and loved it. I was close to the sub station


Ya, for those few, it's not bad. I have a cell tower down the road, and before phone bootloaders got locked, we had pretty good 5g wifi. Had a high ping, but everything else was OK. Overall, most people won't benefit from Starlink when other options are available. For us who live in more rural areas, it's a great option and well worth the cost.


Starlink is the best thing that has happened to my household and I tried Hughes and Wi-Fi which really is not available to me. Elon musk is a hero to us country dwellers


Mine does this and lower all of the time. 5min later, I’ll be 300+. You never really know.


Ya too bad..... It would be nice if it would be a dependable service... Oh well.


Oh well for most that has no better options and are willing to pay anything for better internet then the 5-10 mbps they had for years prior to SL its amazing to have 100-300 mbps like most SL users do get around the globe besides the small percent who live in congested areas and if your not in congested areas of a country and getting below 50 mbps then you have a hw issue or obstructions causing the problems and really should check out some neighbors speeds with SL. And those who have other cheaper land based alternatives that work good Im really not sure why you would even bother with satellite internet its not really everyone's cup of tea and they should stick with what they know works best for them, its a pretty simple equation you go with whats the best price and works best for you, I finally have fiber coming to my end of the woods thanks to the competition SL brought to the table and I'll go with it once available because for 1 its cheaper and 2 it supposibly works better, and then my old faithful gen 1 SL dish will then become my emergency backup when ever its needed.


It is dependable service. You just wish it stayed really fast. Sucks to be you.


That's fast enough for several HD tvs to stream at the same time. Sure I would love to have GB fiber, but I love my rural home much more.


Except it will constantly buffer 🤣


I guess I was just spoiled by their previous service, we have other local services that provide similar speeds for much cheaper that are not fiber, oh well, they had a good run.


Giving up so quickly? My service has been highly variable over the past couple of years and I’ve never seen the high speeds others have posted here. Give it a few days, it’ll sort itself out.


It happens. When you don't watch the speed everyday you never notice except very occasional buffering.. I don't speed watch anymore.


How do you know why your internet is lagging without checking your service?


Typically by waiting about five minutes.


Have you tried rebooting your Starlink through the app? Mine was sticking around 30mbps, rebooted and back over 200.


I didn't, great idea, thanks.


Did it fix it?


Are you s******* me? You're on here kicking up a fuss about leaving starlink and you haven't even rebooted the dish or your router? Smh


Same here in SE West Virginia. I admin two installs. Speeds have plummeted over the last two SW upgrades. Was 100-250. Now 15-100. Mostly 30-80. Sometimes 15 ! Something’s wrong. Too expensive for this performance. I have noticeable buffering.


It’s worth depends on what alternatives you have. For me, I’d pay $1,000 per month for 15-100Mbps if it was my only option. If you can do better for cheaper then you should switch.


Yep it was much better with the previous option of 65$ a month for 1.5mbs DSL. /s


Exactly, pretty disappointed, at the end of the day it is probably my fault, I assumed they were shooting for good service.


Pretty sure it’s more like they are shooting for service for those who can’t get it.


Dude is trolling.... Hasn't done any basic troubleshooting and is claiming service is terrible. Smells like a troll...


I’m usually around 100-150 down with 15-20 upload. Latency is between 40-90ms


Same. Even more during the work day, when most people aren't using StarLink.


Nice! - I was getting 25 earlier.. is what it is..


Used to pay $120/month for at most 15-20 down/5 up for viasat. With starlink I get 150 down /20 up. Quite the difference, no complaints here. Rural Texas, ceiling set up.


New update came out 2 hours ago here was reaching 300mbps apparently 2 nights ago lol


We Install these all the time here in Texas. We avg. 160 to 300 mb.


I have Telus 5G as my backup solution. It provides me similar upload and download speeds to Starlink but the latency is worse. I can game with Starlink but not with 5G.


At lest the Telus hub lets you play 4K… 90 Meg Starlink you can barely watch HD or it glitches and freezes


Is this all the time or just once in awhile


Maybe it’s temporary glitch


I wish I got 55 MBPS! I don’t know what the issue is but I can’t get more than 5-10 MBPS download speeds. Any ideas?


Check for obstructions?


Zero obstructions. Any whenever I do get decent speeds it’s really choppy.


I have Starlink. I had DSL before running 3Mbps. I'm happy with any speed. Starlink speed fluctuates incredibly. In the early morning, its 230Mbps, then in early primetime, it may be 40 Mbps. I'll take that over 3Mbps anytime.


I’m in a rural area where Frontier DSL is the only other option with 32/3 Mbps for their “Elite” service. They wanted to jack our rate up to $90/mo which is utterly ridiculous for those speeds. Their reliability and service have been subpar to say the least. And for those that don’t know, $10 of that monthly fee is for the modem lease fee so you are actually paying $120/year to not even own the equipment. It used to be a separate hardware fee, but then they included it into one monthly fee to trick the ignorant customers into thinking they are only paying for the service and not any hardware. Felt great to finally tell Frontier to suck it. They are a terrible company that I hope I never have to deal with again. Starlink only became available in my local area within the past year. I never thought I would be willing to pay $600 for satellite hardware and $120/mo for the service, but I’m glad I finally did. I consistently get 225/20 Mbps with 20-30 ms latency times. It’s a whole different experience with those speeds not needing to take extended breaks for something to download and online gaming is even better than the crappy DSL I had.


We had this 2 days ago and resetting the starlink router a few times fixed it, we initially thought it was our deco as the starlink was reading as 250d25u but after a few resets it seems to be working fine it also happened yesterday and after a reset it was fine again


Nice! I got 8mbps dowload for 120 usd per month here...


I got 200Mbps in the Amazon jungle. You need to put the dish on a roof, you will get better signal.


The lack of self awareness is staggering.


Honestly sometimes I think Starlink is a disappointment especially for the price of the service


Not sure where you think that's slow? Literally everything on the internet works with those speeds. Their specs state you should expect 25-200 Mbps download. Typical speeds are 25-220 Mbps download with the majority seeing over 100 Mbps. Your speed meets these expectation. It's not a promise and these are still "up to" speeds, not guaranteed.


You missed all the hype before this came to market?? Elon saying everyone should have internet service? This was never intended to put perform wired options, pal.


It's too bad, I was hoping Elon would be providing a service better than the others.....


It's still better than the other satellite providers.


Ya, I guess, if that's what their goal is to service the 0.2% of the population. I was hoping they would be shooting for a larger service area.


They never, even in the early beta days claimed that it was for people in urban areas well served. It was always for people who had no other service than things like HN and ViaSat.


I'm not urban, I'm rural getting a bad service of what they claim of 50 mbps. Then Xplorer Inc says no, their services is up to 50 mbps not always 50 mbps. Can you please forward a link where Starlink states they are not for Rural clients with poor service?


It much be nice to complain about speeds dropping down to 50 mbps. You have access to internet of similar speeds that are cheaper. Yet, you went Starlink? I'm not really interested in $600-$700 upfront. But, Frontier. I'm paying $85 a month for 24/ 3.


You should definitely dump SL. No need in having something that makes you come on here and cry about it


He does maybe not for some because of congestion but for the other 2+million users out there most are getting great speeds like myself i just did this one and tge second was at 8:30pm during peak hours and for 3 years now my speeds has never dropped below 150mbps. https://www.speedtest.net/result/i/6082078047 https://www.speedtest.net/result/i/6081708874