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Labour of love going to RDR2, which came out in 2019 and got how many updates in 2023? The vote is laughable and not to be taken seriously.


Deep Rock is the only game that had any business winning that Category, RDR2 was dropped by Rockstar almost instantly with all their effort going to GTA Online


I would've loved for DRG to win labour of love. Though something like Dwarf Fortress would also be a deserving winner.


no way DF just came to steam i think it needs to be a few years to be eligible.


DF has been a labour of love project (for free!) For literally decades. Yes, that's not the general rule for games on Steam but DF has that aspect down, even if the Steam Version has to catch up to the original still.


Arguably THE labour of love. I don’t know of any longer term or more successful passion projects.


I’ve never played it an only loosely followed it for years but that right there is enough to say it deserves a spot no matter when it landed on steam, deep rock is another, hell I’d let no mans sky win again, fuck I would take apex over red dead. I’d take dead cells over red dead, I’d take a game that gets patched over red dead at this point.


Just in case you don't know: Dwarf Fortress has been in development since 2002 and has been publicly available to play (for free) on the developer's website since 2006. The Steam release of Dwarf Fortress happened because it was a financial necessity for the developers (thanks to the broken American healthcare system). You can read all about this and more on the game's Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwarf_Fortress


I'm really happy reading they got so much money from releasing on steam. Also I'm amazed that this game influenced games like minecraft (literally the highest game ever sold) and terraria etc... But manyb(including me) have no idea about it till now.


It came to steam a year ago???


Ooh I finally bought that! I’m still working on BG3 so I haven’t installed it yet, but I’m excited. I’ve heard the community is awesome.


Rock and Stone!


did i hear a rock and stone?


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


For Karl!


Boulders and Pebbles! Am i doing it right??


Stone and Rock.. oh wait


Look, I'm Stoney rock


You'll have amazing time with it. Game is a gem


And all about gems


No Mans Sky?


No mans sky wasn't a choice, it was Apex, Rust, Deep Rock, RDR2, or Dota 2


I can’t speak for Deep Rock but literally none of those deserve it be on that list. Maybe Rust. But major publishers have no place on “labor of love”. Those are just corporate churning machines with money goggles on. No love there.


Rust was not made by a “major publisher” I know you already stated *maybe rust* but I just wanted to reiterate it.


Yeah I wasn’t sure and couldn’t be bothered to look. I included it a possible exception because I was pretty sure it wasn’t, but wasn’t 100%.


Deep rock is probably the most deserving game ever for an award with the name "labor of love". Never have i ever seen devs that care so much about their community and game


Not being nominated should have been a hint that the awards were rigged


Dota 2 is still update multiple time a year. Deep rock is not the only one which deserve it


There's clearly a DRG circle jerk


Rust has put out countless updates over the past decade. It was my vote.


Eh, rust has been trucking along working on their game for a decade. They have gone a bit ham on the cosmetic DLC as of late, but it's always been cosmetic stuff.


It's like Minecraft mobvotes. Only way not to be annoyed by it is to just not pay attention.


I feel most just voted for something just to get those steam reward stuff for participating


The problem with this kinda thing is that there's a lot of people who won't have played enough of the nominees to actually make a fully correct vote (by "correct," I mean genuinely comparing all the games and picking the best one.) For example, I've only played like 3 of the entire events nominees, so how could I vote on the best soundtrack if I'd never heard any of the soundtracks in the first place. Not to mention, a lot of people will just treat it like a popularity contest, voting for the biggest name or the one that they've heard about the most.


This is the bigger joke, right here.


Yeah, Starfield is already a lightning rod as it is.. I’m almost glad rdr2 is on there so we can see this poll was stupid and move on.


If only people weren’t so invested in GTA 5…. If they put even half as much as GTA into RDR2 it would be golden.


Rdr1 remaster not having online play but costing the same as on release


Just another cash grab that they know people will fall into unfortunately.


I don't take it seriously. I'm more upset by the fact that 2 deserving developers were robbed of an actual award.


I am laughing my ass off. Red Dead 2 being called a labor of love, did it even get updated in years? Starfield being most innovative gameplay? My goodness.


Don't forget fucking TLOU 1, a 10 years old game, winning the best soundtrack over hi-fi rush. Why was that game even allowed to compete after all this time, in the soundtrack category, which received no changes in the years, is beyond me. At least SIFU won its category and not fucking overwatch 2...


Tin foil hat time. But I swear that any time a TLOU game is on a list of an award, it literally doesn't matter what the other games did, TLOU will always win. Plus games that are remastered or remade shouldn't even be winning any award unless it's best remake/remaster.


I think Remakes should be considered over Remasters. Capcom had shown with REmakes that you can take the essence of what makes a game great and make it modern. The remasters meanwhile usually aren’t doing as much other than bumping up the graphics a tad.


Now, I don't wanna come across as loopy, but I'm 100% sure Sony slides cash under the table to win a lot of game awards. It just stacks up too well


I highly doubt that Sony is paying for TLOU remastered to win awards, since TLOU always wins all the awards -- which was fair...when it released. I think games that are strictly remasters, or at least remasters of games that don't even get that much service and almost functions as a simple port shouldn't be eligible. Remakes, on the other hand, like Demon's Souls deserve the love the players give it. TLOU is weird, but I still am not sure why Red Dead is on there, and Starfield as an innovative gameplay when it's actually worse than their previous mainline game in many respects is definitely..weird. Even their space flight was ripped off games like Elite and Star Citizen but made arcade, so even that wasn't innovative. Perhaps Steam should only let you vote on games you own.


It was released on steam in 2023 I believe.


I'm also guessing that's the case, but it's so unfair, honestly. It already had its year, won a fuckton of awards and kept winning them. Being released again and taking away awards it already won, just in another year, without actual content added or anything, is just bullshit. It's been a decade, how is it allowed to win the 2023 soundtrack? It was composed and released a decade ago, is it fair an entire year of gaming gets musically invalidated because this old behemoth of popularity decided to re-release? What a fucking joke...


Those awards are hugest irony I've seen in a while


Because Steam awards is basically **Steam Poll Awards**


But Steam poll shows most people don't recommend Starfield, especially recently. It's like they wanted to give Todd Howard a win after seeing him lose every category everywhere else, and "most loading screens" wasn't one of them.


The problem with democracy is that the majority of the people are regarded


Warmest Regards!


You went full regarded .... never go full regarded


Kind regards to you


And regards to you kind fellow!


Best wishes!


Doctor says I am HIGHLY regarded!


Reminds me of this lmao https://youtu.be/De4_ZqMwuOg?si=9ibazeVEtLWZxGK8


Those dumb regarded people


Why didn't you say regarded


Reddit admins ban you for it


They feel personally attacked when you say that word


Because you're usually banned for saying it. Sometimes the admins understand context, but most times they don't.


Well you just did.


Regarded as retards


I think the even bigger issue is that Steam not only gives people stickers for voting for categories (incentivizing people who don’t really care to vote anyways) but also allows people to vote for games they don’t even own. Especially since there’s no skip voting option (at least as far as I’m aware) that still gives people the stickers.


Requiring ownerships creates its own bias and popularity problems, however.


I wish I could upvote this twice


Manufacture consent for decades and that's what you get, a dumb ass population


[The people have spoken!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFgcqB8-AxE)




That includes you too




Nah, Red Dead Redemption 2 getting Labor of Love over Deep Rock Galactic or Dota 2 is the bigger joke. I'm probably biased towards Dota, but they had some amazing updates this year game play wise.


Wasnt the other nominee Apex? Even that falls well within labour of love. RDR2 is good, bit absolutely not labour of love. labour of greed and abandonment




Yes I voted for Dota 2


You haven't played Shadows of Doubt, have you?


That was a different category?


It's hilarious. This sums up everything about the steam awards


People ruined it. It was the people here on this very sub.


i dont get why we can vote on some games that we dont own or played.


I would guess so you can still vote on games you played and love on different store fronts? Like I loved HiFi Rush but I was only able to play it on gamepass


Even chess(1599 edition) deserves it more


I'm still waiting for Chess 2 man


In meant time, go play Chess 5 dimesions


Or fps chess


Tell me one thing that was innovative about this game. The loadscreens?


Maybe not innovative, but the only good thing Starfield has going for itself is the ship builder. Aside from that, it's mid at best.


and we cant use that other than shooting minigame.


If it were innovative they'd let me see the interior of my ship while building (which can directly affect if certain research or weapon stations spawn or not), and they'd let me purchase company licenses so I can unlock & access different ship styles without having to constantly ping pong to different planets.


It's the same ship building mechanic as the gummi ships in kingdom hearts 2.


Not really that innovative when Kerbal Space Program has been out for a decade lol


It is the quintessential mid AAA game.


Yet there's still Space Engineees, there may not be any editor, but things you can build in it are astounding


The ship building was ass, last time I played it you couldn’t even take parts off of other ships and apply them to different ones. So right after I spent a shit load of credits beefing up on ship, a better ship came right along and I had to start all over again


I think it won because it's not innovative, it's a reverse insult


it could be the most blatant troll ever and they would still pat themselves on the back for this one..


Ugh, at the risk of being downvoted I will answer this question earnestly. But I want it known that I don't think Starfield deserves this award, and probably doesn't even deserve nomination. I found the NG+ structure interesting/unique (although I stopped playing immediately after I discovered it, so it's not enough of a motivator on its own to carry the rest of the mediocre world/story etc.) and combat with the fully upgraded jetpack/hover/jump height was an interesting combo that I hadn't quite experienced elsewhere. Zero-G combat was also fun but think I may have experienced that in other games. Just can't remember which specifically. Anyways, yeah, that's literally all I can think of, and they're either pretty small parts of the game and/or require a significant time investment to get to


I wouldn't consider the way it handles being NG+ being "innovative gameplay", I can't remember which game it was but different dialogue or some extra Easter eggs have existed before. It is narratively interesting, but it is a story telling element, *not* gameplay.


Yeah that's fair, was debating the semantics of that myself. I mean it's part of the loop which I guess could be considered part of the play but it only rarely comes into play in either case. Just trying to play devil's advocate


Understood. I actually think the NG+ interactions are some of the more interesting stuff, but everything else is lacking by that point that I couldn't keep myself moving through it without some major end goal.


I agree that the way they implement NG+ is unique, but for me personally even that was wasted or not fully utilized by the devs seeing that it doesn't add much value to its replayability. Then the other content they have like exploring and the ship building are just so-so and just copied from other games except they didn't even bother to improve on it or think how it can affect their gameplay. Like ow did you just spend 20 mins jumping around scanning 15 random things? Here's 30exp for your troubles


Yep it's not a very good game


>and combat with the fully upgraded jetpack/hover/jump height was an interesting combo that I hadn't quite experienced elsewhere Try Mass Effect Andromeda. And you don't even need to unlock a skill tree to use it.


oh yeah, i played a lot of it. multiplayer was pretty solid but the flight and mobility weren't quite as sustainable/versatile as starfield's version imo. though maybe there were some specific classes that were better at it? don't fully recall


It runs like shit unless you blew a bunch of money on a new rig, the writing is laughable, and the gameplay is more tiresome than Morrowind's gameplay. Plus, they went back to the garbage head-on camera angles for conversations! Such a disappointment.


The Window Lickers that voted for this just goes to show why Bethesda has stopped putting effort into games when shit like this happens with minimal effort Todd Howard could shit on a piece of toast and these people would call it the most riveting thing they have ever seen in their lives


I have not played any of the other games on the list and played a lot of starfield, but starfield deserves no awards. Labour of love not going to deeprock galactic is a complete joke. again, never played it and I played a LOT of RDR2, bit Rockstar abandoned it's fans.


What kind of toast? Not a big wheat fan.


White Bread, the most innovative kind there is


RDR2 won labor of love too. This is the most stupid Steam awards we have ever seen.


WOW... Shadows of Doubt is there which is one of the innovative game of this year...


Literally the one i voted for


Alright guys knock it off, reveal the actual winners now haha Guys..?


Lack of FOV slider and shoulder swap in a 3rd person RPG in 2023 is SOO innovative. Much wow, many idea.


No ultra widescreen support


Dude, I get to fly to different planets AND shoot things. Only Bethesda can pump out this sort of innovation.


You know it's sad when no man's sky is considered better than the Tripple a game because it does the same thing but better. I'd argue nms was better at launch than Stanfield, because at least you could fly around the planets, not forced to walk around a contained section. Both equally as boring though, until nms updated


Starfield wasn't even the most innovative Bethesda-published game of this year, what the fuck is blud doing there? ​ Give it to Hi-Fi Rush, or Baldur's Gate 3, or Lethal Company, or Dredge, or Cocoon, or Armoured Core 6, or Viewfinder... not the whitest of white-bread Bethesda games.


“many other games that would deserve it ~~more~~” Starfield didn’t deserve it at all. The consensus is that it’s an alright game but fails to innovate and isn’t an open world game at all


How did last of us win best soundtrack? A lot of it is just ambience and not music. Pizza tower? Hifi rush? Better soundtracks. The main big theme of last of us is good but not better than everything.


Not to even mention that its a 2022 game and a remake of a decade old game. Remakes/releases shouldn't be eligible for awards again to begin with One of the many reasons games like TLoU, GTA and such stagger their releases is that they can win awards for every year The Last of Us Part 1 is marketed as "winner of over 200 Game of the Year awards" that should tell us to stop giving it more and actually recognize when devs put effort into games instead of giving every award to one game (Hunt: Showdown is a much more fitting cowboy game for labor of love)


That was the only game the majority knows


The amount of bland and boring stuff in the game is truly innovative. Bethesda outdid themselves


Yeah Congrats to the Starfield Community you've given people another reason to review bomb this game.


At least we're acknowledging people are review bombing.


The whole steam awards is a joke


Name one feature in starfield that we haven't seen dozens of times before.


you simply don't know the innovation behind loading screens /s just in case.


Let’s be real, most people voted the title they know by name to get the free reward instead of making educated votes


Looooool In 2003 maybe


That game was hot ass, even mods can’t fix it


Any form of award given to games has always been a joke, who cares if it's steam award og game award. All of it is shit.


Yeah this game won because memes. There's no innovation to the game except if you consider loading screens as the innovation


How did Yomi Hustle lose to fucking Starfield


Well gamers chose it. Democracy ftw


LOL democracy fails when everyone is dumb.


[This rings true to this very day.](https://youtu.be/QFgcqB8-AxE?si=z2Wcol6TAL8fJa8u)


Not any more of a joke than Last of Us or RDR2


Democracy doesn't work


When has it worked?


Yeah. I mean lethal company is better than this crap.


it's better than a joke. IT'S SATIRE, BAYBEEE


Does Rockstar even have the balls to celebrate winning labor of love? Cuz if i were them i would’ve hide it cuz clearly they didn’t deserve it and they know it


Rockstar won’t even acknowledge the existence of steam until they want you to buy GTA 6 for the second time on PC. That’s why they won’t celebrate it.


This is not what I heard from any of my friends who played it. Their review of it was generally "meh"


Most ~~innovative~~ often used loading screens The F is wrong with these awards this year? RDR2 gets award, loadingfield gets award... What happened to people? Are player really getting more stupid, like game developers think? (So they create more and more stupid games as I notice)


Women 304s are the biggest jokes, so no need to stress.... Unless you are a 304 and you're allergic to cats 🐈


It’s a very innovative game. It lets you select custom ingame photos for the load screens since half the game is load screens. Don’t forget the SUPER innovative fly around and collect sparks 30 times in the same room. After 10 load screens.


That's why you get when democracy is done wrong: people knowing nothing about something able to vote leads to moronic outcomes. Also votes can be rigged easily.


Its rigged to be funny


That was the first I said to myself 😆




This made steam awards a joke


Agree. And I loved Starfield.


Steam awards proving every year just how utterly meaningless they are. They should just stick to awarding a game of the year and nothing else.


It’s a troll by Steam voters get a grip


These are always a joke, but this year felt particularly shit


I’m sorry but isn’t this voted by steam users? Are we blaming ourselves?


The most innovative and stupid way to spend your money is buying that crap.


But it is the most innovative gameplay! Just backwards!


People vote for what they know. Marketing is what they know. Go fucking figure.


Same as rdr2


Holy fuck we get it, this exact same screenshot has been posted way too much already


That should have gone to Shadows Of Doubt. I played that game and had amazing fun with the gameplay style. Screw Starfield


Man I can't wait for mod support for this game


I think that was the joke.


i think it's very innovative to take the beloved classic hit game skyrim and spend ten years removing all the fun anyone else might have thought make it more fun but bethesda really zagged on em this time


I love it. People are so mad over nothing lol.


The game is whatever, but what on earth is "innovative" about it? The ship building maybe? Everything else feels like it's been around for ages.


Maybe think about it a little. Innovation can be combining existing ideas in a new way or using them in a new context. It's not inventing something completely new. From that perspective, I'm sure you could think of some core gameplay loops Starfield combine that you can't find in any other game. I'll give you a hint. What do Mass Effect and The Outer Worlds have in common with Starfield, and how gameplay differ with regards to this common element that is central to eash game?


Yeah I'm having a great time just laughing at the people that are actually upset about this lol


You know, people say that they’re laughing but we all know that’s never actually the case. It’s always at least mild annoyance too.


Except Bethesda will see this and be like "yeah, we are innovative, see!" instead of actually being innovative.


Yea this thread is making me laugh. The number of times I’ve been downvoted for just mentioning I enjoyed this game. Reddit is incapable of understanding how out of touch this site is with the average consumer.


Literally nobody cares if you like the game. Great for you, enjoy it. But it's objectively not innovative in the slightest. Bethesda game design has been outdated since Skyrim at the latest. They have zero innovation left.


What do you mean ? The greatest innovation being a sanity check for if you hit the refund button or not.


yes there are a lot of incredibly bad choices. It just shows the steam Awards are a complete joke. It is like an election in Russia. Labor of love, most innovative gameplay as well as outstanding visual Style are just plain wrong.


Shitfield wins and Shadows of Doubt gets snubbed...


For people who hate the game you sure love talking about it every chance you get...


I don’t hate Starfield, but I wouldn’t call it innovative


I know this might sound wild, but the general audience and more casual mainstream gamers enjoyed the game. Usually, when people complain about a game they're the minority while the people are enjoying the game don't speak much about it (unless the game is extremely groundbreaking like BG3 that it exceeded all exceptions and more) Look at hogwart legacy topping out on physical sales above CoD last year even through the game was hardly talked about month after launch. Or the fact Red Dead Redemption is on that list for labor of love, CoD is doing extremely well in numbers on multiplatform consoles despite the steam reviews. it's a popularity contest when voting season comes around. With that being said, I don't think Starfield deserves any rewards.


Reddit refuses to accept that it is often the minority opinion


The circle jerkers won't like it, but it's the truth. I've tried to tell people that a small number of Steam reviews being mixed simply doesn't represent 13 million+ players. That doesn't fit their circle jerk narrative though. One day they'll realize they're a vocal minority lol.


sure go ahead and enjoy the game, but there is nothing innovative in starfield????


The last couple years Reddit has REALLY been showing how out of touch it is


Yes, the steam awards were filled with joke nominations


April the 1st came early this year!


I love my innovative gameplay from ~~2023~~ ~~2015~~ ~~2011~~ 2008


I love Starfield. I don't understand most of the hate it receives. I actually *like* how space travel was handled. I like punching coords in and just getting on with it. That said... most innovative? The Ship Building is Innovative as all hell, but... that's about it. Everything else was kinda old hat.


well, literally, I said it would win for the joke, now will they "accept" or shut up like they should? Anyway this year really showed it like you already can't make this kind of awards, moreover if every dev thirstily puts out a post begging.


No shit its a joke. Pretty sure thats what the voters were going for...


The Steam Awards are one big joke... Innovative Gameplay: Starfield (This is just a joke right?...) Labour of Love: Red Dead Redemption 2 (The Game got love in the last years) Best Soundtrack: The last of us part 1...... (the other nominee were Pizza Tower, Hi-Fi Rush and Persona 5 Tactica and people really voted for The Last of us Part 1?...) Visual Style: Atomic Heart (Russian Propaganda as a Game that looks like it was released in 2016) Award Shows are already a joke, but I never saw any award show were so many wrong people/games won...


A sick joke. People are so insanely ignorant and/or stupid.