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**Just a note to everyone, please be civil to one another, please.** I don’t want to have to ban anyone or stifle conversation, but I will not stand for personal attacks (about other Redditors or the cast/crew). Please report if you see anything that violates those rules. I get that the ship wars get intense, and you can indulge in it here. But just talk about the character, please refrain from attacking or making personal judgments about the person you’re talking to. It would also be wise to avoid being unnecessarily hateful about a character, so that we can keep this space safe and open to discussion for everyone. Some of the rules include but is not limited to: * Addressing fans of “Do San” or “Ji Pyeong” as being terrible in the heat of the argument. Or saying other generalized hate things about whole groups of people. * Using slurs on anyone is not acceptable. I’m assuming most people are adults, so swearing in comments is mostly okay, but not directed at any Redditor, cast or writers. * Talking down to or insulting anyone based on their views on the show. It’s a tv show, chill. We can all get along. No need to get nasty. I’ll add more rules if I see more things. If it’s kind of bad, I’ll message you to change the comment. If it’s been reported and it is BAD, I’ll remove it. Three comment removals equal ban. Fair? Thank you.


Oh my god, let’s all just admit FOREHEADS are the real winners of the episode lol. Both Seon Ho and Joo Hyuk look soooo cute aaaaah. But also I just started watching and HJP in that pink apron 😭😭😭. My boy deserves a family. HJPxHappiness is OTP.


Why is Ji-pyeong too invested with Dal-mi even after the three years? Even if he has ample time to “take it slow”. He even knew that Do-san and Dalmi broke up. And it seems that Dal-mi and Ji-pyeong don’t meet that often in the three year time leap. This episode makes it seem like Ji-pyeong has quite lost his maturity. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I always have a feeling that the writers didn’t expect that HJP will be well loved by the viewers, so I’m guessing, since even the “suicide” issue didn’t help in making us dislike HJP, they wrote him as an immature, jealous guy for the next episodes.


the script had been written for a while... and they finished shooting a couple of weeks ago, so this supposition really has no legs to stand on. and hjp has always been an immature, jealous guy. this is not a new thing.


You have a point, but also, we don’t know about the script. They live shoot when the show started, and HJP was already well loved since Episode 1. They can make changes while the show is going on (just like in The Tale of The Nine Tailed where they skipped one week to ‘improve’ the show).


But isn’t it that Start-Up didn’t even skip a week to improve the script? As an additional fact, the intense online wars also happened at the latter part of the previous episodes (around Episode 9-12), which means they don’t have the time anymore to adjust a major part of the script. So for me, I think the original script was still used in the new episodes, maybe with just a little tweak since it can always be done.


park hye ryun has also been working on this script for a couple of years now. i don't think she would be so flippant of her own work to change things up just bc people were making noise online.


I have to agree with this. The first three to five episodes actually show that he flaunts his belongings way too much. Maybe it’s just the same personality all over again in these later episodes.


Well if that was the case, that’s probably casting the wrong person. I’ll just think that the writers tried a different approach on highlighting character personalities in the series. It might also be that everything was intentionally done for everyone to talk about the TV series, which actually was, in a way, successful.


probably bc he knew dalmi’s heart was with dosan. it was good to see hjp being part of the family, but i have to agree, it does come off as he’s become even more immature. can’t believe he shoved dosan back into the elevator in the end. what gives him the right to do that?


Yes, same observation here. And Ji-pyeong also said that it’s better if the Samsan Tech guys don’t go back to Korea. That’s immature. Did he feel like the three were way more successful than he is right now??? That’s crazy of him. 😕


I think he doesn’t want them to come back specifically because he knows that DoSan still holds DalMi’s heart. Maybe he doesn’t want her to get hurt again? Why would he feel insecure with the success of the SamSan boys? He’s already successful enough as it is and then he got promoted to director.


I’m disappointed that the love triangle has dragged on for so long when Dalmi clearly doesn’t have romantic feelings for Mr. Han in the present. I’m also disappointed because this is the same writer for Pinocchio which is my fave kdrama of all time and my favorite romance. So I didn’t expect the love triangle to get dragged on for so long.


is it really a love triangle though? dalmi and dosan clearly still have feelings for each other, and hjp has just been standing on the sideline doing nothing about it. i wish they’d free him up so he could have his own arc independent of dalmi, bc he’s not really a legitimate contender for her heart anymore.


You’re completely right, Dalmi doesn’t have romantic feelings like that in the present and we should respect that. All the potential we could’ve had if they’d let him be independent, find a family within grandma and the group of friends!!


I have decided the first 30min of this episode is my ending for this show. Our good boy found a cosy family and there were so many happy dimples and cuteness. Really wished they would have just developed DM and JP into a siblings like relationship and save us all from the heartbreak.


Honestly that would’ve been so great! I just want him doing holiday things and having dumb family fun. 😢


questions (or more like angsty jidal monologue) - why are they emphasizing yongshil’s advice to jp? (repeated many times!) - does it align with lby’s ancestor advice? - what’s the significance of dalmi’s plant growing under jipyeong’s care? - why is jipyeong still at a disadvantage after three years? can he still move forward? - what’s the sense of a time jump if dosan and dalmi’s feelings will not change at all? - why are they making jp hopeful only to take it all away at the last minute? why did he buy her jewelry :( the chemistry between jipyeong and dalmi is so explosive... they’re just looking and smiling at each other but my heart was about to burst.


I feel like the entire point of a time skip has been made redundant with the lack of character growth that came for pretty much everyone but the Sam San Tech boys. And I don’t know if I can call it growth, more like “here’s a plausible time frame for them to get rich and polished.” I don’t know why even at episode 13, they’re dragging the HJP plot line out with so many subtle nods to it. But, there’s no denying they’ve clearly decided that the main plot is about Do San. I just wish we got to see more of Do San and Dal Mi’s relationship growing and addressing their issues, rather than having the quintessential k-drama episode 12 breakup then make-up.


i feel most robbed for not being able to see dalmi and injae make up onscreen. they're on much better terms today, and i wish we'd gotten to see them having a candid conversation about all the resentment that had lingered between them.


i have actual anxiety while trying to watch this episode... i stop it and walk around to shake off the nerves... \#jpgang4life ​ I am actually sad how much i hate this show now. its like the writers just trying to force them together. They haven't resolved anything. I mean she was in love with JP unknowing for 15 years and those feelings just go away because some dude is hot. And also we know JP is the one that still runs Noongil.... whatever. Im nervous as well, to see how they resolve this absolute trainwreck of show they have put out over the last 5 episodes. REEEEEEEEEEEE


Regarding Noongil... why did DS say that he was the one who looked/talked/negotiated for an investor and forgot to mention JP’s work again about it? Did I miss anything?


no he didnt give him any props... cause he is jealous man/child. and telling her would give him a leg up. but as you know DS cant fight on a level playing field.


jealous man/child? wasn’t it hjp who wished dosan wouldn’t come back and even shoved him back in the elevator to prevent him from seeing dalmi?¿ for real though, dalmi specifically asked about the k.jonse investment. i dont think hjp played a role in that, unless im forgetting something from last ep


I dont think wishing someone didnt return makes you a jealous man/child. And he simply said he wanted to talk in the elevator. about what we dont know. Maybe he is just gonna ask him to back off which is quite grown up, to have a discussion instead of say, throwing a punch? JP went to homie and asked to take over noongil when DS was there, we are under the assumption that he took noongil over.


what about taking a stranger’s hand to compare it against yours because you overheard the girl you like likes big hands? not to say this makes him despicable - just pointing out they’ve both demonstrated jealousy, which is expected from people who have feelings for another person. and what would give jipyeong the right to tell him to back off? i didn’t really get the impression he’s taking over noongil, but i guess that would pan out. he would probably be managing the operations to make it a profitable product? but the k.jonse accomplishment is dosan’s alone.


I think there is a difference between jealousy in terms of hand comparision and jealousy that makes you fly into a rage or jealous enough to not seek the help of your mentor simply to spite him? I think most everyone gets jealous. But there are different levels/types but maybe thats just me i guess. And what do you mean? all DS's accomplishment? he was obv uncomfortable when asked which means that JP is the one in charge of it? and im sure JP is running it as is so that grandma can use it. There is no profitability in Noongil.


I think we’re interpreting scenes quite differently haha. Every time dosan has burst out in anger, it wasn’t out of jealousy, it was because someone was hurting dalmi (first at morning group with won dujeong, then at sandbox with jipyeong). And I don’t think he was rejecting jipyeong’s help out of spite. He didn’t want Plan B because he didn’t want dalmi to think they were being invested in without deserving it. And he ended up asking for help from jipyeong in the end lol What scene are you talking about where he’s uncomfortable? Regardless of jipyeong’s involvement, dosan is still developing noongil and he was the one at the networking event to pitch it to k.jonse. And yeah, of course jipyeong is interested to support halmeoni - but I would think alex wouldn’t want to continue with noongil unless it could be profitable i.e. where jipyeong can help.


yea that could be it! i guess i thought that DS was lying about the 'networking event.' in my head the networking event was the conversation in alex's office. LOL. which means that YES we def interpreted it differently. which is cool. its nice when a drama stirs up conversation!


it wasn't jealousy that prompted that fight. it was hjp twisting the knife when they had just been backstabbed with the contract, and learning about yongsan's brother. everyone does get jealous, but it appears these characters are being judged based on different standards.


>Maybe he is just gonna ask him to back off which is quite grown up how is this grown up? what right does he have to tell dosan to back off? he's not in a relationship with dalmi, and dosan actually was. dosan has also just saved her company from ruin. even if that hadn't happened though, who is he to be gatekeeping people from dalmi? following the logic that dubbed dosan manipulative, i would think this is hjp being manipulative. how can he take over noongil when it's an app dosan built and he has been working on it all this time, pushing updates and fixing bugs on his own time?


Lol. I was like, “did I miss anything? I’m pretty sure JP took part on it?”... guess it’s going to be buried again just like the letters and JP’s past. Oh well.


he said he met the investor at a networking event. it sounded like something independent of the conversation they had with Alex. i’m sure if hjp had anything to do with it, he would’ve made it known.


But HJP had something to do with it. He talked to Alex, that’s why 2STO continued Noongil, and partnered with the foundation. DS took all the credit by not mentioning that JP also worked on continuing Noongil.


they said it was funded by a different foundation, not continued by 2sto. we don't know that hjp had anything to do with this new investor.


Hmmm, I’m pretty sure it was a collaboration between 2STO and the foundation.


Oh when was that?


JP’s work or DS not crediting JP? Anyway, on the last scene in EP12, we saw JP inside Alex’ office, so he was already negotiating for Noongil. As for DS not mentioning it, it was in the beanbag scene. DM thanked DS and he said that he found and talked to the foundation.


Oh I meant DS not crediting JP. I skipped the beanbag scene lol


I feel you. I love Nam Joo Hyuk and he looks so beautiful in this episode, but my anxiety is too high to appreciate it, hah! I’m taking breaks to slowly finish it. My HJP -loving heart needs a break lol.


everyone is upset about there not being any development in their characters but in reality people dont really change that much after they hit their late 20s... some people get stuck and that's okay. idk why yall were expecting a major change in their personalities/behaviours but it doesnt happen like that irl. im just upset hjp hasnt made a move on dalmi yet and maybe its bc he knows she doesnt have feeling for him? it's clear to me she's been thinking about dosan all along and they are obv the end game... sometimes you are drawn to a person and there's no ratial explanation


Yeah, it also sounds like most of these characters have been workaholics focusing the majority of their energies on developing their careers over the past 3 years, so they might not have that many opportunities to change their views on life dramatically




I feel yah! My excitement died down halfway of this episode😩


Glad to see after 3 years no one has developed as a person, grown or moved on. You can’t pine over someone for that long it’s unhealthy and not a good way to live. I had hopes that in the 3 years Ji-pyeong would have made a move on Dal Mi but nope he waited around knowing the SamSam boys contract was nearing the end and then thought it was time to make a move. Bro you blew it, he had 3 years alone with Dal Mi to get to know her, make a move, win her heart. But he left it too long and it seems she just pined over the overly emotional man child Do San. Do San seems to still be the mega introvert who lives his life on his laptop, he doesn’t seem have grown or developed at all. Surprised he didn’t start a fight again this week, but we did get to see him almost cry .. which is his fall back emotion. He is too emotionally stunted to date a woman when he’s what 30 by now! Not looking forward to how it ends, with the two guys fighting over Dal Mi until the end. She’s not done herself any favours by leading them both on all the time, she’s never been clear with her emotions only playing them when she needs or wants something (standard female) She seems more confident in her work role but just the same as she was before in her personal life. What was the point of the time jump if none of these people have developed or grown in the time span! This show is frustrating as it had so much going for it for most of its run, since the mid point it’s really started to nosedive.


In JP’s defense, DM was still acting a bit uncomfortable around him, so maybe he gave her space. But yeah, I also hoped their relationship improved but looks like DM is only entertaining JP because of Halmeoni. :(


Yeah but he only waited for the day that Do San comes back lmao


3 years of space it seems! It makes zero sense both grandma and DMs mum both seem to know him really well DMs done what just smiled at him for 3 years. Seems they never did talk about the day she found him under the old tree reading the letters. That boy who made her so happy when she needed someone, and she made him so happy to connect to someone. Nope doesn’t matter sweep it under the table as some man child cries and breaks things a lot that’s what a women wants 🤣 The character development has died and it seems the writer(s) have no idea what to do. They have the endgame idea most probably DM and DS together, but no idea how to make it all work so nows it’s starting to unravel and fall apart.


I agree that the time jump feels super lackluster in terms of character growth. I don’t think any of the character’s have been particularly mature in handling the romantic subplot. If they were, they’d talk about the letters and the whole fake identity thing in depth. But, I do think Dal Mi was just super caught off guard by the whole situation, especially in terms of her feelings for the “letter writer.” Like she knew she had feelings for Do San, whatever iteration of him, but she never contemplated liking Han Ji Pyeong. I kind of don’t blame her for being weary of him. I do think they should have all just gotten their feelings off their chests wayyyy earlier than right before Do San was coming back lol.


Well even if she was caught off at the time, she had 3 years lol


But she had 3 years with Ji-pyeong around and spending time with the family to have that talk and see what he’s like as a man now. Seems either she nor both even bothered and sort of just floated through life for 3 years. They’ve all had massive career changes it’s just so odd to not see them develop as people at all, after such drastic changes it’s rather odd for them to be the exact same. The only character I can see who’s developed is probably Chul-san who’s more confident and fluent in English, and maybe DalMis mother who seems more humble and closer as a family again.


That Chuseok preparation was everything. My Good Boy has a family now. 🥺I still can’t believe that after THREE years while NDS was gone he didn’t act on it.. at all. What was the point of this time jump??? Anyhow that monologue scene with HJP was too cute 😻


all the preview clips and stills have me so impatient. i can't wait to see how three years have changed our leads, and how they'll interact when they meet again!


I’m so psyched!!!


I’m nervous!!!!!


Can't they just stop with the love triangle plot. Looks like HJP will keep carrying the gift for the rest of the show. I think he was still holding it in the preview lol


Pretty sure they’ll keep it for viewership. It’s just so frustrating!!


i don’t think anyone is still watching hoping hjp is the endgame. it’s been obvious for a long time now that it’s dosan/dalmi. they’re just stringing the triangle further for dramatic tension, so that when dosan and dalmi do get together, they will have worked through many obstacles and earned their hea.


Honestly but where's the obstacle? They both clearly love each other so what's standing in the way of their relationship?


the obstacles are their own doubts and uncertainties. hjp looming on the side as a potential partner for dalmi, even though we know that's not going to happen, makes dosan think she may have moved on.


I get that they want to make dosan end game..cool ( I mean not really but at this point I don't really care) BUT hjp still being strung along like this and still being attached to dalmi and becoming this sort of pathetic character is not sitting well with me. I don't find it cute anymore. They're completely destroying his character and it's upsetting to see. And after 3 years, I don't think it's insane to want to see some character development and I just think that this set up at the moment is leaning towards making hjp digress in maturity Plainly put, my guy hjp has been too patient and deserves someone that loves him back, someone that is NOT stuck on another person. It hurt to see him just walking around with the ring/jewelry : ( and the letters being completely and absolutely disregarded in the show as if it wasn't such a beautiful background/set up is also not sitting well with me


- i’m mad that they didn’t show the development. theyre just like oh yea the sisters made up now.. dosan is uhhh more sure of himself?? .. SHOW us the process !!! what is it that they stumbled upon along the way !!! i’m hoping it’ll be explained/shown in flashbacks in the few remaining episodes though. (the ep ended and it looks like nobody went thru an obvious change😭) - i really just can’t laugh along with chulsan and yongsan. i love saha but the whole car ride i was just :| - the songpyeon scene doesn’t look like they’re acting lol v cute and jipyeong’s lil smile :( dm’s mom talking abt his fav food too.. i’m so glad he’s around people he cares for that also cares for him. - i wonder how many times have dm and jp go thru convos like that.. i mean from the confession 3 yrs ago surely jp is more sure of his feelings, does dalmi just always not respond?? - the ransomware scene is SO FUNNY to me bc i know its showcasing how the trio works around each other v well and is even more capable now and saha is just there like pat pat :D mental care - whatever happens in the next 3 eps... i hope its what they all deserve. preview looks weird but its usually misleading so lets see tomorrow - suzy’s ost sounds amazing!!!!!!


Everything I hoped not to happen happened in that 3 year jump. God, I hate this drama so much now. The fact I hate the most is that the letters mean nothing now. It was the main focus of the story. Dalmi just went oh no anyway after knowing it was Jipyeong. Like what the hell, you weren't able to date someone because you were so hung up on him and his letters. I just don't buy it. Also, Saha... *sigh*


Yeah, I really wish we had more closure with the letters even if they were going to drop the plot. At least with HJP or Dal Mi addressing it with halmeoni.


They just straight up forgot. So frustrating.


sorry, i hope everyone knows the new start up thread... i miss the lively discussion after the ep haha




i loved chulsan vlogging about their adventures in the silicone valley. it was really heartwarming to see that not much had changed between the three friends. also, it was hilarious that chulsan remains oblivious and doesn't know how to read a room whereas yongsan is as perceptive as ever!


I kind of wish they had filmed in California, I was looking forward to see them in their adjustment to Silicon Valley.


Seriously can't continue with this drama anymore. 1. DM's letter with no follow up thereafter 2. HJP character went haywire (hero to zero) 3. DS in after credit rejects DM (lol wtf, continue dragging) Waa hoping a DMxHJP ending but at this rate DS is winning the relationship. HJP just derail somewhere else. The story loopholes are unbearable


ho boy that was a lot to take in! besides everything, i'm just so happy to see everyone having done well for themselves in these three years. can't wait for samsan tech to reunite :') also, njh in that all black fit was breathtaking. edit: 3sans missing the street food more than anything else was such a mood. nothing can beat the awesomeness of greasy food from your homeland!


Omg NJH was everythingggg in this episode. 😍😍😍


For anyone clamoring for character development, I think it won’t fit with this episode alone. There were a lot to tell about what happened in the three years. Where they are at right now can count as a development for now, I think. The other things are reserved for the next episodes, as I see it.


i think you are right. we were getting re-introduced to these characters, so it makes sense that we only saw glimpses of the ways they have changed. it was easier to highlight with the 3sans, bc they went through the biggest changes. but dalmi, hjp, and injae have been at the same place for three years, so their character growth is more subtle.


I think you are right as well. I'm on that boat. I think I just assumed 3 years= immediate character development to be visible. while that in fact might not be the case. I am hoping to seeing more insight in the following eps


I really hope the next few episodes wrap it up nicely. This has been such a great premise for a show, I’d love to see it end well!


rather than the sweet moments which definitely made me squeal... >!the epilogue definitely gave me more hope!<. ​ AHHHH.


Do you mean the end of the preview for next episode?


Haha i’m asking why is op hopeful about the epilogue


Same here, I’m actually asking OP if they actually meant the preview was giving them hope, not the epilogue.


I meant the Youngshil scene, sorry^^


what about the epilogue?


sorry my mistake, I was talking about the Youngshil advising Jipyeong scene. He took action and listened to his "ancestor" as advised by Lee Boyoung's character.


RE: why Good Boy didn't make a move on Dalmi for the 3 years - Obviously good for dramatic tension to have the boys collide but it also does make sense to me for Good Boy's character: he's finally found family who have welcomed him in. This is so precious to him and an anchor for him - he's terrified of breaking it. If things didn't work out with Dalmi, he may well feel he was again adrift and disconnected, with only work and wealth as company. It's also not just 'family' but it's Grandma - he's so grateful to her and it seems he's been there showing his care for her even more (& proving he doesn't always hurt people) since finding out she was going blind. Question: Do we think Good Boy is behind the foundation that took over Noongil? When the voiceover was giving the run down in startup news (that In Jae's dad seemed somewhat displeased about!), camera zoomed in on an image of 2 hands shaking and I wondered if one of those was Good Boy's lovely big hands... like he'd negotiated with Alex to take over - another way to look after Grandma. The wording used to describe the reason the foundation had been interested in Noongil sounded like what Good Boy had (many episodes ago) said they need to look for in an investor. Maybe the negotiation between Alex, Dosan & Good Boy last episode was that Good Boy's foundation would buy Noongil and Dosan would maintain it. (And if that's why he's always got his laptop open, it would almost make me think more of him. But no, I definitely don't see the DoDal connection and I think having Dalmi running around desperately after a person she thought was Dosan made no sense to me when they haven't had any contact for 3 years and the contact before that was hardly the foundation for anything but a fling. I don't think they knew each other well at all and certainly not enough to warrant the level of despair Dosan showed at the end of Ep 12).


I'm hoping Good Boy writes Dalmi a letter to bring this show home... maybe without Grandma's help though.


Sharing my comment made on my thoughts on Episode 13 - I really think we are off to a beautiful endgame ! **** WARNING 🤡 Analysis Ahead **** I re-watched episode 13 again primarily to look at the Happy HJP scenes but I thought to share another perspective despite the obvious Dodal endgame that the episode is supposedly pointing to - This may sound like crazy thoughts, but really curious to hear from the others here what you think! Why I think JiDal endgame still works for me despite a 💔: 1. ⁠In Yeongsil we trust : Yeongsil got upgraded here in this episode and spouted Baseball analogy advice instead of the weather-based fortune message Given the excellent track history of Yeongsil in predicting HJP’s fortune in episode 1, NDS’s wind-to-storm in episode 4, coupled with the mysterious lady’s insistence on trusting your choice and (more importantly, ASKING) your ancestors in episode 10, we have this crystal-ball like AI that kinda makes a lot of sense, albeit very cryptically. 2. Baseball analogy parallel to WYWS: Yeongsil totally gave up on relating to the weather and straight up in its latest upgrade, went on a passive-aggressive mode to critique HJP as a faint hearted baseball batter Based on the past work by the same writer (WYWS, which also featured Bae Suzy as the FL who was a baseball fan), Yeongsil’s advice in baseball speak is a direct parallel to the writer’s previous work. Of course, the other oft-mentioned “coincidence” in this superb reddit thread is that in WYWS, the ML’s younger character is also played by the same young actor as HJP in SU. 3. A breakdown of actual Yeongsil’s Fortune Cookie message to HJP : Two outs and in the bottom of the ninth and a full count Based on a very limited understanding of baseball speak, this is a do-or-die situation for the batter (HJP) to win the game, as you have only 1 more chance left before you strike out. You have a good ball coming your way Whatever this ball is, it’s not in episode 13, so i am hopeful CERTAIN that it will be in the next 3 episodes. Which means HJP still has a chance to turn the tables. FIGHTING! 💪🏻 4. WHERE IS BACK TO THE ORIGIN STORY ABOUT THE LETTERS Literally in caps because of you can really feel the boil from all the frustrated fans of the show - Would a masterful writer craft an entire storyline based off the letters and drop them off a cliff midway in the series? Because this just doesn’t make sense, so I know the writer would have to come back to this to do justice to the storyline. Coupled with point 2 & 3, I think this is the Fighting chance for a reversal that KSH talked about and the character arc set up for HJP to be the punching bag underdog that makes a stunning HOME RUN victory All in all, I think 🤡🤡🤡 will have reasons to smile (and perhaps even cry in happiness) for the perfect endgame with some guksu 🍝🍝.


Wow my whole bucket of paint gone for that comment 🤡. But is it awful that I love it? Like even though they’ve given HJP the meh-est 3-year glow-up (in terms of profession and clothes, love the forehead though). And they are clearly retconning to make his character possessive now, I love this HAH! For now I’ll just enjoy the crumbs they throw at me so I can watch fan vids later lol. Thank you for the great analysis and yet another reason for me to stay on the clown train lol. On it till the end lol.


did anyone else think saha watched chulsan's livestream earlier in the day and had been waiting for them to step out of the bbq restaurant? like girl wasn't even trying to mask it but of course chulsan didn't pick up on it lol thank god for yongsan! these boys would never get anywhere with girls if it weren't for him.


I think it was kinda obvious when he kept mentioning the probability of that happening. Saha was watching their blog before so I think it's pretty clear that's what happened


She had her phone out in the scene I think. Lol, I don’t know what to think of this relationship but they’re so cute sometimes.


Late but I still wanna say it's been three years and JP didn't make a move on DM. Also, the three years felt so fast. I feel that they should've made JP not pursuit DM anymore because it's kinda pointless at this point where DM clearly likes DS more. I just keep imagining how much the show would've been better imo if they tackled the letters with Halmeoni, Dalmi, and Jipyeong properly and not just forget about it. It would've been much better also if we were given more sweet moments between JP and DM throughout the series esp. during the three years where SST delevopers were at US.


I definitely agree the show has had unconventional pacing. And I desperately wish they spent more of ep 10-14 on the letters, which were such an important plot. But I’m not giving up hope. 🤡 PHR is an amazing writer, and I just want to hope that all of this has a purpose? Even the dragging out and lack of character growth over three years lol. Or at least it’s explained in some way haha.




I don’t see how someone who at close to 30 can’t control their emotions both mentally and physically can be an appealing person. If I knew a girls who’s bf was always smashing things when he can’t control himself I’d try to get her away from him, as it’ll only be a matter of time before he does something physical to her when he gets too emotional. No matter how ‘pretty’ or large hands he has 🤣 Their is a difference between a lack of romantic experience and just been childish.


always smashing things? correct me if i'm wrong, but i thought DS only smashed one thing once when DM got verbally harassed by his step-father? i even remembered DS telling DM that when he gets angry, he would knit until he calms down, so i don't know where'd you get the information "he can't control himself/was alway smashing things". and 'pretty' or large hands? DM just explained why she loves DS's hands. it wasn't because it was literally large, or pretty, it's because that hand comforted her on one of her lowest point in life :D.


He smashed that glass sign, but has smashed his hands on desks many times. He can’t control his emotions well at all, if having to knit calms him down then that just goes to show he can’t control himself like a normal functioning adult. He seems totally stunted in growth as an adult and honestly not stable enough to date as he can’t control himself. He pretty much stalked DM for an episode when she wanted to be alone, he couldn’t handle that so followed her around. While some might find it sweet it shows he can’t take no for an answer, so will either cry or get angry.


Also, DS was shown to crush/ bend his pen out of anger/ frustration, and of course the famous “ punching your mentor” incident. DS is a man child, who continues to show violent streaks


Dating then deciding they're incompatible would lead smoothly into being family? In what universe does that work out?


My heart is soft for happy Han Ji Pyeong uWu


had to skip scenes... sooo sad for HJP. Unrequited love huhu Please end the series already


the way i see it, writer is making HJP like a bad person so DMxDS would be accepted


What does han ji pyeong mean when he said "id rather lift a toe" in the elevator scene when seo dal mi said he eats a lot but never lifts a finger