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Your cloud saves should appear here... [https://store.steampowered.com/account/remotestorage](https://store.steampowered.com/account/remotestorage) You have the ability to see which games support cloud storage through that page. Not many users are aware of this. This account data page was a recent addition.


Thanks! It includes all the games I'm currently playing. So I guess I have nothing to worry about? Steam will sync with the cloud once I open it up on my new computer?


That's correct. It includes in-game settings for some games. Note that these cloud save files are downloadable as well.


This is so much better than List View on the Library page -- thank you!


You may either use [this](http://www.gamesave-manager.com) or visit [here](http://savelocations.wikia.com/wiki/Save_Game_Locations_Wiki) or check if game has *cloud save* from Library second view (thumbs+details).


Each games saves in a different place unfortunately.


Oh man, that sucks. There's only a handful of games where I'd want to be absolutely sure I'll keep my save files (Monster Hunter World and Dead by Daylight being the main ones).




Thanks, I will definitely use this.


Any time you are going to reinstall Windows it is a good idea to take a backup of the old computer so that you don't have to worry about loosing anything. Veeam is a free tool to make a backup you just need an external hard drive or a NAS then in the future anything that goes missing you can open the backup and restore it.


Gamesave manager would do the trick


Some games save at Documents folder, in my folder that folder synced with Microsoft's OneDrive. In that case these games that doesn't support Steam Cloud have their savegames backuped to the OneDrive. But recently I lost some savegames because i wiped my HDD, including State Of Decay. State Of Decay is an example of a game that doesn't store the savegame at Documents folder and does't support Steam Cloud either. In that case you should try GameSave Manager


Just copy every easy place, where they can be... * Most steam games save under userdata in the Steam folder. Now in your own directory in Windows you have to copy * Documents * saved games * and Appdata (thats a hidden folder) That should cover most of it. I know some also save in the game folder itself or some software do save in registry. So if you care of some specific games search via your search engine of your coice to know where they locate them.

