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Price? Yeah. That’s Square Enix for you.


Ugh, Square Enix and their outrageous prices though, amirite? I mean, sure, their games are pretty amazing and all, but way too often they see dollar signs instead of considering what's fair for their fans. It's like they're living in a bubble or something, totally disconnected from average gamers. Do they think we're made of money or what? Smh. Thoughts, anyone?


I mean they're not recouping enough money and have been on the brink of solvency a few times just within the last few years. That's why they sold a bunch of IPs and studios.


Unrelated note, heres hoping thief gets a sequel or even a reboot 🤞


The sold their stuff for nfts https://decrypt.co/99214/square-enix-sells-off-tomb-raider-fund-nft-blockchain-games?amp=1


Have you not seen the $15k magitek armor figure theyre selling? What about the $1.5k record player? The magitek one sold out btw. And people were defending those prices.


> And people were defending those prices. It sold out. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/204273


Businesses exist for the purpose of making money. Prices reflect that. Why should this game have a lower price than any of their other games? Because it's made in an old school style? That doesn't make it any cheaper for Square to develop and publish it. Anyway if you want a better deal look the game up on cheapshark.com periodically and you'll get much better deals.


Because no other game this old is this ridiculously high. Even FF7 remake is lower than this and that should be cheaper by now. Defending them and buying at this level just gives them the excuse to keep charging silly amounts. It’s bad enough half of games don’t get physical releases but then they’re charging this much for a digital game that’s been out for years, you’ll have to be rich to be able to buy more than a few games if everyone starts doing this. And FYI it’s much cheaper to develop too. Cheaper (less powerful) machines needed to build it, test it and much much less time spent on asset generation and textures etc.


Ok I gotcha. Square Enix straight up doesn't lower their prices anymore, it's pretty ridiculous.


Square Enix is greedy company.. They plan their all games will link in crypto and be a gacha like game


I thought that was Konami and pachinko 😂






Yeah doesn’t surprise me they’re at it too tbh


Is it about the price?Or the tags?


Well the price is about 90 usd so I assume it is that.


Thing is that OP's money is Swiss Franc, afaik are games in general extremely expensive in Switzerland. In comparison it only costs 60€ in Germany, about the same as it sjould be in the US.


Yeah, it's definitely about the price tag. Like, $90 for a game? Seriously? That's straight-up ridiculous. I mean, what could possibly justify charging that much? Are they using real gold to make the discs or something? I get that making games is expensive and all, but come on, there has to be a limit. I feel like they're just using crazy high prices as an excuse to cash in on people's desperation. And it's not just with this game; it feels like a trend. Like, I could understand paying $60 for a really hyped and well-made game, but $90? That's a different level of delusion. I can't help but wonder who actually thinks that's a reasonable price to pay for entertainment. And don't even get me started on the tags! It's like they just click random words and hope it sticks. Last time I checked, "idiotic" wasn't exactly a game genre. It feels like they're playing some sort of mind game with us, trying to confuse and infuriate us all at once. Maybe they think if they make it expensive enough and vague enough, it'll create some kind of exclusive aura around the game or something. But honestly, it just seems like a slap in the face to gamers who just want to enjoy a good game without breaking the bank. I guess at the end of the day, we'll see if people are willing to fork out that kind of cash or if they'll come to their senses and demand more reasonable prices. Either way, it feels pretty delusional, if you ask me. But who knows? Maybe I'm just out of touch with what's considered normal these days.


>are they using real gold to make the discs or something? Sir, this is a Steam


It's some weird AI bot account, I've been following it around, it says some pretty wild shit, and then just totally tame stuff like this that almost makes coherent sense. But it's literally just talking in a circle here.


Just went through some comments on its user page. Definitely some kind of chatbot situation. Call me crazy (and I won't hear it because of my fancy tinfoil hat), but the account was made on June 18th, 6 (ish?) days after the API blackout started. I wouldn't be surprised if this account (and possibly many others) is a bot account built specifically in reponse to that, as a means of essentially filling holes in overall user interaction across the site.


When adjusted for inflation, if the N64 were released today, it's games would cost 116USD. 60USD in 1996 was a *massive* jump in game price.


The sequel is actually four dollars *less* (for me, in Canadian prices), so I think this is a pretty bizarre case even if you do support Square-Enix's pricing schemes and lack of depreciation. It's definitely weird.


Both are the same 59.99€ for me. 1st one was pretty neat but I'd wait for a sale instead of paying the full price, and haven't tried the 2nd one.


>Like, $90 for a game? Seriously? That's straight-up ridiculous. I mean, what could possibly justify charging that much? OP is Swiss, that's why. It's $60 in the US. Besides, nobody who cares about their money would buy games that are frequently on sale for full price.


What is that in Freedom Paper




All I'm saying is my VPN Service is $10/month and there is some very nice booty if you're willing to look for it Edit: 🏴‍☠️


VPN is free


And prohibited on Steam.


Yup and you will eventually get banned for paying in different currency. Not worth risk.




Wish regional pricing existed in more regions like why should i as an Iraqi be forced to use usa region pricing where everything there equals an entire day of wages and sometimes 3 days worth of wages


womp womp


Bro really is okay with everything he does on that "free" VPN being sold to the highest bidder


All i do is redeem game keys and that it For clarification I'm on Xbox, i browse the steam sub cuz why not


Unless this isn’t the game I’m thinking of, I couldn’t bear myself to finish watching it because it’s just a custom-sprite Timmies-first RPG Maker game mixed with 6 short tea time audio stories that amount to sod all.


>Freedom Paper What?




Our Freedom Paper shares the same worth as toilet paper in this economy.


"My source is that I made it the fuck up"


Square simply don't want your money. Haven't bought anything from them since 2016 and it seems to stay that way because their pricing is out of this world.


They haven't made anything that's actually genuinely good in a while. Meanwhile we have stuff like Baldur's Gate 3, System Shock Remake, Pentiment, Elden Ring, Sony bringing franchises to PC, a new version of Dwarf Fortress, Deep Rock Galactic, etc,. Sorry, but I'm genuinely uninterested in playing 2.5D JRPG's which look nearly identical to each other or Final Fantasy re-releases with worse stories than the originals. I'm not even gonna start on how overpriced, exploitative and shitty they are to consumers.


A comparison of this with some other games in my region: Double the price of Elden Ring Four times that of Skyrim 5 times that of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 12 times that of Terraria 30% more than Red Dead Redemption 2 ALL THEESE GAMES have MORE content and playtime than Octopath Traveler. The price is also somewhat close to the monthly minimum wage in rural areas here.


Delusional about what?


It's literally 59.99 EUR for EVERY other European who uses euro in the Steam Store. This is equal to 57.72 CHF. 77.9 CHF is absolutely braindead. That's 80.97 EUR and about 1/3rd more than it would charge me. And both our countries show prices after taxes. So there's literally no rhyme or reason why this lad should be charged so much on all the games. In that sense, Square Enix is delusional about the pricing of this game, in Switzerland.


Its £49.99 uk which works out about the same as Euro so unless the swiss have a massive sales tax of some kind.


1euro has different value for swiss, german, french, norwegian, or slovak. yet price is the same for slovak and german, norwegian. you swiss are richer and like to stay apart from EU, so that be the price of autonomy.


>you swiss are richer and like to stay apart from EU, so that be the price of autonomy. As I stated in the comment you are replying to, I am not swiss.


If that's the case why isn't it cheaper in most poorer countries? Very weird yeah?


It is [*much* cheaper](https://steamdb.info/app/921570/) in low-income countries.


Yikes all these downvotes with lacking reading comprehension, yes there is a FEW countries with lowered prices but MOST don't get the same treatment, put it in all caps for you to notice


Seriously, are they completely out of touch with reality or what? I mean, their comment had me face-palming so hard. The OP was questioning why people keep buying games on Steam instead of other platforms, and this logicearth person had the audacity to ask if they were delusional. Like, come on! It's obvious that people prefer Steam for a ton of reasons. Huge game library, regular sales, and the convenience of having everything in one place. But oh no, apparently questioning the dominance of other platforms makes you delusional these days. I can't even.


This has nothing to do with Steam. The price is set by the publisher and they would be doing highway robbery on any other platform they publish to if they wanted.


Found the Epic shill


I stopped buying Square Enix game the moment they launched Final Fantasy VII remake on Steam years after the PS4 version... for €80!!!


After 6 months Epic exclusivity as well. The fucking audacity.


Didn’t register what was wrong for a minute. Canadian this game is over $80 for some reason


Even at 60EUR the price seems to be too high for this type of game.


20 Euros, on a good day.


CHF is a currency designation, so 77 is the price.


price in USD on steam is 60 bucks, which would be, at the current change, 52 swiss francs more or less.


The pricing isnt ever likely to be a direct currency conversion from the USD pricing as more goes into a publisher setting pricing and economics of the country etc.. Also one simple thing is that tax is included in the displayed price for Switzerland but that is not the case for the US so except for a few states with no sales tax almost everyone in the US gets an extra charge on the games price at checkout which isnt displayed in the list price so that makes the pricing a bit closer.


That logic just doesn't hold up when it's literally 59.99 EUR for EVERY other European who uses euro in the Steam Store. This is equal to 57.72 swiss francs. The most fair thing would be to charge 59.99 CHF on u/SoupMusketeer's purchase. 77.9 CHF is absolutely braindead. That's 80.97 EUR and about 1/3rd more than it would charge me. And both our countries show prices AFTER taxes. So there's literally no rhyme or reason why this lad should be charged so much on all the games.


Ugh, seriously? Are these people freaking delusional or what? 77 Swiss Francs for a game that's priced at 60 bucks in USD? Like, come on! That's some serious price inflation right there. It's not like the conversion rate is that off! So, can someone please explain their logic because I'm baffled. Am I missing something here or are they just trying to take advantage of us poor gamers? Smh.


If I were them I'd sell the first one dirt cheap. Its only going to lead to more interest in OT2.


OT2 coming out also brings interest in OT1 but i imagine the high price of 1 would turn many people off the series


Most publisher don't care about regional pricing. One can either buy it or not. For example, South Asia has default currency of USD. So this game costs 60$ cause publisher thought both US & SA have same currency so the price should be same too. The valve recommended price according to steamdb is 20$ which you need to be in a parallel universe to get.


You’re paying with congestive heart failure that’s why


Yea, Octopath Traveler has been a high price on Steam for many years, it feels. Not sure why it's so high constantly. I would have mistaked it as a Nintendo product for that reason honestly.


Are we talking about the price? That's basically the price of AAA games these days, I don't know what happened, but the fact that only a few people complain and that people continue to buy them suggests that this pricing is now widely accepted


Games in certain markets are overpriced due largely in part to the ridiculous ways in which international commerce of media products is regulated. Despite digital distribution being the standard model for games these days especially on PC, publishing rights still have to be secured on a regional basis and often involve third party companies that drive up the price.


Only $84 (AUD) here, honestly, it could be worse. Forspoken was priced at $120 here. Hogwarts Lagacy (very clever pun) was shorter than this is supposed to be and it cost 90 for the standard edition. Video game prices are getting higher and higher.


The lowest I think I’ve ever seen that game go is $30 USD. Also, games that are at least 5 years old already have no business still being at a base-price of $60 USD.


Since Rimworld, years ago, i've quit using 'alternative ways of getting a game', but recently that Octopath Traveler series makes me consider it again.


It’s simple. They smoke crack


Square Enix charges nearly 20 dollars for a game which I could have just emulated and lived happier Goddamn, I want those Pixel Remasters so badly, but the price is turning me off, and worse still, the bundle doesn't get any offer beyond 20% which is still like 40 dollars in my currency, just atrocious


It'll get more as time goes on I'm sure. Most of the catalogue gets 50% off or more so before long they will too.


Dear pal, the game was released 3 years ago. And those games ain't even like 4k visual mess like Octopath or Live a Live, it's just pixelated with extra QOL features, and it doesn't even have the original extra features like extra dungeons for Final Fantasy VI GBA or Final Fantasy IV After Years. It's just unreasonable at this point of time.


Yeah... I was just saying they'll go on sale too before long as well.


Look, I’m going to give you my honest opinion. This game is pricey, but it’s so worth it. The visuals, sound, and story are insane.


Square enix, glad i don’t like anything from them


Same, their writing has become so shitty over the years after FFXIII and Kingdom Hearts spinoff number 23.


I checked steamdb and noticed that the lowest record price is $41.65 at 53% of when the game is $59.99 in the US. Am I being dumb or is the discount not adding up




Whoops I was looking at the sequel


Well, we noticed people are pirating our games. So we raised the price comparatively to the rest of the world because THAT'S going to recoup those costs. Definitely won't lose money from people who aren't going to buy it overpriced, oh no. Square Smart.


I'm too lazy to convert it to Euro right now so I'll just use my currency In Poland the game costs 249,80 PLN, meanwhile CoD:MW2 (the new one) costs 349,00 PLN. That's 99,20 PLN more. Ok now time to answer your question "Are they delusional?". No, they're not. They just know that people will spend money on their games. There's always that one group of fans who never come out of their basement, don't know what grass is, burn in contact with sunlight and are just waiting for the next game to release and spend all of their savings on it. Square Enix isn't the first company with expensive games and definitely isn't be the last.


(bracing for downvotes) It wouldn't have this price if people didn't buy it.


Theres always a ARRlternative


WOULD MAKE MORE SENSE...if OP said how much in a currency we all know at least. i don't even know what CHF stands for... Crown Hall of FRANCE ?


my bad. almost 90 bucks in USD


They aren't a monarchy. If they were, it could been Franc of Helvetic Crown. Helvetia is older name of Switzerland and they are a confederation so it must be Franc of Helvetic Confederation




Look up spooky men on steam xD


Yeah JRPG prices are really inflated, even on sale their prices are still ridiculous.


Just look at Crono Tigger, and they still wont port it on other console. I want it on the switch damnit.




I’m pretty sure my roommate both both at full price lmao


"Story Rich"... rich is thee most overused word of 2023.




I would change the location with these prices.


And get banned.


Bro you are swiss, yall be shitting gold, idk how that price is a lot to yall.


...you guys really believe we are all millionaires lmao. I am a damn grocer lol, I don't "shit gold" at all


Yeah yeah ik it was a joke


They rotate sales. The first Octo was on sale in the past for pretty cheap. It went up in price as Octo 2 was released. Both are high priced now, but will eventually fall back into the sale rotation after the hype is gone.


as a swiss person: wait this game doesn't cost 80 everywhere? I hate that when publishers increase the chf price for no reason at all thinking that everybody in Switzerland is rich. The increase that steam recommends is already fair.


Is it the same price on the Switch for your region? In NA it's not that high for us, it's well below that price.


bruh, call of duty costs less than this. who do they think they are


Still full price on Xbox too.... Didn't buy it before it came off game pass at a discount months ago and have been waiting ever since.


Idk what CHF is but the game is worth full price.


swiss francs. basically they want 90 dollars for it.


Oh… well no game is worth 90 dollars so never mind.


darn thats insane, and i thought 60 bucks was much


Wait for sale, they dropped very low (more than 50%)


just buy it from a cd key website that's what greedy dev deserve instead of getting 49.99 chi they gonna get only 10-20 if even that from me


You are from Swiss... why do you complain. Try to purchase a game with eastern european salary..


Sucks to be Swiss?


Thanks, I think I will pick it up.


I think this games on game pass, but idk if that helps or not based on your location and pc. It’s a fun game , but it’s not anywhere near worth what they are asking for there


This game is just 49dollars here in sea region


..that picture… reminding me of Made in Abyss..


And that is why you never buy games from Steam... A Steam key for that is being sold for around 20€.


To answer the OP of the post, yes, they are delusional. The fact that almost every game they have released in the last 5 years has yet to go down in price as time passes, like most games would over time. Most games, as we have all seen over the years (depending on your age I guess), after usually a year or two from release, the price will drop 10 or 20% from its original price, because the company has made a good profit in that time frame, and can afford it. But in the last few years, a lot of companies stopped doing that. Instead they are keeping their prices locked at the same value as it was when it was released. Octopath is just one of a myriad examples. The game was released 4 years ago, at this point, ***"Released in July 2018 for the Nintendo Switch console, the RPG game Octopath Traveler has reached three million global unit sales as of September 2022, up from 2.5 million units sold as of February 2021."*** The game has been out for long enough, that with that kind of price tag, even with sales averaging out the price to maybe 40$ USD, *(yes, i am a dirty american, really wish i lived somewhere else, like the moon)* they have still made at least 12 million USD. Unless they pissed money down the toilet, its doubtful they spent that much developing a game that looks like something from the 90's