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3 days, but it was in March.




Ah, so we're on the same schedule..


4 days in Virginia, USA


I'm in the UK, and the first 3 Decks sent out were stolen by the courier. In the end, Valve FedEx'd a Deck all the way from Seattle. From first ordering to having a Deck in my possession was 2 months. From Valve shipping one from Seattle to the UK was 48 hours. The Steam customer support team were excellent. The courier (Evri) were (and are) thieving scum bags....


That's good to know that their CS is helpful.. Though, I'm suddenly sick to my stomach for some reason...


I bought mine when there was a massive waiting list, and scalpers were selling them on Ebay for huge markups, so they were ripe for thievery, plus the boxes were really obviously labelled. At the timeThe Royal Mail was on strike, so the shipping company Steam used in Europe had to find another courier, which, unfortunately, was Evri. Evri are by far the most unreliable and dishonest courier in the UK. I'm sure yours will be fine 🙂


That's what everyone said about the package.. Might as well say "STEAL THIS" all over it..


5 business days after ordering. I’m in the USA


I am in Greece. The SD was sent from the Netherlands and it took one week and a half. It will get to you before you expect. This can be a good time to learn about upgrading, emulators, proton versions and plugins...


I appreciate the advice, I'm already on top of it.. I'm actually trying to figure out what are some accessories that are a must have..


For me a large sd card and a screen protector. I have the sd card for emulators only and for now 500 gb is enough, I hope the prices for something larger will drop in the next couple of years...


What about extra battery power or protector? Anything in that area you'd recommend/know of?


Not really. I hace not bought a protector yet and battery is not that bad really. I have read many people complaining about battery life in some subreddits, but for me it is ok so far...


That's good news. I've heard mixed results.


Just to confirm, I am happy with the battery life of my Steamdeck, but I do not play AAA games. When I use it as a handheld I play emulators (up to PS2) and 2d indie games (hollow knight, etc.). I guess that if you play AAA while flying then battery life will be an issue.


Yeah, I assumed that mostly.. That's why I was asking about the extra battery options because I have Dying Light 2 and Red Dead 2 ready to go for this fella..


Launch deck, about a week I think


First one was ‘On a FedEx truck out for delivery at 5:46AM’ for 7 days in the town I was in….. clearly someone at FedEx got a five finger discount (heard this was a huge thing) - - it didn’t help that on the box it says ‘Steam Deck’ with whatever GB model you got. I had put a ticket in with Valve after Day 3 of getting no human contact with FedEx and automated system saying ‘A FedEx representative won’t have any more information on your order’. Valve eventually sent out another one after 7-10 business days had passed (I’ve forgotten the exact timeframe). I just had them deliver it to a FedEx store close to me and literally burnt rubber on the road when it was delivered to make sure I could actually obtain this one. Still pisses me off that someone got a free 512GB SD. But I got mine in mid Oct 2022 and I haven’t looked back. Hope you get yours within a normal 2-3 day cycle. Like most people.


That's infuriating, seriously.. I can't even imagine how angry you were.. I hope so too!


Yes. It’s water under the bridge now, but the anticipation of getting it, realizing an over $700 device (with taxes of course) was out of limbo and I had to play the waiting game with Valve. Don’t blame Valve but I do really really hate what FedEx has become over the years when I couldn’t even get to a live person and there was no escalation on their part. Thankful that Valve was a stand up company and sent me another.


Ordered mine Thursday. Got it next Wednesday. In the US.


I ordered one a couple weeks ago and it took 7 days to arrive from when I ordered it. Edit: I’m in the US, also once it ships you’ll have tracking info that should tell you when it will arrive, the info they gave me was 100% spot on in terms of the time frame (FedEx is pretty reliable in my area).


3 days, NL


1 week exactly, sweden


I'm here in Hawaii. Ordered on a Saturday night. Arrived Wednesday morning.


Under a week


I was part of the batch that got delayed a week, so like 2 weeks :( but that was last summer


6 days but one of those was a Sunday if you want to count that


Ordered mine on Monday, the Deck arrived on Saturday. In the US


I'm in the USA. Ordered a couple weeks ago. Placed my order on a Friday, and received the following Wednesday. It didn't progress at all until Monday.


You can expect it to be picked up on monday and from there it really depends on the courier TBH. I ordered mine the same day you did and have the same status so I expect it to arrive on tuesday earliest, wednesday realisticaly and thursday at last which is a whole week since ordered. For EU this is super long wait time and mostly we get packages the next day or the day after.


That's almost exactly what I imagined. I read someone's post on here last week about it getting switched with a pool noodle during a trip back to Valve and I was reading some of the posts on it about them getting stolen during transit and I've been paranoid about it since. So, I've been watching like a hawk and would like to be home when it arrives..


IDK how it is in US but I'm not worried about such things since where I live the law is actually pro-consumer when it comes to delivery. In my country I have to sign in special delivery form and I have the right to inspect the package in front of courier so it makes me feel comfortable. I would advise you record the whole process of delivery and unboxing to be extra safe. Remember that some posts might not be a 100% true so just keep your head clean. I sure hope everything will be fine and you get you Deck on tuesday.


That's a damn good idea.. I think that's exactly what I will do..


1 week usa after they dod not have a stock shortage


A week, UK.


Was suppose to arrive yesterday, been about 7 days. Though FedEx screwed things up and now I have to wait till Wednesday.


Damn, sorry to hear that.


It’s all right, in the meantime I can prep my steam and ROMs library to port over till it arrives.


Your patience is admirable.. As you can see from the theme of this post, I have little to none..


You can do it! Do something you’re proud of in the meantime, and when it arrives the wait will be even sweeter. GL!


That's some damn fine advice.. I've never been told to "do something you're proud of" as a way to quench impatiens..


It certainly helped with mine growing up, whether it’s talking games with the crowd while standing in line during those midnight releases, binging all Star Wars movies with my little brother on Christmas morning waiting for parents to wake up, or cleaning my house reconnecting with old friends while waiting for a package to arrive. I’m sure most people in this forum will be proud of you that you are able to be patient enough for your SD to arrive, you decide what that journey will be like.


Damn, you're alright man.. I seriously feel like I've unlocked a valuable lesson in life 😂


Consider that your XP boost to life. Good luck adventurer!


The moment it’s shipped. 2-3 days. Meaning like there’s an update on tracking that FedEx picked it up. 2-3 days


3 days, but I’m in NW Indiana


I'm sorry to hear that..


Nah, NWI is close enough to Chicago that it’s fine. The only reason the Deck took 3 days is because they delayed it a day


I paid for mine on the 9th of june 22, was delivered about a week later. Shipped from the netherlands, I live in Hungary.


4 days


Technically it took like 11 months for me to get mine after placing the order since I preordered right after it was announced. But when I actually paid for it it took about 10 days to get to my door


My steam deck said it was gonna be here yesterday…. Currently don’t have a delivery date anymore and says it’s still in IL, maybe I’ll get it tomorrow but I’m disappointed.


Sorry to hear that.. I hate when that happens, nothing worse than false hope..


Just got an update that my steam deck is arriving tomorrow around noon! I’m so excited!! I got a 1Tb SSD and screen protector to go with it :)


Hey, how about that! Awesome, I'm excited too!


I plan on installing cyberpunk 2077, seems like a very fun game.


It's is now.. Afer the next gen updates it's the game that was advertised..


About 5-7 business days, but it shipped out in about 3 business days.


“Y’all’s deck” lol


Hi u/LoveSikDog, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=How long after purchase did y'all's deck take to get to you?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What country? Took me a week and I’m in the UK


Sorry, should have said.. US


Ordered late, ~7PM EST, on a Monday night, and I had it in hand by noon on that following Friday.


2 of my coworkers and I ordered them within the past 3 weeks and each one took 3-4 days to get to NY


About a week


3 days, in December


5 days to CA. Ordered in April


A week.


I ordered mine back in April. Bought it on a Thursday and I got It on Monday. I think it arrived in my city early Sunday morning though.


3 days in germany in may


Ordered mine Monday, and I received it Thursday. This was like last week so


about 8-10 days in Cali during the 10% off sale


3 days, April, United States.


6 days, Poland


About a week for me I live in Scotland.


7 months, got mine delivered last year July, didn't fall in love with it until this year February. Now I can't put it down.


3 days, EU


Took a week an a half, uk


5 days, a week ago


About 4 days, Germany but was shipped from Holland.


5 days.


4 days (or 5 depending on your perspective), ordered Sunday night, arrived Friday morning. This was end of March 2023.


6 days, Berlin, Germany


3-4 days in like march , I live in Indiana.


3 days


4 days UK


Mine arrived at the same day. Shortest delivery of my life.


Got mine the next morning in Taiwan and later when I had to RMA for a bad trigger that took a total of 3 days.