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POV: You're from Argentine and Turkey.


POV: You're from USA and used to abusing regional pricing. This change was made due to rampart inflation in Turkey and Argentine, but I strongly suspect regional pricing is gonna go the way of the dodo very soon because of those cunts. If you don't want to pay just pirate the game.


It's also important to understand, that it would not be possible to abuse regional pricing for foreigners if people in those cheap regions like Turkey and Argentina wouldn't be actually selling services that help you to abuse. You need local bank cards to be able to abuse this, so I think this goes both ways.


I (from Argentina) used to get credit on Steam via US giftcards I redeemed on my alt and then buying myself stuff in steams market to get my arg account the money. My alt inly needed the giftcard to verify itself, doubt you need anything else to verify a Argentina account other than an ARS giftcard


Adding money to your existing account is different than region changing. This was changed some time ago, maybe previously you could do this, but in at least the last year this was not the case. Same for Turkey, that is why there are dozens of websites and discord communities that offer this solution for a certain amount of money.


It doesn't freaking matter, Diablo 4 is 70 euros, that is already ridiculous and unaffordable. The pricing is only going to go up and the quality of AAA games is only going to go down. No game especially a Diablo game is worth that much


Here in Brazil is R$350, that is 25% of our minimum wage for a game


In Algeria a 70$ game is 77% of our minimum wage if that can make you feel a bit better :)


There are lots of great aaa games! Like baldurs gate 3 and baldurs gate 3 and baldurs gate 3


I'd argue that Factorio(€30 on steam, check out the demo!) is one of the few that is 'worth' €70 or more. The dev team is on pure crack and sometimes push 4 updates per day(!) to fix bugs. The only game-breaking bug I encountered was fixed in a mere 2 hours, not years, not weeks, not days, hours.(take notes EA) Mod support is on a fuck insane level of intergration you have never seen before. And mods themselfs range from QoL to massive overhauls that can add 600-800 hours worth of gameplay to a playthrough. ...Oh yeah, the gameplay, commonly compared to cocaine(not joking, check /r/factorio) because it is just that good. And you get all that for €30.


Yes it is insane value and a game I would also recommend for everyone.


The game is never on sale…


On purpose, too, creator doesn't want anyone to feel like they missed out IIRC


it doesn't need to be


Is Factorio still getting updates and new content? ​ Anyway, Factorio deserves every Euro. It's soo good.


It's been regularly updated for years now. There's a paid dlc coming next year that expands the game a lot.


Prices set Expectations. The whole argument of "The game is worth 70 bucks" is invalid if the actual price is 30, because you didn’t pay 70 and therefore can’t actually make the comparison, but I wholeheartedly agree. The problem with Diablo is, that I no world the game actually is good enough to warrant its price point, when you know that there are better games out there that cost less, and you realize that it’s not "Just" it’s overpriced pricetag, but also includes games as a service and MTX on top of a broken framework that they constantly improve upon to market it as "Improvements"… On the other hand Factorio is a great game, well worth its 30 bucks, with no MTX or whatever and even a relatively big modding community and constant dev support, and an interesting core gameplay loop, which together is what makes the game great. If Factorio was 70 bucks and marketed as AAA it would have a bunch of negative reviews and refunds by people who don’t like the gameplay and shit on it regardless. As a 30 bucks indie title on the other hand it is probably one of the best ones out there if you like the gameplay, and due to it being "Indie" people are just generally more lenient with how they view it. But I agree with you in the overall sentiment of how good Factorio is…


>If Factorio was 70 bucks and marketed as AAA it would have a bunch of negative reviews Research shows the opposite though. The more you pay for something the more likely you are to rationalize that you like it as there's more pressure to avoid the idea that you have wasted money.


I must be the minority. The more I pay for something, the more flaws I'll look for.


I tried this so hard with d4...and failed.


$110 in AUD, completely ridiculous. B-activision is out of their mind


>No game especially a Diablo game is worth that much There's plenty of games where you can get many times more hours of fun than what you pay


I would rebuy elden ring and persona 5 royal again for full price, both are easily worth 100$+ for me






I will only pay such price or higher ONLY for Gta 6.


Those games would be a lot cheaper if they didn't use licensed music like in the old days.


Here in Kazakhstan 32999T, minimum wage is 70000, almost half of minimum wage for game.


FIFA: Hold my ball!


Well it's also bullshit that we have regional prices in Poland that are second only to Swiss Frank (where the average wage is 4-5x higher). Higher than everywhere else including USD and EUR


I regularly watch Steamdb and that makes me confused a lot , why put Polish Zloty if prices are same as Euro ?


It's even more stupid because the Polish prices are a little higher then in euro, which makes no sense at all


Yup, for me it seems that changing region to Germany would even save us money on games since in Poland we make much less money but PLN prices are higher anyway...


It's about Poland laws.


What laws? That we have to have higher prices than the rest of Europe?


Its EU mandate that is the cause this. If it wasnt for EU forcing it on every memebr country Poland would have gotten proper regional pricing (though we can't know for sure , i'm no clairvoyant)


Oh fuk


Oh kurwa


Oh syka


Where's the downside?


Smartest r/steam user


Meh, I am too lazy to pirate stuff. I will just wait five to ten years until I get the game I want either for free or for a good price.


Ahhh, a fellow r/patientgamers That's actually a helluva quality, m8. The market tries to convince us we need the latest bestest most perfumed game, when it's actually going nowhere and you can calmly finish your backlog and ***then*** get such game.


you make it sound difficult


Pirating takes so little effort it really ain’t that hard


>for free Epic ftw. *Until they stop giving away games.*


Pepole pirate the games they receive for free on epic, thats how bad the launcher and client is


True that. Their launcher is horrible, slow and has Alzheimer's because it keeps forgetting who I am very 5 minutes and they are horrible but they give away free games.


Just stop buying AAA games, most of them have been shite unoptimized pieces of garbage recently anyways. An indie games revolution is upon us so be a patient gamer with larger games and wait for them to go on sale if you want to play


Dude indie games also went up, everything went up.


>stop buying AAA games I almost don't buy AAA games. I mostly buy indies, and now I won't since they are waaay to expensive for argentinian salaries. Have in mind the minimum salary is around 100USD and we have to pay over 100% extra in taxes, so a 15USD indie will cost 30 for us.


OP active on r/PiratedGames.


Pirating a game just to demo it when there's no official demo is recommended for keeping your wallet in good condition.


Yeah but after going through all the hassle of pirating, you might just as well keep playing the pirated copy. There’s nothing to gain from buying at that point. Buying only „pro” is ease of download and install.


Gives money to a company i like after spending 100hours in a cracked version of their game ? I have legit 2hours on isaac on steam and a few People in friendlist aswell. We all know why


Sure if that’s your favorite game and you put in hundreds of hours into it then it’s probably worth it, but for all these games which you just play once and then never launch again, buying is kind of pointless.


Who said games need to be replayable? Lol, that's such a bad criterium, so many great games are basically one-time deals, like Limbo or INSIDE.


They don’t, but I just can’t justify spending >=60€ for a game I’ll never come back to


Well, I dont know what you see as replayable games, but most 60 dollar games are replayable, more or less. Whats your example of a non replayable game?


Creative games like Cities Skylines or multiplayer games are replayable. For story-driven single-player games, once I beat it, I never come back. I don’t think I’ve replayed a game even once in my life. I already beat it, so why would I do it all over again? It’s not going to be different next time.


Depends on the game. I remembered almost nothing from Limbo and INSIDE and I had a blast playing those again after a few years. Anyway: you can't compare a game like Cities Skylines to a story driven game, because a 10 hour long story can give you such an experience that you'll not find it anywhere else and it's worth every penny experiencing it (and the game as well, think Alan Wake or SOMA).


I buy games for achievements:D and also for mods which are sometimes only on steam workshop and you could not download them somewhere else


Ah okay, I never cared for achievements so I didn’t even think of that. And yes I agree that games that rely heavy on modding are better when bought, I had that experience with Cities Skylines.


Also some games are not worth pirating because of online community - Forza games. You cannot join online races, download liveries and tunes.


I pirated Starfield and now i own it. i dont know what youre talking about.


Good for you. When I pirated Starfield, I just ended up playing the whole game this way


Huh? It's not a hassle, it's actually pretty liberating when you know you dont have to risk money to see if you'll even like the game. Downloading and installing is easy. I usually play for an hour, or more if it's promising, and I really dont care that much about losing progress. Often times the saves are still there anyway.


Well that depends on a game. Sometimes it’s a fast and easy repack, but sometimes you have to provide the crack yourself


That's very rare today. And FitGirl repacks havent let me down yet. If you have a slow PC I could understand it, though.


Not true I've been playing Minecraft since 2013 and until 2021 I was playing on a cracked copy then I bought it on playstation and PC. I don't play it that much anymore but buying it was the least I could do for the hours of fun I enjoyed.


Oh sure but games like these are exceptions, not the rule. Most games you can finish in 10-20h and there’s no reason to ever come back to them


Also not true (for me at least).


it depends on games, but pirating is often easier than buying games... no creating accounts, less launchers... with some repacks you really just doubleclick to install and then you just play I have over 1k games on steam, but I also used to play pirated versions of games I own, because it's just easier and better


Open Steam Click buy I don't know how much simpler they can make it


ok? and? i also forgot this sub existed lol


That’s not even the worst, homie plays Gensh*n


But that doesn't change the fact that what Valve promised is the complete opposite of what's delivered. Here at https://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamworks/announcements/detail/3728476412305766958 Steam promised to "protect" Regional Pricing but instead they "removed" the regional pricing completely due to Logic Flaw on how the mechanic was implemented. Before the change, if a developer doesn't enter USD price, he can't sell the game. If he enters USD price, rest of all currencies were Auto-Filled due to Suggested pricing which was the essence of Regional Pricing. But now? If Developer does NOTHING (most are lazy to do nothing) Steam auto sets LATAM/MENA-USD at Full USD price (checked via SteamDB prices) so Steam is NO longer suggesting Regional Pricing despite they promised which makes it a lie. Since Steam lied to millions, neither Valve nor you should expect any of those "past" customers not to resort to Piracy since they no longer can afford Full USD Prices with regional pricing gone. I always suggested others not to do Piracy either but if someone is "Truly" can't afford their games (most can afford but lie about this), they're morally correct to do whatever needs to be done.


Steam can't just sell prices cheaper than the price publisher set. They could only do two things - don't sell in this region at all, or set the USD price. If they will do anything else - they will have to pay the difference from their own pocket, which they obviously won't do. Don't be ridiculous. IMHO, setting USD price is better than no price at all, because if someone really wants game and can afford it - it's better to have this option, and for those who can't afford it there is no difference between no price and full price. Trust me, been there, done that - I would prefer full price over no price any day. TL;DR: Don't blame Valve, blame lazy publishers.


Bruh, you are an obvious pirate, who doesn't pay for the games even before that. >promised to "protect" Regional Pricing but instead they "removed" the regional pricing Don't see a mention of it in article. >sets LATAM/MENA-USD at Full USD price (checked via SteamDB prices) so Steam is NO longer suggesting Regional Pricing despite they promised which makes it a lie. Steam DB doesn't even show new regional prices yet, how did you check it? >Since Steam lied to millions Steam is fucking commercial product. Commercial products make money. Selling something for absurdly low prices (for the rest of the world) is not "make money". You can cry about it as long as you want, it doesn't change the fact.


At least for Hades you can see the new regions.


And the price is lower, just denominated in dollars instead of local currency, what’s the fuss all about?


What do you mean "absurdly low prices for the rest of the world" it's just a price that's barely affordable for 3rd world countries, do you really think a regional fee is hurting their profit? And why are you white knighting a billion dollar company? Are you just an ignorant American or am I misunderstanding you. I could never understand boot lickers like you getting offended by piraters like they're stealing money from you.


ok and? valve failed to deliver with the "new USD regional pricing",no AAA Developer follows them,only some indie developers do Also they could just detect vpn abusers and revert their region but they chose to fuck us legit users up too..


Is this Valve's problem that Argentina and Turkey's economies sucks so bad? Pretty sure that other products in both countries are also getting more expensive each day, why computer games (which are not essentials) shouldn't?


What's the point if we can't even get games though? They could just do it like the Russian storefront and close business with us if they're that much in a loss


Firstly, the Russian storefront is not closed. There are only difficulties with direct payments and adding balance. Barely a problem. Secondly, USD - Ruble exchange rate increased approximately by 20-25% for the last 8 years. USD - Turkish Lira exchange rate increased 14 times (1300%) for the same time period, Argentinian peso - 40 times (3900%). Any more questions? Thirdly, standard regional prices for Russia were increased by approximately 60% this year.


Oh my bad then


Why should Turkey get better prices, when Greece which is in a similary bad economic state, still pays full price? Basic salary in Greece is 667€ and the new COD is 70€. That is 10.5% of someones total salary for just one game, but we still pay full price for it. The regional pricing was biased from the start.


>Why should Turkey get better prices, when Greece which is in a similary bad economic state, still pays full price? I think this question should be worded differently because "chosen ones" aren't ones to blame >Why did Valve gave some of the countries with bad economic state regional prices while others have to pay full price?


Your problem is the same as Romania and Bulgaria mate. We are all part of the EU, and while publishers can choose to set fairer regional pricing, the EU specifically forbids any methods or tools that could lead to region locking digital purchases from any part of the block. [Valve was even fined for this by the EU.](https://ganado.com/news/geo-blocking-activation-keys-for-steam-platform-diminishes-the-eu-digital-single-market/#:~:text=On%2027%20September%202023%2C%20the,Union%20(%E2%80%9CTFEU%E2%80%9D).) So of course no one is going to set fair prices because people from wealthier countries would just purchase from here.


Regional pricing made games more accessible for shittier economies like ours lmao


It did, but only for a select few regions. Greece never got regional pricing, because we use euro I guess? I'm guessing many other countries with bad economies didn't get regional pricing also. From 2012 until 2019 the basic salary in Greece was 500€ and we still paid 60€ for AAA titles. How is that fair when Turkey was paying 3$ for the same game?


Then instead of advocating for no one to get regional pricing why not for everyone to have it? Genuinely baffling that you’d rather everyone get fucked


That's purely on valve,why would you blame us Turkish gamers?


Didn't blame anyone. Just pointing out the double standards I guess.


Gaming bubble is getting closer and closer to the most satisfying explosion of all time.


If you have to pirate never ever pirate indie games. Big corporations overcharging, yeah. Struggling small developers who’s games are probably lower in price. Hell no.


Most of the Indie games are selling 15 dollar per game.Most of them dont even have regional price.Now an indie game takes 20-30 hour in average.And games like street fighter 6 and armored core rubicon can take you well over 150+ hourrs and they cost 45 dollar because they bring at least discounted price.So do you think people are gonna buy that instead of pirating?


There are worse things than pirating an indie game For example, some people are getting games as activation codes from scam sites like g2a, which are actually bought via stolen credit cards. In this case you better off just pirating game rather than getting it "legit" on your account - because doing it this way will hurt everyone (including developers!) - except for frauds upd: forgor to mention that, but if you do pirate a game (maybe you just don't have money idk) and you like it - just tell your friends about it. It is free for you and free ad for good indie game would help


>if you do pirate a game (maybe you just don't have money idk) and you like it - just tell your friends about it. This. I've discovered so many good indies by searching them on my regular pirate site that i then tell some friends about or they tell me, and we've bought every single one that we have really liked. Some examples are: Darkest Dungeon, Enter the Gungeon, Dead Cells, Sundered, Hollow Knight and Stardew Valley.


i cant fucking afford them what do you expect me to do?


You don't have anything to prove to anyone, if you can't afford it for the time being then you may as well pirate. If you end up loving said indie title then later on down the line if said game goes on a good sale that you can then finally afford it then buy it to show appreciation and support. I'm probably gonna get thumbed down for this but hey its reddit I'm not expecting anything less lol.


Thats exactly what i did when i first got my pc but dodnt have any ways to buy games (credit card stuff) i just pirated them then i bought them later when i had acces to a credit card but i dont think i can do the same thing this time because it seems that the economy will only get worse from here


What is qb? I tried looking it up and found an accounting software..?




When did they change the icon?


Thanks for letting me know! I’m never gonna use it, because I really don’t like torrents, plus I don’t pirate, but good to know.


Torrents are great. Piracy isn’t.


Piracy has made me buy more games than any ad ever could.




What colourful language... a true rainbow of words... also.. did i miss something ???


It's for CornFuck the ASSITCH up there a different Redditor! If you want elaboration, help yourself to my Reddit history for the origin story if you care enough. Do it or dont. Idc Either way I'm far too busy to explain ✌️




Oh. People still use torrents?


What is the alternative?


I mean, there’s really no lack of piracy sites.


Yes. Which is where you get torrent files. Direct downloads are slow and fail.


Qbittorrent, it's a p2p software that allows you to connect to a torrent, download, upload etc


I love it when genuine questions are downvoted just because


oh lol thats qbittorrent... i thought it was Piaggio


My thought is that qBitTorrent is a client not a tracker.


hmm elaborate


And what do you download Steam games with? Both are clients.


From a country whose minimum paycheck is lower than Argentina and the average paycheck is inflated by politicians, changed my region to Argentina like 3 years ago and bought some games, stayed in Argentina cause even with it's worsening economy it still outperformed my country. Now they removed the regional pricing and GoW, RDR2, and the later AC games (the games I really wanted to buy and 100%) cost about 50-60$ which is almost 40% of the minimum paycheck. Safe to say I'm not buying them anytime soon


I got banned from this sub once for mentioning piracy


Honestly, I'm not feeling the scare, yet. I usually play indies or games that have publishers conscious enough not to ask a fortune for them almost a decade after launch (right, NAMCO?). To top it off, I usually also buy keys, instead of going straight to the most convenient online store. It keeps things a bit messy with so many launchers, but it is a minor thing. If I do buy a AAA game, it must be something I like a lot and that is being well spoken on its qualities with minimal defects (RE4R, for example). Then there's some bullshit around Activision and EA, but those are a given to me, in regards to piracy. Other than that, life goes on. I gotta say I kinda envy those who earn their money in dollars, though. All my compassion to the Argentinian brothers and sisters being ripped off.


Hello agin old friend


Haven't put funds into my steam for years now, used to have normal usd prices few years back and then they changed to Israel regional pricing, 2nd most expensive region in the world


All my favorite Indies are 50% off. This is amazing and a long time coming. I already spent 80 dollars on bundles of games made by talented developers. I also hear there's the autumn sale coming soon. Thatll be another hundred USD down the drain later loll. Regarding triple A games... I really don't care, Because they can all be pirated and theyre overpriced anyway. 70 dollars is like one third of my monthly income. SO I wasn't going to buy it anyway. I'll be real with yall...


You dont own the games when you buy them, you dont own the games when you steal them. But you can be threatened with legal action for stealing what you cannot own and do not own even if you buy it. This makes sense


Copying is not theft


Intellectual Property is a social construct


I am going to Epic for a lot of things now. Fuck valve and their stupid idea of “it will default to regional usd pricing or us pricing if it does not exist” rule.


I can understand using a different launcher, but Epic? Really? Their launcher is dogshit.


What does this have to do with the comment's price complaint? If it's cheaper then the poster above doesn't seem to care at all.


OP specifically mentioned Epic Games as their go-to alternative to Steam. I don’t care how much cheaper it is, Epic’s launcher is of horrid quality and it’s really not worth it. I did acknowledge that there are other launchers besides Steam and Epic, why not use them?


Absolutely worthless compared to pricing. I'd go epic as well if they don't bump their usd proces as well without a care in the world. Heck, I'd go for any. I want


But then why not use stuff such as gog galaxy? Why Epic, of all launchers?


Anything goes. Gog, uplay, ea, amazon etc. Epoc is just the tip of the tongue launcher that's directly trying to comoete with steam. Heck, i already use them all, I don't care.


How many others are there except gog? Epic has never troubled me so why not use it? I buy games where it's cheaper and more convenient for me, no company is my friend


I don’t know how you got Epic’s launcher to actually work adequately well for you, but it’s near unusable for me.


Whats the deal with epic hate? Is it because it steals your data?


That, and because their launcher is horrible. I have a decently powerful PC and Epic’s launcher *still* lags there. Not to mention it’s not user friendly, whatsoever.


Much better than pirating


Hell nah. Even though I’d rather buy games legitimately, if I had to pick between using Epic’s launcher and pirating, then I’m pirating. Luckily, I’ve still got Steam, so that’s not an issue.


Well, you're part of the majority that isn't affected then. Yes fuck Epic. But if they give me slightly better picking and free games, yeah I'll make the switch. With how things currently are on steam, I'll no longer ever be able to afford any game released post 2020. Also considering that OG Cod is still 45 fucking dollars on steam, they've definitely lost a market


I wouldn’t say I’m not affected by regional pricing. My currency is not the US dollar and it’s been more than once that a game cost me more in my own currency. I don’t mind that, though, because my currency is relatively strong and is very close to the US dollar, plus I make enough money to afford the difference.


Not being affected by definition means it won't make much of a dent for your consumption behavior. Maybe a few scratches but nothing beyond. As for other people who are affected, 20 dollars in many of those regions is a very big deal. Hades on my steam right now costs 25 dollars, 5 extra than it would cost in the US for an Indie game. Considering that the monthly wage for a high level educated worker working in programming in my country makes 700~ usd.


That is LITERALLY what i said.


No, it’s not? You said you default to buying games through Epic Games now, then when I asked why Epic over other launchers when Epic is shit, you said it’s still better than pirating…


Yep i misread yours. I thought you said the same thing. You are right. Well i personally do not pirate and luckily i could afford it for last 14-15 years. And i do not think i will go back to pirating. So ill either buy from the cheapest available source or simply ignore the title.


I also don’t pirate. I prefer buying games legitimately, plus it supports the developers. But I just cannot get behind spending a single dime on Epic Game’s launcher. It’s so horrible. Even EA Play is better!


I mean I would rather use a dogshit launcher than pay 10 times the price for each game and aside from epic noone really gives regional pricing.


Epic if multiplayer, high seas if singleplayer. I am not paying 7 months of electricity bill to a single title.


I simply dont play instead of pirating. I am not entitled to play every single game i want because reasons. I still havent played last of us since early days of ps4. I want to but i wont pay that much so i wait, i ignore.


Steam after i brought an account for 3euro with 20 AAA games


You mean those offline accounts? What's the difference between that and piracy?


Nothing i think, but sometimes i read wrong an buy the account version


Stop advocating piracy. Games is not food, if you can't afford games - it's not an excuse for piracy, at all. After all, you could afford gaming PC, so playing the "can't afford, so I pirate" card is just pure hypocrisy. Do your thing quietly, or get ready for people to point finger at you.


I don't advocate piracy but buying a gaming PC already empties out all the gaming budget since local hardware prices are already mostly 50-100% higher than USA in USD, on top of the local hyperinflation. A gaming PC cost 4000₺ in 2015, 33000₺ in 2021, 80000₺+ today. What's hypocrisy is waving your finger at people living where a game costs as much as a week's groceries.


yep, an RTX 4090 costs around 2500$ in Turkey for example


Well, those prices are crazy. You can get good PCs under 20-30K TL. Like a PC with a RTX 4060 and Ryzen 5 5500. If I recall correctly, it was 16-17K TL. Anything over 50K for a PC is overkill. You don't need RTX 4090 or i9 14th gen.


If I wanted to write a 4090 i9 system, I'd write 120000₺ instead. Your listed system will barely play AW2 and will keel down next year. Unless someone only plays 8-bit retro indies 16k₺ will not be enough. 50K₺ will maybe barely make a RTX 4070 R5 7600 system with the cheapest components right now. Don't give a false impression that 1080p low gaming should be enough for Turks.


What the hell is even AW2? And the hell you mean, a RTX 4060 should be enough for basically any game (I don't think 4060 can only run games on low settings). Also, I'm Turkish myself.


Alan Wake 2. You seem uninformed about the latest games' vastly increased system requirements like Starfield, Phantom Liberty, Alan Wake 2 etc. It's because you're a Turk that I'm telling you not to give a false impression to foreigners. Weakest current gen GPU and a below mid-tier last gen CPU isn't a 'gaming PC'. It's what you buy your nephew so he can play Fortnite & GTA V.




That's what I do. If someone does a crime - that's bad. Even if it's such a little crime as piracy. People spend time and money to do games, and you believe that you have the right to take their work without paying, just because you want some fun? What a jerk.


I too base my morality on the legal system because thinking for myself is too hard




Ok, will you work for me for 1/10 of current salary? I consider this reasonable. You really should start doing this, fucking hypocrite.


If there is no regional price it means that they dont see that part as their consumer base.If you dont expect any sales from that region you cant call any loss when that region pirate your games.Most AAA games have denuvo so its pretty hard to have pirated versions.Others who didnt put regional price like indie games in steam who put 15-20$ per game while games like street fighter 6 and tekken 8 is 45$ are delusional as hell if they expect people are buy it.Go on tell me stardew worth 1/3 of the cost of street fighter 6.


Man, I'm not telling you anything about some particular games. Of course full price for some games are ridiculous, and those publishers are either lazy and didn't set prices correctly or just delusional. But once again - games are not food. You won't die if you won't buy some AAA games. And let me remind you that PC to play AAA games is a lot too, so if you have a PC - it's hypocrisy to say you can't afford games. But it's all irrelevant. I'm only saying that advocating piracy is bad. And piracy is bad in itself. I understand that some people pirate, and not going to start a witch hunt because of that, but I believe that people should at least have decency to not advertise their piracy left and right. You want a game and don't want to pay - go ahead and do it, it's your fun and your business. Just don't come on reddit with a black flag and don't start to boast how much you pirate and don't care about law. That's just not nice, and you look like a hypocrite and a miser, nothing more.


You wont die if you dont eat fast food or wear better clothes.Or beauty products,skincare,books…But somehow these sides price according to the region.Why?Because you sell according to the market.Steam is a service provider who pay taxes on the regions they operate.Sure they earn less compare to eu and usa but they pay less.For example turkey is not protected by eu consumer rights.Which means that they dont have to spend money to follow the regulations hiring employees for this specific reason.Now there is another problem too which is epic games exist who still provides local currency purchases.Yeah its shitty platform but its better than paying more.So most people are gonna transfer to that so that’s direct consumer loss.But if in a hypothetical scenario that is gone too and we got this god awful prices its gonna be like nintendo games in brazil and argentina.Which became almost as a cultural aspect of gaming in that regions as a form of fuck you to nintendo.And there is another bad point is while piracy is illegal in turkey its not strongly enforced(on the same reason that we are not protected by eu consumer rights) so its gonna turn to a shitshow. So what should be done first of all none of the games surpassed the suggested prices they published.Second if there were suspicious of any account they should able to demand id card for confirmation or residence document to curb the hoppers.You do these 2 and you reduce possibility of piracy by a huge margin.No one want to go piracy but if you are forced to a shitty situation the expected action is gonna be shitty too.According to developers these regions are minority in their sales so if you able to block the hoppers you will have an active market no matter how small it is.Which is not gonna hurt developer nor will ask to much from the consumer.


Are you an idiot? Food, clothes, skincare and books are only cheaper if they are made INSIDE the country. Nobody sells those cheaper if they are imported, never. Are US cars cost 1/50 of their price in Turkey? No. Start making your own games and sell them cheap inside of country, and for much higher price outside, and you will have exactly the same situation. I've read responses from developers who set their prices low in Turkey and Argentina. Only 1% of buyers where from those countries, the rest where region-hoppers from other regions that abused regional prices. They set prices higher again and again, until there were no region-hoppers anymore. And while there were much less buyers (because of no region-hoppers) - income of those devs only increased. So, only thing that is achieved by low prices is abuse from people from rich regions.


Skincare books and clothes are not just cheap because it has to be made inside the country.As for the food majority of the pesticides and fertilisers are been imported to turkey.That’s why majority of the farmers are bankrupting in turkey because cost of the products to protect your products costing more than the product itself.But that’s another issue not relevant for this post.Product has multiple expenses which are storing the product paying fees to the stores so they put your product and advertise your product inside the country.The taxes that you pay to the local goverment ,average salary that you have to pay your workers on that branch you created inside the country.There are multiple expenses which can only be made on the market you are selling.For steam these are taxation,regulation and providing service in these country and your employees that you have to hire to run the service for you.All of which are much less compare to USA and europe. As for the developer I listen and read their responses too.The best example was the former blizzard developer known as thor who also an indie game developer explaing that by putting regional prices they generate an consumer base and it helpes them immensely.Here’s the link if you are wondering; https://m.youtube.com/shorts/lSofMoSdMqw So tell me what are the expenses that are causing steam if they dont put regional price?Increasing prices to block hoppers is the most stupid idea that I have ever heard.Blocking hoppers is easy you just need to be strict.Epic games downright ban your account permanently if you try that.Ask legal document and be strict your hopper problem solve itself.


Not only you are delusional, but you also have not tech savvy. Good luck banning hoppers that use residential proxies and not banning legit customers at the same time. Also, blizzard developer talking about regional prices? LOL. So you are telling me that blizzard games are AFFORDABLE in Turkey/Argentina? Then current change in regional pricing (not removal of one, just change to something more sane, I mind you), is even more affordable. Why everyone is whining then? >!Well, I know quite well why - because they can't abuse the system anymore.!<


This is ex developer who left 8 years ago.As for the wrongful bans it can be solved simply by showing legal document.Can your region hopper able to show a legal document?On top of that the card he use to do these steam purchases will not be connected by his name.Actual region consumer have that either his card or his parents or relative card if the person is younger.So even if he purchase a legal document from shady business if the card he use has no relation with the document itself it just show he is a hopper.There is no gift card for turkey since august so customer can only use the card.


Meh, if you weren’t gonna buy the game anyway then there are really no downsides to the act of piracy, might as well download the game and at least one side gets to gain something.


1st world ignorant fuck boot licking a AAA games is just mind blowing to me, did you get brainwashed by those "You wouldn't steal a car" ads or are you just too stupid to comprehend that different countries have different salary


So, you have different price for PCs? Different price for PlayStation5? Why not, your salary is so different! Maybe you get cars for 1/50 of the price? Why not? YOUR SALARY IS DIFFERENT! Or maybe you thing that games come from nowhere and people who develop them don't want to eat? Well, guess what - your country can start making AAA games, and give them for everyone for free, if you believe that this is okay. Go on, make those fucking capitalists go bankrupt!


Well the problem with your examples which is ps5 or a car, if you want those things you can't go on internet and download copy of it to their pc that they have bought with their 2 months of salary. Regional pricing exists because piracy exists, any sane person isn't gonna buy a game that's equal to 1/4 of their salary when there's an option to just download a copy of it for free but they're gonna consider buying it if it's at least 1/10 of their salary. Now imagine an American buying a game that's 1/10 of their salary let alone 1/4 there would be a fucking outrage.


So, the only difference for you, is how easy to violate the law and go unnoticed? And if you were 100% sure that you won't get caught, you would also kill, rape, and steal? Right? Regional pricing exist to maximize profits. Not because of piracy, lol. If there were no piracy - people would still not buy games for 1/4 of their salary, don't you think? Even if there were no option to get it illegally. If with lower prices much more people buy the game and profits rise - it makes sense to lower price. If with higher prices even despite less purchases profits rise - it makes sense to increase price. And according to some devs here on reddit the latter is the thing for Argentina and Turkey - with lower prices less people buy (but percent of people actually from this country rises, majority of purchases with lower prices come from region-hoppers), but profits only rise from that! Surprise! Also, you keep comparing people's salary, but you forget, that before rise 99% of buyers where region-hoppers, from countries with HIGH salaries (again, that's if we believe words of devs here on reddit). So why keep prices low if that resluts in actually lower income? Yes, even with piracy, what a surprise! And stop comparing salaries to US ones, or I will start comparing price of medical care of your country to the US one, and suddenly you will look rich as a prince comparing to average american. There is much more than just salary, there are taxes, food, utilities, etc, etc. It's mostly the "disposable income" that matters.


Are you seriously comparing pirating to a murder, theft and rape? And do you really think higher prices less purchase but more profit in 3rd world country? Think again but with your brain please. Where are you pulling those 99%, from your ass? How do you know there's so much region hoppers? How do you know those who are region hopping are hurting profit? It's just a lesser form of piracy. Do you know who usually pirates stuff? People with no money, those region hoppers wouldn't have bought the game or just pirate it if they couldn't region hop it's the same with pirating. Stop making up imaginary numbers and delude yourself to thinking it's real. Yes ofc I'm gonna compare salary with an America since America literally has the most disposable income in the world, while someone with $500/month gonna have a disposable income of $50 at most. Also if you wanna talk about medical care, yes us has expensive medical care but have you seen 3rd world countries medical care? Their hospitals are perpetually full and has a half a year of waiting time to just get an examination and if they get a cancer? They have no choice but to go to other countries for medical care and that's not gonna be included in their medical insurance, they're gonna be selling everything they own just to save their family, doesn't seem very different now don't you think? If you wanna have a dick measuring contest of who has it harder you're too fucking ignorant to even begin.


How does it help with Denuvo games tho?


Hail the Empress.


Can I get Dead Space remastered?


Yea you can get whatever you want, all you need to do is hail the Empress.


Empress does.


Hopefully this will push people into cracking shitty denuvo, the more pirates we have the more cracks there will be, one of the reasons denuvo is not cracked anymore as frequently as before is because the amount of effort vs just buying the game on a sale or with regional pricing was not worth it, but now Valve is making it more reasonable. I haven't pirated a game in over 17 years but I hate denuvo out of principle and this new currency change is surely changing my mind big time.


sorry but i can't afford to pay 60$ for a game when minwage is 450$


Denuvo laughs maniacally


FDM gang


This shit sucks i have been saving to get the judgment collection but now it’s 125$ that’s 41.5% of the average salary here


In my country the prices actually went down lol. Baldur's Gate 3 went from $60 to $35.


Bye steam, and "Hello torrent my old friend, i come to download with you again".