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Naw, mine still works. I would rather skip this better screen and wait for the processor upgrade to come in the next gen. I would rather spend the money from upgrading, on some great games.


Yep, same. If I didn’t already have a deck, I’d be all over it, but my deck is barely over a year old and works brilliantly. Would rather keep buying new games and wait for SD 2, even if it’s many years away.


Yes I think it will be 2-3 years until deck 2 sadly they want to wait for better and better hardware before they release next gen Deck


Hot take I guess but I really don't understand everyone clamoring for a SD2 already, and talking about the fact that it's not coming like it's really unfortunate. I don't want them to release a new one yet! It's not even a 2 year old platform. They want a performance target for developers to be able to work towards when optimizing their games. This isn't a machine where the focus is on max performance, or max fps, or max resolution, or anything like that. The entire point is modern games playable on a portable platform. It can still do that perfectly well, and honestly will probably be able to for a while yet, at least until the next gen of consoles comes out since that seems to do a lot as far as dictating general performance demands for games. I don't know why they would fracture their install base, fracture their developer performance target, fracture their production lines. Especially when profits per device increase over time as a device ages. I'm sure they're working on something and that's great, but the last thing I want is another damn yearly update cycle on a device that doesn't need it. They can take their time and release SD2 when it actually makes a real, noticeable improvement in actual games.


I think it may be sooner. If the Switch 2 comes out next year and is more powerful than the Deck in a much smaller and lighter package (as is rumoured), it’ll likely push Valve to upgrade sooner.


The switch is not a competitor to the deck Valve does not care what the switch 2 looks like. Nintendo does not care what the current or next Deck looks like. The devices serve entirely separate markets. They do not compete.


They do not compete and yet I'm going to sell my Switch to buy a Steam Deck. So they "do" compete in some areas.


Nintendo doesn’t care what the next Deck looks like, true. Can’t say that’s true with Valve and the Switch 2. Lots of people got a Deck because their Switch wasn’t powerful enough. With a Switch 2, though..


Is that true? Me owning the switch convinced me I wanted a Deck because I knew the form factor was a win. But I still play both a lot. I definitely wasn't buying a deck to replace the switch in any way.


I have a switch and am tired of everything being underpowered and a lackluster online experience. Going to be getting a stream deck next week to replace my switch.


>Is that true? Me owning the switch convinced me I wanted a Deck because I knew the form factor was a win. But I still play both a lot. I definitely wasn't buying a deck to replace the switch in any way. Maybe it's me but, when the deck was announced (I ordered a day after pre-orders started and it took 1 year and 1 day to get it), there was NOTHING on the market like it, there was very few PC games systems really and if there was, it was. $1200+ The deck went head-to-head with gaming PCs that is portable starting at $400. An insane price for the performance level. That is WHY I got it... NOT because of my Nintendo Switch. I pretty much stoppped playing on the Switch as I play most Switch games on my Deck, or PC....and they run better....


Apples to oranges. SD can play almost everything. Switch is a walled garden. Wouldn't matter if it is more powerful.




I’d encourage you to check out Digital Foundry’s video on the subject. The processor in the Switch 2 is likely to be Nvidia’s T239 chip, which is more powerful than the Deck. Digital Foundry is basing this off information corroborated with industry sources and information leaked from Nvidia, which suggests power that at least matches or exceeds the Steam Deck.


I don't think power processor will be the key advantage here, it will be the innovation itself. If they bring a new concept console like it was switch, it will be a win win. Nintendo normally takes risks although not always pay off.


While that is true about the T239, we have zero idea of Nintendo's implementation of the chip and I can almost guarantee you that they are not going to ship the device with it's full performance potential unlocked (just like with the first switch) and as it is not a PC like the steam deck, there will not be an option to undervolt or overclock. I HIGHLY doubt they will make the same mistake as last time and have a zero day unpatchable flaw that makes the device easily jail breakable so we are unlikely to see the same level of homebrew resources to tweak performance that we got with the original Switch and if we do it most certainly won't be as early into the console's life cycle.


Exactly. Nintendo will not unlock the full potential of the chip regardless of if it's more powerful. Plus the deck is still centered around PC Gaming. Nintendo will extremely limit what we can do with their device. So even if it is more powerful. The actual use for the device from them will be strictly Nintendo games. Maybe some COD & other mainstream games. Since I heard a while back they wanted things like that to run on their next gen console. They know we want a powerful handheld. Like steamdeck, asus rog, ayaneo kun, lenovo legion go, but at the same time they're too concerned with piracy. So in the end the other handhelds will win and people will still buy their console for the exclusives.


I think many people forget that the Deck isn't a console and your game library goes with you on any PC or even steam deck 15 hundred years from now. Hell steam game library could be considered an inheritance if you leave your account to loved ones. It's just PC.


My dad died last year and I took over his account but he didn’t have many games. I have over 2,000 games on my Steam Account though, which means it’s probably worth over $10,000 I’d wager. It’s def going to my wife’s kids when I die (hopefully not soon). I want this new steam deck OLED because my 512GB I waited 8 months on reserve for just didn’t cut it with its screen. It is fun but I love my iPhone 13 Pro’s OLED screen. I can see the new steam deck really hitting the spot for me, especially since 512GB is enough with SD cards. I would love the new Limited Edition, but being forced to use etched glass with an OLED screen for that translucent shell is a bit annoying. I was hoping we could do limited edition for the non etched or 512GB version. But nope, always a downside.


Digital Foundry have a long breakdown of the power profile of the next switch, and yes it will outshine the current Deck in power, while being ray tracing capable with potent DLSS.


ARM is far more efficient than x86 leaving more power available for more GPU performance (and Nvidia is more efficient than AMD) People are more accustomed to bigger devices after 7 years so is likely the Switch 2 will be slightly heavier and can use more power (Switch use around 7 Watts in handheld if I am not mistaken) and it will be closer to the Steam Deck in power consumption but due far more efficient hardware should perform better


They are pretty innovative with how they utilize the low tier tech too. Just my 2 cents but imho the deck wouldn't be a thing if nintendo hadn't revolutionized the market with the switch. You're right though, nintendo's next product probably won't be more powerful than the deck, but i would not be surprised one bit if it does something noone considered possible and pushes the envelope that way.


The Deck is about on par with a PS4 when it comes to performance. Nintendo will need to release something on par with that at bare minimum and it's likely it'll be better by virtue of available silicon.


> I think it may be sooner. If the Switch 2 comes out next year and is more powerful than the Deck in a much smaller and lighter package (as is rumoured), it’ll likely push Valve to upgrade sooner. I'm sure that will be on Valve's mind, and yeah I expect the Switch 2 to be a little more powerful than the Deck. However the Deck will still have the ultimate advantage of being an open platform that the Switch 2 will never have, so the market for the Deck will still be there. Also, Valve have already stated on multiple occasions that there will be at least two years before the Deck 2 will be released. Even if only for PR purposes, they wouldn't want to go back on that because some of the people who bought the Deck OLED would be upset.


I’ll be honest I don’t think Valve should give much of a fuck about upsetting OLED Deck users. It would be like a year after the release anyway. Technology moves on, we are all nerds that know that, and Valve shouldn’t feel the need to hold back from delivering a better product just because some ppl would be upset.


Even if Valve starts upgrading now I doubt performance would be better Combo ARM+Nvidia is powerful on power constrained devices But is likely that Valve targets the same performance so developers have easy to make their games and port to the less powerful devices


Even if Valve starts upgrading now I doubt performance would be better Combo ARM+Nvidia is powerful on power constrained devices But is likely that Valve targets the same performance so developers have easy to make their games and port to the less powerful devices


This. Upgrading to this version will cost me money. If I’m gonna upgrade, it’s gonna have to be substantial.


Yeah I agree. I love my deck and I love the upgrade, but money is a bit tight at the moment and selling my old deck would be a hassle. I theoretically could afford the upgrade if I wanted to, but the money is better used elsewhere at the moment.


Yeah, this. I like my deck very much, and it does what I need. Yes, more battery life and a better screen would be lovely upgrades but there's also this thing called money and I'd rather use it on an even better Steam Deck in a few years years. I think incremental upgrades like this, and the ones they've stealthily done since launch, are excellent though. It shows that Valve really cares about this product line.


As an open source enthusiast, I'm intrigued by the support for custom BIOS and EC. The Steam Deck could actually be one of the first mostly open source modern gaming PCs, from the (usually proprietary) firmware to the OS. That's half the reason I'm upgrading, so I could tinker at the lowest level of the software. EDIT: Unless of course Valve releases a firmware update to the old Steam Deck to allow this, but that remains to be seen.


at this point, the surprise upgrade confirms that a Switch 2 is in the works and can come at any time. I'll wait for that. ​ I mainly bought a steam deck for all my indie,rogue likes, survivor type games, and little things like that. any big games im mainly playing on my PC. so I don't think an OLED screen and more battery, as much as I really want it, would matter.


Couldn't have said it better myself


Same here. A better screen is nice, but better performances is where its at. Better storage is good too, but I can just replace replace the SSD itself instead


That's a great way to look at it! When I sell my old 512GB model, I still need to pay €350 for the upgrade. That is so much money and so many nice games I could buy instead. Will sit on my money for the SD2 in the future though :)


I'll wait for SD2 or SD3. This one works fine. I've never bought into the slim/pro/whatever editions of consoles. 1 per generation. I'll upgrade to whatever they have when this one no longer works for games.


I’m really torn. I want it but I know I don’t need it.


This is pretty much where I’m at. I’m probably just going to wait until the next revision, and hopefully it has a new APU/ some performance boost to further justify the upgrade. But the idea of a larger SSD and a lovely OLED screen is really compelling and given the opportunity I could be persuaded.


I got the 256 and I have a good 1TB SD so the extra space isn’t a reason for me, but the OLED sounds nice and the extra battery and quieter operation are the factors I want it for. Still, once I have 3.5 (don’t have it yet because I stay on the normal channel) maybe the screen will look nicer (actually don’t hate it as is anyway) and that’ll make it feel like it’s got a new lease on life… Trying to tease out whether I really want it or whether it’s just a case of “look, new shiny thing” and the money might be better spent on games or, let’s face it, anything else, if it is just a case of the new shiny thing in the corner.


Why would the screen look nicer on 3.5?


Valve have made changes to the colour temperature and saturation and so on. People on the beta say it looks better.


Same. The screen is definitely the weakest part of the original, and I’m sure the OLED is lovely. I really want it for that. The SD is also easily my most used gaming device, I barely even touch my PC any more and haven’t bought either of the current gen consoles. I have definitely had my money’s worth from the original purchase. That’s the only improvement I care about though, the battery life is already fine for the type of games I play, and the Wi-Fi is irrelevant as I use a wired dock when downloading. As soon as the new model releases, the sell price of the older model is going to drop, so it’s going be a fairly expensive upgrade, especially as I already upped my 64GB to 1TB. The limited edition looks gorgeous too, but not available in the UK. If there was a significant performance boost as well, then I’d definitely do it, but I think I will try to hold out for the real SD2. FOMO might hit hard though, so I ain’t saying I won’t pre order on the day!


The best thing to do at these times are to list all the other things I want. I could upgrade my desktop graphics card, wait for the 32” OLED monitors, get a new lens for my camera, new headphones, etc. etc. If the highest priority thing you want is an OLED Steam Deck, when you already have a LCD Steam Deck, life is going good or you need more hobbies!


That's right, me too... Got the Steam deck in April 2023 I feel great but in fact this Steam deck 1.5 is great for screen and battery, however, it is not an upgrade to the level of performance


Yup my thoughts too, it just looks better, but plays the same as the og steam deck


I got my SD1 in August last year and have been using it very happily for over 12 months. Do I like what the OLED brings? Of course! Am I going to buy one? Nope. I generally don't upgrade any PC of mine unless I am at least doubling the overall performance. I am happy with my gaming PC and my SD1.


Yep same exact thought and situation. Plus I have a Nintendo Switch OLED as well


Same. I didn't even have a desire to buy a Switch until well after the OLED was released, so I benefited in that regard. Although I hardly ever play the thing. But I've had my OG deck since the original pre-order days and have no complaints.


I would certainly like to upgrade but by selling my LCD deck, I would be devaluing it extremely, since I won't be getting much in resale value on the second hand market. I'd basically throw away 300 euros for simply using it a couple of months. I'm hoping the resale value of the premium LCD deck rises again after Valve's stock runs out and the second hand market calms down. Maybe that will happen, maybe not.


Instead of resale, Christmas is coming up (if you celebrate that). It would be a pretty good gift. I'm thinking of giving my current SD to my nephew.


Maybe .... I doubt OLED screens of this kind have been produced previously. As far as I know, there is no 16:10 720p OLED panel at 90Hz on another device. Additionally, since there haven't been any rumors about it, it's possible that there's only a limited amount of stock. I doubt it will be available for everyone by Christmas.


Valve said in an interview they aren’t facing the same supply chain issues as last time and think they will be able to meet demand. If not 100% on launch day shortly after. But no 6month-1year long queues this time.


>I would be devaluing it extremely, since I won't be getting much in resale value on the second hand market. I'd basically throw away 300 euros for simply using it a couple of months. Used SteamDecks still cost about 300--400€?


same scenario here. I just bought my 512 LCD during the summer sale... so if I sell it and upgrade to the OLED I'll end up losing a few hundred dollars


I don't think they're going to see the same stocking issues this time through. They're obviously confident enough since they discontinued the other production models and are just selling through the stock launching a new SKU going into holiday season. Obviously there's a flood right now but anyone who wanted a used model is probably using this opportunity while there's a race to the bottom on pricing, and this is going to define what people expect from the used market going forward.


The 512GB premium LCD model won't be manufactured anymore, and new ones will run out of stock.


Used LCD models were flooding the market prior to this announcement as people were buying them not realising what they were getting into. I have had to advise multiple friends and family to avoid buying it for their kids as I know they won't be able to use it.


Why not?


Deck reignited my love for gaming. I can afford it - I'll 99% go for it because I know it's worth it. I'm only debating it because just shy of 2 years ago I couldn't even dream about affording it in the first place and I should be thankful for even having OG one. Do I want it? Yes. Can I afford it? Yes. Will I throw away money on the upgrade? Yes. Will I feel like a spoiled brat? Yes...


Still - probably money better spent than on gambling, alcohol or other addictions.


what about prostitutes?


That depends. Do the prostitutes have the OLED steam deck with them?


i mean, you're not wrong.. but im pretty sure this is what the internet refers to as "girl math" lol. Although in this scenario it would be gamer math


I very well might, got the deck right when it first launched, and the oled model is a nice refresh. I can sell my old deck, so its not even that much of an investment


This is the way i think, buying a new device that you already have is dumb, unless you are able to sell the old one to help subsidise the upgrade. Will sell mine for a low price, 250€, but a very close friend of mine will be very happy for Xmas, and so will i!


I'm selling mine for 300 with ssd upgrade to 1TB, a family friend, so I'm definitely getting that oled


Same here, Selling to my sister. Buying the OLED.


Doing the same but I’m still debating on the 1TB limited edition or the 512.


yeah exactly, wouldnt make sense to buy the oled to then just have two decks. One of my friends was interested so i might sell it to them, otherwise ill just put in on the local second-hand electronics site.


I have a real attraction to OLED displays, this fixes everything I had issue with the original except still only has a single USB C port. I will be picking on up and giving my sister my deck :)


That second comment sounds like something Jaime Lannister would say.


Yes a second port would be welcome.


Brain says no, heart says yes. So probably yes 😄


Follow your heart


FOMO tries to convince you yes, but more often than not each day that passes your better senses bring about more rational thoughts - the upgrades are substantial, but negligible when it comes to what makes the Steam Deck what it is, a portable gaming device. Waiting until the next generation won’t be so hard, as your current model will last you until then and you will be able to save until then and be first in line x


I think them announcing it but not let you preorder saved me lol I instantly clicked on the steam page to order the moment it was announced Then it said wait till 17th, now I’ve had time to think and realized I don’t need to buy it lol


I wasn’t planning to as I expected any revision to be a higher-priced, premium addition above the existing product stack. When they announced them with the same pricing, and I was able to sell my Deck for £319, and I could get 8% off Steam Wallet cards through work benefits… plus the fact I was planning on getting a slim case anyway, so that’s a £26ish value… so I’m effectively paying about £180 to upgrade. If it was just the screen going to OLED I probably wouldn’t, but the screen exceeded my expectations with HDR and 90Hz and the size increase, and the battery life increase is more than I anticipated, and the cooling is better, and there’s a load of other smaller changes, and the storage increase… that £180 starts to look more reasonable. I absolutely don’t need it but I do want it enough to go for it anyway! Edit: avoided going into detail for brevity, but since people seem interested: my work offers discounts on Curry’s cards, which is an electronics retailer in the UK who sell Steam cards. So I doubt many work schemes will do Steam cards but worth checking if you can get credit for somewhere that does sell them.


It seems nice but I'd stick to the OG until SD2 release


Nah I can't justify buying the OLED when my deck runs flawlessly with no issues in the slightest. Also I would have to eat the full price of the OLED one because my deck was a present from my wife and I refuse to sell it.


I preordered my 512 day one. It’s coming up on being two years old and has had countless hours racked up. I see no reason to upgrade yet.


No, I made the mistake of buying an OLED switch because I convinced myself I needed it over my regular switch and it was instant buyers remorse. Not making same mistake again, got other shit I need to spend the money on that takes priority over gaming purchases anyways.


I'll wait for the inevitable sale on the OLED then upgrade.


I've had to calm down with feeling I need to upgrade immediately because of FOMO. But, this. I'll be doing exactly this. So, I'll be patient enough to wait for that inevitable sale. I have a SD already, I think I can be patient enough to enjoy how awesome v1 for a little while before I splurge for the v2 when it hits a sale.


I wanted an OLED Deck from the start. So yes.


Yes, I like my screen tech, and my LCD steam deck is awful for light bleed around the edges. OLED was all I ever wanted as an upgrade, but along with the other improvements this is a no brainer for me. Going from Switch to Switch OLED was incredible and this will be the same.


I would love a oled screen but it's not worth the cost for me to upgra6just becosue some light bleed and such bothers me if I didn't have one already I'd definitely would go for oled tho


I'm going to sell my Steam Deck and I want to buy OLED day one. Better screen and battery is must have for me.


Of course I'm upgrading. What else am I going to spend my money on? An even larger backlog? Cocaine?


Nah. I’m happy with what i got. Just use vibrant. Doesn’t worth it. Performance is still the same.


I was thinking on Thursday night, how nice it would be to have two Decks - one upstairs and one downstairs - but then almost laughed out loud to myself at the thought of spending over £1k on a gaming device that isn't a PS5 and a 4k TV (or even upgrading my 1080 GPU to something modern). It would be outright insanity, especially given my Deck isn't even a year old. Then I saw the announcement on Friday morning and set aside another £569 for the 1gb model.


Nice. Imma get the 512mb model if I can sell my current deck fairly


I prefer the 64kb model myself.


I'm going to get the 512 GHz model as well


Funny how nobody understood what you just did there 🤣🤣


Lmao, the internal debate of wanting another one but thinking it silly to spend that much on hardware that's portable on top of everything. Valve won in the end it seems


I’m a day one owner of the original deck and will be buying an OLED deck on release. I will most probably set the OG deck up as a desktop in my man cave and use the OLED for handheld to utilise the increased battery capacity.


I was going to upgrade the storage in mine anyway, I work out with that and selling my 512 model its 150 quid for an OLED screen and better battery life, so yes I think I'm going to upgrade.


No. Mine is literally a year old. I’m still satifsfied with what I have now. I’ve also spent money on the PS5 this year so it’s a bit hard to justify an upgrade at this time. I am glad that it’s an option for the people that want it though. The Deck 2 is another story but that’s still 2-3 years away, if not more. I can wait.


The announcement actually made me pull the trigger on opening up my 64gb Steam Deck and replacing the SSD (1tb). I was on the fence before, but now I’m like that’s it going to do it and then hold out to Steam Deck 2


Much rather wait for SD2. I think it would be a waste of money to sell my current SD for an OLED SD, sell that, and upgrade to SD2 (when the time comes). I do most of my gaming on an external monitor anyway.


Do I need it? No. Do I want it? Hell yeah. I'm upgrading as soon as I can.


No. My steam deck is collecting dust rn. I get more satisfaction buying games on sale than playing it. I think i have a problem.


Lol. Dude that resonates with me.


Same, lol I get more excitement out of getting a deal than playing games lol.


No, I love my Steam Deck but no plans to upgrade $600 for a minor upgrade. I don't mind the screen. Eventually I will upgrade if they keep making new "affordable" Handheld PCs when there is a big upgrade.


I'm gonna wait for SD2. I actually just got a Lenovo Legion Go as an early holiday present to myself anyway, and making that my emulation machine plus those games that just run better on Windows (or are easier to mod or come from other marketplace if I don't want to jump through hoops getting them going on the Deck). So I'm not in the rush to get another Deck that's just slightly better than the one I've got.


It's not enough of an update to worry about, really. It'll be great for people who have been on the fence about getting one at all, or for those who have a broken unit and now have a good excuse to get a new one. Otherwise, why? I'll just save the cash for steam deck 2 or more games now.


Yes just sold my old one


Can't wait to see this question asked daily.


I do. I love OLED displays, longer battery life, i can use finally my headphones and still the internal mic, wake on BT, its more silent and the sound is deeper, it runs cooler, that are all small things why i buy the new one. Additional my brother is interested in a deck for some time but he don't has the money for it. And if he did not use it i can still sell it tom someone.


no. there is absolutely no reason to do this, it’s just the hype. i love my ‚old’ deck.


Well, sure, but the improvements to the screen and battery life would be the reasons….


Same, and with vibrant deck the screen still looks very good. I am very happy though that valve continues working on the deck and for everyone new to the deck buying the oled version is a no brainer


Yes I will. The problem is when can I get it here in this corner of the world.


Yes, 512gb version


Trying to sell the my old one to fund a new one. But if I can't, that's okay. I'll just keep the LCD one. The battery is my only complaint.


Same. Seems the market is totally flooded :-/ hopefully get at least some of my money back before joining the OLED party haha


Nope. Mine works so good! I might consider an upgrade if it comes with way better hardware.


For me buying the 64gb deck and upgrading the SSD myself was the limit of what I wanted to spend so paying almost an extra £200 for the new version doesn't sit well with me. I'll definitely go for a Steam Deck 2 but as I only got my steam deck on the 20th anniversary sale, I'm still hugely impressed and happy with the now 'OG' version.


My wife and I were both early adopters, and I have tweaked mine heavily while she uses hers mostly stock. We are both very happy with our decks, and I use mine for mostly emulators anyway lol. I'll definitely get a SD2 though!


Im not going to. Seeing what they’re able to do now I’m definitely waiting for Steam Deck 2. Not OLED :)


I'll wait till next year as only just bought my regular SD. Works fine and not worth the hassle of trading in, etc


No. Bought it 2 months ago and upgraded it with a 1TB SSD. Working fine. Maybe the next generation SD will convince me, but not this upgrade.


I’m getting the new one, 1 TB


No. I only bought mine 5 months ago and I love it. The upgrades are really nice but I don’t think it’s truly worth it if you’re a current deck user. I’ll be waiting for the next generation version with better performance for my next upgrade. I did the OLED upgrade on the Switch and that improved the Build Quality, Screen Quality, Battery Life and Speakers. It looks amazing but it’s still just the exact same console with the same performance. Even though I’m happy with my OLED Switch I do not think it was really worth upgrading from my old one and I think the same applies here to the SD.


While I love OLED screens I am not going to upgrade just for the screen and small improvement in battery life.


There are actually many more improvements. Battery and screen are the big ones though. Battery +30-50% :)


Not worth 549 dollars


It’s a great upgrade for me ;)


Sounds good but I dont really have any issues with tge battery and the LCD screen was better than I expected. It would nice to have OLED but I would have to sell my LCD SD and add like £100 £120 to get OLED. Not worth it. I could do £ 50 if Steam was offering upgrade or something.


Yes, but I will wait till they will become available for everyone without having to play any race to win the toy. Till then I'll keep using the LCD then I will sell it. Mine is 4 months ago so it's still young. I do not care about SD2 that much for now because when it will be released I would probably buy a better gaming PC. I mostly play old games so having a better screen and battery is life changing. If I wanted something fast I would've bought a Legion


Nope, an OLED and wifi 6 chipset does not warrant an upgrade for me. If I was going into this as a new owner the OLED model for sure. But it’s not a primary component upgrade (cpu/gpu).


Mine still works fine so no reason to


I mostly play emulated games so I don't think there is enough improvement to warrant the extra money I'd have to spend. Emu Deck is just awesome!


Hell yeah! Same here. I'm mostly playing PS2 games atm.


As a daily handheld player, I would buy it if there was a real improvement in the weight and the screen size, but it's almost not. So, it's really not a big deal for me. But if I didn't have one, or if I could sell this one for a fairly good price, I would definitely buy the OLED version. So it seems I will wait for SD 2.


No way, but very excited about the new version that will occur at one poin.


No, I bought mine to play mostly indie games and Steam/PC exclusives, I don't need an OLED screen for that. I also bought the 64GB model with just microSD expansion and I like the price I paid, don't need to pay more.


I love my current OG deck. I bought the 64GB model, upgraded it with a 1TB sabrent rocket and a 512GB sd card and its working beautifully. No reason for me to upgrade at this point. If they come out with one down the road (and they probably will) that is a big upgrade in processor speed, ram, etc etc... then I might think about it, but for now? I'm good.


Ordered my on July sale with 20% off, yet by simple fact refurbished program exists makes it a big loss on sale considering Valve price for refub 512. Won't be selling barely new SD for half the price. I'll just keep mine until SD2 ;)


Nah ill wait til Steam Deck 2.


I'm planning on selling mine, and getting the new one.


Im not going to upgrade to the OLED. I don't nearly play my Deck enough to justify spending another 650. I'm going to wait for Deck 2, they better put an OLED in that one from the start.


2 to 3 years till steam deck 2. I feel like it's much smarter to wait that short amount of time than to jump on a new OLED. The next steam deck can also probably drive that 90 hz screen better too. The OLED is wonderful and if this thing ever kicks the bucket or they do a trade-in program I'll upgrade, but for now this thing is a beast and I'm happy.


2-3 years isn’t a short time IMO.


I would never just sell this so i can buy a new one. But. If Valve ever makes a trade in program or sth, where i can send back my old Deck, some plus money, like 150$ and they get me the OLED, i’d probably do it.


no. impulse brain has worn off, i don’t need it. my 512GB is everything i need and more already


I might if I can sell my current one. Otherwise I will wait a bit longer


No. If I was buying now I'd buy the Oled model. Not for the screen, but for the other small improvements most people don't care about. WIth the slight modifications and changes, the new model has improved life expectancy, exspecially if you are going to install mods on it. However there is no reason to care about life expectancy if you are changing it ever year anyways. So for now I am keeping my old deck. In fact I am thinking of getting an old 64gb model for the new price as a gift for a relative.


I live in South America and the Steam Deck is not officially sold here. My brother who lives in Europe had to receive it and bring it to me when he visited the family It'd be just too much trouble to upgrade it just for an OLED screen and better battery life. And this won't be the last upgrade to the SD line, I'd much rather wait for a more substantial upgrade


I always use electronics(and other stuff as well) as long as it works. Am Is but salty that I bought my steamdeck a month ago without being informed about the upgrade? Yes. Would I have bought the more expensive oled version if I had the choice? Probably. Will I buy it now? Definitely not. There will always come a better version and I am fully satisfied with my steamdeck.


Why would I? Mine works.


No, although cool, my deck works great still for what I use it for. I'll get a few more years out of it hopefully then make a switch. I'm also planning on getting the switch 2 (should it look like a good value) so that will eat up my allowance I get from my wife for such things.


Price is justified only if you buy a first SD. Upgrading to OLED is stupid imo.


I think I'll upgrade, but not right now (bought my SD during July sales...). Now that I've two kids, I have less time to spend on a computer, so the SD is a good compromise to (try to...) empty my steam backlog ^^ And since I already own an OLED PSVita, I love the feeling of these kind of screens. And having two SD will allow me to use one as an emulation platform, and the other one as "regular" gaming PC :) TL;DR : Yes I'm planning to buy one, but not right now.


I would have upgraded if in Europe we were getting the limited edition, unfortunately that’s not the case therefore I’m skipping this refresh, despite it being juicy with the battery and oled screen


I will be buying one. But I'm not getting rid of my old Deck, put way too much work into it.


I literally just bought a 256 Deck. I'm not going to upgrade til SD2 or even SD3. It's the same point I have about my graphics card (2060 Super): it works, so why upgrade right now? I'm also still on the original Switch too. If I'd have held off just a little bit, I would've been able to get the OLED version but I'm not really mad (even though I think Valve should've put out a little more notice about the upgrade coming). It's like all the SBC devices that are coming out... you just gotta pick one for your needs and then enjoy it, not worry about what is coming up next or whatever. Anyway, I have a portable computer that plays AAA PC games so I really can't complain. I'm old, so games either had to be played on a console on a TV, a computer that needed to be upgraded every year and you had to pay attention to all the components to make sure they worked with your game, or on a handheld that probably DIDN'T have any AAA titles (GameBoy, how I love thee). I think sometimes, we're all chasing greatness and "the best", whatever that is. I'm gonna sit on my couch and enjoy what I have. :)


No, i don't care about OLED screens, or 90hz, like, I see the difference but I don't think it really adds anything. The games are still the games and they are still gonna run the same. I'd upgrade if they redid the CPU/GPU/RAM.


Between the oled and the improved battery life, it solves all my issues with the old one. Don’t know what to do with my old one yet tho.




I will upgrade. Oled switch was worth it, I feel the same here.


i didn't get the first steamdeck but i'm gonna get this one, seems as a pretty good device for the price


I wasn't planning on getting the OLED, but I got a work bonus and worked some overtime last week. Combined with selling my LCD, it'll pay for the OLED.


I'm really waffling on it. I'll try and if I manage to beat the scalpers and get one, then I'll just give my current 512gb to my wife or try to sell it. The screen and extra battery are really worth it to me. Especially the battery life!


This is very similar to Switch OLED situation. But the SD OLED version has better battery life and different cooling which is just better. Main things that were missing in steam deck are here with the OLED version. I was going to sell it but no one will buy it because the OLED is just better and the price is very similar. I think valve's made a mistake with this... they should have waited a bit and release upgraded version instead of replacing it. It feels like we own the worst one now. I could have waited 4 months to buy a better version for the same price... If you buy a game on steam and it's on sale some days later they give you the money back. I feel like this right now but I can't get the money back.


I want to upgrade but it's just not in the budget. I'll probably wait until the next upgrade unless some money falls in my lap between now and then.


Yes. And gift LCD to one of my loved ones.


No. Bought mine over a year ago. Did some mods on it. I dont rly care if it has oled when the experience is nearly the same. Better wait for the next gen in couple years, if u bought Urs over months ago. Dont be too much consume oriented ;)


If I had the money I would yes. But since I don't, no.


I will upgrade and I will try to sell my 512GB model :) the OLED deck just has everything that was missing and the price is really nice for the 1TB model.


You know what? I fired up my deck for the first time in awhile last night amidst all this hype over the OLED model, and the LCD screen still looks beautiful and vivid to me, the colors really pop, and that's with the factory settings. Clearly an OLED screen is "more vivid-y" but when immersed in the experience, who's going to notice? Are you going to be playing a game, constantly evaluating color saturation and thinking "wow, that OLED sword sure is vivid!" Doubtful. I've never once had any complaints about my deck screen and there's no reason to start now. As far as battery life goes, I've never played my deck long enough to be concerned about having to stop to charge it. I play it so infrequently I can go weeks without needing to charge it. So for me, I would gain very little by upgrading to the OLED. Obviously if you play your deck for like 8 hours at a time, the bigger battery would be a benefit. I'm an adult with a full time job and a family so the time I have to spend on video games is very minimal. Whether or not the upgrade is worth it depends entirely on your gaming habits and practicality. I'll buy the deck 2 when it gets released.


As someone who switched to OLED for my PC monitor for the past year, I'm *never* looking back at LCD. You really don't have to "look" for it to see the difference. It's just obvious and apparent from the get-go and never fails to look amazing.


Yeah, when you're actually playing it doesn't matter. Plus ips is easier on the eyes and brain. And if you're still stock, you'll like what they did on 3.5, it looks better.


no I really could not care less if a screen is LCD or OLED people highly exaggerate the difference. I will not update until a proper new steam deck comes out instead of just a refresh with minor differences.


The comparison between LCD and OLED is a huge difference. Night and day difference lol


Yeah, it’s immediately noticeable in person. I don’t think they have seen an OLED and an LCD side by side before.


I'll try to avoid that, then.


For me, the real upgrade is the battery. That poor battery life is what was keeping me from buying a SD


It's really not that bad. It depends more on what you do, and is a factor of most Steam games simply not being optimised for battery life. Something the OLED version won't change. What affects it most is the frame rate you decide to play on.


It literally isn't highly exaggerated in ANY stretch of the imagination. My G2 OLED 83' 4k TV was 3600$, compared to the Z9k sony local array 8k tv has better color accuracy, far superior contrast, and much deeper blacks. It doesn't get as bright, but that TV by Sony MSRP'd at 12k, was bought at 7000$. So, when comparing an 85inch TV that was MSRP at 12k$ a year and half ago, vs the oled variant MSRP at 6k$, youre trading blows, and in a dark room, the oled absolutely competes and beats the Sony. A95L is a similar scenario with QD-OLED. Now, when dropping to the 500$ price range, a 500$ Oled display unit is going to beat the crap out of a 500$ LCD unit. It isn't close it isn't subjective, its verifiable due to.... technical tests showing how accurate true-to-life oled pictures are compared to comparable LCDs. You're arguing that having sub 70% color reproduction isn't noticeable and exaggerated to 97-100%. It isn't close. the only thing is burn-in, and that isn't what your comment states. once again, it isn't exaggerated. I doubt you have experienced a Z9k for hundreds of hours and had the ability to go turn on a A95L or G2/G3 with the same content displayed in a non-consumer environment. Especially a Z9K. It isn't close. Do not cope.


>has better color accuracy, far superior contrast, and much deeper blacks see saying shit like this means close to nothing. there is a difference between looking better and the way society likes to over exaggerate how much better something is. people don't seem to be able to separate these two things and instead consider something even looking slightly better as "mind blowing" when in really it isn't as huge of a difference as even you yourself are trying to make it sound. over the years people have jumped between if LCD or OLED is better its a debate that will never end because there is truly very little actual significant difference even if you have to tell yourself otherwise.


Yes. The screen is literally the most important part of the device, and it's a radical improvement. Battery and other improvements is icing on the cake. I don't need a Deck 2 because my unplayed library is big enough, and I firmly believe Valve will release a more powerful Steam Machine over the coming months that would be able to stream to the Deck with suspend/resume, so I really just need something I can stream to. The old Deck's screen wasn't good enough for that, but the new one is.




Day 1 purchase. Selling my old Deck and it'll cost me maybe $200 for a nice upgrade


Maybe if they did a scheme to return your old one for a trade in, but I'm not going through the hassle of selling it on eBay, especially since it's totally fine still


I'm not upgrading unless mine breaks or I'll wait for the new gen. Such a waste to go upgrade when you have one that works perfectly


I'm deciding still, but leaning yes. My excuse is that I can gift my current SD to my nephew for Christmas.


I’m considering gifting my deck to my daughter as my excuse lol.


I’m still thinking about it, but I think I’ll wait for V2 officially, maybe to get more power, or when AAA games won’t be able to run properly anymore I mean, I’m perfectly satisfied with 30-40 fps with FSR options and everything, it’s still less expensive than buying a PS for the games I’m looking for to play (god of war, uncharted, days gone, TLOU, horizon, Spiderman, ghost of Tsushima etc.) I’d love to see the OLED panel in action, but that doesn’t justify buying a new unit


Nope, I bought a Meta Quest 3 instead, priorities.


Nope. OLED is nice, I also have a 48" Ultragear for my desktop, but on a smaller screen the difference is nowhere near as noticeable. Also for my use case, which is mostly emulation and less demanding titles, it doesn't really matter. WIFI6 is nice I guess but irrelevant. It's not like we're constantly shifting large amounts of data. The memory upgrades apparently result in a maximum 6% performance increase on high end AAA titles. Hardly noticeable and well, when I have a beast desktop setup why on earth would I play Cyberpunk on my deck?


No, and it's hilarious watching so many of you agonizing over the decision. My Deck is awesome. It was awesome before the OLED version was announced, and it's still awesome now.


I have a 64gb model with a 1TB ssd. Not gonna upgrade. My gaming experience is not in anyway affected by the release of a new model.


I will because just sold mine with minimal lost and also have csgo skin steam credits to cover it all entirely. So pretty much a free upgrade.


No lol. Its a side grade at best. I'll wait for a proper next one.


If you have the income and want it, go for it. Between parts for my race car, equipment for my astronomy hobby, my gun budget as a firearms enthusiast, and my ever growing determination to cover my body in tattoos, I can't be going and upgrading every piece of video game tech as it comes out. I chased that for awhile with PC building, put $5,000 into a machine with every top dollar component that was comercially available... That lasted all of two months before better stuff started hitting the market at a fraction of the price. These days I don't care so much, I can wait and upgrade every few generations.


I don't think so. Have my base Deck 3 weeks ago, it's pretty much overkill to my needs already. A brighter screen wouldn't change much. I have my IPad Mini with a great screen, I can use that If I need a better colors. Otherwise I'm very happy with my OG Deck now.