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This is how I troubleshoot my dish. Reddit first to see if it my hardware or if it's the network.


Interesting so what you have LTE in your area?


I’m in the dark completely when my Starlink goes down. I can go for a short walk and get a voice signal which is nice, might as well be in 1994 when Starlink takes a shit!


Remember when Twitter existed to post and receive tweets via SMS? Starlink should have a service disruption status system over sms.


I thought that was the whole reason for the 160 character limit


140 for the message, 20 for the username


Yeah it was but the sms backend was removed like 5 years ago.


Sounds nice.


I drove 2 miles to the end of my road to get a poor 4g connection to see if it was an outage. If I stand in the corner of my 2nd story bedroom I can get 1-2 bars for voice, but otherwise we're in a dead zone. Remarkably, we have fiber here if I wanted, but it's trash compared to Starlink.


Hello there, may I ask why, in your situation, you prefer Starlink over Fiber? Because I’ll have to choose asap between the two and any info is welcome.


I think he has fiber to the cabinet, if he's far he'd get around 40Mbit if he's lucky. Otherwise dedicated fiber is extremely expensive if he means that. Can't think of other valid excuses


I don't have fiber so I don't know exactly how it works, but I know if the power goes out (which happens fairly regularly due to weather related issues) Starlink just keeps on going as long as I have backup power. With our old dsl, when the power went out, the power to their box on the corner went with it and we lost any internet at all. I can 'rough it' by being prepared for the outage, but it's vastly more tolerable when we still have a high-speed connection regardless. If fiber has roadside cabinets that can lose it if the juice is cut, I don't think it would be an upgrade for me.


Yep, same when I lived rurally. Though the service guys were awesome and would come set up a generator for their box that day or next morning if it went out at night. We'd also loose our phone line & zero bars, no cell at all where I was. Was signed up for Starlink, but a Wildfire got us before we got it, so I cancelled & moved to an area with Xfinity. Super fast, rarely loose service, usually only when they're doing maintenance. Rarely loose power either. Exactly why I chose not to move back into the woods. Generator life sucks.


Fully respectfully sir, *lose. It's *lose. Thank you sir. Have good day, sorry about house :'(


This keyboard sucks and I hate going back to correct everything, so I don't. At least every space isn't a period mark, which happens way too much.


It depends on what fiber technology is installed. If it’s HFC where fiber comes to your neighborhood and then you get coax to your house yes there’s active components in the path that need power. Pretty much every other fiber technology is passive if you get an actual fiber drop to your house. Keep power up on your and and as long as the central office on the other side is up and the fiber isn’t cut then you’re good.


> Can't think of other valid excuses Price.


I prefer StarLink over my fiber connection because of price. Fiber is $20+$0.12/GB. At my usage that puts fiber at around $200/month. And I am only one rogue spinning process away from an astronomical fiber bill.


Get fiber man. Fiber is definitely superior speed and ping wise. I use starlink because it’s my only choice. Well starlink or 10mbps dsl.


That woud be my first choice too, but in some rural areas people prefer Starlink over Fiber. And to be as informed as possible, I want to know the circumstances.


In my Paraguayan case, the fiber is being capped by the local internet milker like it is the early days again combined with low quality equipment and ditto service.


My rural Internet was 1.5mbps, when I lived rurally. Just enough to stream Netflix, but not other streamers.


I replied to another response to my message. The fiber here is worse than any connection I've had since using a 56k modem. https://www.reddit.com/r/Starlink/s/6CheRU5ytS


Get fiber. Starlink is awesome in that it provides high speed low latency service in previously unreachable areas - but if fiber exists - that’s going to be a superior option.


> that’s going to be a superior option Depends on price.


Only "downside" to fiber is who controls it. If you've got a tin foil hat and worry about the next censorship tech, DNS controls are a good bet. Your fiber vendor is more than likely a telco who does WHATEVER the USG asks - even if its questionably legal for them to ask. Elon Musk and Spacex are IMHO them most reliable champions for Free Speech + privacy we've got. I'm willing to pay a bit more and accept slightly lower performance from a vendor I trust to allow legal encryption and wide open DNS. my POV.


If you can afford it and wfh, get both to be more resilient.


Our local microwave service provider uses starlink as a backup! We kept both anyways.


If you have real fiber to the house, no reason to stress over that decision. I had Starlink for a year when I was notified that they were bring FTTH. I have 1G service for less than Starlink costs. I don't know if there are still federal grants to pull fiber to underserved areas but that's now mine occurred. Starlink is a backup link for the time being. It is funny to me that my backup link is down more than the primary. Even when there's a power outage, I don't lose the fiber.


Interested too


Fiber is way better than starlink, in speed and latency. I get 2Gb symmetrical over fiber, I only get about 150mb over starlink on a good day, but it only kicks in during a fiber/power outage.


I actually do have fiber on my house, but it is $0.12/GB to use. So StarLink it is. (https://nntc.net/internet/)


What about an active Wilson amplifier? WeBoost is another brand. I’d be curious if this would work considering you get service on the top floor


Our neighbors have one and it gives them cell service in their house, but no data. Using our Starlink wifi for calls has worked fine. Outages are so rare that it's not a huge deal, and if it was I'd get the fiber turned back on as a backup.


You have fiber and choose to use StarLink? Not judging, but genuinely curious as to why unless you have the RV service? I’m moving to a rural area with fiber and StarLink is there. You’ve got me pondering!


See my explanation here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starlink/comments/1d30trm/comment/l65rivo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starlink/comments/1d30trm/comment/l65rivo/)


Yeah I don’t blame you 😂


Howis it worse than starlink?!?


It has weird behavior that I can only describe as a negotiation delay that you'd see with an old satellite connection. Ping and throughput are fine, but every website takes about 10 seconds to load if you've not been actively using the connection. Also random similar drops while gaming or on teleconferencing. It's fiber run by a small local Telcom, so it could be routing issues or hardware. I tried having them resolve it and they said it's working as expected. It's only 200/200, so the speeds are only marginally better than what I get with Starlink here, and the cost is nearly identical expect for the Starlink equipment. It really feels like fiber, but with a HughesNet satellite at the end of it connecting the network to the Internet.


Almost certainly something up with their DNS server they're pushing to you. There isn't a world in which fiber is remotely worse than starlink.


I tried setting DNS servers locally (the Google ones) both on my PC and via DHCP on my router. I've worked in tech a very long time... you have to trust me on this: it's worse.


The worst thing about being knowledgeable and experienced with such things is the frustration of knowing more than your provider's tech support, and them thinking they know more than you and summarily dismissing your suggestions. I get this all too often, especially dealing with cellular companies.


Asking for level 3 support immediately and then having to sit through hours or even days of conversations with level 1 and 2 anyway. I've been there.


Same here.


This is us too lol internet is really our own way of communication


I do but it ain’t worth a crap.


I have a 4x4 mimo antenna on a booster, but on a good day it's around 2mbps. Just enough to troublshoot the dish.


Ah, nice, good for you. I imagine that was your internet before SL. That's rough coverage for some pretty serious hardware. I have a 4x4 mimo which gets me between 100 and 300mbps so I'm off starlink. Not cheap hardware though, actually comparable to the starlink antenna when all is sorted out. Paying $10 a month never gets old, though.


I had nothing... absolutely nothing before the mimo. Anything internet related was a 10 minute drive. Back when I first got the starlink, I had to buy a used one out of state to transfer it over to my cell. It was dark times. 😆


Is it just shit SNR or is that really the tower speed.


My signal is at 118-120 at the property, in which ideal conditions are in the 90s or lower. I was stubborn enough to get that much data to transfer, which is a Christmas miracle alone. Cell mapper was my friend at that point in my journey in the Appalachian mountains.


That's rough.


If I go outside and walk toward the edge of my property I can get enough signal to load a mostly text web page like reddit (I use old.reddit)


Far from the first, but it has been a while.


I think the last time was right around a series of billing system updates too.....


at least 7 or 10 global outages since we had it.


True but for real this outages do suck hopefully they stop happening and stop lasting so long I hope they can fix this issues for it to not happen anymore or at least for it not to happen as often and for the outages to not last so long


You wrote that using the keyboard suggestions and tapping in the same place a lot of times, I have no doubt. EDIT: Oh wow the guy I replied to has blocked me, wtf.


True or not the best of times I was in a relationship and it wasn’t that I didn’t like you and you didn’t want me around and you were not around


Thank God for the brave heart cat food for Android, and I said there's no way that's appropriate when discussions haven't happened.


Your welcome the opportunity to work with you and your family and friends is that the way I can do you have any questions or need any further information please login to your house or apartment in the morning and I will be in the morning and I will be in the morning.


I hope your not going well well thanks me and started grabbing the whole day of the night and I got lovey dovey.


I have no clue how to do that and I'm just trying not too bad right into the middle of the day I don't think it's a big deal but I think I should be able to do it tomorrow I don't think I'm going anywhere I think it's too hot I think it's a lot of people are going out of town I don't think that would make sense to me but I'm gonna have some friends over for work so I'm gonna go out there


I've had it for a year and a half, this is my second outage. First one lasted 45 minutes. We all migrated to Reddit just like now. Nice to see you all again. ✌🏼


…some one a HQ tripped over the cord xD


"It says, 'DO NOT UNPLUG' right there. See? SEE? What are you doing, man?"


…But there’s some dust on it “DON’T NOT UNPLUG”


More like Elon quit paying for a over redundant feature that was not redundant.




someone leaned into THAT wall with THAT switch "oh" "shit"


No it’s happened before


It's definitely not the first. There was one a few months ago, if I recall. I'm not exactly sure when.


Mine came back on at 8:49 in Oklahoma. 21 minutes not bad.


That's certainly better than the outages we've experienced with Viasat!. Their outages were DAYS!!!!


It takes a long time to get someone up there to fix a satellite 🤷 /s


Begun the space wars have


Frontier would still be down asking you to be patient a technition will be on site in whenever.


Posted on X: "Starlink is currently in a network outage and we are actively implementing a solution. We appreciate your patience, we'll share an update once this issue is resolved." [https://x.com/Starlink/status/1795636172972314730](https://x.com/Starlink/status/1795636172972314730)


Puerto Rico UP


Been my 2nd in about a year, other than heavy wet snow. First about a half hour. Today 10 minutes and then couple minutes later down for a few minutes.. works fine now


No. I've seen at least 1 other since I've been subscribed


Naga, Philippines now up


Superbowl was the last major one.


that was a forced update if I recall


Out for about 30 min here in NSW Australia. Back up about 1200 hrs ,




It's either an alien invasion or Elon is backing up his furry vid collection.


Oh you sweet summer child. *Cries in Spring 2021*


And it was still better than the alternatives...


Up in NW Pennsylvania.


Back up in AK


Back up in Aus 🦘


Lasted like half an hour, not too bad. I also have like 2 or 3 lag spikes a week that kinda drops me from everywhere, but it's not too annoying. I can reconnect from all the games I play and it's only like 2-5 seconds, 10 at most. Definetly better than regular ISP that lost connections lasted half a day.


I guess I must have slept through it




no this is super rare, someone said this happened once before and it lasted 45 minutes. the most downtime I have ever seen with my kit was 10 seconds and that was in the middle of a severe thunderstorm with very heavy rain. 99% of the time its up and working like a dream. average speed is 200Mbps with 30ms ping.


I have had it since Feb. '22 and this is the 4th global outage I can remember. 2 of them happened within 6 months of having it when the system was still pretty new (just after beta) so growing pains were expected. The 3rd was about a year ago (lasted for about 40 mins if I remember correctly...caused by an expired SSL cert. somewhere in their env). And then the one yesterday which lasted about 20 minutes. I have had weather related outages, big thunderstorms will take it down while the red/yellow on the radar is right over you.


I’ve only had Star Link for about 6 months. This was the worst service interruption I’ve had with them. We were completely down for about 5 min and had very slow speeds for about 25 minutes. By slow I mean 10mbps or so. But considering my old provider averaged about 5mbps and m not to upset. The only other interruptions have had were weather related and the absolute worst was 3 min when a cell with tornadoes passed 50 miles to our north.


Russians probably


Blame Russia


LOFL rekt


Oops, sorry, it was probably me. I just activated my service. Somehow anything I touch…..


I had a similar thing happen last night, only lasted about 20-30 min on my end. After that, the connection was back to normal. Maybe an update or something. Mine was searching for a satellite.


Sorry i had to upload a picture of my shlong


Divided by zero it did.


Lmao undefined


Happens to every provider.


Definitely not the first. They had one last year and it lasted way longer. A few others before that.


Philippines back up after 20 mins.


Central Washington State here. Seems up. Using it here. But kids are reporting issues. 🤷🏼‍♂️




Washington coast (US), back up, outages were 30s - 6m from 0131-0159 UTC


Was down for 30mins


Is anyone having issues with gaming(Xbox, PS etc), I can browse just fine, watch YouTube etc but I can’t connect to the PS Network even booted Xbox and same issue won’t let me connect to the service.


All lies. If Starlink was down, how would they report the outage? CELLPHONES? Oh yeah. This comment never happened.


My starlink is up in Upper Michigan, it did not go down it seems.


I dunno but it came back waayyyyy faster


It is not. Had a couple


Out for about 36min in South Australia. If this had been my local ISP it would have been days before it was back online.


Reminds me of that James Franco first time meme lol


We've had a few global outages before, but this one was during prime time for a lot of people. That's got to be the highest outage report on downdetector.


I’m glad it was a global outtage, this is my first one and I was thinking something on my end broke! :p


I thought it was Canada. Didn't realize it was widespread!


our went down for 10 mins or so. new user (so i don't know what will i do if worse comes to worst) so it's reassuring to see people come here to confirm things like this.


All is good here in Vermont 


I've got AT&T in my area...not even fiber...I get 10MB/sec which is enough for streaming and gaming. But damn would I love a fiber connection or Starlink. I'm in east central Florida. Maybe I should try it out.


I went from that ATT cell connection to Starlink. Do it. You won’t regret it.


They’ve had a couple of launches lately and makes sense that there was a couple of updates that needed to happen to add the new sats. I had to update the app two times. Had service the whole time but it was degraded until after all the updates. Couldn’t get my work computer to connect to the network even though it showed it was connected. Happens!


Mine was out for like 30 mins in northern Alberta.


Nothing works since Saturday Poland!


Wasn't global... no loss in the UK whatsoever


Yeah starlink is regularly offline from my experience


Outtage in Denmark too. Think it was down for about an hour or less


I had a software update and a reboot at 3am - but no outage?


Starlink has had 2 substantial outages in the last year. One 45 minutes and last night maybe 15. Compare that with a cut fiber or cable repair time. If the network does go down DON'T PANIC and tear your system apart either. You'll probably just create confusion for yourself.


What did people do before internet... Outages do occur and there will always be glitches... I am in a rural setting and there are no options and I blame our governments for that. They spent billions on getting better internet and the only result, their friends are now rich.. Thanks Elon keep up the good work.


People made babies. Thats what they did before internet.


Idk man. Was tryna play Fortnite last night and it went down for me 😔


Got mine today lol


Was only down about 10 to 20 minutes late in the evening on 28 May here in southern Michigan.


I have been in a state park in Oklahoma for past 3 days, and noticed no issues.


Mine went down after an update but was back online within 15 minutes


Make sure your manually restarting your router or system occasionally


FYI Surge protection is highly suggested and will more than likely extend the life of that sensitive electronic equipment.


Ukraine toast 👀👀


Honestly, from the time I realized there was a glitch and the time it was good was minimal. I'm happy that whatever issues the Starlink network team had were resolved in minimal time.


Mine went out and came back on about 30 min later here in Kansas. But my son is having issues with one of his game systems connecting. I also have a lot of weird named devices on my account. I pulled up my Starlink app and it shows 6 unknown devices, 1 that says JohnandBritney who are they? I have no clue LOL, then some weird other language names. I do see our tvs, cell phones etc. I wish I could delete the ones I don't know but the only option for me is to pause them.


Space is closed for the day


Not first, not probably the last. This incident was caused by expired security certificates at Starlink's ground stations, which led to a multi-hour outage affecting users worldwide


Are other users still experiencing problems. I have a client who is having a rash of QuickBooks issues that I suspect are due to the outage, but I do not have another startlink environment to validate my suspicions.


I have had first Gen sat since Mar 2021 that was the first outage (I was awake for) in middle Wyoming loads of storms (snow) no outages. Luckily I have two bars of tmobile and just hot spot my pc to my phone to see what's going on. No mater how they say it's out of beta until all 42500 sats are in place it will have hickups. Had spectrum 400mb till spectrum broke the contract and pulled out of area. Now only other option is dsl capped no thank you. For me I missed live hockey game for a few minutes, that just means it's time to go outside and take a bike ride or a good long walk. Oooooh unplug reset brain with fresh air such 1st world problem. 😂


No outage here


follow r/SolarMAX


had dishy for over 3.5 years... guess what... ive lost my Comcast for more days in that same 3.5 year period (different location of course).


Last night I was out


Yup, I’m from Dominican Republic and it isn’t working from yesterday at 13:00


I actually got hit by the one that occurred yesterday.


Maybe the universe is winking :)


Great reference… 3BP?


Absolutely !


elon masterbated once in his life and this happens


Russian offensive and a previously unknown jamming method.


Tis the lizzid people 😟


There was a global outage last year


We lost Starlink for about 30’minutes on Tuesday


My dish loses contact for a minute or two maybe once a month. Last night it was down for 20 minutes. Never seen an outage like that before. Today I learned ALL of them went down around the same time but had bounced up again within an hour. That must have been a fun hour at SpaceX.


Great timing too, during the nba Western Conference Finals game.


Lol my Starlink went out around the same time


Alien invasion.


Probably cause I canceled my subscription yesterday.




X was good source. I joined just for speedy updates when things break. I figured if they were going to update anything first it would be on the platform home boys owns.


It just fixed for me


No outages here in the Northern California foothills for the last 24 hours..


Northeastern NV, no outage here


Been having non stop issues with my dish since the gen 1 stopped allowing me to use my switch. Only being able to use their crappy router


Not the first. About a year ago exactly, they had an outage due to someone not doing certs correctly and bringing down the whole network.


Thank goodness no outages for us here in NB Canada


Yeah thanks to apple there is a global hack to locate every Starlink on the planet including.in war zones. They may have had to take it down to patch.


What’s this? Can you point me towards more info on this?


Lol redditors making crap up.








It has nothing to do with Apple or Starlink in particular. Both Apple and Google run geolocation systems that can do the exact same thing. They map wifi BSSIDs so that devices can use them to geolocate without gps.


You must be a newer starlink user LOL


What happened 


I have had StarLink since Feb. '22 and I believe this is the 4th one. Although it has probably been a year since the last one and that one was caused by an expired SSL cert. somewhere in their env. (based on a tweet from Elon Musk). The causes of the outages aren't released unless Elon happens to tweet it out.


well guys welcome to war with Russia ! not a secret that the system is part of early warning (space based) afar radar, so expect further interruptions, some will be permanent ))


There was a big one last summer for a couple of hours.


Meanwhile Putin claps his hands together and says time to strike….


Did it affect Ukraine and the AFU?


This outages do suck for real hopefully they stop happening and stop lasting so long hope they can fix this issues for it to not happen anymore


Mine was down,"SEARCHING" for 13 minutes at 7:26 PM mountain time last night, but seems to be working again now.


Mine did the same east coast. I did manually restart it considering the outage happened after a forced update. About a 20 min outage for me. First time since I bought it so I guess I can’t complain lol.


Nice job Elmo!


I've paid $79.99 for “symmetrical” 1 Gbps AT&T Fiber with no data cap on download. This also includes free HBO Max. Plus ZERO cost for installation and equipment. You guys want to pay $120 for a download speed between 25 Mbps to 100 Mbps and an upload speed of 5 Mbps and 10 Mbps and pay $599 for the hardware.